No answers to this trick question: what is your greatest regret?

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What, more than anything else in your life, do you wish you could take back?

"bruh" is the black bro (forksclovetofu), Sunday, 5 February 2012 03:29 (twelve years ago) link

Replying to this thread.

pplains, Sunday, 5 February 2012 03:30 (twelve years ago) link

Starting this thread.

"bruh" is the black bro (forksclovetofu), Sunday, 5 February 2012 03:30 (twelve years ago) link

That PJ Harvey vs Destroyer thread I just started. /drunkjen

Sounds Of The Baskervilles (dog latin), Sunday, 5 February 2012 03:30 (twelve years ago) link

Too emotionally vulnerable to answer this thread's question sincerely, but I will say that in general I try to realize that the person regretting is the person changed by making that particular choice and so regretting it is regretting too much else. I mean, that's kinda bullshit, because there is stuff I definitely regret, but it's not so healthy for me to fixate on it.

Mordy, Sunday, 5 February 2012 03:31 (twelve years ago) link

What I was thinking about when i started the thread was ONE of my greatest regrets which was standing and jumping out of a basketball rebounder when i was a sophomore in high school which fucked up my right ankle for the rest of my life. Why don't people take kids aside and explain to them that whatever dumb shit they do to their bodies in their teens can last till you die i ask you.

"bruh" is the black bro (forksclovetofu), Sunday, 5 February 2012 03:36 (twelve years ago) link

I've committed actual crimes.

誤訳侮辱, Sunday, 5 February 2012 04:07 (twelve years ago) link

Waiting until I was 21 to lose my virginity--all of those lost years and turned-down opportunities.

Sticking with home health for so many years--same thing, lost years and turned-down opportunities.

Christine Green Leafy Dragon Indigo, Sunday, 5 February 2012 09:28 (twelve years ago) link

from 1988-2005 tbh

Dr Frogbius (darraghmac), Sunday, 5 February 2012 10:54 (twelve years ago) link

I am going to answer sincerely...

All the times that I've been too afraid and not strong enough to be honest about how I felt.

brain (krakow), Sunday, 5 February 2012 10:58 (twelve years ago) link

Honestly, probably choosing a degree that has done nothing for me. That said I met my best friend on tee course, so...

Sounds Of The Baskervilles (dog latin), Sunday, 5 February 2012 11:00 (twelve years ago) link

Last two are almost exactly mine. My degree has had value in my life, but I went in the wrong direction.

clemenza, Sunday, 5 February 2012 13:15 (twelve years ago) link

As of right now...letting stress mount due to illness (mono + severe chronic sinusitis), work, and relationship issues back in 2009 to the point where I had the first panic attacks in a series taht would pretty much change my life as I know it (not gonna beat a dead horse, you've all seen me in the Severe Anxiety thread).

this basically lead to the end of the best relationship I ever had. I'm still good friends with this ex and I've made peace with it (I'm actually close friends with her new boyfriend too, and he's a great guy), but I always wonder "what if?".

frogbs, stills, and nash (Neanderthal), Sunday, 5 February 2012 13:23 (twelve years ago) link

Not studying Computer Science at university.

you know that I've been crunk a thousand times (snoball), Sunday, 5 February 2012 14:38 (twelve years ago) link

leaving computer science three months into university

Dr Frogbius (darraghmac), Sunday, 5 February 2012 14:51 (twelve years ago) link

I've committed actual crimes.

― 誤訳侮辱, Sonntag, 5. Februar 2012 04:07 Bookmark Flag Post

Do you also regret getting that belly button piercing?

Problem Bär (S-), Sunday, 5 February 2012 16:06 (twelve years ago) link

Choosing the wrong A levels, or rather not giving the choice any thought at all.

I frequently regret my irritability and short temper - but that seems a personality-issue rather than a conscious choice. I'd like to be a nicer person.

Bob Six, Monday, 6 February 2012 00:01 (twelve years ago) link

The first two-thirds of my twenties were almost entirely without direction or value.

Inevitable stupid samba mix (chap), Monday, 6 February 2012 00:06 (twelve years ago) link

(that was also the perios in which I discovered ILX. I don't think there's a causal link.

Inevitable stupid samba mix (chap), Monday, 6 February 2012 00:14 (twelve years ago) link

Going straight to college out of high school, when I was too young, too immature and not prepared for the cost, freedom or responsibility. Which I proved by flunking out in two years.

You got to ro-o-oll me and call me the tumblr whites (Phil D.), Monday, 6 February 2012 00:34 (twelve years ago) link

a friend of mine offered me the opportunity to invest in a new start-up company. i was too afraid to put my money into it, and it ended up being casio. i could've made millions.

Spectrum, Monday, 6 February 2012 01:11 (twelve years ago) link

My first two marriages.

*tera, Monday, 6 February 2012 01:16 (twelve years ago) link

That whole "back to the land" phase of my life.

never going to live in chile/argentina when i was 20-21 because basically i was too scared. actually my life has taken a great turn recently tho so apart from that not much because i wouldn't take away the missteps ive made that have landed me here because i know what's coming up next is probably going to be awesome.

zverotic discourse (jim in glasgow), Monday, 6 February 2012 01:23 (twelve years ago) link

My friend offered me a good job when I got out of college. I thought I could find a job in my field so I declined. I've been living living the poor life ever since

rubber belly hand necker (CaptainLorax), Monday, 6 February 2012 01:44 (twelve years ago) link

i kinda regret regretting so much. i've regretted things my whole life. i still regret things i said to people 25+ years ago that they probably forgot the day i said them. and i regret things i've done going back to early childhood. so, in essence, i kinda regret not asking for help when i was younger. help with everything. mental help, help with school, help at home, all of it. i never wanted to ask for help. i was always too embarrassed. i've gotten a little better at it in recent years.

but i'm in a good place now and i am blessed with so much that i don't really want to go back and do anything over. maybe that was the price i had to pay to get to where i am now. years of beating myself up and all the rest of the things that went with that. or maybe not. no, that can't be right. i think i just beat myself up unnecessarily. i still do. but not as much. life is tricky.

scott seward, Monday, 6 February 2012 01:55 (twelve years ago) link

The first two-thirds of my twenties were almost entirely without direction or value.
― Inevitable stupid samba mix (chap)

i think this is hella common btw; i did too

"bruh" is the black bro (forksclovetofu), Monday, 6 February 2012 02:02 (twelve years ago) link

The first two-thirds of my twenties were almost entirely without direction or value.
― Inevitable stupid samba mix (chap)

i think this is hella common btw; i did too

― "bruh" is the black bro (forksclovetofu), Monday, 6 February 2012 02:02 (5 minutes ago) Bookmark Flag Post Permalink

as a 26.7 yr old & this is v reassuring
i figure a lot of getting anywhere is putt-putting around circuitously en route. & i think it's good to spend a lot of yr twenties learning what you do & prob more particularly don't want, thereby refining your direction.

quick brown fox triangle (schlump), Monday, 6 February 2012 02:10 (twelve years ago) link

that's a great post, scott. i really sympathize with your whole first paragraph, and i really hope that one day i can really sympathise with your second paragraph.

Z S, Monday, 6 February 2012 02:12 (twelve years ago) link

dear youngsters,
it gets better

"bruh" is the black bro (forksclovetofu), Monday, 6 February 2012 02:15 (twelve years ago) link

ps but not necessarily

Dr Frogbius (darraghmac), Monday, 6 February 2012 02:16 (twelve years ago) link

gadgets get cooler, the world gets worse

iatee, Monday, 6 February 2012 02:18 (twelve years ago) link

pps but almost certainly if you keep fighting

"bruh" is the black bro (forksclovetofu), Monday, 6 February 2012 02:20 (twelve years ago) link

I should have done more drugs.

this is gonna sound flip, but my life is p thoed so no big regrets

buuuut i do wish i was more diligent in HS, prolly cost myself some dope opportunities for college, but fuck it, again, life thoed

oneohtrix and park (m bison), Monday, 6 February 2012 02:34 (twelve years ago) link

I wish I hadn't have wasted 3 years of my life working at Blockbuster.

tanuki, Monday, 6 February 2012 03:09 (twelve years ago) link

a friend of mine offered me the opportunity to invest in a new start-up company. i was too afraid to put my money into it, and it ended up being casio. i could've made millions.

defending your life ref?

Mordy, Monday, 6 February 2012 03:13 (twelve years ago) link

yes, drive brought out all my dormant albert brooks memories.

real regret, not realizing my life was made up of my choices, so drifted around most of my 20s. all in the name of learning, I guess, and I'm not dead yet, so everything's good.

Spectrum, Monday, 6 February 2012 04:17 (twelve years ago) link

I regret starting smoking, and not sticking to quitting when I did.

JacobSanders, Monday, 6 February 2012 18:26 (twelve years ago) link

i still regret things i said to people 25+ years ago that they probably forgot the day i said them.
why does this happen? i can think of shit i said in like, 7th grade, that i am STILL ashamed of. so pointless.

ELI OWNS YOUR HUSBAND (forksclovetofu), Monday, 6 February 2012 18:33 (twelve years ago) link

Self-inflicted shame has a purpose. It keeps the memory of your faux pas searingly fresh, in case you are ever tempted to repeat it. Think how many subsequent blunders that singular hell of shame has saved you from.

Aimless, Monday, 6 February 2012 18:42 (twelve years ago) link

You're right. I haven't made fun of any little girls with cerebral palsy in nearly 30 years.

pplains, Monday, 6 February 2012 18:45 (twelve years ago) link

agreed that there are bad memories that are worth remembering, but there are some things that are just stupid and somehow are just as seared into my brain. e.g., there was a new years eve where i was dancing and i did a really, really stupid dance move. just hilariously bad, and some cool guy gave me this look like "what the fuck are you doing. don't ever dance like that again, you are singlehandedly making this a non-hip place to be for me". i've had trouble cutting a rug ever since (although 2 nights ago i finally loosened up and had a good time at a dance party for the first time in years).

Z S, Monday, 6 February 2012 18:51 (twelve years ago) link

I regret not losing my virginity to the nice, cool boyfriend I loved at 17, and instead losing it in a drunk 1 night stand when I was 21...and for generally letting fear/shame play too big of a role in my sex life, which I'm only just now starting to unravel and resolve.

And for generally letting fear rule too much of my life.

Janet Snakehole (VegemiteGrrl), Monday, 6 February 2012 19:13 (twelve years ago) link

And for generally letting fear rule too much of my life.
And for generally letting fear rule too much of my life.
And for generally letting fear rule too much of my life.
And for generally letting fear rule too much of my life.
And for generally letting fear rule too much of my life.

yeah, that, definitely. and even when you recognize it, it's so hard to not let it dominate.

Z S, Monday, 6 February 2012 19:17 (twelve years ago) link

along ZS' lines: i remember being in sixth grade and riding the bus and there was nowhere to sit so i asked a kid if he's scoot over and let me sit and he said "why don't you sit in my lap" which seemed reasonable to me and when i started to he shoved me over and started screaming FAGGOT FAGGOT at me and then the whole bus joined in and that was pretty much it for my social standing for two years. Really wish I could tell that kid to say "why don't you suck my dick" and then punch the asshole. Would've saved me a lot of acid reflux as a preteen

ELI OWNS YOUR HUSBAND (forksclovetofu), Monday, 6 February 2012 19:18 (twelve years ago) link

Used to let past regrets rule my life, but the only result is being miserable or unhappy in the present, and it's totally not worth it. Once I realized I could just let it go, all of that anxiety and worry just went away. Of course it took a lot of work to get to that point.

Check out 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. I know it's cliche as hell at this point and can be a little lolbusiness, but there's some good info in there about this.

Spectrum, Monday, 6 February 2012 19:27 (twelve years ago) link

This thread is a minefield for me, because basically I kinda wish I'd taken any road other than the "scared asshole nerd" one when we moved to MS, even if it meant in the future I'd never meet the woman I wound up marrying.

Steamtable Willie (WmC), Monday, 6 February 2012 19:31 (twelve years ago) link

All this talk of fear (my own included) keeps making me think of...

brain (krakow), Monday, 6 February 2012 21:05 (twelve years ago) link

i obsessively second-guess myself on all kinds of things big and small but serious regrets i try not to dwell on

demolition with discretion (m coleman), Monday, 6 February 2012 21:12 (twelve years ago) link

Not getting more effective anxiety treatment in my mid-teens- not really a single decision, and not something I was informed enough to do on my own, but this has fucked up every day of my life since and caused me to miss out on nearly all of the normal Young Adult Stuff- I'm 28 (and a half, I can't help but remind myself) and I've done NOTHING because I'm terrified of...basically everything.

muus lääv? :D muus dut :( (Telephone thing), Monday, 6 February 2012 21:25 (twelve years ago) link

Every single thing I regret in my life has one thing in common and let I'm still too chickenshit to confront it. :/

wolf kabob (ENBB), Monday, 6 February 2012 21:26 (twelve years ago) link

it's ilx isn't it

ELI OWNS YOUR HUSBAND (forksclovetofu), Monday, 6 February 2012 21:26 (twelve years ago) link

damn you're good

wolf kabob (ENBB), Monday, 6 February 2012 21:28 (twelve years ago) link

hmm, hard not to take your display name personally there forks. all the more harsh for being true.

Roberto Spiralli, Monday, 6 February 2012 21:28 (twelve years ago) link

we are really a sad bunch aren't we? *group hug* okay, that's long enough. as you were.

scott seward, Monday, 6 February 2012 21:31 (twelve years ago) link


wolf kabob (ENBB), Monday, 6 February 2012 21:31 (twelve years ago) link

naw seriously E, what are you thinking about there?

ELI OWNS YOUR HUSBAND (forksclovetofu), Monday, 6 February 2012 21:32 (twelve years ago) link

it's a regret thread tbf, start a 'best decisions' thread and we'd all look like manic peptalking wankers

Dr Frogbius (darraghmac), Monday, 6 February 2012 21:33 (twelve years ago) link

a fine image.

i still regret things i said to people 25+ years ago that they probably forgot the day i said them.

why does this happen? i can think of shit i said in like, 7th grade, that i am STILL ashamed of. so pointless.

― ELI OWNS YOUR HUSBAND (forksclovetofu), Monday, 6 February

yeah the earliest one i can identify is from around the age of... seven, maybe? WHY. and yeah, it's these minute things that gnaw at me rather than anything big. though often they circle around issues of social anxiety, so i guess not getting some kind of treatment for that is my big one. but then i'm only 27 and in what is objectively speaking a pretty good life situation, so...

Merdeyeux, Monday, 6 February 2012 21:45 (twelve years ago) link

lol cattlelicks

I mean, you'll claim not to be but the evidence is with me

Dr Frogbius (darraghmac), Monday, 6 February 2012 22:21 (twelve years ago) link

i admit it, i'm a cultural cattlelick.

Merdeyeux, Monday, 6 February 2012 22:42 (twelve years ago) link

our rich culture of pointless shame.

Merdeyeux, Monday, 6 February 2012 22:42 (twelve years ago) link

dylan moran otm re biscuits

Dr Frogbius (darraghmac), Monday, 6 February 2012 22:45 (twelve years ago) link

Not starting a band in college.

Other than that, I'm in a pretty good spot for myself right now, so everything that led me here can't have been bad.

Sauvignon Blanc Mange (B.L.A.M.), Tuesday, 7 February 2012 03:56 (twelve years ago) link

I'm not sure I'd have been able to have done much different because my high school environment was so awful, but I really wish I hadn't waited until college to come out of my shell and get involved with other people.

Gonjasufjanstephen O'Malley (jon /via/ chi 2.0), Tuesday, 7 February 2012 03:58 (twelve years ago) link

I'm looking forward to living my post-retirement years consumed by regret over all the kids I've been way too tough on.

clemenza, Tuesday, 7 February 2012 04:00 (twelve years ago) link

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