Potluck Psychology; or how I learned to stop worrying and love the Crock

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You've been invited to a potluck. everybody is supposed to bring their own dish. when called upon, how do you rise to the occasion?

Poll Results

Cook your speciality - stick to what you know, and go simple 8
Stop at the grocery store closest to your destination and pick up something pre-made; cooking's for posers 4
Bring something other than what you signed up to bring 3
Bring marijuana 3
He's saying "sleep is where he LITERALLY becomes a Viking" 1
Bomb the crap out of Iraq 1
Decline the invitation - go to the bowling alley instead 1
Minnesota 1
Work feverishly, slaving away on a dish you've never tried before, only to fuck it up horribly 1
Don't bring anything, but pretend you did, pointing to other people's dishes and claiming them for your own 1
Bring utensils and/or soda (you are a terrible human being btw) 1
Sign up to bring something and don't show up 0
Bring a bucket of fried chicken from KFC (original recipe, fuck extra crispy) 0
Bring a well-prepared meal and accidentally drop it on the floor upon entering 0
Dust off that 7 year old box of Wheat Thins and throw em in a bowl 0
Raid your fridge for expired leftovers, heat them up, and bring those 0
Bring a well-prepared meal and intentionally drop it on the floor upon entering 0
Don't bring anything, apologize and promise not to eat anybody else's dishes 0

getting strange ass all around the globe (Neanderthal), Wednesday, 7 May 2014 17:12 (ten years ago) link

i remind myself of the interview i read with stephen malkmus where he said he doesn't do potlucks.

call all destroyer, Wednesday, 7 May 2014 17:14 (ten years ago) link

i wound up going to TWO on Sunday and brought the most boring shit (ooooh chips and dip, yay). cos I can only cook like, pasta, fish, and burgers :/

getting strange ass all around the globe (Neanderthal), Wednesday, 7 May 2014 17:17 (ten years ago) link

used to cook stuff, now i just bring some salad and/or let my gf make a dip, because you only need to bring one dish per couple, right?

festival culture (Jordan), Wednesday, 7 May 2014 17:20 (ten years ago) link

Option for 'cook and bring something as mandated'

james lipton and his francs (darraghmac), Wednesday, 7 May 2014 17:21 (ten years ago) link

i love when there's no sign-up sheet and everybody makes potato salad and nothing else

getting strange ass all around the globe (Neanderthal), Wednesday, 7 May 2014 17:28 (ten years ago) link

My family goes to a fairly regular potluck thing. Our usual has progressed from a big bag of reese's peanut butter cups to two boxes of Dunkin Donuts munchkins to a big vat of fresh squeezed lemonade. I'm starting to feel better about our contributions.

how's life, Wednesday, 7 May 2014 18:01 (ten years ago) link

Ostentatious largess (in terms of quality, variety and effort) designed to make everyone else look and feel bad.

Yuri Bashment (ShariVari), Wednesday, 7 May 2014 18:19 (ten years ago) link

i always bring cornbread to potlucks regardless of what is needed, wanted, or asked of me

ciderpress, Wednesday, 7 May 2014 18:22 (ten years ago) link

i bring something that i want to eat because if i don't, i can't be sure that there will be something i want to eat there
this is crucial at classroom potlucks in particular

funch dressing (La Lechera), Wednesday, 7 May 2014 18:24 (ten years ago) link

ugh a manager at my old job organized a few lunchtime potlucks as team-bonding events which i would always avoid. i wouldn't want to eat anything made by half the people i worked with. also the majority of dishes were always desserts.

fit and working again, Wednesday, 7 May 2014 18:33 (ten years ago) link

we used to have em at work until I began working from home. a few people made good stuff, I was one of the horrible people bringing in store boughts as I lived 20 miles away.

I always feel 'ooooh I brought chips so I get to eat the food you slaved 8 hours over' guilt

getting strange ass all around the globe (Neanderthal), Wednesday, 7 May 2014 18:36 (ten years ago) link

Desserts are most Americans' specialties. They may not be able to master a deviled egg, but they do know how to make a 12-layered super-sweet monstrosity incorporating crushed Oreos and butter-soaked graham cracker crumbs.

epoxy fule (Aimless), Wednesday, 7 May 2014 18:38 (ten years ago) link

I have now learned to bring something that is easy to cook the night before, and/or can be served cold. fuck trying to keep hot things hot after they are cooked

set the controls for the heart of the sun (VegemiteGrrl), Wednesday, 7 May 2014 18:38 (ten years ago) link

xp: yeah, at the potluck we go to, fully half the table is desserts.

how's life, Wednesday, 7 May 2014 18:39 (ten years ago) link

work feverishly at fucking something up, but also bring weed

ian, Wednesday, 7 May 2014 20:15 (ten years ago) link


j., Wednesday, 7 May 2014 20:25 (ten years ago) link

stick to what you know and hope someone brings weed

difficult listening hour, Wednesday, 7 May 2014 20:47 (ten years ago) link

i've had a potluck at my house every single week for the last four years btw. it always turns into a balanced meal somehow. i've gotten pretty lazy about making stuff (and usually get home from work too late anyway), but i figure that hosting is sort of a contribution.

festival culture (Jordan), Wednesday, 7 May 2014 20:51 (ten years ago) link

That's really awesome.

how's life, Wednesday, 7 May 2014 22:59 (ten years ago) link

Automatic thread bump. This poll is closing tomorrow.

System, Friday, 9 May 2014 00:01 (ten years ago) link

Automatic thread bump. This poll's results are now in.

System, Saturday, 10 May 2014 00:01 (ten years ago) link

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