Iron and Wine - "The Creek Drank The Cradle", Classic or Dud?

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A gem I think. Beautiful record, fav track "Bird Stealing Bread". I'll give it a classic.

Chris V. (Chris V), Tuesday, 18 February 2003 18:48 (twenty-one years ago) link

Good, but not classic. But c'mon -- it's only a few months old. Too early for any judgement of this magnitude.

paul cox (paul cox), Tuesday, 18 February 2003 18:56 (twenty-one years ago) link

My album of the year (even if the Pazz and Jop algoriddim) juggled my list....

It was also the album of the year for Byron Coley, which I was not expecting.

I think it's very, very beautiful. "Upward Over the Mountain" actually made me tear up the firdt couple of time through. No kidding.

Joe Gross, Tuesday, 18 February 2003 20:46 (twenty-one years ago) link

Meh. The newly-leaked EP is much more to my liking.

gazuga (gazuga), Wednesday, 19 February 2003 00:20 (twenty-one years ago) link

What's on the EP?

Joe Gross, Wednesday, 19 February 2003 04:39 (twenty-one years ago) link

I don't think the EP is as good. The album is, like paul cox said above, a good record but not a classic one. It definately has some great moments. I find the CSN(&Y) and Simon and Garfunkel influences to be a little to overt at times.

I'll concede 'Bird Stealing Bread' might be classic as far as song's go.

Chris Davis (Chris Davis), Wednesday, 19 February 2003 06:23 (twenty-one years ago) link

Another vote for Good not Classic. Saw him live the other day & heard some Dave Crosby aswell as the previously mentioned vocal influences.

Wandering Boy Poet, Wednesday, 19 February 2003 11:37 (twenty-one years ago) link

I tried to like this album so much and failed, so I guess I'd have to say Dud but it doesn't suck or anything so perhaps that's too harsh. Just sort of boring IMHO.

Brian the Snorf, Wednesday, 19 February 2003 13:28 (twenty-one years ago) link

It's a fine album, just you can't really call things classics within mere months of the release.

Andrzej B. (Andrzej B.), Thursday, 20 February 2003 00:39 (twenty-one years ago) link

I can call it anything I want.

Chris V. (Chris V), Thursday, 20 February 2003 01:43 (twenty-one years ago) link

four years pass...

Classic. As much as I like Beam's new, more robust sound, there's a Southern charm and melancholy here that he's never repreated.

And Bird Stealing Bread is a devestatingly sad song (I can never figure out if he's singing to a former love or a dead child).

Daniel, Esq., Sunday, 20 January 2008 15:36 (sixteen years ago) link

Classic. As much as I like Beam's new, more robust sound, there's a Southern charm and melancholy here that he's never repreated.

The truth. Creek is still his best record.

MRZBW, Sunday, 20 January 2008 15:41 (sixteen years ago) link

Daniel, ar eyou the one who mentioned that as a possible reading of Bird Stealing Bread elsewhere on ILM? Ever since I read someone posit that was what it was about (a dead child) I can barely listen to that song, it is unbearably sad to me now. Even though I don't think it's actually about that.

akm, Tuesday, 22 January 2008 06:42 (sixteen years ago) link

Daniel, ar eyou the one who mentioned that as a possible reading of Bird Stealing Bread elsewhere on ILM?

Yeah, that was me.

Daniel, Esq., Tuesday, 22 January 2008 16:55 (sixteen years ago) link

Sorry I messed up the song for you. It's an amazing piece of art (especially in light of how relatively simple it is), but -- especially with that interpretation -- the song can be hard to listen to.

Daniel, Esq., Tuesday, 22 January 2008 16:58 (sixteen years ago) link

two months pass...

The Blue Sky Project: A Clorox Charity Collection

Lion's Mane is the opening track from Iron & Wine's 2002 release, The Creek Drank The Cradle. It evokes the innocence of youth and was used in a Clorox Disinfectant Wipes commercial called "Touch Me," in which dirty surfaces call out to the eager hands of young children.

dad a, Friday, 28 March 2008 19:47 (sixteen years ago) link

This album really does hold up well, Clorox notwithstanding.

forksclovetofu, Friday, 28 March 2008 21:25 (sixteen years ago) link

I don't see how "Bird Stealing Bread" can be about a dead child at all. I mean, maybe particular lines in isolation might be resonant, but when you get to a line like "Do his hands in your hair feel a lot like a thing you believe in" -- that seems so obviously directed to his ex about her new beau. Who is the "his" and who is the "your" otherwise?

jaymc, Friday, 28 March 2008 21:39 (sixteen years ago) link

''He'' may be God and ''your'' may be the dead child.

Daniel, Esq., Saturday, 29 March 2008 02:15 (sixteen years ago) link

that's a stretch.

bug, Saturday, 29 March 2008 06:42 (sixteen years ago) link

It's one of two ways I always interpreted the song (and, BTW, not based on that isolated lyric, but based on the lyrics overall). I don't think it's a stretch. As I say, I wasn't trying to hear the song that way, I just did. Now, admittedly, the fact that I'm the father of a then-two or three year old girl (I can't recall when I first heard the song) may have something to do with how I heard it, but -- like many, if not most, people -- I often hear and understand lyrics in the context of their own life, experience, hopes and fears.

Daniel, Esq., Saturday, 29 March 2008 11:41 (sixteen years ago) link

Sorry, ''in the context of my own life, experience, hopes and fears,'' is what I meant to say.

Damn typos.

Daniel, Esq., Saturday, 29 March 2008 11:44 (sixteen years ago) link

three years pass...

perfect album for a miserable dreary ny afternoon in april

slight even by tweet standards (forksclovetofu), Friday, 1 April 2011 16:13 (thirteen years ago) link

totally. you know what this record is not good for? driving. my wife and i were listening to it in the car, and something about the mix makes it just sound like scratching on guitar strings and muttering, no matter what volume. this might be a problem with our soundsystem/loud car, though.

tylerw, Friday, 1 April 2011 16:16 (thirteen years ago) link

^ haha. This album is great, but way too sleepy to be heard while driving.

musicfanatic, Friday, 1 April 2011 17:29 (thirteen years ago) link

the new album is way underrated

uberweiss, Friday, 1 April 2011 17:32 (thirteen years ago) link

man, i just cannot get into it

tylerw, Friday, 1 April 2011 17:32 (thirteen years ago) link

It really is great.

'what are you, the Hymen Protection League of America?' (jon /via/ chi 2.0), Friday, 1 April 2011 17:35 (thirteen years ago) link

im still struggling with it too.

Zero pumps, massive boner (thebingo), Friday, 1 April 2011 17:43 (thirteen years ago) link

thirteen years pass...

new ep is very pleasant

nxd, Friday, 3 May 2024 10:00 (four months ago) link

Only heard the one song with Fiona Apple so far, which I really liked, but it's a full album, no?

Maxmillion D. Boosted (jon /via/ chi 2.0), Friday, 3 May 2024 14:16 (four months ago) link

yep sorry x

nxd, Friday, 3 May 2024 14:28 (four months ago) link

No problem, wondered if maybe there was something else recently too!

Maxmillion D. Boosted (jon /via/ chi 2.0), Friday, 3 May 2024 14:42 (four months ago) link

two months pass...

This guy hasn’t excited me in a long time, but I still hold this album dear. It has a very specific intimacy. Smells of dirt and blood and a girl I used to know in South Carolina. And Upward Over The Mountain is a special song.

Mule, Thursday, 11 July 2024 07:17 (two months ago) link

Smells of dirt and blood and a girl I used to know in South Carolina

your secret is safe with us

maf you one two (maffew12), Thursday, 11 July 2024 11:59 (two months ago) link

Fucking hell, when you put it like that. Yikes.

(She lives in Detroit now, presumably very well)

Mule, Thursday, 11 July 2024 13:21 (two months ago) link

you put it like that! lol

I loved Shepherd's Dog at the time but it was kind of a turning point i never bothered keeping up with. So i get what you're saying.

maf you one two (maffew12), Thursday, 11 July 2024 14:07 (two months ago) link

I met Sam in the Spain around 2004. He’s a South Carolinian as well. One of the nicest guys

Heez, Thursday, 11 July 2024 15:06 (two months ago) link

a special record

nxd, Thursday, 11 July 2024 17:19 (two months ago) link

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