how do you define bad musical taste?

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This is a very difficult question. I was thinking of saying that it was boring taste that turned me off, or predictable taste, but then some of the posters here are predictable without having boring taste.

I think there's people who have lazy taste in music, that annoys me. The editor of Uncut for example seems to like bands which are OK, like the Stooges and Patti Smith and the Velvets, but there's something about the combination of all three and little else (except which makes his taste seem too easy somehow.

And as Pinefox said elsewhere, the word 'taste' is an ugly one. I suppose what I really think is that I don't think anyone should have any taste.

I get into arguments about taste with Isabel a lot, about interior decoration for instance. She likes quite elegant, minimal, tasteful things, and I argue that 'tasteful' is actually 'bad taste' - it lacks the element of surprise, intrigue. Life's too short not to be surprised by things. So there's another answer.

There are people who seem to discriminate on a genre level and then seem too undiscriminating within it. This is what gets me about the 'indie scene' - another problematic term.

I could list the posters here who I think have bad taste and good taste. I don't think that would get us anywhere really.

If you just read what people write though you dont have any idea about their taste. At the very least you have to get drunk with them. I've been in a relationship for years with someone who owns 12 CDs and she still surprises me with what she likes. That's a good thing. Whereas some people with 3000 CDs never surprise me. So there's my answer - people who don't surprise me have bad taste.

If you ever construct a sentence along the lines of "I listen to everything from [x] to [y]" you can't be surprising, by the way. It's like making a record which is meant to be shocking.

Tom, Friday, 20 April 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

In agreeing with Tom but justifying this superfluous post, I'll refer to Barthes' Good Words On Good Taste: that it's either being able to find *something* wrong with everything, or being able to find a refreshing redeeming factor in anything.

If people like something I dislike (eg. Travis) I'll reserve my trashing until I find out why they like it. If they say "because they write classic-sounding songs" I'll thump 'em; if they say "I'm in love with Fran's fin" I'll grudgingly concede them the benefit of the doubt. As Tom pointed out, it's the sum predictability of a person's taste (liking everything for the same reasons) that makes it a crime. Taste should be full of contradictions.

Tim, Friday, 20 April 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

Fuck you Tom for saying what I wanted to say, only clearer. I was in a bar with other gay/bi men and women recently, and James Brown 'Sex Machine' was on the jukebox, and someone commented, and someone else — mid-30s, a painter (as in art-school painter, not housepainter), and ABSOLUTELY NOT IRONICALLY — said "I don't really know who James Brown is."

Which is lovely: because he can find out, and still decide what HE thinks, or he can just walk away and NOT find out.

(But why "Fuck you"? "Fuck you" is CorePunk-ish for "Thank you", I guess. I'm so twisted.)

mark s, Friday, 20 April 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

Pierrre Bourdieu argues quite convincingly that taste is really about enforcing social distinctions. The condensed version of the argument (as I remember it) is that our tastes are rooted in class. At its simplest - working classes like pop, upper classes go to Glyndebourne; but modern class structures are determined as much by education as upbringing so born working class but went to good university might go Glyndebourne! I think market researchers tend to agree with this materialist analysis. Feminists would add gender and sexuality into the equation.

This analysis makes a lot of sense when looking at genres that appeal to particular groups. Bear in mind that the absolute aristocrat of taste has always been the dandy; the one who could head to the East End and indulge his senses in the opium den as effectively as in the West End salon. Tom’s command "surprise me" makes him a modern Dorian Gray; by education (if not birth – I don’t know are you?) a young aristocrat of taste seeking endless sensory amusement. None of us can escape the socially defining role that our tastes perform.

However the Bourdieu argument does run into problems. It’s good at explaining why one group listens to house music and another to opera; and why some people like both. I think it explains why people might like or not like Travis for example.

But it doesn’t explain why a particular song works or a particular rhythm gets people dancing – it doesn’t discriminate within the genres. Here I think aesthetics is important but it is a much neglected subject. Much of what passed as classical aesthetics was actually a discussion of taste and easily blown apart by a materialist analysis. To really explain the pleasures of a chord structure or a particular rhyme scheme is terribly hard.

Guy, Friday, 20 April 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

There's a book called 'A Conspiracy Of Good Taste'. I've no idea what it's about but the title has always made me feel like it might be worth reading.

Nick, Friday, 20 April 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

OK. I've just looked it up at COPAC and discovered that its full title is The conspiracy of good taste: William Morris, Cecil Sharp, Clough Williams-Ellis and the repression of working class culture in the 20th century which sounds pretty bloody great.

In answer to the original question, U2.

Nick, Friday, 20 April 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

Middle-class intelligentsia by birth, Guy. You're right in that my own personal liking for novelty in music is dandyish, though what I'm talking about in terms of surprise is a wish to associate with people who stimulate and interest me over a period of time, who I can't quite work out. That could come from a fresh angle on something I now and they know and we all know. It's kind of the same thing but I'm not sure is quite as socially tied.

Tom, Friday, 20 April 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

Not to start a fight, but I think a way better word for "dandyish" is "cruising". In an Oscar Wilde vs William Morris kinda way, whose "good taste" was more, um, respectful of the, um, underclass? OW's is a (rough) trade, the other a well-meant cultural cleansing (I'm NOT going to say "appropriation" , cus the theft-aspect is totally a bogus issue). Not to start a fight...

mark s, Friday, 20 April 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

New Labour choosing The Lighthouse Family - Lifted for the general election campaign.

What a bland uninspiring dreary inane song, elevator Muzik - plodding and Languid - the vocal style is monotone dull the music has absolutely no emotion, background lite slush.

How did this song get past the Labour focus groups?

Also lifted has another meaning - lifting money through stealth tax rises.

Bring on the Coldcut Re: volution.

DJ Martian, Friday, 20 April 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

with affection only:

geir + social skills = pinefox?

sundar subramanian, Friday, 20 April 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

I define bad taste as anything I don't like. Sorry, but I think that's the most honest answer going, and I think most people who've answered do the same thing but are trying to dress it up a bit ;)

But I also don't let "bad taste" define what I think about a person, because quite frankly I know loads of people who like Radiohead who are perfectly sensible in all other aspects, including other matters of musical taste. And it's generally more interesting to discuss music with someone who doesn't necessarily agree with you.

Ally, Friday, 20 April 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

Hmmm...I don't really know what bad taste is. It doesn't matter of course, someone says "You've got bad taste in music because you went to see Bon Jovi" and your point is? It's like playground cussing sometimes it really is.

james edmund L, Friday, 20 April 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

Hey Sundar - affectionately only - if you're going to make comments about other posters to a public forum, why not include a reference that isn't some private AMA reference, hmmmmm?

stevie, Friday, 20 April 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

1. I think Ally's 'Bad taste is what I don't like' has something going for it. It sounds crude, but may have a sort of obvious and inescapable logic.

2. Then again, what if it is possible to think that one's own taste is bad? Possibly it is.

3. The comments on Bourdieu were informed and relevant, rather than the reach-me-down idiot blunders that one might often find on the internet, in the NME, wherever.

4. I like Tom E's comments quite a bit, especially his view that people should not have taste - that all 'taste' is bad taste. I really do have a problem with this word 'taste'. The idea of blowing it up or banishing it seems promising.

5. I am not *totally* sure, though, that I would buy Tom's (doubtless exploratory) thought that good taste was about surprise and unpredictability. That view seems in itself too... unsurprising and predictable. I think that the kind of perverse argumentation that I think Tom was looking for requires entertaining the idea of the redemption of predictability.

Dear me, what a sentence.

the pinefox, Friday, 20 April 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

Whatever are you talking about, Stevie? Private AMA references bond all of us in love. Kat Marco, where are you?

Ned Raggett, Friday, 20 April 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

No Ned, it is annoying. I know I have been guilty of it in the past, though.

Equally annoying is other in-jokes, but apparently they're supposed okay...

Nicole, Friday, 20 April 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

so no one feels left out:

i think that picture up top is new! with it added -- and even without it, truthfully -- this is a mahir in the making.

fred solinger, Friday, 20 April 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

It IS annoying, though I've certainly done it and now I feel guilty that the too many threads thread is becoming about a mailing list. Oh well. STOP BLOODY POSTING ABOUT FOOTBALL.

Anyhow Geir Hongro looks like Matt Pinfield's crazier brother. Geir Hongro is my definition of bad taste, not because of what he likes but the reasons behind it. It's that fascist taste thing, ironic with his anti-fascist sticker on the page.

Ally, Friday, 20 April 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

I'm completely for the notion of 'taste' and against attempts to reduce it to social class distinctions. The generalizations that you can make about people's tastes at that level are completely uninteresting (to me). With mass media and pop culture, there seems to be even less reason for using class distinctions to explain differences in tastes.

I guess this is because I (want to) believe that people are more than the sum of their influences. This is where I think Tom's ideas about unpredictability come in. That is, tastes should be unpredictable with respect to expectations based on class, gender, etc. but should be predictable in the sense that they have their own internal logic - which could be a joy to discover in a partner, as I guess Tom is doing.

As for Ally's and james edmund's comments, I don't think it's necessary to agree upon what's good. You just have to share some sense of which questions are important. And questions of taste don't go any further than what they're trying to decide. I mean it's not like you're saying X is stupid or bad because X doesn't like Y (or hopefully, no one is saying that).

Guy wrote: "Here I think aesthetics is important but it is a much neglected subject. Much of what passed as classical aesthetics was actually a discussion of taste and easily blown apart by a materialist analysis. To really explain the pleasures of a chord structure or a particular rhyme scheme is terribly hard."

This might be a stretch, but I think people basically agree upon notions of physical beauty. Maybe that could be a start. But then again, maybe not.

youn, Friday, 20 April 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

Thanks for the Geir reference - I really enjoyed his history of "power pop".

Guy, Friday, 20 April 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

Youn, do you mean physical beauty as in peoples' attractiveness?

Josh, Friday, 20 April 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

However the Bourdieu argument does run into doesn’t explain why a particular song works or a particular rhythm gets people dancing – it doesn’t discriminate within the genres....To really explain the pleasures of a chord structure or a particular rhyme scheme is terribly hard. (Guy)

These things (particular chord structures & rhythms) surely appeal on an instinctive level. Mathematical structures and relationships may have a lot to do with it (I'm absolutely no expert but it's noticeable, for example, how many rhythmic/melodic patterns in folk, pop etc. are based around three measures of a particular phrase with a variation/resolution on the fourth measure).

Re good/bad taste..I'd go along with the idea of these notions being strongly based on social/class divisions and affiliations. This is much easier to pin down with things like interior design than with Pop music (which, in the traditional good/bad view, would *all* fall under 'bad').

But at the same time, it's very easy to convince yourself that your aesthetic sense is derived solely from your own unique sensibilities, and then to construct an idea of good/bad taste that flows from that.

David, Friday, 20 April 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

Josh - Yes. (It's a bad idea.)

Maybe the concept of taste as good or bad, something you can have more or less of, should be abandoned and replaced with the concept of taste as something like haircolor that can take different values - blond, brunette, etc.

This might be what people meant in saying that taste is simply what you like. But this admission doesn't mean that the concept of taste is not useful. It's a reason for finding people interesting. And again not for what a person likes/dislikes, but in the pattern of what a person likes/dislikes.

The horrible thing about this is that I was just reminded of the character in High Fidelity... Blech!

youn, Friday, 20 April 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

Bad taste, to me, is simply taste with no guts or no personality.

I can respect the tastes of just about anyone, no matter what they're into. What I can't respect are people who's listening diet looks like something voted by on by a coalition of rock critics, zine editors, and Selected Influential Musicians.

It's not that I think such people are repressing their "true selves" for the sake of a hip image. I just think it's a lack of curiosity for anything that hasn't been designated "safe" for consumption.

Oliver K., Saturday, 21 April 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

Bad musical taste is being incapable of enjoying what is valuable in all forms of music.

Simon, Saturday, 21 April 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

Well, I'd nominate bad taste in music as anyone who bangs on about all the hip rekkids they own in a holier/more switched on than thou kind ov way. For example, I like Can, but whenever I hear someone else hammering on abt how much they like Can, I always assume they're an a$$hole, because because Can are a filthy hip influence type ov thing, and that which is HIP is also EV0L.

Does that make sense? Thought not.....


/<4y-\/\/r4/>, Saturday, 21 April 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

i'm always suspicious of people who enjoy "what is valuable in all music" because they never do and usually just have a narrow definition of "music." the last people i knew who appreciated "anything so long as it's good" hated rap, metal, punk, and anything remotely avant-garde. i've never met *anyone* who likes all genres of music.

sundar subramanian, Saturday, 21 April 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

Youn if you wanted a good example of taste free from cultural and historical assumptions I wouldn’t have picked "physical beauty" – you haven’t really chosen a winner! Try Naomi Wolf’s ‘The Beauty Myth’ for a basic primer in what is a huge area of academic discourse.

"Bad taste, to me, is simply taste with no guts or no personality"– ie the function of taste is to affirm the individual self. Oliver’s need for "guts" suggests he is affirming the strong male self. Thats’s ok as a fetish but are you arguing this as general principle?

Guy, Saturday, 21 April 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

Guy, yes, it's a bad idea, as I admitted from the start. You might wonder why I just didn't delete what I wrote in my original message, cos I am vaguely aware of this area of 'academic discourse', but then I wanted to be fully convinced to believe otherwise. So thanks for the recommendation.

youn, Saturday, 21 April 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

Most subjective question known to man, of course, but my idea of "bad taste" is probably standard-issue trip-hop, big beat, and other mundane late 90s dance subgenres, melismatic hysterical wailing (Celine Dion / Mariah Carey / pre-98 Whitney Houston / 80s power ballads), pompous Celtic stadium rock (80s U2 / Simple Minds / Big Country / Runrig), finger-in-ear types who unforgivably retreated into folk purism in the late 60s when others were taking it forward, and corporate / programme music after 1980 when it became a third- rate imitation of chartpop with off-the-shelf effects used on 100 different tracks. I think I'd regard the late 80s / early 90s work of Paddy Kingsland, Peter Howell and Roger Limb as bad taste incarnate, though I'd appreciate that has a lot to do with my love for what they'd previously done and my anger at what they'd sunk to.

Robin Carmody, Saturday, 21 April 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

Oh, and *nobody* disses William Morris when I'm around.

Repression of working-class culture? Piffle. Status Quo, Black Sabbath, Deep Purple and Smokie all (in their very different ways) reflected working-class culture in the 70s, all were very popular, and all were unspeakably vile. If drawing on the songs collected by Cecil Sharp involves repressing latter-day working-class culture, then IMHO it deserves it. Enough with the class-conscious paranoia, Dastoor. I know that's an old public school tie you're hiding.

Robin Carmody, Saturday, 21 April 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

Black Sabbath 'unspeakably vile'? Wasn't that the whole glorious point of 'em? They were one viler.

Andrew L, Saturday, 21 April 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

i describe bad taste as my father's taste in music which nestles in with whatever is popular at the moment. so he was country during urban cowboy then a stragne turn to prince and madonna and huey lewis, then to oldies, then b ack to country for achey breaky heart and on the tony bennet and now celine dion. why does robin always call people out for class warfare? strange. my friend kate says i have bad taste cause i love the pearlfishers, he's the new prefab sprout you know and the new pearlfishers' record is marvelous.

keith, Saturday, 21 April 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

William Morris: the Paul Weller of mimsy wallpaper-making

mark s, Saturday, 21 April 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

Lazy. Sorry. I shd have said the "Sting of" blah blah blah.

mark s, Saturday, 21 April 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

Why do I always call people out for class warfare?

Because there is a certain fringe of contributors here (no need to name names; it's obvious which ones they are) who seem to have a *huge* chip on their shoulders and a disdain / contempt for their past, which leads them to make quite ridiculous "superior / we're above it all" comments. I appreciate that I was criticising the book Nick alluded to, not Nick himself, but the point holds; he was clearly attracted to such sub-Marxist conspiracy theories, whereas I am a Liberal Democrat. Irreconcilable.

Mark as ever is the master of metaphor. Wrong in every way it is possible to be, of course, but what a comparison. I quite like Black Sabbath, but I see the *culture* they stood for as unspeakably vile, not worth defending, not the music itself.

That's enough. Why do I always start these threads? Ah well.

Robin Carmody, Saturday, 21 April 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

answering the original question now:

take the cure. a casual affection for them is most admirable. in fact, the absence of any feeling whatsoever for them in many an indie/post-rocker is somewhat of a turn-off in itself. however, deep- seated cure fandom suggests a truly disturbing level of attachment to harlequin-romance stadium-rock. coupled with a love for u2 (especially if also with a distaste for rap, punk, or metal), it's enough to make one flee.

conversely, a casual taste for sonic youth (esp if _dn_ is favourite album) might make me wary, mainly because it suggests that the listener is more heavily into unwound or mogwai or some other bullshit indie/post.

i think i'm too alienated from belting diva music to really feel anything if someone else is a fan. so long as i don't have to hear it. . .

sundar subramanian, Sunday, 22 April 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

I don't think we've ever sorted out the question of taste - its nature, its basis, its universality or contingency - despite the fact that it is arguably the meta-question that lies behind or above a great deal of the debate on this forum.

By 'sorted out' I don't mean 'come to a final resolution' - I can't imagine the dissensus on ILM doing that - but rather, clearly - and relatively systematically - articulating our positions, if we have any, on this stuff. (I don't think that everyone should have a position, or that everyone should be compelled to answer these questions - far from it. But it might provide some clarification in some cases.)

the pinefox, Thursday, 26 April 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

seven months pass...
Only discovered the thread by now, sorry.

Tom's definition "people who don't surprise me have bad taste" is a double-edged sword I feel. On the one hand I want to agree as having good musical taste should somehow imply liking a wide spectrum of music. Someone who only likes heavy metal or country or shoegazing has a very narrow-minded approach of music which would not qualify for good taste in my eyes.
On the other hand said definition implies that if you think you have good taste (which we probably all do like Ally said) you should surprise yourself which I cannot say of myself. On the contrary I believe that predictability is an element of good taste. If you accept that taste is subjective and your taste is good then you can say that a similar taste to yours is good. And usually you can predict quite well if the person with a similar taste to yours will like some new music coming out or not. In practice it is often the inverse. I know that a critic has a similar taste to mine, he loves a new album and I trust him. If he really has good taste I will like the new album as well. In this logic a different taste = bad taste.

Sundar's argument seems to me more appropriate. You can like a band like "The Cure" for a while and that is ok, but if they are your favourite all your life there is a problem with your taste (taste now objective again). Good taste involves also changing your favourites from time to time as you become more experienced with music during your life. And every music has an expiration date I think. Having good taste should imply liking new music, new sounds, new styles.

alex in mainhattan, Monday, 26 November 2001 01:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

they are your favourite all your life there is a problem with your taste

Ridiculous. Why shouldn't there always be a favorite band? I will use my MBV example here with a particular point -- no other band was ever, before or so afterward, able to so completely, totally and utterly *send* me on first listening. The problem is not taste, but arbiters forcing taste into boxes and processes to suit their own visions of the universe -- as, frankly, you're trying to do.

Ned Raggett, Monday, 26 November 2001 01:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

On the contrary I believe that predictability is an element of good taste.

and Having good taste should imply liking new music, new sounds, new styles.

these sort of contradict each other maybe?

michael, Monday, 26 November 2001 01:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

The problem is not taste, but arbiters forcing taste into boxes
Sorry Ned but I can't follow you. You make me think of Don Quijotte who is fighting the wind mills. I was only referring to Sundar's post on "The Cure" which I agree to. You are lucky to have MBV as your favourite who did not release anything after the record(s) which impressed you so much. Imho had they released something it probably would have been a disappointment after "Loveless". On the other hand I am sorry for you that nothing else ever hit you as much as MBV. Wonderful and unique as their music might be, a universe where MBV is the one and only reference is a very small universe. Do you really still feel the same as ten years ago when relistening to "Loveless"? In 1991 MBV was my favourite group (see "your cv as a music listener" thread where you did not contribute actively yet) but imho opinion they sound quite dated now. Maybe I have listened to them too much.
I would like to alter my previous statement in that sense that you can have a good taste liking one band/artist all your life but only if the said band/artist develops with your taste which is very rare. The Cure would not qualify here as their music has changed to "stadium rock" which is a step back from the earlier records.

Concerning Tom's definition I just realised that even if it was true it would be only a necessary (not a sufficient one) condition for good taste. Someone liking Sonic Youth who suddenly likes German "Schlagermusik" (e.g. Heino) would surprise me but I could not say that he had good taste.

alex in mainhattan, Monday, 26 November 2001 01:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

On first sight you are right Michael there seems to be a contradiction between the predictable and the innovative side. But you must agree if someone has had the same taste as you in the past there is a higher probability that he will have the same taste concerning new music than someone who had a totally different taste than yours in the past. There are different tastes and there are similar tastes.

alex in mainhattan, Monday, 26 November 2001 01:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

People feel the need to limit their own possibilities by thinking they 'like' or 'dislike' stuff, so they appear to have an identity

dave q, Monday, 26 November 2001 01:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

Alex, you have a very *very* curious vision that presumes that what may well work for you -- and it may well -- works for everything. Not to offend, but your statements come off as lectures, taking to task those people/bands/whatever which do not follow a 'correct' path. There is a key difference between your own take on how you interpret and work with music -- something with which I have no beef at all -- and how you presume that this must therefore apply universally. I'm sorry, but I can't seriously discuss this matter with you if this is the tone you're choosing to take.

Ned Raggett, Monday, 26 November 2001 01:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

And while I'm thinking of it:

see "your cv as a music listener" thread where you did not contribute actively yet

This might be me, but I don't start threads to take people to task for not adding to them, or not doing so the right or 'active' way. I gave you my answer and if that bugs you, do believe me that I see that as your worry, not mine.

Ned Raggett, Monday, 26 November 2001 01:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

Ned I really don't mind if you do not want to discuss with me. I know you have your opinion on MBV and I have mine. That is absolutely ok. But the way you back off when someone says something slightly critical about your fetish band makes me wonder. I feel like having committed a sacrilege. It is almost like in church where the priest does not discuss about the existence of god, where doubt is forbidden. And I thought ILM was a place where we could exchange our views on the music we like. How naive of me.

alex in mainhattan, Monday, 26 November 2001 01:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

Alex, you're missing the forest for the trees here. If you seriously think that I'm annoyed because you're criticizing MBV, you have all too successfully misinterpreted my whole stance regarding personal opinion and radical subjectivity. As far as I am concerned, you could tell me that MBV isn't even fit for dunking in overflowing sewage tanks and I wouldn't bat an eye.

What I *am* annoyed with your astonishing presumption -- there is absolutely no other way to describe it -- with how you feel others should react/deal with/interpret music. And that presumption is truly mind-boggling. Your last few posts see you take on the role of an incredibly self-righteous commentator who cannot and will not see anything except through your own lens. You express revulsion -- it is not too harsh a word to use -- that others would dare to have opinions on taste and its functions that don't match your own worldview, and react to these differences not with an appreciation of how those opinions might be different, but instead with patronizing condescension. I find this to be impossible to deal with if you expect me to engage in a further discussion with you.

You say yourself we are here to 'exchange' views. I have heard your views and while I do not hold to your personal standards of growing with and enjoying music, I do not dismiss them as invalid, because obviously they succeed for you. Why, then, do you not grant me that same courtesy?

Ned Raggett, Monday, 26 November 2001 01:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

What I *am* annoyed with your astonishing presumption ... with how you feel others should react/deal with/interpret music
I think you are reading something into my post which was not there originally. We are in a thread on taste here. It is a delicate subject as Tom said before. And I was just making some logical conclusions of what follows when you say that your taste is the good taste (Ally's point of view).
Why do you attack me? Did you read the whole thread? There were other people you could have attacked before (like Ally and Sundar). You didn't. You did not even contribute to the question of the thread before. Out of nowhere you arrive and pick on my post. I would be interested in your opinion concerning bad taste. As I would be interested in the bands you have liked up to now. Sorry Ned but I find your behaviour quite destructive (this sounds so teacher-like again but it is bloody true). Have a nice evening. I will go to bed now.

alex in mainhattan, Monday, 26 November 2001 01:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

I think you are reading something into my post which was not there originally.

I think that could be delivered both ways here.

Why do you attack me? Did you read the whole thread? There were other people you could have attacked before (like Ally and Sundar).

This should perhaps tell you that I found something in your posts that I objected to which I didn't find in theirs -- which does in fact happen to be the case.

I would be interested in your opinion concerning bad taste.

It does not exist as an objective phenomenon. I have yet to see anyone anywhere *prove* the existence of correct taste or critical reaction. There are many who claim to have found it, but they are in the end speaking for themselves or for a tradition that is not inherently universal. I find your claim of shifting between subjective and objective taste impossible to accept as a result.

Sorry Ned but I find your behaviour quite destructive

I find yours incredibly frustrating, the complaint of someone who says something and then wonders why in the world anyone might even slightly disagree. Believe me, I'm well aware that others disagree with me in turn.

Ned Raggett, Monday, 26 November 2001 01:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

people who don't surprise me have bad taste. If you ever construct a sentence along the lines of "I listen to everything from (x) to (y)" you can't be surprising, by the way.

Not sure if (x) and (y) are supposed to be artists or genres, but given the context, I assume Tom meant genres. So liking a wide variety of music genres means you have bad taste? Can't agree. I do think unpredictability is good, but you can be unpredictable and still like a wide variety of genres. I suppose I might agree with his point in the case of someone who liked everything, but I don't think he meant to limit his comment to such an extreme situation.

Daniel, Esq., Sunday, 27 September 2009 14:33 (fifteen years ago) link

xxpost: middle school, which is to say mostly bad, overplayed tv/radio stuff.

EDB, Sunday, 27 September 2009 14:34 (fifteen years ago) link

Books are a really interesting point to raise, Ned - I read a lot too and am always dead keen to make recommendations, but as for the content there is very little I could or would want to share with other people. It had always puzzled me that I Love Books never seems to get into things in depth, and am only now realising that perhaps everyone here feels the same.

Jonathan Franzen said something about there being two types of readers - those who love it because they've got the habit; and those who've got to read because they need to spend time in an imaginary world, and that second type rings very true for me. I also suspect that ILX is filling that very same need (and why I've been progressively acquiring reader's block over the last year or two).

I really resent attempts to turn literature into fashion, or worse part of another trend. I've ranted elsewhere recently against Sebastian Faulks for pedestalling the clique that runs British literature. For me it's the opposite of what books are about.

Ismael Klata, Sunday, 27 September 2009 14:54 (fifteen years ago) link

Books are a really interesting point to raise, Ned - I read a lot too and am always dead keen to make recommendations, but as for the content there is very little I could or would want to share with other people.

Book clubs can help but there's the obvious social difference in terms of how music v. reading is consumed -- you can share a song with someone just like that as you both listen but it's little hard to be sitting leaning over someone's shoulder as you both read along the book you've recommended to the other...

Ned Raggett, Sunday, 27 September 2009 15:00 (fifteen years ago) link


Kind of doubt his equivalent indie neophytes from ten years ago would have the likes of Hall&Oates, Madonna and MJ on their lists&I think I know which will give first out of his love for them and his anti r&b/top 40 sentiments.

ogmor, Sunday, 27 September 2009 15:08 (fifteen years ago) link

i was a bit ashamed to start listening to indie, since the punks i knew were always bashing it. i was always dreadfully self-aware and weary of easy classification. i would have rather been ignored than make a list like the one above. i don't know if i've totally grown out of that-i can't think of anything i'm ashamed to listen to-but now that i listen mostly to music that nobody i know finds cool, i'm still feelingly aware of what people think. when i started really becoming a music nerd i envisioned it would end up with me owning a bunch of rare vinyl and knowing a lot about jazz and underground hip hop or something, but so far it's only gone in the other direction, falling in love with modern rn'b and southern rap and synth pop. but that's great; as i grew out of caring about what people thought of my tastes, i started getting more interested in the notion of music listening as narrative, as a personal and free thing.

samosa gibreel, Sunday, 27 September 2009 17:53 (fifteen years ago) link

x-post, ogmor how old are you? I knew plenty of people who "discovered" the "cool" music while still liking Madonna and if you fail to perceive Michael Jackson's enormous influence on dance, you just don't have ears. Or are we not listening to idiotic gay-ass dance music either? Sorry, I can't stand this "I'm so bright, I listen to (hippie) indie." Was a time when prep school twerps with "progressive" parents wouldn't be caught dead listening to "indie", when it was, like, hardcore and stuff. A lot of the music he names is really just lo-fi hippie music....

MCCCXI (u s steel), Sunday, 27 September 2009 19:57 (fifteen years ago) link

sorry not making myself clear; I think the anti-top 40 attitude has lingered around even though indie kids are now enthusiastic enough about hall&oates et al to put them on their favourite lists, which I don't think was really the case 10 years ago, but then he has orange juice&linkin park up there too so maybe he's a one off.

ogmor, Sunday, 27 September 2009 20:23 (fifteen years ago) link

sorry not making myself clear; I think the anti-top 40 attitude has lingered around even though indie kids are now enthusiastic enough about hall&oates et al to put them on their favourite lists, which I don't think was really the case 10 years ago

Were these people even alive when Hall & Oates were in the Top 40?

I ♠ my display name (sarahel), Sunday, 27 September 2009 20:26 (fifteen years ago) link

are you suggesting hall&oates are closer to trad indie kid tastes than top 40 on the basis they're old?

ogmor, Sunday, 27 September 2009 20:34 (fifteen years ago) link

I'm just thinking about how teenage musical tastes (esp. those that are somewhat oppositional to the "mainstream") are tied to identity issues, and that, as the aesthetics of what is popular have changed, the "indie" aesthetic has perhaps changed with it, in terms of what teenagers that identify with that aesthetic say sucks.

I ♠ my display name (sarahel), Sunday, 27 September 2009 20:41 (fifteen years ago) link

my teenage cousin is a big fan of the mountain goats AND alanis morisette fyi.

ian, Sunday, 27 September 2009 20:43 (fifteen years ago) link

(she rules.)

ian, Sunday, 27 September 2009 20:43 (fifteen years ago) link

pretty sure based on the pinefox's first post on this thread that i would define bad taste as the taste being most similar to the pinefox's.

ian, Sunday, 27 September 2009 20:44 (fifteen years ago) link

Yeah the more inclusive range of indie tastes is what I thought was interesting. When I was a teenager the ppl who liked hall&oates were not the same ppl who liked orange juice®ina spektor. But this kid likes linkin park too so maybe he's a one-off.

ogmor, Sunday, 27 September 2009 20:48 (fifteen years ago) link

it's just weird seeing someone under the age of 50 professing unironic fondness for Hall & Oates.

I ♠ my display name (sarahel), Sunday, 27 September 2009 20:51 (fifteen years ago) link

no way are you serious

ogmor, Sunday, 27 September 2009 21:00 (fifteen years ago) link

i am serious - did these guys get recuperated from dad & mom rock status at some point recently that I missed?

I ♠ my display name (sarahel), Sunday, 27 September 2009 21:02 (fifteen years ago) link


ian, Sunday, 27 September 2009 21:03 (fifteen years ago) link

i mean, i personally am not really down with h&o, but a bunch of people in the under 50 set are iirc

ian, Sunday, 27 September 2009 21:04 (fifteen years ago) link

Pretty much everyone I know is at least fond and they're on GTA and ryan schreiber loves them so I don't think I'm alone.

ogmor, Sunday, 27 September 2009 21:04 (fifteen years ago) link

see this is part of what I was talking about in terms of oppositional aesthetics changing over time ...I associate Hall and Oates with the bland and/or brainless top 40 that I grew up with and developed teenage musical tastes in opposition to. See also: Huey Lewis & the News

I ♠ my display name (sarahel), Sunday, 27 September 2009 21:09 (fifteen years ago) link

Kind of tempted to respond that "No, you don't have a bad taste in music, but your mates do. You are a bit of an early-bloomer in getting decent musical taste, but another 2-3 years and your mates will all be into the same stuff".

Tied Up In Geir (Geir Hongro), Sunday, 27 September 2009 21:30 (fifteen years ago) link

Just realised I never answered the question - it was probably around my 15th birthday or so.

Thing is, time has a way of smoothing over "cool" vs. "uncool". I mean, I can only think about when I was in my teens and discovering the music of 20 years previous. (Obv I was a teenager in the 80s, and thus discovering 60s music) And there wasn't much discernment - would consume Nancy Sinatra with the same enthusiasm as the Electric Prunes. And yet, in the 60s, those two things were polar opposites of cool and uncool.

Those of us who are old enough to remember the 80s have distinct ideas of what was cool vs. uncool - Hall and Oates definitely being in the latter, when the cool kids would have been listening to Echo and the Bunnymen or TalkingHeads or whatever. But without that frame of reference, it's not a question of irony or whathaveyou, it's just finding this cache of music From The Past and not assigning labels to it.

I Like Daydreams, I've Had Enough Reality (Masonic Boom), Monday, 28 September 2009 09:33 (fifteen years ago) link

Exactly, cool is always context specific and "timeless cool" is an oxymoron.

Oppositional Soup (Noodle Vague), Monday, 28 September 2009 09:36 (fifteen years ago) link

Same applies to good and bad taste, really.

Oppositional Soup (Noodle Vague), Monday, 28 September 2009 09:36 (fifteen years ago) link

What interest me is to try to strip all considerations of social capital away from the notion of "taste" and try to see if anything remains. By "considerations of social capital" I mean claims like Alex in NYC's that good taste = not being a populist sheeple, a means of standing out from the masses as a good educated person should. Does anything remain of the notion of taste when you remove those considerations? I know this is an old well-worked question but it seems to me the heart of the matter.

Euler, Monday, 28 September 2009 09:44 (fifteen years ago) link

It's the only interesting part of the question, sure. Personally I think taste only exists within a specific social context tho.

Oppositional Soup (Noodle Vague), Monday, 28 September 2009 09:46 (fifteen years ago) link

I agree with you not least because I think everything exists within a specific social context (death of the Enlightenment and all that).

Euler, Monday, 28 September 2009 09:48 (fifteen years ago) link

Well, firstly I don't know that you can strip away the notion of Cultural Capital away from notions of taste. Even when you remove the accompanying culture that assigns cool/uncool to certain strands of music, you still are dealing with individual notions of what is appealing in Music which vary so much from person to person (as evidenced by a thread where both Geir and Alex NYC have weighed in with similar opinions for opposite reasoning)

I think a more useful dichotomy is discerning/non-discerning - not to put value judgements on either. But there are two ways of coming at music - the first is that you have an idea of What It Is You Like, and to ruthlessly pursue that as your individual Taste. The other is to absorb all music on an equal basis, and weight it as to weather it is a ... quintessential example of the kind of music that it is.

I Like Daydreams, I've Had Enough Reality (Masonic Boom), Monday, 28 September 2009 09:49 (fifteen years ago) link

Whether, not weather. Ha ha.

I Like Daydreams, I've Had Enough Reality (Masonic Boom), Monday, 28 September 2009 09:50 (fifteen years ago) link

Bless the weather! (Actually, One World right now.)

Re. the discerning/non-discerning dichotomy: there are different types of discernment, though. For instance, Alex in NYC's stance seems discerning to me. Its discernment, though, is based on optimizing his social capital: to maximize his social distance from others who are less discerning.

In our individual judgments regarding taste, do we tap into anything more than the subjective, anything that's not reducible to a desire to stake our own cultural territory?

Euler, Monday, 28 September 2009 09:57 (fifteen years ago) link

Well, I take it that you've seen the research on musical taste-clusters, right? That computer analysis of music reveals cross-genre preferences within disparate groups of people. (Argh, wish I could remember who did the study, it was very interesting.)

I Like Daydreams, I've Had Enough Reality (Masonic Boom), Monday, 28 September 2009 10:02 (fifteen years ago) link

No, but it sounds very interesting indeed! As long as they don't venture into neuroscience or evolutionary psychology.

Euler, Monday, 28 September 2009 10:05 (fifteen years ago) link

Ha ha, no. It was within the context of trying to analyse which songs will be "hits" - it was a long article in a magazine, though unfortunately I can no longer remember which. Might have been the Guardian Weekend, in which case it would still be sitting in a pile in my loo. (Or the OMM in which case it won't.)

I mean, obviously record companies and songwriters would be bery happy if there some way to mathematically analyse what songs will be most appealing on non-subjective criteria. (Complexity of melody, rhythm, BPM, harmonic structure, that sort of thing) But instead of boiling down to the perfect popsong, it found songs gathered in clusters, whereby if a person liked one of them, they were highly likely to like the other music within the cluster, regardless of whether it was Motorhead or Brahms.

I Like Daydreams, I've Had Enough Reality (Masonic Boom), Monday, 28 September 2009 10:14 (fifteen years ago) link

I think I saw something like that about the time 'Crazy' by Gnarls Barkly came out - it fell into about every cluster imaginable, so the record company knew they had the ideal hit on their hands.

Ismael Klata, Monday, 28 September 2009 10:31 (fifteen years ago) link

is it this you're talking about?

Akon/Family (Merdeyeux), Monday, 28 September 2009 10:40 (fifteen years ago) link

Ah, thank you! That's the one.

I Like Daydreams, I've Had Enough Reality (Masonic Boom), Monday, 28 September 2009 10:44 (fifteen years ago) link

Another piece on the same process, different company apparently, has gnarls barkly factoid:

this must be what FAIL is really like (ledge), Monday, 28 September 2009 11:14 (fifteen years ago) link

Thread has moved on, but I guess listening to the rock show on the radio aged 12-13 was my first attempt to like music that my peers hadn't heard of and/or thought was weird. Sort of a proto-indieism but I hadn't worked out that indie brought the real smug superiority or where to find it. Got there by aged 14.

If Pitchfork had existed when I was a kid, maybe I could've reached indie dorkdom a couple of years early by bypassing entirely the stage of convincing myself that I'd like Megadeth but not daring to spend the money on their albums. But then, kid doesn't need to spend money buying CDs any more (nor did I once I discovered the local library had music, but still, time, effort, blank tape money, lending fees).

Strange to think of me aged 13 with like 5 CDs, each saved up for and treasured and listened to over and over again, and him aged 13 with a list of fifty bands he's downloaded that week, presumably listened to about once, and decided are part of the list which encapsulates his identity. But that's a familiar impulse too - age 14-15 I wrote lots of band names and put free-with-magazine band stickers on my school science folder to, like, impress people with my musical authority, or something, and maybe a third of them I'm fairly sure I'd never heard at all.

ein fisch schwimmt im wasser · fisch im wasser durstig (a passing spacecadet), Monday, 28 September 2009 11:23 (fifteen years ago) link

Perhaps the more interesting question is what this was like 15 years ago, when you had to spend a lot of time and money amassing a collection of cd's before you could profess things.

I listened to what was then called "classic rock" of the 1960s and 1970s until I was about 16, when as an explicit act of identity formation I decided to programatically make my music taste "more cool" -- this involved buying two R.E.M. cassettes (Document and Murmur) and playing them every night until they were my favorite records. From there, the Cure, Jesus and Mary Chain, Julian Cope, etc. but didn't really go full-on "indie" (or "alternative" as it was then called) until first year of college (1989) when my roommates gave me cassettes of Doolittle and London 0, Hull 4 for my birthday.

It was definitely different pre-internet; I guess you could have subscribed to music magazines, but barring that, for a kid in the suburbs you heard about bands from your friends or on alternative radio (I don't think I knew there was such a thing as college radio then) and it was a bit random what you heard and what you didn't hear. I bought my first Julian Cope record because I read a good review of it in the Washington Post.

Guayaquil (eephus!), Monday, 28 September 2009 14:01 (fifteen years ago) link

Oh yeah, and as a representative of the past, let me just say that the Alanis Morrissette record was certainly branded as indie when it came out and tons of huge Mountain Goats fans really liked it, and still do, me included.

And that Hall and Oates was indeed a pretty straight-ahead, not-cool thing to like when I was a kid. A lot like Huey Lewis. But does a readoption of Huey Lewis by contemporary tastemakers seem out of the question to you? Not to me.

Guayaquil (eephus!), Monday, 28 September 2009 14:05 (fifteen years ago) link

You're right that it was hard to find. I think I was the first kid at school to get anywhere beyond chart music, and that needed a total leap into the dark - the Chart Show's Indie Chart with its lovely psychedelic carousel was about the only gateway I can remember. The first few NMEs I got were like discovering the Americas - Indie No.1s! Stiff Records! The Greatest Drummers Of All Time! - there was so much undreamt-of stuff to care about that I managed to miss Nirvana breaking about six months later because I was poking about in Sarah Records or some other blind alley instead.

For all that I criticise the greyness of indie as an aesthetic, I guess it really did feel like a world of discovery at the time. It was really weird to get to university three or four years later and find that, the odd metalhead or goth apart, people there had never even attempted a similar journey and were mostly content with stuff like Mike & The Mechanics.

Ismael Klata, Monday, 28 September 2009 14:37 (fifteen years ago) link

first thing that came to mind when I saw the thread title was, "someone who doesn't like black sabbath."

original bgm, Monday, 28 September 2009 14:46 (fifteen years ago) link

I'd say if you enjoy the musical stylings of Nickleback then you are beyond hope.

Adam Bruneau, Monday, 28 September 2009 15:27 (fifteen years ago) link

I don't think it's so much the things you like but why you like them and how you express this liking
National Review's Top 50 Conservative Rock Songs

though certain acts lend themselves to and encourage being appreciated in an ugly way (ha! nickleback!)

Philip Nunez, Monday, 28 September 2009 17:30 (fifteen years ago) link

do you people pay attention??

MCCCXI (u s steel), Monday, 28 September 2009 18:08 (fifteen years ago) link

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