how do you define bad musical taste?

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I don't think we've ever sorted out the question of taste - its nature, its basis, its universality or contingency - despite the fact that it is arguably the meta-question that lies behind or above a great deal of the debate on this forum.

By 'sorted out' I don't mean 'come to a final resolution' - I can't imagine the dissensus on ILM doing that - but rather, clearly - and relatively systematically - articulating our positions, if we have any, on this stuff. (I don't think that everyone should have a position, or that everyone should be compelled to answer these questions - far from it. But it might provide some clarification in some cases.)

the pinefox, Thursday, 26 April 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

seven months pass...
Only discovered the thread by now, sorry.

Tom's definition "people who don't surprise me have bad taste" is a double-edged sword I feel. On the one hand I want to agree as having good musical taste should somehow imply liking a wide spectrum of music. Someone who only likes heavy metal or country or shoegazing has a very narrow-minded approach of music which would not qualify for good taste in my eyes.
On the other hand said definition implies that if you think you have good taste (which we probably all do like Ally said) you should surprise yourself which I cannot say of myself. On the contrary I believe that predictability is an element of good taste. If you accept that taste is subjective and your taste is good then you can say that a similar taste to yours is good. And usually you can predict quite well if the person with a similar taste to yours will like some new music coming out or not. In practice it is often the inverse. I know that a critic has a similar taste to mine, he loves a new album and I trust him. If he really has good taste I will like the new album as well. In this logic a different taste = bad taste.

Sundar's argument seems to me more appropriate. You can like a band like "The Cure" for a while and that is ok, but if they are your favourite all your life there is a problem with your taste (taste now objective again). Good taste involves also changing your favourites from time to time as you become more experienced with music during your life. And every music has an expiration date I think. Having good taste should imply liking new music, new sounds, new styles.

alex in mainhattan, Monday, 26 November 2001 01:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

they are your favourite all your life there is a problem with your taste

Ridiculous. Why shouldn't there always be a favorite band? I will use my MBV example here with a particular point -- no other band was ever, before or so afterward, able to so completely, totally and utterly *send* me on first listening. The problem is not taste, but arbiters forcing taste into boxes and processes to suit their own visions of the universe -- as, frankly, you're trying to do.

Ned Raggett, Monday, 26 November 2001 01:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

On the contrary I believe that predictability is an element of good taste.

and Having good taste should imply liking new music, new sounds, new styles.

these sort of contradict each other maybe?

michael, Monday, 26 November 2001 01:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

The problem is not taste, but arbiters forcing taste into boxes
Sorry Ned but I can't follow you. You make me think of Don Quijotte who is fighting the wind mills. I was only referring to Sundar's post on "The Cure" which I agree to. You are lucky to have MBV as your favourite who did not release anything after the record(s) which impressed you so much. Imho had they released something it probably would have been a disappointment after "Loveless". On the other hand I am sorry for you that nothing else ever hit you as much as MBV. Wonderful and unique as their music might be, a universe where MBV is the one and only reference is a very small universe. Do you really still feel the same as ten years ago when relistening to "Loveless"? In 1991 MBV was my favourite group (see "your cv as a music listener" thread where you did not contribute actively yet) but imho opinion they sound quite dated now. Maybe I have listened to them too much.
I would like to alter my previous statement in that sense that you can have a good taste liking one band/artist all your life but only if the said band/artist develops with your taste which is very rare. The Cure would not qualify here as their music has changed to "stadium rock" which is a step back from the earlier records.

Concerning Tom's definition I just realised that even if it was true it would be only a necessary (not a sufficient one) condition for good taste. Someone liking Sonic Youth who suddenly likes German "Schlagermusik" (e.g. Heino) would surprise me but I could not say that he had good taste.

alex in mainhattan, Monday, 26 November 2001 01:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

On first sight you are right Michael there seems to be a contradiction between the predictable and the innovative side. But you must agree if someone has had the same taste as you in the past there is a higher probability that he will have the same taste concerning new music than someone who had a totally different taste than yours in the past. There are different tastes and there are similar tastes.

alex in mainhattan, Monday, 26 November 2001 01:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

People feel the need to limit their own possibilities by thinking they 'like' or 'dislike' stuff, so they appear to have an identity

dave q, Monday, 26 November 2001 01:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

Alex, you have a very *very* curious vision that presumes that what may well work for you -- and it may well -- works for everything. Not to offend, but your statements come off as lectures, taking to task those people/bands/whatever which do not follow a 'correct' path. There is a key difference between your own take on how you interpret and work with music -- something with which I have no beef at all -- and how you presume that this must therefore apply universally. I'm sorry, but I can't seriously discuss this matter with you if this is the tone you're choosing to take.

Ned Raggett, Monday, 26 November 2001 01:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

And while I'm thinking of it:

see "your cv as a music listener" thread where you did not contribute actively yet

This might be me, but I don't start threads to take people to task for not adding to them, or not doing so the right or 'active' way. I gave you my answer and if that bugs you, do believe me that I see that as your worry, not mine.

Ned Raggett, Monday, 26 November 2001 01:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

Ned I really don't mind if you do not want to discuss with me. I know you have your opinion on MBV and I have mine. That is absolutely ok. But the way you back off when someone says something slightly critical about your fetish band makes me wonder. I feel like having committed a sacrilege. It is almost like in church where the priest does not discuss about the existence of god, where doubt is forbidden. And I thought ILM was a place where we could exchange our views on the music we like. How naive of me.

alex in mainhattan, Monday, 26 November 2001 01:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

Alex, you're missing the forest for the trees here. If you seriously think that I'm annoyed because you're criticizing MBV, you have all too successfully misinterpreted my whole stance regarding personal opinion and radical subjectivity. As far as I am concerned, you could tell me that MBV isn't even fit for dunking in overflowing sewage tanks and I wouldn't bat an eye.

What I *am* annoyed with your astonishing presumption -- there is absolutely no other way to describe it -- with how you feel others should react/deal with/interpret music. And that presumption is truly mind-boggling. Your last few posts see you take on the role of an incredibly self-righteous commentator who cannot and will not see anything except through your own lens. You express revulsion -- it is not too harsh a word to use -- that others would dare to have opinions on taste and its functions that don't match your own worldview, and react to these differences not with an appreciation of how those opinions might be different, but instead with patronizing condescension. I find this to be impossible to deal with if you expect me to engage in a further discussion with you.

You say yourself we are here to 'exchange' views. I have heard your views and while I do not hold to your personal standards of growing with and enjoying music, I do not dismiss them as invalid, because obviously they succeed for you. Why, then, do you not grant me that same courtesy?

Ned Raggett, Monday, 26 November 2001 01:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

What I *am* annoyed with your astonishing presumption ... with how you feel others should react/deal with/interpret music
I think you are reading something into my post which was not there originally. We are in a thread on taste here. It is a delicate subject as Tom said before. And I was just making some logical conclusions of what follows when you say that your taste is the good taste (Ally's point of view).
Why do you attack me? Did you read the whole thread? There were other people you could have attacked before (like Ally and Sundar). You didn't. You did not even contribute to the question of the thread before. Out of nowhere you arrive and pick on my post. I would be interested in your opinion concerning bad taste. As I would be interested in the bands you have liked up to now. Sorry Ned but I find your behaviour quite destructive (this sounds so teacher-like again but it is bloody true). Have a nice evening. I will go to bed now.

alex in mainhattan, Monday, 26 November 2001 01:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

I think you are reading something into my post which was not there originally.

I think that could be delivered both ways here.

Why do you attack me? Did you read the whole thread? There were other people you could have attacked before (like Ally and Sundar).

This should perhaps tell you that I found something in your posts that I objected to which I didn't find in theirs -- which does in fact happen to be the case.

I would be interested in your opinion concerning bad taste.

It does not exist as an objective phenomenon. I have yet to see anyone anywhere *prove* the existence of correct taste or critical reaction. There are many who claim to have found it, but they are in the end speaking for themselves or for a tradition that is not inherently universal. I find your claim of shifting between subjective and objective taste impossible to accept as a result.

Sorry Ned but I find your behaviour quite destructive

I find yours incredibly frustrating, the complaint of someone who says something and then wonders why in the world anyone might even slightly disagree. Believe me, I'm well aware that others disagree with me in turn.

Ned Raggett, Monday, 26 November 2001 01:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

I regard the following as evidence of a lack of taste:

Posting to Plasmastics fan sites.

Being 33 or 34 and never having heard Small Faces or Sly Stone

Sorry, Alex.

Frank, Monday, 26 November 2001 01:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

Frank I don't understand whom you are on about.
In any case I think that
1. You can accuse someone of ignorance but not of lack of taste if he has not heard of a band.
2. Not liking a genre of music does not qualify for bad taste whereas liking certain genres (or only one certain genre) maybe could from my subjective point of view.
3. I have never posted to a Plasmastics fansite. Or is ILM such a website? If that is so pardon my ignorance. I do not know anything about the Plasmastics.
4. I am neither 33 nor 34. My correct age is 38.
5. I have listened to the Small Faces (I even have a cd) and I did not like them too much.
6. I have heard of Sly Stone and would probably recognise the music in the radio. It is just that up to now I did not like that kind of music (which can change) and found other genres of music more appealing.

alex in mainhattan, Tuesday, 27 November 2001 01:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

Aside to Ned:

There is actually a way of defining "taste" that skirts your arguments for radical subjectivity, and that is to consider "taste" not as a set of critical reactions, but rather as a set of tools used in the formation of those reactions. I.e., "U2 is great" and "John Zorn is great" fall on the unprovable-assertion side of subjective taste, whereas having the ability to compare, contrast, or otherwise draw connections between the work of one and the other -- or more generally making clear and coherent distinctions between and critical appraisals of the music one "likes" and "dislikes" -- would be an objective, if impossible to measure, skill. (I say "impossible to measure" because it takes a whole other set of verbal skills and music-jargon knowledge to adequately express those distinctions and appraisals, but I think we can take it as obvious that the initial skills exist in differing quantities and qualities, can't we? One-word post reading "No" will result in annoyance on my part.)

Possibly a bad way of putting it, but do you see what I mean? "Having good taste" can mean not the ability to objectively identify overall good / bad value in individual works, but rather a well-formed understanding of what one likes and dislikes and why. I think the example given last time this point was raised here was the difference between (a) the guy who hears a song on the radio, buys the record, and hates everything but that single, and (b) that person's friend, who heard the same single and said "Dude, I guarantee you're not going to like the rest of that record." It's not the greatest example, in that I see a few glaring holes in its logic, but it gets at the idea of taste as being "discerning," in the literal sense -- being able to discern between various musical qualities. This favors those with extensive listening backgrounds as having better "taste," but this doesn't bother me too much, insofar as continually experiencing any art form is surely the way to refine one's taste.

Am I going anyplace useful here?

Nitsuh, Tuesday, 27 November 2001 01:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

Come to think of it, I don't even really mind the problems posed by people's varying abilities to express their appraisals. After all, we consider people "smart" or "dumb" largely based on their ability to convey that intelligence to us in an identifiable manner, and I get the feeling that "taste" can be inferred in the same way. The only way we give people credit for unexpressed intelligence is if they're strikingly adept at manipulating some complex system or mechanism, which I think is covered in my argument: you can be deaf-mute and illiterate, but if you're able to work through a record store and accurately predict what you or others will like -- or if you work a&r and can always spot a hit a mile away -- that's equally clear anecdotal evidence of some highly-discerning skill at work.

Nitsuh, Tuesday, 27 November 2001 01:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

Bad taste to me is definitely people who like things nervously, & I do it all the time.

maryann, Tuesday, 27 November 2001 01:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

Frank, I am sorry to say but you are a moron. Not only everything referring to me was wrong in your post above but you cannot even spell the band you accuse me of not knowing. They are called Plasmatics apparently. Or have you been joking in your post? It was funny anyways.

alex in mainhattan, Tuesday, 27 November 2001 01:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

I can understand where you're coming from Nitsuh and I think that the distinction *is* useful but (aside from the flaws in the actual example given) as I suggested in April the thrill of music for me lies partly in not knowing my own mind, not being able to anticipate or refine what I think. It's kind of what I was talking about on the 'musical CV' thread - the change from big sweeps and switches in what you listen to and enjoy in music to tiny iterations centered on a single genre. If that's "good taste" then it seems to me a negative. Which is what I was saying up above anyway.

Tom, Tuesday, 27 November 2001 01:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

One-word post reading "No" will result in annoyance on my part.

Nein. There, see, you can relax now. ;-)

More to the point -- it's an interesting way of looking at it, but I think it sort of...loops back in on itself, for lack of a better way of putting it? Is that 'well-formed understanding' really a matter of taste at all? *thinks for a bit* almost strikes me as the difference -- and I'm thinking of it this way based on your own example regarding purchases and hit status -- between a couple of folks at the horse races, one saying, "That's a really great looking horse! Fiery, well-groomed, looks powerful" and another saying, "I'm willing to bet that that horse over there is the one which is going to be the winner." This is an extreme example, but I trust you see what I'm trying to get at, if hamhandedly. Person one appreciates for lack of a better word the aesthetics according to his/her standards, person two is interested in figuring out what will succeed, both are potentially looking at the same animal.

I have to say I'm also sympathetic to Tom's discussion about how things *can't* be predicted, how the capacity for surprise exists, even if the scope goes from greater to lesser shifts in thinking. The impact of sheer chance is important, and there's no A & R person canny enough to know every potential twist and turn.

Ned Raggett, Tuesday, 27 November 2001 01:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

But, Tom and Ned, you should both keep in mind that when redefining "taste" the way I'm suggesting above, we have to remember that "good taste" becomes only a skill -- not necessarily a thing that implies quality in one's musical choices or enhances one's enjoyment of them. I'd argue that people with "bad taste" consistently take more enjoyment from their listening than "discerning" listeners; compare mulletheaded Sabbath devotees with Morton Feldman afficionados. And this redefinition implies the same, which is that Ultimate Taste would involve this all-seeing all- knowing musical discernment that would pretty much ruin one's ability to be surprised or moved by anything at all. If I may paraphrase you, Tom, you're sort of saying that what enjoy about music, and admire in the listening of others, are those moments that confront the limitations of your taste -- i.e., give you something that you find yourself without the tools to appraise coherently. Which is very, very cool, and, like the high-powered executive who likes to be spanked by prostitutes at the end of the day, implies that you have a great deal of taste, insofar as you take your enjoyment from jumping out from its protection.

I'm only saying that the idea creates an objective sense of what "taste" is, not that you'd actually want too much of it.

Nitsuh, Tuesday, 27 November 2001 01:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

compare mulletheaded Sabbath devotees with Morton Feldman afficionados

Are Morton Feldman aficionados seen as having bad taste? Odd.

I like your construction, though, in the sense that there is something seen to be challenging standards and that this can provide the taste thrill. Though I don't think it's always the case -- as Brian can confirm, I've said for years that I don't have any guilt over liking something or not, that I don't have any guilty pleasures. The 'surprise' is not so much that I find myself liking something I'm not supposed to as it is simply finding something new and going, "Ah, neat!" At least, this is my own perception and experience.

Ned Raggett, Tuesday, 27 November 2001 01:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

Oh, and apologies, Tom, for trying to pigeonhole / summarize your listening patterns; I may be way off base. But the sense I get is that your disdain for the critically-agreed-upon indie favorites lies precisely in their value being critically-agreed-upon, playing safely into the obvious things discerning listeners are trained to enjoy or respect. And the sense I get is that your love of pop lies precisely in its lack of such intellectual standards and norms, such that pop songs just burst out of the radio and they get you or they don't, in ways you may or may not have expected.

Nitsuh, Tuesday, 27 November 2001 01:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

I like your construction, though, in the sense that there is something seen to be challenging standards and that this can provide the taste thrill.

No, no, no -- I don't think I'm being clear. I'm accepting the Radical Subjectivist Program. What I'm saying is that people have differening abilities to discern between musical features -- e.g., when I was listening to Portishead once and my mother asked "Is that Toni Braxton? It sounds like Toni Braxton." My argument, which I'm just now becoming clear on myself, is that those "discerning" listeners therefore know their own taste, and that that taste is knowable to others with those "discerning" abilities -- and thus all that rockist music accumulates a "critical consensus" precisely because it's makers can programmatically figure out what tastes their satisfying. I.e., these tasteful rockists have it down to a quantifiable science, and thus know officially that X is "good" and Y is "not good."

On the other hand, the rank-and-file casual pop listener does not have this Proven By Science "taste," and thus his/her reactions are less knowable. (It's 100x harder to recognize a chart hit than a solid-selling highbrow indie record, right?) Thus pop music can't simply punch the standard critical-discerning-appeal buttons and have done with it -- pop makes no assumptions about how it can make you feel, and therefore just tries its hardest. I'm saying I think that's what Tom likes -- that neither he nor the pop knows what the reaction's going to be, and he can be excited to actually have that reaction, as opposed to the critical- consensus stuff, where his reaction might be "Ho, hum, yes, they are doing everything they are supposed to do in order to be considered 'good.'"

Does that seem to make more sense than what I said before, or am I just making this worse?

Nitsuh, Tuesday, 27 November 2001 01:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

What have my sexual peccadillos got to do with - oh wait forget it.

Yes I see what you're saying but but but - still the problem seems to be - where does this exercising of taste occur? In the example given the tasteful person is exercising his knowledge of other people's tastes not his own. Using the method on his own listening comes down to "I know what I like" still, surely? You talk about listeners being "trained to respect" things - well I agree, but I think this training is social not aural.

Tom, Tuesday, 27 November 2001 01:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

E.g. I have lately been listening to all this IDM I've been sent, a field for which I have minimal discernment-skills -- I could set the CD changer to shuffle and have absolutely no clue whether I was hearing Phonem or Arovane, Cex or Datachi. Sometimes I have rockist reactions, primarily feelings of uncertainty over not knowing what I should be listening for or not seeing differences that others can see -- but sometimes I have what I imagine are Tom-ist reactions, which consist of just "liking" things in ways I haven't previously been conditioned to like things, or just liking things without having any idea of how or why, which can be much more gut-level enjoyable than otherwise.

Sorry for posting so much.

Nitsuh, Tuesday, 27 November 2001 01:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

Using the method on his own listening comes down to "I know what I like" still, surely?

No no no no no! I'm sorry -- I'm doing a lousy job explaining this. What I'm saying is that "like," "good," and "bad" are all beside the point, and that "taste" is simply an ability to discern between what's what. Thus I would have "good taste" in shoegazer bands if I could listen to a three-second snippet of a previously unreleased track and say, "Ahh, judging by the guitar processing, I'm fairly sure that's either Slowdive or Chapterhouse." And thus I do have not-so-great taste in IDM, because I don't yet recognize what I imagine are fairly crucial differences between Datachi and Cex. (I haven't really listened to Cex yet, but I think you see what I mean.) No "like," "good," or "bad," just an ability to make clear, coherent, or incisive distinctions and connections between X and Y, A and B.

For example: in your own listening to West African pop, haven't you noticed a sort of learning curve of "taste?" I'd imagine it all sounded pretty similar at first, and then gradually the distinctions and ins-and-outs of it became more and more clear to you, right? I'm considering that skill -- whatever allowed you to form those mental distinctions and associations -- "taste."

Nitsuh, Tuesday, 27 November 2001 01:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

But surely that is "expertise" and already exists as a concept? I think for 'taste' to have any use it has to include some kind of value judgement, if only because if you asked almost anyone in any street in any English speaking country about their 'taste' in something they'd talk about what they liked.

Tom, Tuesday, 27 November 2001 01:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

Probably I agree with Tom E.

Nitsuh is making some subtle, thoughtful points. But his redefinition of 'good taste' is counter-intuitive in that it makes 'good taste' = what any number of people would call 'bad taste'. ie: "*expertise* = good taste" (this is perhaps what the claim comes down to?) - but if expertise is on sth that [person x] hates the sound of, then [person x] cannot call it 'good taste' without wrenching that phrase's meaning.

Also: I accept Tom E's claim that he likes to be surprised - but to extend from this to suggest that [PopOnTheRadio] = Surprise is, I think, an error which sticks much too slavishly to a certain idea of 'FT Ideas Of Pop' (which Tom E's actual listening might have little to do with). ChartPop (assuming we can agree what that is) might be very surprising in some contexts (eg. a classical concert), but very unsurprising in some others (eg ToTP). (Equally, classical music presumably = surprising on ToTP, unsurprising at classical concert.) The claim that Chart Pop (a la S Club 7 or whoever) is (as a genre) innately more 'surprising' than others is just implausible. I think (hope) that Tom E might agree with me if I say that 'surprise' is, presumably, a very context-bound affair.

the pinefox, Tuesday, 27 November 2001 01:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

Boo: Tom E made my point about 'expertise' while I was writing that. Hooray: he and I agree about it.

the pinefox, Tuesday, 27 November 2001 01:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

Yes, even a popkid such as I blushes a bit at the thought of finding the delights of surprise regularly in the work of Five. It is context bound - recently I've been surprised I liked/loved tracks by U2, the Psychedelic Furs, Kylie and Dillinger, and surprised by the sounds and ideas on some of those tracks and on an Outkast track (which I was expecting to like).

Tom, Tuesday, 27 November 2001 01:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

Damn you both -- that is a very good point. "Expertise." The only distinction I can offer is that I think someone can be knowledgeable but still unable to detect crucial distinctions, in which I suppose they'd be tasteless experts -- or a completely uninformed 12-year-old could still theoretically display a truly deep and profound understanding of the differences and similarities between the Beach Boys and Hermans Hermits. (And, in fact, sometimes we do give very young kids credit for "good taste" if they express some really well- developed and true-seeming opinion about, for example, why Jessica Simpson is better than Mandy Moore or vice versa.) Thus, taste without expertise?

In any case, I consider an individual to have "good taste" if his or her explanations for liking and disliking things seem to display a really keenly-developed understanding of the things themselves. And I have, in the past, found myself saying things like "Everything he likes is absolutely horrible, but I think he has good taste in his own way."

Pinefox: This may rely slightly on rockist thinking, but I really do feel that the pop of the past few years has been surprising. Surprising insofar as critical-consensus rock has drifted largely into auto-pilot button-pushing "This is what we're considering good" mode, whereas teenpop had no pre-Britney history that was memorable to its target audience (barring the Spice Girls), and thus got to build itself anew.

Nitsuh, Tuesday, 27 November 2001 01:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

Damn you both -- that is a very good point. "Expertise."

Like I said in my horse race comparison, HAHAHAHA. No, I tease, this is actually a much clearer way of phrasing it.

In any case, I consider an individual to have "good taste" if his or her explanations for liking and disliking things seem to display a really keenly-developed understanding of the things themselves.

Mm...seems to go back again to expertise vs. taste, though. Or rather a judging of the ability *to* judge.

Ned Raggett, Tuesday, 27 November 2001 01:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

THERE YOU GO!!! "Taste" not as the judgements made but the ability to make them. In fact, the OED puts that sense of "taste" first:

6. Mental perception of quality; judgement, discriminative faculty.

(And note that "quality" here can mean not "goodness," but rather just the qualities, as opposed to quantities, which exist in the aesthetic realm.)

7.a. The fact or condition of liking or preferring something; inclination, liking for; appreciation.

Whereas I suppose this thread started as a discussion of the common 8th denotation of the word:

8. a. The sense of what is appropriate, harmonious, or beautiful; esp. discernment and appreciation of the beautiful in nature or art; spec. the faculty of perceiving and enjoying what is excellent in art, literature, and the like.

And note that the OED, probably for the sake of excising an extra volume on this issue alone, assumes that the word "taste" implies the objective existence of the "excellent."

Nitsuh, Tuesday, 27 November 2001 01:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

I don't have time for this AT ALL, but:

Your last few posts see you take on the role of an incredibly self-righteous commentator who cannot and will not see anything except through your own lens. You express revulsion -- it is not too harsh a word to use -- that others would dare to have opinions on taste and its functions that don't match your own worldview, and react to these differences not with an appreciation of how those opinions might be different, but instead with patronizing condescension.

What an unbelievably apt example of projection!

I'm sorry, but this makes my blood boil. Ned, you really need to rein your tone in like, yesterday, m'kay? Whenever you get involved in these discussions, your posts turn very nasty, and frankly I think it needs to stop now, because it's rather oppressive to those who don't share your POV, and I don't think IL* is meant to be about one person's ideology, is it? If you have a valid point to make, it can be made without name-calling and ad hominem attacks.

Phil, Tuesday, 27 November 2001 01:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

I'm sorry, but this makes my blood boil.

Hm. Considering this bit from Alex to Frank:

Frank, I am sorry to say but you are a moron. Not only everything referring to me was wrong in your post above but you cannot even spell the band you accuse me of not knowing. They are called Plasmatics apparently.

...I find your rage against me and not your philosophical soulmate regarding universal critical judgments over the matter of supposedly bad tone and name calling to be more than a little suspect. Condemn us both or don't bother.

Ned Raggett, Tuesday, 27 November 2001 01:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

As for the whole question of bad/good taste in music, my quickie definition would be that it's something like an ability to apprehend, whether intuitively or articulately, the way in which the myriad technical and aesthetic details of a work and its overall effect combine in a result that is (a) successful in its implicit goals (and those goals themselves can be critically evaluated) and/or (b) aesthetically rewarding to the listener...and to confront new works and new styles of music in a manner that's clear-eyed and is able to approach the work with a minimum of unnecessary preconceptions. It's having judgment without being judgmental; it's being open-minded, but not to a fault -- i.e. being uncritically accepting.

And it is, indeed, dependent on a hierarchy of aesthetic value -- one that may not be universal (at least not in the sense of existing as a set of golden tablets on top of a mountaintop), but the fact that it's socially constructed and materially based doesn't mean that it's arbitrary and could be replaced with anything else. (One might even argue that certain elements of it are inevitable consequences of our biological nature as human beings, or of our nature as consciousness existing in social organization.) To fantasize about hypothetical listeners who exist outside of social constructs is a diversion, but nothing more: we ourselves exist in it, and having gotten past the "Yes, everything we believe is socially constructed, blah blah blah" business, we can critically evaluate music with that underlying assumption already addressed, depending in part on the extent to which we're familiar with the signs and signifiers of the music in question.

Or something like that, anyway.

Phil, Tuesday, 27 November 2001 01:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

I see what you're saying Phil - but you say 'could not be arbitrarily replaced with anything else' and I don't think that's what most people here who are trying to struggle with that hierarchy are doing - they're trying to construct multiple consistent alternative hierarchies and emphasise that it is possible to shift among these hierarchies depending on the music under discussion. A long winded way of saying "you don't use the same tools to talk about X as Y, or if you do it doesn't get you anywhere interesting".

Tom, Tuesday, 27 November 2001 01:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

Oops sorry I misquoted you.

Tom, Tuesday, 27 November 2001 01:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

Nitsuh's def. of "taste" does NOT sound to me like a synonym for "expertise", which a person can have but be unable to express (cf. writers of computer manuals). But Nitsuh's project to rehabilitate the word "taste" as a useful and meaningful term may not be possible. "Taste" to me always feels like an alibi or synonym for whatever the influential critics like, and to my ears has a distinctly classist ring to it. ("Him? Fine fellow. Terrible taste.") I don't like using words like this (except as disses! "Him? Oh, great taste...")

Tracer Hand, Tuesday, 27 November 2001 01:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

Tom, I understand your point, and think that one area of clarification might be differentiating between what might be called "low-level" and "high-level" elements in the hierarchy. In other words, a given signifier might have wildly different meanings, or qualities, in different genres (i.e. a G7 chord that's a normative harmony in the blues is most definitely not one in 18th-century classical music), and two listeners might have wildly different reactions to the way that Bruce Springsteen's voice sounds on a particular note in a given song.. It strikes me that many of these things are the most overtly "constructed", in that many of them have evolved from (for instance) a technical premise that can be seen as axiomatic, rather than inevitable.

But I think there are more fundamental values and expectations that are far harder to construct/deconstruct, some of which are inherent in the acoustic/technical material of music, others of which are closely tied either to our biology or to our social nature, and still others of which are an inherent consequence of music's perpetual (and compulsory!) dialogue with the past and present -- in other words, the conception of music as a communicative and historical medium, with a more-or-less specific intended listener who has acquired the signs and signifiers of that particular genre through familiarity with prior representative works.

This poses the question: what assumptions, or traits, are shared by value-hierarchies that "take root"? (In other words, is there a fundamental, unbridgeable difference between the value-hierarchy of hip-hop and that of country music, or do they share any fundamental values common to both, and perhaps to all Western music, or even all music?) From what principles, characteristics, or technical elements do they draw their common origins? What generalizations about different forms of music can be made in a language that will apply to all -- can one come up with a Grand Unified Theory, as it were, of the organizing principles of music, whose implications will give one the tools to understand and critically evaluate Ravi Shankar, Palestrina, Benny Goodman, Merzbow and Snoop Dogg in a way that doesn't require total compartmentalization or Ned's radical subjectivism? Is there a musical equivalent of linguistics -- or is that what I'm after?

(I like that thought, by the way, in that linguistics is capable of making critical observations of languages as a whole -- one aspect of which is pointing out that there are some thoughts you just can't fully express in certain languages, or concepts for which there are no synonyms -- and yet is also nonjudgmental: it doesn't say "language X is bad", although it does specify the grammar and vocabulary necessary to speak and understand language X.)

This is hopelessly muddled, and I'm not sure that I agree with everything I've written, but I've run out of free time to finesse it. I'll just add that some work in this area has been done -- for instance, in trying to understand the incidence and characteristics of tension-and-release patterns in different forms of music, or in exploring the role of expectation in listener satisfaction.

Phil, Tuesday, 27 November 2001 01:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

Is there a musical equivalent of linguistics -- or is that what I'm after?

I find this an interesting comparison because, after all, if one hears a language one cannot interpret, one hears the sound without any real sense of the meaning. Perhaps this question should be turned around...

Ned Raggett, Tuesday, 27 November 2001 01:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

Interestingly enough, I once overheard two men at a pretty hardcore theoretical linguistics conference having what was essentially a fun little argument over which of two minor languages was better. It was strikingly like talking art: one of them would say something like, "Oh, but the southern dialect has those fascinating particle verbs constructions," and the other would say, "But the syntax of the northern dialect is an absolute mess," etc. (I wish I could replicate the jargon for you; it eventually dissolved into a debate about Lexical-Functional Grammar versus the Minimalist Program.)

So ... you can have all of these tools to break it down into codifiable bits ... but whether those bits are "good" or "bad" is vexed and subjective?

Nitsuh, Tuesday, 27 November 2001 01:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

Attempts to systematize "smooth" systems (ok, shoot me) have met with catastrophe or failure, especially in modern times. [big exception: modern mathematics?]

For instance, attempts to break down a dancer's movement into a set of coordinates and directions that could be written down, sent overseas, then deciphered by another familiar with the system. Or sheet-music: once essential, now valueless as a way to represent most of what we hear in contemporary music. I just don't think something as subjective and ethereal as "musical taste" (which I think really just means "adherence to normative critiques") could possibly be systematized the way you'd like Phil (you're imagining something like an table of the elements fused with a Kurzweil 2000; I'm imagining a list of the albums reviewed on Pitchfork with checkboxes next to them). And even then we still wouldn't know if it was "good" or not. use other words please! I say we throw "taste" out with its evil twin "judgmental".

Tracer Hand, Tuesday, 27 November 2001 01:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

Concerning Ned, Frank, me and ILM in general
I think that if someone attacks you on ILM and you can prove that all his statements were wrong it is absolutely legitimate to post your response to ILM. This may sound categorical but I think just for the sake of truth (self-defense being another good reason) the attacked is obliged to make things clear. And someone who only posts lies and false statements is a moron in my eyes. We are beyond good tone and politeness here. Not to call him a moron would be untruthful. What is the point of this discussion forum if you can get away posting rubbish? I know that calling someone a moron is a very strong judgement but in this case I really could not refrain.
I would like to contribute to this thread (as I find the question of taste extremely interesting) something substantial and I have some more ideas but I won't because I know that Ned will counterpost again. And I am really fed up with those destructive personal counterposts which do not attack the message (though they pretend to) but only the messenger. Maybe I'll write on taste somewhere else.

alex in mainhattan, Wednesday, 28 November 2001 01:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

three years pass...

Masked Gazza, Thursday, 24 March 2005 01:57 (nineteen years ago) link

This is an interesting thread, so I'll help revive it. (Though I am wounded that so many people cited liking U2 as bad taste -- I've loved them for half my life now, and it doesn't seem to be going away no matter how much music snobs try to break me of it, and of [of course] I don't think I have bad taste.)

That said.... I think there are two kinds of bad taste. Ordinary bad taste is the taste that comes from being lazy and not really caring about music. The people who buy "NOW!" compilations, Nelly, and whatever else is popular. Also people who hate genres -- saying, uncategorically, that you hate country or rap only proves you know nothing about music.

But that's far less annoying than bad taste number two, which is moulding your record collection to fit whatever is trendy. They might have obscure or interesting albums, but it's all obscure stuff Pitchfork likes.

In either case, I guess the defining note of bad taste is that it reflects a failure to experiment, to seek things out, to cross genre lines, to be uncool if it makes you happy.

Lyra Jane (Lyra Jane), Thursday, 24 March 2005 14:29 (nineteen years ago) link

I think there's people who have lazy taste in music, that annoys me. The editor of Uncut for example seems to like bands which are OK, like the Stooges and Patti Smith and the Velvets, but there's something about the combination of all three and little else (except which makes his taste seem too easy somehow.

So one has to be unpredictable to have good taste? I dunno, it'd make the person more interesting but not necessarily have good taste. How do I define bad taste? Probably differing from my *own standard* (so if a person likes fe Limp Bizkit/Shania Twain and Celine Dion, I'd say s/he has bad taste until s/he offers me insight into why s/he likes said music). Actually I prefer people to have *bad* (different from mine) taste because I can have a different outlook on the music after hearing why s/he likes the music.

nathalie barefoot in the head (stevie nixed), Thursday, 24 March 2005 14:36 (nineteen years ago) link

four years pass...

is it very typical for an extremely indie taste in music to kick in at around 13 like this kid? seems slightly young but i'm out of the loop

velko, Sunday, 27 September 2009 11:05 (fourteen years ago) link

Ah, thank you! That's the one.

I Like Daydreams, I've Had Enough Reality (Masonic Boom), Monday, 28 September 2009 10:44 (fourteen years ago) link

Another piece on the same process, different company apparently, has gnarls barkly factoid:

this must be what FAIL is really like (ledge), Monday, 28 September 2009 11:14 (fourteen years ago) link

Thread has moved on, but I guess listening to the rock show on the radio aged 12-13 was my first attempt to like music that my peers hadn't heard of and/or thought was weird. Sort of a proto-indieism but I hadn't worked out that indie brought the real smug superiority or where to find it. Got there by aged 14.

If Pitchfork had existed when I was a kid, maybe I could've reached indie dorkdom a couple of years early by bypassing entirely the stage of convincing myself that I'd like Megadeth but not daring to spend the money on their albums. But then, kid doesn't need to spend money buying CDs any more (nor did I once I discovered the local library had music, but still, time, effort, blank tape money, lending fees).

Strange to think of me aged 13 with like 5 CDs, each saved up for and treasured and listened to over and over again, and him aged 13 with a list of fifty bands he's downloaded that week, presumably listened to about once, and decided are part of the list which encapsulates his identity. But that's a familiar impulse too - age 14-15 I wrote lots of band names and put free-with-magazine band stickers on my school science folder to, like, impress people with my musical authority, or something, and maybe a third of them I'm fairly sure I'd never heard at all.

ein fisch schwimmt im wasser ยท fisch im wasser durstig (a passing spacecadet), Monday, 28 September 2009 11:23 (fourteen years ago) link

Perhaps the more interesting question is what this was like 15 years ago, when you had to spend a lot of time and money amassing a collection of cd's before you could profess things.

I listened to what was then called "classic rock" of the 1960s and 1970s until I was about 16, when as an explicit act of identity formation I decided to programatically make my music taste "more cool" -- this involved buying two R.E.M. cassettes (Document and Murmur) and playing them every night until they were my favorite records. From there, the Cure, Jesus and Mary Chain, Julian Cope, etc. but didn't really go full-on "indie" (or "alternative" as it was then called) until first year of college (1989) when my roommates gave me cassettes of Doolittle and London 0, Hull 4 for my birthday.

It was definitely different pre-internet; I guess you could have subscribed to music magazines, but barring that, for a kid in the suburbs you heard about bands from your friends or on alternative radio (I don't think I knew there was such a thing as college radio then) and it was a bit random what you heard and what you didn't hear. I bought my first Julian Cope record because I read a good review of it in the Washington Post.

Guayaquil (eephus!), Monday, 28 September 2009 14:01 (fourteen years ago) link

Oh yeah, and as a representative of the past, let me just say that the Alanis Morrissette record was certainly branded as indie when it came out and tons of huge Mountain Goats fans really liked it, and still do, me included.

And that Hall and Oates was indeed a pretty straight-ahead, not-cool thing to like when I was a kid. A lot like Huey Lewis. But does a readoption of Huey Lewis by contemporary tastemakers seem out of the question to you? Not to me.

Guayaquil (eephus!), Monday, 28 September 2009 14:05 (fourteen years ago) link

You're right that it was hard to find. I think I was the first kid at school to get anywhere beyond chart music, and that needed a total leap into the dark - the Chart Show's Indie Chart with its lovely psychedelic carousel was about the only gateway I can remember. The first few NMEs I got were like discovering the Americas - Indie No.1s! Stiff Records! The Greatest Drummers Of All Time! - there was so much undreamt-of stuff to care about that I managed to miss Nirvana breaking about six months later because I was poking about in Sarah Records or some other blind alley instead.

For all that I criticise the greyness of indie as an aesthetic, I guess it really did feel like a world of discovery at the time. It was really weird to get to university three or four years later and find that, the odd metalhead or goth apart, people there had never even attempted a similar journey and were mostly content with stuff like Mike & The Mechanics.

Ismael Klata, Monday, 28 September 2009 14:37 (fourteen years ago) link

first thing that came to mind when I saw the thread title was, "someone who doesn't like black sabbath."

original bgm, Monday, 28 September 2009 14:46 (fourteen years ago) link

I'd say if you enjoy the musical stylings of Nickleback then you are beyond hope.

Adam Bruneau, Monday, 28 September 2009 15:27 (fourteen years ago) link

I don't think it's so much the things you like but why you like them and how you express this liking
National Review's Top 50 Conservative Rock Songs

though certain acts lend themselves to and encourage being appreciated in an ugly way (ha! nickleback!)

Philip Nunez, Monday, 28 September 2009 17:30 (fourteen years ago) link

do you people pay attention??

MCCCXI (u s steel), Monday, 28 September 2009 18:08 (fourteen years ago) link

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