charly bliss: guppy

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Charly Bliss aren't very original as a band and probably never will be, but within the borders of the power pop/indie genre they are quite good at what they do.

Maybe the debut is better than the new one, maybe not. The differences aren't that big.It is (and will probably always be for this band) more or less more of the same thing.

nostormo, Monday, 13 May 2019 15:32 (five years ago) link

one thing is for sure is there is music involved and you can definitely hear it with ears

alpine static, Monday, 13 May 2019 19:26 (five years ago) link

On first listen, I'm kind of in love with it.

husked, tonal wails (irrational), Monday, 13 May 2019 21:07 (five years ago) link

No idea if or when I'll prefer this to Guppy but so far loving the hooks, phonetically and otherwise. Shades of Joe Pernice at his "fell over ourselves all summer" peak.

geoffreyess, Monday, 13 May 2019 22:53 (five years ago) link

the best love songs are about self-abnegation so tbh "Under You" totally rules

don't mock my smock or i'll clean your clock (silby), Monday, 13 May 2019 23:07 (five years ago) link

think my favourites here are "camera", "chatroom" and "hard to believe", still a really solid & enjoyable album

ufo, Tuesday, 14 May 2019 05:01 (five years ago) link

couple of spins and this is good, not sure yet if it's better than Guppy but there are some moments that suggest it could be. Title track is gorgeous and heartbreaking, also really liking "Camera" and "Hurt Me".

Roz, Tuesday, 14 May 2019 05:52 (five years ago) link

oh god, i adore this, hooks are just heart bursting. best compliment i can give is that it's the only thing recently that's managed to tear me away from the go-betweens. these first two records are an incredible feat.

devvvine, Tuesday, 14 May 2019 13:05 (five years ago) link

i didn't connect with the songs they prereleased individually but i am in love with this album and how it's sequenced. "blown to bits" is an incredible opener.

call all destroyer, Thursday, 16 May 2019 02:53 (five years ago) link

I've been listening to this on my commutes and it is simply fabulous. Gigantic hooks, smart lyrics, slick production. One of those albums where I'm looking forward to my next chance to crank it.

A. Begrand, Thursday, 16 May 2019 04:01 (five years ago) link

This feels like a good-to-great pop record that's really hamstrung by the laziness and obviousness of its production choices. Like, I find myself weirdly resentful of the way synths are used on records like this, like they're just there to add ballast and when you get to the end of the record you realise you haven't heard a single interesting or distinctive sound. Everything's blown up to such an extent that the record feels flat rather than big.

Also like a lot of bands who feel more about energy and momentum rather than rhythm it feels like they struggle to keep things interesting when the tempo drops a little bit. Like a song like Young Enough could really work with a different approach but it feels like a big stadium song that's constructed in the way that you might build a wall, just thudding and leaden and predictable.

Matt DC, Saturday, 18 May 2019 14:34 (five years ago) link


Johnny Fever, Saturday, 18 May 2019 14:35 (five years ago) link

yeah I can agree with that

ufo, Saturday, 18 May 2019 14:45 (five years ago) link

I think I agree with that too. Great songs, so-so sound.

Simon H., Saturday, 18 May 2019 14:58 (five years ago) link

I thought the production on this was good and suited the songs.

o. nate, Sunday, 19 May 2019 01:56 (five years ago) link

i guess this really illuminates what kind of a music / Charly Bliss fan I am, but i think "Hard to Believe" is my favorite song here

alpine static, Tuesday, 21 May 2019 23:47 (five years ago) link

and i love the rest of it


that chorus

alpine static, Tuesday, 21 May 2019 23:50 (five years ago) link

Agreed. I think the last indie band that could write choruses like this was the New Pornographers, but I don’t think even they ever had so many good ones on one album.

o. nate, Wednesday, 22 May 2019 01:31 (five years ago) link

I like a lot about the new album, but there are too many instances of the campfire indie stomp thing (more than zero). Every time it crops up it takes me out of the song.

Mazzy Tsar (PBKR), Wednesday, 22 May 2019 15:30 (five years ago) link

adam, Wednesday, 22 May 2019 16:39 (five years ago) link

i posted something like this in the Weyes Blood thread to crickets, but...

anyone hear the quick wrong note in "Hard to Believe" at 2:06/07? love that kind of stuff.

i can't stop listening to this song.

alpine static, Wednesday, 22 May 2019 22:02 (five years ago) link

someone actually commissioned kay hanley to review the record, which is perfect

like, I’m eating an elephant head (katherine), Friday, 31 May 2019 14:46 (five years ago) link

I don’t know how to review an album. It’s too much responsibility. Why did I agree to this? Argh.

lmao relatable

i love this

american bradass (BradNelson), Friday, 31 May 2019 14:50 (five years ago) link

Caught their show last night at the Beachland Ballroom in Cleveland, and man was it great. This was their first time playing the big room -- they've played the much smaller adjacent tavern before -- and the energy onstage was just unbelievable. Definitely one of the best shows I've seen in the last 10 years or so. The interplay between Eva, Spencer and Dan is so energetic and infectious it's impossible to stand still while you're watching them. Can't remember the whole set list (I'm gonna be 50, gimme a break) but it included

Blown to Bits
Hard to Believe
Black Hole
Young Enough

and five or so others. And they closed with an encore of "Mr. Brightside" by The Killers.

(I just realized last night that Eva said her first big inspiration for learning to write songs was Rilo Kiley, and both bands have former child actors in them.)

A couple of phone pics I snapped:

aw i love those photos

american bradass (BradNelson), Wednesday, 12 June 2019 17:28 (five years ago) link

two weeks pass...

Christgau's take:

He mostly likes it except (typically) wishes it was a bit more political and not so bougie.

o. nate, Sunday, 30 June 2019 02:41 (five years ago) link

one month passes...

hey so just to check in we now all agree that the new one fucking owns right? good

president of deluded fruitcakes anonymous (silby), Friday, 2 August 2019 16:16 (five years ago) link

Nah, still hate it.

Johnny Fever, Friday, 2 August 2019 16:17 (five years ago) link

what's the irish phrase? git tae fuck?

president of deluded fruitcakes anonymous (silby), Friday, 2 August 2019 16:17 (five years ago) link

I've made peace with the fact they don't owe me another album that hits me the way Guppy did, so y'all enjoy.

Johnny Fever, Friday, 2 August 2019 16:19 (five years ago) link

I'm a sucker for albums about bad relationships tbqh

president of deluded fruitcakes anonymous (silby), Friday, 2 August 2019 16:20 (five years ago) link

I can't fault them for changing things up a bit, because they're still exceedingly competent about it. It's just not my particular bag. otoh the other big disappointment I had this year (Marina's album) comes down entirely to the fact she's become incredibly timid in her musical expression and the result is devoid of personality and risk. Charly Bliss didn't get shy. They just got more polished.

Johnny Fever, Friday, 2 August 2019 16:25 (five years ago) link

Not a day goes by that "Capacity" isn't playing in my head at some point. And also usually "Camera."

"Under You" gets me right in the pit of my self-abnegating heart

president of deluded fruitcakes anonymous (silby), Friday, 2 August 2019 16:27 (five years ago) link

I'm pretty far removed from feeling relationship shit deeply at this point (I haven't so much as dated since 2012), so nothing about love and loss hooks me to the degree it might have in the past.

Johnny Fever, Friday, 2 August 2019 16:36 (five years ago) link

interesting -- not that the songs aren't about that but I wouldn't call charly bliss's core appeal their being about deep relationship shit

like, I’m eating an elephant head (katherine), Friday, 2 August 2019 16:55 (five years ago) link

You're right. Not saying they really go spelunking into the deep, but silby's apparently taking that away from listens to the album.

Johnny Fever, Friday, 2 August 2019 16:57 (five years ago) link

did I say deep?

president of deluded fruitcakes anonymous (silby), Friday, 2 August 2019 16:58 (five years ago) link

"pit of my self-abnegating heart" insinuated as much. Ignore me, though!

Johnny Fever, Friday, 2 August 2019 17:01 (five years ago) link

The whole of this exchange is very low stakes for me, and I'm really just basing all my objections on the synths lol

Johnny Fever, Friday, 2 August 2019 17:03 (five years ago) link

I mean I think it's high-impact, like cf. the two most romantic things I've seen in the movies lately are Max giving blood to Furiosa and the consensual mushroom poisoning in Phantom Thread if that gives you a sense of my brain I don't know if I think it's deep

president of deluded fruitcakes anonymous (silby), Friday, 2 August 2019 17:08 (five years ago) link

the synths are good they're like woomwoomwoom and then on other songs the guitars are like grangrangrang

president of deluded fruitcakes anonymous (silby), Friday, 2 August 2019 17:08 (five years ago) link

I normally don't post on ILM lol but something like one album per year totally wrecks me and this year it's this one so I wanna yell about it

president of deluded fruitcakes anonymous (silby), Friday, 2 August 2019 17:09 (five years ago) link

Go off! I'm glad people still have that energy. I don't anymore, even if I'm totally into something. I've only posted a couple times on the Meernaa thread, and that's my clear 2019 fave.

Johnny Fever, Friday, 2 August 2019 17:16 (five years ago) link

oh I meant, the core appeal seems to me like the hooks, where basically anything could be sung over them and it'd still be great; the lyrics are a bonus

like, I’m eating an elephant head (katherine), Friday, 2 August 2019 20:39 (five years ago) link

find it impossible to think of the lyrics as a "bonus" in an album like this but the world is full of different kinds of people and that's great

president of deluded fruitcakes anonymous (silby), Friday, 2 August 2019 20:57 (five years ago) link

at first i was indifferent, but this is a grower it seems

nostormo, Saturday, 3 August 2019 08:17 (five years ago) link

Saw 'em in Sydney a couple of weeks back, and they were great. Feel like the newer songs have more of a kick live with a higher tempo and less emphasis on the synths. They really just sounded more like Guppy songs, and for the better. Anyway, they had great energy and seemed like they were having lots of fun.

Mr. Brightside cover was cool.

triggercut, Saturday, 3 August 2019 09:23 (five years ago) link

I have to admit that I've warmed up to it (some more) in the last months. Now it's... fine.
But yes, as Johnny Fever said, they don't owe me a Guppy 2 and that's perfectly okay.
By now I'm just glad that this seems to be enjoyed by a lot of people.

fragglerock, Sunday, 4 August 2019 13:08 (five years ago) link

two months pass...

new ep!

american bradass (BradNelson), Wednesday, 30 October 2019 14:33 (four years ago) link

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