Cardiacs: Classic or Dud?

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I heard the above session which consisted of three songs from "On Land And In The Sea", so nothing to get too excited about. But there's always this:



everything, Thursday, 2 August 2007 20:50 (seventeen years ago) link

I met Tim Smith at the first Authority gig! I could only blab about how STG and Guns were two of my favouritest albums. Didn't have the courage to ask about new recordings. This news, however, is excellent! I may have to catch them before it's too late.

I'm honestly astounded by the lack of Cardiacs awareness on ILX. People, this. Is. As. Good. As. It. Gets.

Just got offed, Thursday, 2 August 2007 20:57 (seventeen years ago) link

I could only blab about how STG and Guns were two of my favouritest albums

Ha ha - Gotta wonder how many times he's had THAT conversation. If you've got a choice, try to see them in the biggest venue - they know how to rise to the occasion. The Astoria gig will be a sell-out for sure.

How are Authority?

everything, Thursday, 2 August 2007 21:11 (seventeen years ago) link

Authority were consistently blinding, with a couple of absolute stormers ('The Catalyst' and 'Southway' (I think that was the title). More straightforwardly 'rock' than TMB, their interplay (with two guitars, bass and drums) was mesmerising and at times near-unfathomable, but their riffs often deceptively simple and their grasp of dynamic build excellent. I await their debut album with great interest!

I also spoke with Kavus Torabi, and that conversation was far more profitable. We bonded over Battles' "Atlas" which happened to be playing over the PA (me: "This is my single of the year, brilliant, isn't it?" him: "Yeah, me too!") and discussed his band (and Cardiacs) for a brief while. (I lie when I say I only blabbed to TS, however; I also mentioned the bands we'd seen and agreed that they were superb.)

Shall I book an Astoria ticket soonish, then?

scourage, Thursday, 2 August 2007 21:18 (seventeen years ago) link

Whoops, wrong login!

scourage, Thursday, 2 August 2007 21:21 (seventeen years ago) link

That's better.

Just got offed, Thursday, 2 August 2007 21:22 (seventeen years ago) link

Shall I book an Astoria ticket soonish, then?

If two hours of intensity in the company of lots of portly weirdos sounds exciting then yes, get your ticket sooner than later. I haven't seen them in a long time but apparently it's become a tradition to have "friends and relations" popping up on stage to assist in the fabulous spectacle during these London gigs. Unfortunately I think the last time I saw them was in a wretched little pub in Edinburgh with only about 50 people in the audience. Not quite as stately as I would have liked.

everything, Thursday, 2 August 2007 21:56 (seventeen years ago) link

one month passes...


Just got offed, Saturday, 29 September 2007 19:51 (seventeen years ago) link

wondrous...I actually tuned into 6music for the first time ever last week just to hear that song's first play. tis the business.

however, not all in cardiacs land is pleasing me. I've moaned tediously to everybody in earshot about this, so I might as well moan about it here too:


m the g, Sunday, 30 September 2007 11:25 (seventeen years ago) link

Oops, that'll teach me to refresh before starting a new thread. Oh well.

Pheeel, Sunday, 30 September 2007 11:50 (seventeen years ago) link

I hope this doesn't get overlooked amongst the Radiohead hysteria.

Just got offed, Monday, 1 October 2007 09:41 (sixteen years ago) link

Sorry I'm arriving rather late to this party, intimate affair though it is. Thanks for linking to the song. This arrived just on time - much more waiting and I'd have given up hope on any new material ever materialising.

Dunno what else to say other than.. Welcome Back!

everything, Tuesday, 2 October 2007 17:56 (sixteen years ago) link

it is a magnificent clarion call, now we await the carnival

Just got offed, Tuesday, 2 October 2007 17:57 (sixteen years ago) link

Speaking of arriving late... Every time I see this thread I'm reminded, bitterly, of my regrettable forgetfulness -- I never remember wot's that one Cardiacs CD I've got is called, nor wot's the title of that Tim Smith solo thingy on the same shelf. Or when did I listen to them properly.

t**t, Tuesday, 2 October 2007 18:04 (sixteen years ago) link

It's going to be good, I have no doubt about that. Obviously the album will be a varied affair but judging from Ditzy Scene they are charging pell-mell into the storms of intensity that they've been getting into over the last few years. I mean, that double live CD from a couple of years back is the heaviest thing they've done EVER.

There's a Tim Smith solo album is call "Extra Special Oceanland World". Is that the one? 6/10 at best.

everything, Tuesday, 2 October 2007 18:05 (sixteen years ago) link

I'm so happy that the real, proper Cardiacs are finally releasing something. All these side projects/production jobs/guest things etc are so unsatisfying in comparison. Other than the Silver Ginger 5 album which was ace, they just leave you wishing there was a proper Cardiacs album coming. Now there is.

everything, Tuesday, 2 October 2007 18:09 (sixteen years ago) link

Why does ILM not go gaga for this band? Seriously? I blame ignorance. I beg of you, all who stumble upon this thread, at least say you've
heard some.

Just got offed, Tuesday, 2 October 2007 18:10 (sixteen years ago) link

Oh, and to continue the plugging, Cardiacs' #1 fan in the music biz is the main songwriter of this lot.

Just got offed, Tuesday, 2 October 2007 18:11 (sixteen years ago) link

*goes checks*

Um yeh, that's the solo T-Smith, yes.
And my Cardiacs is the 1995 Sampler on Alphabet...

t**t, Tuesday, 2 October 2007 18:11 (sixteen years ago) link

<i>There's a Tim Smith solo album is call "Extra Special Oceanland World". Is that the one? 6/10 at best.</i>

Ooh, I can't agree there. I think the Smith solo is grate. You've got jump-around power pop like "Rat Mice Lice Time", but also some of Tim's saddest, fragilest ditties like "Savour" and "Bug From Heaven". Plus an excellent homage to Duran Duran. What's not to love? The production is a bit wonky in places, but then it was recorded on an eight-track.

One thing I've never been able to determine when it was actually recorded. Mr Smith has claimed at various times that it was done either in a week in 1989, between 1989-90 or from 1989-95. I'm sure he does this on purpose.

Pheeel, Tuesday, 2 October 2007 21:39 (sixteen years ago) link

I should really go and listen to it again - it's been a while.

Any thoughts as to all the line-up changes they have had over the years. This current line-up with the choir and so on seems so different from before. Getting into Magma territory. I guess it's principally to boost the live experience - fabulous spectacle and all that.

My random thoughts:

A major change occured when Dominic Luckman was replaced by Bob Leith on the drums. Dominic played in this playful way and was very percussive while Bob is a rock drummer that can sometimes make me think of the likes of Neal Peart.

I really liked Christian Hayes as the extra guitarist. Although I'm not sure which songs on Heaven Born and Ever Bright he played on, the Mares Nest cd/video is friggin' awesome. Seems like he revitalised the band at the time.

I'm still not that comfortable with the pre-recorded keyboards at live gigs. It would be weird to see William D Drake back in the band, but why don't they just hire someone to play them? What's Rick Wakeman doing?

everything, Tuesday, 2 October 2007 22:29 (sixteen years ago) link

I think the argument was that if they hired another keyboard player they wouldn't be able to afford to keep them on during the band's lengthy periods of inactivity. But in the end that excuse doesn't really wash, as I'm sure there are plenty of people out there who'd be willing to do it just for the love of it. Sometimes I wish they would just bite the bullet and get a new guy in.

Pheeel, Tuesday, 2 October 2007 23:17 (sixteen years ago) link

two weeks pass...

Buds And Spawn is rapidly shooting up my Cardiacs top 10. What an astounding piece of music. Still some work to do before 'Dirty Boy' and 'Dog-Like Sparky' are displaced, mind.


Just got offed, Monday, 22 October 2007 00:05 (sixteen years ago) link

ya, buds and spawn and the safety bowl but then THE EVERSO CLOSELY GUARDED LINE
all one after another like that
it's just ridiculous
everyone should listen to cardiacs. but they're not for everyone. sometimes i wonder what the hell is wrong with me for liking such bizarre music, but then mostly i wonder what the hell is wrong with everyone else for not.

sleepingbag, Monday, 22 October 2007 01:07 (sixteen years ago) link

Dog Like Sparky is an amazing track, I've never grown tired of it. Why? Amazingly catchy and fun, but still interesting, and how's this for a reason. I like dogs!

trashthumb, Monday, 22 October 2007 01:11 (sixteen years ago) link

Hey, ILM Cardiacs peeps. Maybe you know this already, but a couple of new fancy-looking vids of the band rehersing for their forthcoming tour have been put onto Youtube for our viewing pleasure. And very wonderful they are too.

As Cold As Can Be In An English Sea
Jibber and Twitch

everything, Tuesday, 30 October 2007 19:44 (sixteen years ago) link

I did know that already, in fact! For all those that can't get down to the Astoria on the 16th, I'll have a drink for you... :D

Just got offed, Wednesday, 31 October 2007 00:21 (sixteen years ago) link

sometimes, every now and then, I wish I lived in the uk

Dominique, Wednesday, 31 October 2007 02:55 (sixteen years ago) link

i'm expecting their greatest hits in the mail any day now. anyone want to tell me what it's like?

kamerad, Wednesday, 31 October 2007 03:52 (sixteen years ago) link

"...they sound like a pit-head brass band attempting to play full-steam punk rock in a gale." - NME

sometimes, every now and then, I wish I lived in the uk
Yeah, me too. Still I'm stoked that at least L0uis is going to see them. He'll give us a full report I'm sure.

everything, Wednesday, 31 October 2007 16:48 (sixteen years ago) link

i'm expecting their greatest hits in the mail any day now. anyone want to tell me what it's like? -- kamerad

anyone called kamerad wanna tell what it's like? any day now? :)

t**t, Wednesday, 31 October 2007 17:25 (sixteen years ago) link

not nice, t**t

i'm all about the packaging. the back has four of the same mollusks ween used

kamerad, Friday, 2 November 2007 21:03 (sixteen years ago) link

After last night's astonishing show at Nottingham's Rescue Rooms, they have a new fan. (Well, actually they have three new fans; we were all completely blown away.) I asked the nice lady on the merch stall for a good place to start - and after prolonged rummaging, she selected On Land And In The Sea for me. They definitely played its closing track, the epic "The Everso Closely Guarded Line".

So, the keyboards are pre-recorded? We were wondering about that all night. I kept trying to spot a hidden keyboardist. It would have fitted with the overall mystique.

I have also never seen a more discplined mosh-pit! They knew when to start, they knew when to stop, they knew when to start again, they knew when to stand stock still with their arms raised. I mean, this stuff is TRICKY. I like trying to work out complex time signatures, and I got nowhere...

I am more than a little stunned that it has taken me 30 years to stumble across this lot, but I'm glad I got there in the end. (And how come that the songs which they wrote when they were 16 - of which they played three or four - are the most complicated of the lot?)

For all who are attending tonight's Astoria show, all I can say is: you lucky, LUCKY people.

mike t-diva, Friday, 16 November 2007 12:01 (sixteen years ago) link

*feels lucky*

I've never been more psyched for a show, and I may not ever be. Glad you enjoyed them. Like I say, they're popular music's best-kept secret, and if everyone on ILM had heard or seen them I think they'd be absolutely canonical here. I see sentences such as "I am more than a little stunned that it has taken me 30 years to stumble across this lot" and I nod, knowingly.

OLAITS is a good starting-off point, but take my word for it: although the actual music may get less 'weird' and digressive the later you go, the songs, the level of beauty, the compositional complexity, all improve IMO. OLAITS has a few stunners; "Buds And Spawn" is still one of the best things they've ever done (with TECGL not far behind), but if you love this band, PLEASE get hold of "Sing To God" and "Guns". They will knock you flat.

Anyone else here going to the Astoria? Thought not. :(

Just got offed, Friday, 16 November 2007 12:27 (sixteen years ago) link

if everyone on ILM had heard or seen them I think they'd be absolutely canonical here

Drop it Louis, we've heard them, we don't like them, get over it

Tom D., Friday, 16 November 2007 12:28 (sixteen years ago) link

You're all WRONG then! I like to think I'm tolerant of other people's musical opinions, but NOT THIS! Besides, I think you're winding me up. What Cardiacs have you heard?

Just got offed, Friday, 16 November 2007 12:35 (sixteen years ago) link

That "As Cold As Can Be In An English Sea" number is pretty great & rocking! W/o wanting to come over all muso, it's a rare pleasure to see a band that can play for shit.

(x-post, I'm sure Tom has heard plenty of cardiacs in his time? He's an oldfart like me!)

Pashmina, Friday, 16 November 2007 12:37 (sixteen years ago) link

Listen, I used to have a friend who was always trying to get me in to them until I had to say, "Don't you get it, I DON'T LIKE THEM!!!!"

Tom D., Friday, 16 November 2007 12:37 (sixteen years ago) link

To explain myself, the reason I read this thread is because Dr C's "Repulsively dud. Idiotic prog-wacky for the lower sixth." comment amused me so much

Tom D., Friday, 16 November 2007 12:41 (sixteen years ago) link

...but it's one of the most flat-out misguided, incorrect, prejudiced comments on all of ILM! I guess you're right in that it's the sort of comment you'll remember. I certainly do.

Just got offed, Friday, 16 November 2007 12:46 (sixteen years ago) link

i think it's a hilarious comment and i love the cardiacs. although for me they went off the boil from 'heaven born...' onwards

braveclub, Friday, 16 November 2007 12:49 (sixteen years ago) link

I'm still a bit stunned that they were able to play such trashy, full-tilt, rhythmically complex music while still keeping perfect synch with a backing tape.

If I were being bitchy (but oh-so-affectionately so), I'd say the front row resembled, from right to left: Uncle Fester on an Orange Lodge march, Michael Douglas in Falling Down, and Simon Amstell through a distorted lens. Behind them, the two backing singers stayed motionless and expressionless throughout, in matching floral pinnies, occasionally getting up to bash the raised drums that were positioned on either side of the drum kit.

There was a nice little coup de theatre at the end involving miniature glowsticks.

mike t-diva, Friday, 16 November 2007 12:57 (sixteen years ago) link

When you say the front row, do you mean the band or the audience?

Tom D., Friday, 16 November 2007 12:58 (sixteen years ago) link

You can have that one, Tom. :D

Just got offed, Friday, 16 November 2007 13:01 (sixteen years ago) link

OK, I just realised it's Dr. C's birthday. Sorry Dr.C! I guess we can't all have the same tastes! Just that I'm seeing this band for the first time ever tonight and I'm bouncing around the room in anticipation!

Just got offed, Friday, 16 November 2007 13:04 (sixteen years ago) link

xpost: Oh, you've never seen such a... mature moshpit.

mike t-diva, Friday, 16 November 2007 13:07 (sixteen years ago) link

Oh, their Oxford show was ace. Slightly disappointed that the Gasman was not actually live onstage, but had recorded a set in advance to go out over the PA; not disappointed at him personally, as he said it's a painstaking process and his gear is too temperamental, which is fair enough, and I guess it might have been a bit of a bad match for some of the more hairy metal-looking members of the audience, but this exclusive new Gasman wheezed quietly away unannounced between bands when obviously everyone just wanted to talk loudly and buy shirts and go to the bar. And the Whores were... not my thing, at all.

But Cardiacs themselves - awesome. Fiery Gun Hand! To Go Off And Things! Oh my eyes it's an epic Dirty Boy and they really do hold that note (tag-teamed I guess)!

Uh, yeah. Good night out. And nice to see Kavus effortlessly gliding through all these insane high-speed stop-start bits and bugging his eyes at the daft lyrics, seeing as I miss the Monsoon Bassoon something fierce.

PS I think "repulsive idiot prog-wacky for the lower sixth" is pretty much correct and I love them. Though it took me a while - when I was actually a little above lower sixth age a friend enthused about them at length and lent me many of their albums, to which my reaction was mostly "??". Three years later I got one of the tracks in my head and had to hear it again, bought the sampler, and ended up buying as much as I could get my hands on. (Which wasn't that much, as half of it was out of print, but some of those were for sale at the gig so I guess it isn't now? I couldn't buy any or I'd have missed my taxi.)

a passing spacecadet, Friday, 16 November 2007 13:11 (sixteen years ago) link

Oh my eyes it's an epic Dirty Boy and they really do hold that note (tag-teamed I guess)!

Ah, I was down the front and watching them like a hawk during that one. Yes, tag-teamed - but the pauses for breath were v.short and subtly done.

mike t-diva, Friday, 16 November 2007 13:54 (sixteen years ago) link

Who are the Cardiacs? They sound good!

Dr.C, Friday, 16 November 2007 14:07 (sixteen years ago) link


Just got offed, Friday, 16 November 2007 14:13 (sixteen years ago) link

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