Over the past few years (as Oneida has kind of fizzled out) I've come to think these guys are about the best thing going. Hit me in all the Krauty sweet spots, anyway. Saw them live this June and they blew the roof off. New album due in January. Anyone else loving them? And more to the point: was the show where they covered Bowie's Low bootlegged? Cause I want to hear it something fierce.
― hardcore dilettante, Saturday, 6 December 2014 12:31 (ten years ago) link
haven't seen that anywhere, but there just so happens to be a new song from the next album recently floating around ~
― reggie (qualmsley), Saturday, 6 December 2014 15:31 (ten years ago) link
Era is probably my favorite album of the last couple of years. I've been keeping an eye out for a bootleg of the Bowie Low show. Hopefully the band releases it in some form or another... ie. tour merch, download etc. I haven't even found any video footage on youtube. Anyway, looking forward to the new one and tour.
― falconerone, Saturday, 6 December 2014 19:11 (ten years ago) link
"Halcyon Days" is great, thanks! I've been jamming this one in my ear-holes over the past few days, also forthcoming on Irreal: http://billions.com/news/news/video-disappears-another-thought
― hardcore dilettante, Sunday, 7 December 2014 02:37 (ten years ago) link
Incredibly inconsistent band - you broke up The Ponys for this? There's plenty to like though, and I was pretty jazzed when Steve Shelley played drums for them, save the actual record he played on. First one's still the best, and I can't get into the singing on any of the records that followed.
― BlackIronPrison, Sunday, 7 December 2014 03:10 (ten years ago) link
Saw them with Steve Shelley, haven't really been into anything on record since. All the aesthetics are there, it's just never really gelled for me on record. Modern acts that scratch my Kraut-spot a bit more are Follakzoid (via Sacred Bones) and Camera (on Bureau B). Some of the recent Kreidler stuff as well.
Also, you should cop the Oneida Brah Tapes (4 of 'em released this year) if ya think they've fizzled out. Their show this Summer was the best set I saw this yr.
― dronestreet, Sunday, 7 December 2014 04:21 (ten years ago) link
Any idea where you can get those Oneida tapes?
― Position Position, Sunday, 7 December 2014 12:37 (ten years ago) link
Hey hey - take Oneida talk outside: Oneida -- You'e having a laugh
― hardcore dilettante, Sunday, 7 December 2014 12:59 (ten years ago) link
Sorry for derailing :) I like this new track quite a bit...probably more than anything else I've heard on record by them. Will definitely peep the full-length when it comes out.
― dronestreet, Sunday, 7 December 2014 17:41 (ten years ago) link
New tracks are great, really excited for the record.
― bunny slopes, Sunday, 7 December 2014 22:02 (ten years ago) link
"We recorded [Low] in audio and video and have plans to release it."
― hardcore dilettante, Wednesday, 21 January 2015 15:33 (nine years ago) link
such a great band
― groovemaaan, Saturday, 15 July 2017 18:02 (seven years ago) link
they are facs https://wearefacs.bandcamp.com/track/houses-breathing-demo
― scoff walker (diamonddave85), Monday, 6 November 2017 02:25 (seven years ago) link
disappears never recorded an album nearly as good as their live show
― scoff walker (diamonddave85), Monday, 6 November 2017 02:26 (seven years ago) link
True, but those first 4 are still pretty great.
― bumbling my way toward the light or wahtever (hardcore dilettante), Monday, 6 November 2017 23:10 (seven years ago) link
This FACS album is pretty good - reminds me of P.I.L. and This Heat etc
― StanM, Tuesday, 2 October 2018 19:40 (six years ago) link
just saw their first European show - it was great and I already liked them before they started because of the Wipers mixtape the sound guy played before the show
― StanM, Thursday, 8 November 2018 22:00 (six years ago) link
nice, i didn't even know they had morphed into FACS. i enjoy the albums of Disappears and this FACS one is very much of the same ilk, but they are a band that needs to be heard at intense volumes.
― Karl Malone, Friday, 9 November 2018 00:15 (six years ago) link
Disappears + Steve Shelley + White/Light Bandcamp exclusive
― felldownawell, Tuesday, 21 April 2020 20:28 (four years ago) link
I saw that! So stoked to check it out, I loved the all too brief Steve Shelley lineup.
― soaring skrrrtpeggios (jon /via/ chi 2.0), Tuesday, 21 April 2020 20:53 (four years ago) link
― The little engine that choogled (hardcore dilettante), Wednesday, 22 April 2020 01:07 (four years ago) link