i know it's late in the year for a rolling thread but i didn't want to wait til 2021 to share some of the greatest new age/adjacent shit that's been healing and calming my ass these past 7 months
1. Lucy Gooch - Rushing EP (sadly gone from Bandcamp now)2. Agnes Obel - Myopia3. Ellen Fulman - In The Sea (reissued this year, obviously still kickin' it)4. Henry Birdsey - Catacomb Relay (one long track of amplified double bass. an ear massage)5. Leo Takami - Felis Catus & Silence (some TRUE new age music from Unseen Worlds, like classic guitar-driven-new-age era Windham Hill, instant classic)6. Julianna Barwick - Healing is a Miracle (obv)
y'all into this or no
― here 1st (roxymuzak), Monday, 3 August 2020 21:10 (four years ago) link
Well yes. (My Steve Roach fascination remains absolutely key.)
― Ned Raggett, Monday, 3 August 2020 21:20 (four years ago) link
(raises a hand from a lion-carved armrest) please continue
― lukas, Monday, 3 August 2020 21:21 (four years ago) link
give a listen yallhttps://unseenworlds.bandcamp.com/album/felis-catus-and-silence
(great cover too)
― here 1st (roxymuzak), Monday, 3 August 2020 21:28 (four years ago) link
roxy, i just started at the top of your list, as i'm not familiar with any of these folks and the lucy gooch thing is very nice. kind of reminiscent of julia holter's floatiest moments. terrific stuff. gonna keep going with your list here.
― Totally different head. Totally. (Austin), Monday, 3 August 2020 21:39 (four years ago) link
I'm remedial, this is my first time with the Julianna Barwick
― lukas, Monday, 3 August 2020 21:40 (four years ago) link
Don't forget Robert Rich!
It's a name your price digital release, to boot.
― pomenitul, Monday, 3 August 2020 21:42 (four years ago) link
oooh this Leo Takami is very nice... I've been listening to the new Robert Rich (and the previous one, Tactile Ground) plus the latest O Yuki Conjugate (Sleepwalker) is very strong. they're less on the new age side though
― avellano medio inglés (f. hazel), Monday, 3 August 2020 21:52 (four years ago) link
roxy if you are not aware you might love this shop:
They even have that Takami LP as their most recent "Music of the Month" highlight:
― Evan, Monday, 3 August 2020 21:57 (four years ago) link
so, continuing with your list roxy. . .
checked out the leo takami and it was okay. i'm listening to these as i'm working, so maybe it requires more attention, but it didn't really jump out at me.
just finished listening to agnes obel and it was good — especially that last track, wow!
gonna take a break on these for a bit, but will definitely be popping in here.
― Totally different head. Totally. (Austin), Monday, 3 August 2020 23:25 (four years ago) link
Ellen Fulman hitting, absolutely obliterating, the spot
― lukas, Tuesday, 4 August 2020 21:46 (four years ago) link
more of possible relevance over here: Rolling ambient/chill out/drone/moodz thread: from 2010s 'til infinity!
― mookieproof, Wednesday, 5 August 2020 00:16 (four years ago) link
this Leo Takami album is sounding wonderful right now. im all about this shit in these days of isolation. thank you
― gman59, Wednesday, 5 August 2020 01:26 (four years ago) link
man, I was scheduled to visit Tokyo in early March and had messaged Takami and he messaged back and told me about a show he was gonna do in a little bar there and I was pretty pumped about it and then the 'rona came along and fucked the whole thing up and I honestly am not sure if I'll ever get to go to Japan now :(
― alpine static, Wednesday, 5 August 2020 04:38 (four years ago) link
The only Wyndham Hill I own is George Winston 'December' which makes me a casual, doesn't it
― Thicc Nhat Wanh (rip van wanko), Wednesday, 5 August 2020 04:47 (four years ago) link
This sounds really lovely: https://dylanhenner.bandcamp.com/album/the-invention-of-the-human
― change display name (Jordan), Wednesday, 5 August 2020 20:24 (four years ago) link
A Harold Bloom quote is a most contentious starting point for a soothing ambient release.
― pomenitul, Wednesday, 5 August 2020 20:26 (four years ago) link
― lukas, Wednesday, 5 August 2020 22:38 (four years ago) link
Leonardo Da Vinci on ambient music and durational music. pic.twitter.com/DMd1ebHTFe— Drew Gardner (@chompaway) August 6, 2020
― mookieproof, Thursday, 6 August 2020 13:41 (four years ago) link
came here to rep Christina Vantzu's Multi Natural - it's not available on bandcamp in its entirety, but is on spotify
― here 1st (roxymuzak), Saturday, 24 October 2020 21:44 (four years ago) link