Like, 6 different people wanted this thread, but everyone is far too ashamed and embarrassed to actually start it.
Let's break down all the boundaries, lose our sense of shame and enter the eschaton!
― cheeky boshing shamanic art-prankster (Branwell with an N), Saturday, 15 August 2020 05:42 (four years ago) link
I'll go first: I really loved Banco de Gaia!
I have no idea if their music stands up now that I don't take drugs any more, but I should really find out.
― cheeky boshing shamanic art-prankster (Branwell with an N), Saturday, 15 August 2020 05:43 (four years ago) link
unfortunately i never made it to a Megadog event, something i have always regretted.that said, there was a similar Ambient/Dub/Crusty thing in leeds in a small bar round the back of the Corn Exchange on Sundays, and i once dragged my wife (who was not into the scene at all) to see Full Moon Scientist who were a 2nd rate Orb crew, and very enjoyable.and from what i can tell, FMS are still a thing, releasing stuff on bandcamp.
oh, and on a trip to NYC in 96 i ventured into a record shop, and this was the only thing i picked up :
― mark e, Saturday, 15 August 2020 09:05 (four years ago) link
I'm not good at genres which is why I always end up with the wrong thing in Greggs.
Bay Area boulangerie from Off and Gone, both tracks from same record. No idea if fits the premise!
― saer, Saturday, 15 August 2020 09:28 (four years ago) link
Oh, wrong country, this always happens!
― saer, Saturday, 15 August 2020 09:29 (four years ago) link
Banco De Gaia links in to a couple of other zones. The Ambient Dub compilations, especially the first one which was huge for me. I'm also not sure how that all stands up, but some of it seemed pretty weird and psychedelic. 21st Century Aura - Disorientation, Mimoid - Strawberry. When I first heard it it seemed rich in possibilities.
I think Beyond records had or were associated with a club night called Oscillate in Birmingam which would also put on live electronic acts. Was that run by the Higher Intelligence Agency people?
I'd say this scene was slightly less hippy than the dogs on balance.
Banco De Gaia was also a regular spin and occasional live act at the mother of all hippy raves though, Whirl-Y-Gig. Whirl-y-gig started in the early 80s I think and originated out of some human potential hippy psychology scene.
By the early 90s it had taken up residence in the old Shoreditch Town Hall building and ran weekly on Saturday nights from around 8pm until midnight? That seems crazy, let's just say you would be looking for something to do afterwards. Every surface of the large old building would be covered in ethnic fabrics, moving lights and of course parachutes. Huge amounts of incense would be on the go naturally. As it's a town hall there is a large foyer as you come in and then huge staircases either side leading to the 1st floor which was the stage and large dancefloor. No alcohol was served, only a juice and energy drink bar although you could BYOB. Because of this it was all ages and people would bring kids of all ages. At the start of the night they'd be running around playing with these giant balloons. I mean, it was kind of beautiful. If we're talking utopian... One thing I noticed is you'd encounter the spawn of the very well to do 'slumming' it in there. But not only, there were us scumbags as well.
Although the night started at 8pm or so the que to get in was a thing in itself. Shoreditch was otherwise quite a wasteland at the time so there wouldn't be many people on the street except for this circus, jugglers and fire stick spinners included, trailing up the road and 'getting ready' for the next few hours.
― to go hoff and things (Noel Emits), Saturday, 15 August 2020 12:00 (four years ago) link
I was going to post to ask if anyone remembered Whirl-Y-Gig so many thanks for that. I had heard tales from older hippie-ish friends who went but it's all a bit hazy now. Hard to imagine now this took place in Shoreditch Town Hall.
― stirmonster, Saturday, 15 August 2020 12:04 (four years ago) link
I went to Megadog a couple of times, around 93 I reckon. PWOG were playing. It was far less crusty than one might imagine. I thought Megadog was long gone but a couple of years ago they investigated doing events in Glasgow but must have come to the conclusion there would be little demand, which is almost certainly correct.
Oscillate in Birmingam was run by HIA. Definitely less hippy / crusty. There was a Glasgow equivalent to Oscillate called Sonora and indeed the HIA / Oscillate crew came up to Glasgow to collaborate on an event.
― stirmonster, Saturday, 15 August 2020 12:08 (four years ago) link
Club Dog was not cool in that it was literally set up to not be about cool. But it's funny that it's supposed to be embarrassing because that's where you could see LFO, Underworld, Orbital, The Black Dog, Mike Paradinas (can't find the mu symbol) (actually I saw them play when they were a duo at a Club Dog in the George Robey),l and the mighty PWOG of course, bands that are mostly well regarded around here anyway, for not much money, and dance (or whatever) all night in a very free environment, you neve felt anyone judging how you dressed or looked or how you were dancing, and hardly any heavy handed security presence at the London's ones. What's not to like.
― to go hoff and things (Noel Emits), Saturday, 15 August 2020 12:33 (four years ago) link
Admittedly the merits of MC Teabag's schtick could divide opinion.
― to go hoff and things (Noel Emits), Saturday, 15 August 2020 12:37 (four years ago) link
It's funny, I was just looking up tracks by Transglobal Underground, and the first comment was Who first heard this at the Whirl-y-Gig, Shoerditch?
It's weird for me to listen to things like Banco de Gaia now, without thinking about Empire, and the dreaded A-word (appropriation). At the time, it didn't feel like there was a clear delinneation between 'white british hippies who had been to Goa and viewed the ~entirety of 'World' music~ as their personal sample bank', and 'second generation British immigrants who were having fun with their parents Bhangra tunes' - that Banco de Gaia was maybe the former, and Asian Dub Foundation was probably the latter, but Transglobal Underground was a giddy and glorious mixture of both groups of people trying to achieve something very utopian.
There seems something very innocent about hippies use of 'ethnic' fabrics and textures, but at the same time that these sounds and textures were coming into Britain *because* of Empire - that rejection of or embracing of dub music, bhangra, samples of Nigerian guitars or Soweto singing groups was (or was not) an expression about one's feelings about *people* from Britain's Empire arriving in Britain? (Though it's perfectly possible for people to accept the music and sounds, and reject the people; one can enjoy white musicians making dub records, and still express displeasure towards having actual Afro-Caribbean neighbours. See also Kula Shaker)
(Is this where I talk about how Bill Drummond, although he's been claimed by the Scots, was actually born in the same tiny village in the Transkei that my parents are from? Bizarre place, at the time it was literally 600 Scottish people in the middle of the South African veldt. Empire is woven through the whole of contemporary British music.)
Anyway, sorry. This is a derail of the Last Train To Lhasa.
― cheeky boshing shamanic art-prankster (Branwell with an N), Saturday, 15 August 2020 13:35 (four years ago) link
I may possibly have danced on stage with trans global underground in a railway arch in Sheffield, possibly wearing a boiler suit and white gloves from Cole brothers.
― American Fear of Scampos (Ed), Saturday, 15 August 2020 13:43 (four years ago) link
Having been to Anjuna it's very apparent that this vibe is still going strong in a lot of places, it's a very strange experience being in the sea in the late afternoon and hearing the psytrance go on at 6pm on the dot, from nothing to 160bpm without any warmup at all. There was one old guy who looked exactly how you expected him to look who was *one on* on the rocks at the end of the beach and just going for it while everyone else hadn't even packed up from their afternoon.
You can still get away with this in parts of the West Country as well, the kind of small festivals that are advertised inside the toilet doors at Glastonbury, there's one guy called 'DJ Cous Cous' who appears omnipresent at these things and whose music has been an object of horrified fascination to me ever since I first noticed his name. It goes without saying I've never heard it.
The idea of anything like this happening in a city centre is almost unimaginable now, I doubt you could even pull it off in Bristol or Brighton.
― Matt DC, Saturday, 15 August 2020 13:46 (four years ago) link
Never been to Goa. In 1993, the closest I could get was taking the bus to Jackson Heights to go shopping at Indian grocery stores, which were the only place in New York City that sold traditional Britisher foods like Birds Eye Custard and Bisto and Crunchie Bars at a reasonable price. Would always embarrass my housemate by asking what the music they were playing was, usually some amazing combination of Bollywood and Bosh, and the guy at the counter would be bemused, but direct me to buy "Now That's What I Call Desi Pop" for a fiver.
I wish I still had those tapes, because my feeling these days is that they were probably way better than anything Planet Dog actually put out. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
― cheeky boshing shamanic art-prankster (Branwell with an N), Saturday, 15 August 2020 14:08 (four years ago) link
Anyway, someone should tell me where to start with Shpongle!
― cheeky boshing shamanic art-prankster (Branwell with an N), Saturday, 15 August 2020 14:10 (four years ago) link
I think it must be an obvious suggestion but if you've never heard Divine Moments Of Truth that's got to be fun the first time. Tempo and time changes, even complete style shifts (spoilers sorry) are still unusual in dance music. They even refine these tricks on the later albums I think but this was inspired.
― to go hoff and things (Noel Emits), Saturday, 15 August 2020 14:32 (four years ago) link
Might be better to find the remastered album on Bandcamp for a little more impact.
― to go hoff and things (Noel Emits), Saturday, 15 August 2020 14:39 (four years ago) link
Well, it was new to me! And yes, very cool rhythm changes and shifts. The vocoder voice kind of annoyed me, and I did find myself wishing for Mr. C to come in and inject some levity, but I would happily listen to some more.
― cheeky boshing shamanic art-prankster (Branwell with an N), Saturday, 15 August 2020 14:49 (four years ago) link
this whole area is a mystery ground to me as a USian, i'm _familiar_ with this music but my fundamental non-britishness means that there's a whole lot of stuff going on that i don't process in the same way
the post on the other thread about programming music was interesting to me because mostly i encountered this stuff through the demoscene. i don't really know how these things intersect and what is relevant to this thread. you've got Jesus on E's and then you've got Ozric Tentacles and then you've got Boards of Canada and none of it seems to be _precisely_ what this thread is about but they all seem adjacent to this stuff somehow in my mind? does Opus III fit in here? does Ultramarine? The Grid?
― Kate (rushomancy), Saturday, 15 August 2020 15:26 (four years ago) link
Ozric Tentacles spawned Eat Static so they are most definitely related.
Thematically or stylistically maybe key things are the 'tribal', 'ethnic', psychedelic / ethno-botanical. I understand it partly in terms of scene distinctions, where things come from but there are probably better ways to delineate this.
Ultramarine are great but aren't they mainly doing a very English folkiness? Bon Jovi samples notwithstanding. Boards of Canada might use the odd tabla and Native American reference but for the most part they aren't borrowing other ethnic flavours, I don't think. Their hippiness is more about weird apocalyptic cults. Which is nice.
Mainly those bands are more self consciously tasetful perhaps.
― to go hoff and things (Noel Emits), Saturday, 15 August 2020 16:53 (four years ago) link
I don't know, maybe bucolic Britishness + electronics is part of this continuum. There is stuff like Another Fine Day which is very bucolic even though he's from Brixton I think.
― to go hoff and things (Noel Emits), Saturday, 15 August 2020 16:57 (four years ago) link
Great thread!
― Maresn3st, Saturday, 15 August 2020 16:57 (four years ago) link
would i be right in thinking that spiral tribe would be the big smelly cheeses in the whole 90s crusty rave scene? feel like the ambient dub end of things is definitely sneaking back into hipness (definitely hearing more stuff of that ilk vibe played on nts shows) but the more in yer face techno / gabber stuff is still banished to the far end of a layby somewhere outside of melksham, at least as far as the uk is concerned
― Defund the indefensible (NickB), Saturday, 15 August 2020 17:30 (four years ago) link
x-posts now
That's kind of what I'm trying to work out, through starting the thread - because it's not a genre, per se, it's more like a vibe? (So it's not a category, it's pattern matching.)
So I'd say, like Ozric Tentacles definitely contributed to the shape and form of the vibe (as did Steve Hillage and System 7) even though they're not actually in the pattern itself.
I think of the bands Kate mentions, The Grid is closest - they have the cyber-utopian-techno element, the psychedelic element, the dub element, and definitely have the 'unafraid to be cheese' and 'anti-cool' vibe. (LOL, I just went to play Swamp Thing, and the advert in front boasted "real cheese production" and I was like, yup.) But I'm not sure they have the ~Kai's Power Tools Fractal Explorer~ visuals thing down.
I have just spent an unreasonable watching Shamen videos, and it's so weird how somewhere between the first iteration of Pro-Gen, where they are kinda nerdy, dressed in a super-similar B-boy style to Jesus Jones and EMF (and dressed that way, I could definitely hear that the bleep-bleep bloop-bloop riff was very sonically similar to EMF's Unbelievable, even though I'd never put them in the same category!) but by the second video for Pro-Gen, now definitely Move Any Mountain, they are... recognisably The Shamen in look as well as sound, they are wearing rubbery Cyberdog gear, they are on a ~desert island~ being all tribal, and Mr C is inexplicably dressed as... a tarot card?
That it's the style as much as the sound.
(Also, help me, I am developing a strange crush on Colin Angus, please make this stop.)
― cheeky boshing shamanic art-prankster (Branwell with an N), Saturday, 15 August 2020 17:32 (four years ago) link
does this stuff have to be british?documented below, new stuff in this vein fromas far afield as canada and australia
the melbourne → vancouver connection
i will readily admit american hippie rave breaks stuff has a somewhat different flavor, despite some affinities as evinced by baggy_green_alien_wearing_jnco_smoking_blunt.gif
― the late great, Saturday, 15 August 2020 17:38 (four years ago) link
Also, I just realised I had never knowingly listened to Spiral Tribe and so I'm remedying this on YouTube, and this is the most ~in the zone~ thing I've ever heard.
― cheeky boshing shamanic art-prankster (Branwell with an N), Saturday, 15 August 2020 17:39 (four years ago) link
So it's not a category, it's pattern matching.I realised trying to enumerate characteristics wasn't really helping. How can you define genre when there are no boundaries man. It requires a heuristic approach.
― to go hoff and things (Noel Emits), Saturday, 15 August 2020 17:41 (four years ago) link
agree re grid.i only have rollercoaster cd ep and 456, and have been on lookout for more via my weekly charity haunts forever.would love more.and despite the fact that they became their own thing, i would suggest that Orbital grew up through the hippie/crusty/ambi-techno scene.also, as per mentioned re the west country festival thing earlier - isn't the very successful Boomtown festival directly linked to this era, but now with a more sassy modern commercial edge ?
(its the one festival i would love to go to, but i fear i would be the only grey haired person there ... )
― mark e, Saturday, 15 August 2020 17:43 (four years ago) link
Also, I think it is fairly inherently British, because as up above, it's about Britain's relationship to / devouring the ends of its Empire. That it contains both intense Britishness, and also ~eating The Other~ as represented by 'tribal' and 'ethno' and 'dub' elements, at the same time. It is about Britain's relationship to the colonised, and the sounds brought into Britain by colonised subjects from the Caribbean, from Bangladesh, from Nigeria and South Africa and the bits of the Middle East that we ate up. Canada and Australia might have closer relationships to that Empire and so be able to capture the vibe, but although Americans can ape the sound, the fundamental vibe is missing.
― cheeky boshing shamanic art-prankster (Branwell with an N), Saturday, 15 August 2020 17:47 (four years ago) link
There are definitely artists that came out of this scene (Orbital, early Prodigy, Aphex Twin called one of his earliest singles Digeridoo, FFS) but do not match the pattern well enough to be part of it.
― cheeky boshing shamanic art-prankster (Branwell with an N), Saturday, 15 August 2020 17:50 (four years ago) link
was the GBOA spin off crusty dance thing (PFX ?) worthy ? i used to see the cd in bins in leeds and never got it.of course, i regret it now.
― mark e, Saturday, 15 August 2020 18:44 (four years ago) link
the ambient dub end of things is definitely sneaking back into hipness (definitely hearing more stuff of that ilk vibe played on nts shows)
I haven't listened to NTS for a while but this producer / porducers is involved in a show and this sort of thing seems to be referencing doggy type techno. It's quite PWOG now I listen to it again. I think this particular track is also referencing Teste - The Wipe (5am Synaptic), but you could very well have heard that at a Megadog. It seems relevant here to me anyway.
― to go hoff and things (Noel Emits), Saturday, 15 August 2020 18:54 (four years ago) link
― to go hoff and things (Noel Emits)
i think the main thing for me as an american is that i read britishness as "ethnic"! putting robert wyatt on a record comes across to me in about the same way putting a didgeridoo on a record does. it's that whole bit where robyn hitchcock sings "i often dream of trains" and basingstoke seems hopelessly exotic to me. and then on the flip side slapp happy sing about hoboken (and pronounce it wrong) and hoboken is to me decidedly _un_exotic.
― Kate (rushomancy), Saturday, 15 August 2020 18:56 (four years ago) link
Branwell's point about Empire is excellent and very helpful but then this kind of thing is also very much crusty bobbins but only post-colonial stylistically as far as I can tell in the sense that, according to an anateur musicologist of my acquaintance, the 4/4 beat comes from Africa.
― to go hoff and things (Noel Emits), Saturday, 15 August 2020 19:05 (four years ago) link
And Acid House is African American music, I know.
― to go hoff and things (Noel Emits), Saturday, 15 August 2020 19:08 (four years ago) link
i know this is at the shamen/pop end of the scene, but i still think it fits.boy band vs scene styled remixes were totally a thing.
― mark e, Saturday, 15 August 2020 20:11 (four years ago) link
Interviewed Mr. Banco de etc a couple of years back.
― Ned Raggett, Saturday, 15 August 2020 20:23 (four years ago) link
I think this thread is covering a few different strands of dance music that evolved through different and distinct phases from the end of the 80s to the end of the 90s.
One side of it comes from the crossover between the 80s free festival circuit and the rave scene at the end of the 80s. That's where Club Dog came from, along with soundsystems like Spiral Tribe and other less remembered ones like Tribal Energy (it was accidentally finding myself at a Tribal Energy party that was my first road-to-Nazareth rave experience). That's the scene where crusty festival bands had dance spin offs like Ozric Tentacles -> Eat Static and Magic Mushroom Band -> Astralasia. Hippies on E.
Separately in Goa was a different hippies on E scene. Anyone with the vaguest interest should listen to Dave Mothersole's Roots of Trance mix which is still around on the internet somewhere and is completely awesome.
The UK ambient/techno/trance scene crystalized around '92 and exploded by '93. The music was wildly varied at the time from Ultramarine's folky side to PWOG's industrial background to Orbital's M25 party background. Megadogs and similar ('The Pongmaster's Ball') had awesome lineups. I saw PWOG, Aphex Twin, Orbital and Underworld all on the same lineup. DJs in between might play Frankfurt trance or acid or techno or progressive house (that'd be the early Guerilla Records style prog house). There was Megatripolis initially at the Marquee Club on Charing Cross Road and then at Heaven under Charing Cross Station. The main dancefloor was pounding trance while upstairs was a hippie playground, all Banco De Gaia soundtracked meditation sessions and cyber visuals.
It was 94 that the Goa trance sound hit the UK scene and started to take over from 95. While it was a rush at first, it became very formulaic and the variety of that early scene disappeared. Underworld and Orbital became massive and stopped playing PAs at clubs. It soon turned into the psytrance scene, which remains exactly the same to this day. Spongle formed in '96 and were totally part of the pstrance scene. By then I'd moved on from the scene and immersed myself in techno.
― Spandex, Saturday, 15 August 2020 20:45 (four years ago) link
that roots of trance mix you mention is awesome!! I lost it somewhere ;_;
― brimstead, Saturday, 15 August 2020 20:48 (four years ago) link
hd crash
― brimstead, Saturday, 15 August 2020 20:49 (four years ago) link
Is it this one Brimstead?
― I am using your worlds, Saturday, 15 August 2020 21:23 (four years ago) link
That's it :)
― Spandex, Saturday, 15 August 2020 21:30 (four years ago) link
Thank you, Spandex, that's a really informative post providing a great deal of very relevant context.
I think you've got to the nub of the problem that we are having, articulating what we're talking about - that this was music that was clustered around certain *scenes*, that it was intended for certain activities (festivals, raves, dancefloors, chill-out rooms) and the binding commonality was "music that was played in these spaces" where the space and the people in it and the activities that took place in the space (which drugs, what kind of dancing) that defined the commonality, rather than any musical stylings.
So the commonality is going to be more clear to "people who went to those clubs in London / Glasgow / wherever" than it is going to be to anyone who was either trying to follow along at home, or to someone coming to the music as an archaeological artefact. (Which is how I tend to come to music.)
― cheeky boshing shamanic art-prankster (Branwell with an N), Sunday, 16 August 2020 06:34 (four years ago) link
I watched a 1 1/2 hr film about Whirl-y-gig from around 1995 last night that I had no idea existed. Lovely to see.
There's hardly any video documentation around of things I got up to or went to in the 90s and all of a sudden there's a whole film, although this was just a little after I'd stopped going so regularly.
― the mancuso of munt (Noel Emits), Sunday, 16 August 2020 09:56 (four years ago) link
lol I started watching cyderdelic yesterday on youtube
― Defund the indefensible (NickB), Sunday, 16 August 2020 10:03 (four years ago) link
(it was quite shit tbh)
― Defund the indefensible (NickB), Sunday, 16 August 2020 10:04 (four years ago) link
(i still love frogger though)
― Defund the indefensible (NickB), Sunday, 16 August 2020 10:05 (four years ago) link
I watched a 1 1/2 hr film about Whirl-y-gig from around 1995 last night that I had no idea existed.
Was this on YouTube, or was this a personal video? Please share, if the former. Coz I'd love to see what people were on about, it sounds really quite special.
― cheeky boshing shamanic art-prankster (Branwell with an N), Sunday, 16 August 2020 10:08 (four years ago) link
I'm not sure of how much interest it would be aside from reminiscin' but it really is a good document. Honestly the footage from the event at Shoreditch is some of the least embarrassing rave / club footage I've ever seen. Just fuckin' wholesome and fun.
― the mancuso of munt (Noel Emits), Sunday, 16 August 2020 10:13 (four years ago) link
Cheers! Thanks for that, I'll watch the full thing when I get some good internet. :D
There was a separate 3-minute snippet in the 'suggested videos' which had an interview with the 2 organisers, which gave a flavour of it. It did really strike me, how resolutely anti-cool they were. The set-up looked like they were not afraid to do stuff that came across as really really naff - but also super-fun. Like, in so many ways, 'cool' can become the enemy of fun. To really cut loose and have fun, one really has to not be afraid of losing one's cool or not looking cool.
― cheeky boshing shamanic art-prankster (Branwell with an N), Sunday, 16 August 2020 12:07 (four years ago) link
This seems to fit here - pre-Shpongle Simon Posford & Raja Ram:
― Siegbran, Saturday, 29 August 2020 09:40 (four years ago) link
Haha, what is a psi-eti?
Not sure I have the patience for 57 minutes of this right now, but it looks like it might be fun.
― Extractor Fan (Branwell with an N), Sunday, 30 August 2020 07:30 (four years ago) link
another addition to the thread.
randomly picked this up from a charity shop today as it mentions a bunch of the usual folks in the 'thanks' list.turns out it's micky mann who worked a lot with the shamen.a few tracks in, and it's very megadog rave but without the cheesy/sci-fi samples (that i love, to be fair), but has a lot of those lovely 90s techno sounds and deep basslines.
― mark e, Thursday, 29 October 2020 16:19 (four years ago) link
i saw them play a few times and have the first couple of 12" singles but i don't reckon i'd be able to pick them out in a sonic identity parade now.
― stirmonster, Thursday, 29 October 2020 16:27 (four years ago) link
this seems as good a place as any to rep for psychedelic budz (d. tiffany and ciel) - "faerie stomp" ep on planet euphorique
― the late great, Thursday, 29 October 2020 16:49 (four years ago) link
Just noticed this channel which has been putting up some interesting footage.
(NOTE: Lots of flashing lights.)
The Grid at Megadog January 1994. Some terrific crowd / lights shots and the sound off the camcorder is good. The Grid sound good!
30 Minutes of a Synergy gig in 1990. Er, there is a mostly boring setup and soundcheck by The Shamen (with Will tho), queuing on a very noisy Holloway Road, hanging around corridors, standing at the bar. In other words a very true to life document. There's some good stuff from DJ Stika (?) and the last ten minutes has a bit of a live Mixmaster Morris / Irresistible Force set which sounds interesting. There's supposed to be a live Irresistible Force album from 1990 in the works (as well as some reissues.)
― feed me with your clicks (Noel Emits), Saturday, 20 November 2021 21:33 (three years ago) link
Thanks for posting these. I will watch when I have a chance. I was a couple of years too young to be there (and then a bit snobbish around techno) but these are appealing. I bought this CD box set a couple of weeks ago The first CD is kind of okay but the other two are really something.
― mmmm, Sunday, 21 November 2021 20:48 (three years ago) link