Rolling 2023 Metal thread

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what it do

Fash Gordon (Neanderthal), Wednesday, 4 January 2023 15:43 (one year ago) link

god that mare infinitum record is so fucking good

― flamenco drop (BradNelson), Tuesday, January 3, 2023 7:58 PM bookmarkflaglink

the 70,000 Tons of Metal cruise resumes in 2023 and these morons had the audacity to book the new Vektor. naturally, it didn't go well, and the backlash was quick and they removed them, with the expected two factions emerging in reaction to the removal.

starting to remember why I didn't dress the part of metalhead in my 20s, the people screaming in defense of Vektor are really fucking hateful, stupid idiots. I'm sure the infighting will progress to the boat over this, kinda glad i'm not going.

― Fash Gordon (Neanderthal), Wednesday, January 4, 2023 10:29 AM bookmarkflaglink

I'm sure the infighting will progress to the boat over this, kinda glad i'm not going.

Nah. The people expressing the most anger over it aren't the go-outside type.

― but also fuck you (unperson), Wednesday, January 4, 2023 10:32 AM bookmarkflaglink

in more positive news, lineup for Mass Destruction Metal Fest in ATL for this year is out and it's sick and I'm thinking of trying to find a way to go. other than big name Autopsy (who I've been dying to see), it's a very niche lineup that just happens to be a bunch of bands I love. seen Pagan Altar live once, they were incredible, Hellwitch same. Drawn and Quartered fucking rule, as does Vulcano. Loved the Oath of Cruelty debut. really the only band I don't know is Undergang.

Vulcano (Brazil - Bloody Vengeance Set)
Pagan Altar (UK)
Undergang (Denmark)
Drawn & Quartered
Father Befouled
Oath of Cruelty

― Fash Gordon (Neanderthal), Wednesday, January 4, 2023 10:38 AM bookmarkflaglink

wait I forgot what year it was

― Fash Gordon (Neanderthal), Wednesday, January 4, 2023 10:41 AM bookmarkflaglink

Fash Gordon (Neanderthal), Wednesday, 4 January 2023 15:43 (one year ago) link

Mare Infinitum have shared some info about the tracks on the album on their FB page:

StanM, Wednesday, 4 January 2023 17:17 (one year ago) link

god that mare infinitum record is so fucking good

― flamenco drop (BradNelson), Tuesday, January 3, 2023 7:58 PM bookmarkflaglink

finally got to this today

holy fucking shit

J Edgar Noothgrush (Joan Crawford Loves Chachi), Wednesday, 4 January 2023 17:47 (one year ago) link

Ultra slow funeral doom fans, Finnish one man band Horre releases his next album on Friday :

StanM, Wednesday, 4 January 2023 17:56 (one year ago) link

Very incomplete list of metal(lic) albums on the horizon this year

VV (of HIM fame)


…And Oceans


In Flames

Host (Paradise Lost side project)
Venomous Concept

Majesties (Can't recall what prompted me to add this, sorry if it's not metal)
Tragedy (Bee Gees Metal Tribute Band!)

Night Demon
Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs

Baby Metal
The HIRS Collective

Rotten Sound

Lotus Thrones (Wolvhammer side project)


Loud guitars shit all over "Bette Davis Eyes" (NYCNative), Wednesday, 4 January 2023 18:28 (one year ago) link

Thy Darkened Shade's new one on Jan 10

Haxanu's on Feb 7

Was just listening to the latter's as of now only album, Snare of All Salvation, today, it should've gotten more attention -- USBM that doesn't really sound like borrowed ideas from other countries' scenes. Makes you feel like driving very fast.

Devilock, Thursday, 5 January 2023 06:05 (one year ago) link

oh right, the Haxanu guy is also the Ringare/Skaphe guy

Devilock, Thursday, 5 January 2023 07:56 (one year ago) link


never not laughing like a madman about this band name

J Edgar Noothgrush (Joan Crawford Loves Chachi), Friday, 6 January 2023 03:18 (one year ago) link

That new Night Demon is so much fun. They've never put out a bad record, but this one takes things to a new level.

A. Begrand, Friday, 6 January 2023 03:23 (one year ago) link

Oh cool! I've always liked them

paranormal bully romance (Neanderthal), Friday, 6 January 2023 03:24 (one year ago) link

funeral doom: Horre, not on Bandcamp yet:

StanM, Friday, 6 January 2023 13:26 (one year ago) link

Majesties (Can't recall what prompted me to add this, sorry if it's not metal)

Just figured out why it's on my radar: Side project for guys in Obsequiae and Inexorum who are both all kinds of awesome.

Loud guitars shit all over "Bette Davis Eyes" (NYCNative), Friday, 6 January 2023 19:54 (one year ago) link

A bit from maybe the most insane metal press release I've ever read:

By sweep of sanguine axe and scorn of solar halo, the rusted chains of antediluvian iron broken by immortal talons, a pale visage of unholy supremacy leering with violent virtue, rises from cruel coffin sarcophagus the entity feared only as Nachtlich. Resurrected from its nocturnal medieval slumber in the age of 2016, Nachtlich is a Canadian revenant manifested by shady mournmaker U.E, whose infamy across a vast array of miserable entities is celebrated in low chants of ennui trance by tomb cults across the ephemeral realm. An arsenal of nightbringer brutality, Nachtlich’s library of intoxicating incantations is wide in its selection, but only by the keen eye of ritual master, Inferna Profundus Records, has this early masterwork of U.E been claw chosen to bathe in unlight of the half moon horror malfeasance.

Third Ritual is the grave stomping carrion call of the unliving ghast grume. An evocative alchemical fusion of bass heavy raw black metal and eerie atmospheric ambient ministrations, Nachtlich here truly awakens to the rotting majesty within; wielding putrescence of power chord, zombie shamble of percussion, penetration of shrieking oration, crypt shake of bass, fungal dissonance of production and ennui enlightenment of subversive synth. Dedicated to the true ways of the ancient, U.E carves a path familiar, yet unique in its twists and turns of labyrinthine composition, contrasting spectral synth passages with mid-pace of raw black metal massacre. Raw, stripped down and rancid—Nachtlich’s Third Ritual is the triune damnation triumphant.

TL;DR: It's a reissue of the third album by a one-man black metal band.

but also fuck you (unperson), Sunday, 8 January 2023 14:49 (one year ago) link

How Nachtlich got his grume back

jmm, Sunday, 8 January 2023 15:08 (one year ago) link

Congratulations to the genius booking agent who knew that Ingested and Devourment belonged on tour together. Well done.

but also fuck you (unperson), Monday, 9 January 2023 23:16 (one year ago) link

If you habitually skip over seemingly marginal niche metal, you might easily miss this magnificent Tolkien Metal epic:

Ainur "Forging of the Rings"

glenn mcdonald, Tuesday, 10 January 2023 21:10 (one year ago) link


J Edgar Noothgrush (Joan Crawford Loves Chachi), Wednesday, 11 January 2023 02:06 (one year ago) link

I have always liked Prong, and I still do. I like this new song's main riff, but the lyrics are *hilariously* generic. "Political Protest Song [Project Your Specific Beliefs/Cause Here]".

but also fuck you (unperson), Wednesday, 11 January 2023 13:45 (one year ago) link

New Cattle Decapitation due in May. I, for one, am really stoked.

Not sure about the cover art tho:

Maxmillion D. Boosted (jon /via/ chi 2.0), Wednesday, 11 January 2023 16:06 (one year ago) link

Ant Man sequel went dark

fentanyl young (Neanderthal), Wednesday, 11 January 2023 16:09 (one year ago) link


Maxmillion D. Boosted (jon /via/ chi 2.0), Wednesday, 11 January 2023 16:11 (one year ago) link

it's giving Antz/A Bug's Life energy

Judi Dench's Human Hand (methanietanner), Wednesday, 11 January 2023 17:01 (one year ago) link

hopefully this is in preparation of a new album now they have a bass player again: Darkspace back catalogue reissued on Season Of Mist ->

StanM, Thursday, 12 January 2023 15:57 (one year ago) link

Technically from last year, but absolutely loving the new Hammers of Misfortune, just a dense mass of bonkers tech-prog.

Maxmillion D. Boosted (jon /via/ chi 2.0), Tuesday, 17 January 2023 16:34 (one year ago) link

i made this spreadsheet for metal releases this year, mostly stuff already mentioned here, some others. editable by anyone so feel free to contribute but also feel free to make a copy for your own use: i'll try and update it regularly too

here 1st (roxymuzak), Tuesday, 17 January 2023 17:04 (one year ago) link

does Djunah count? outta Chicago. They seem to market themselves as noise rock but they seem kinda metal (it's a duo and the guitarist/singer plays a custom made bass synthesizer w/her foot)

omar little, Tuesday, 17 January 2023 17:07 (one year ago) link

metal-adjacent maybe

omar little, Tuesday, 17 January 2023 17:08 (one year ago) link

enjoying the latest Deiquisitor. just glad to still have death metal that's raw and doesn't sound so artificially clean and clicky. no matter how much this drummer's speed degrades on blasts (and it does!).

i always like when the vocalists sound like the bad guy on an 80s toy television show.

fentanyl young (Neanderthal), Friday, 20 January 2023 22:12 (one year ago) link

i havent heard it yet but i love that their label is called "extremely rotten productions"

here 1st (roxymuzak), Monday, 23 January 2023 15:33 (one year ago) link

MESHUGGAH To Issue Remastered Fifteenth Anniversary Edition Of ObZen Full-Length March 31st Via Atomic Fire; Preorders Available

Details, linksaplenty:

dow, Friday, 27 January 2023 19:23 (one year ago) link

how the fuck is that album fifteen years old, jesus

I HAVE NO IDEA HOW THE DIAPER GOT LOOSE (Neanderthal), Friday, 27 January 2023 20:08 (one year ago) link

yeah that's still one of the 'new ones' in my eyes

gman59, Friday, 27 January 2023 21:47 (one year ago) link


J Edgar Noothgrush (Joan Crawford Loves Chachi), Friday, 27 January 2023 22:14 (one year ago) link

I still remember going to see them open for Ministry in 2008 just so I could hear some of that material live and screaming "what the FUCK" at the stage when they abandoned "Bleed" right before the intense end part.

Uncharacteristically bad show for the boys, who in the last six years have put on two of the most incredible shows I've ever seen

I HAVE NO IDEA HOW THE DIAPER GOT LOOSE (Neanderthal), Friday, 27 January 2023 22:56 (one year ago) link

Always cracks me up when an album is remastered after such a short period of time, like has the loudifying technology advanced that much

made entirely of styrofoam (GOTT PUNCH II HAWKWINDZ), Saturday, 28 January 2023 03:35 (one year ago) link

actually all of the bass drum sounds were replaced by farts

I HAVE NO IDEA HOW THE DIAPER GOT LOOSE (Neanderthal), Saturday, 28 January 2023 03:36 (one year ago) link

i don't really get the point of a remaster of any Meshuggah album like, post-Chaosphere, the shit was fairly optimal the first time around on the albums after that. not a fan of the re-recorded Nothing with the 8-strings even.

I HAVE NO IDEA HOW THE DIAPER GOT LOOSE (Neanderthal), Saturday, 28 January 2023 03:38 (one year ago) link

Wow, if you aren't afraid of the upcoming Amberian Dawn album of ABBA covers, check out the new Dark Sarah album while we wait.

glenn mcdonald, Tuesday, 31 January 2023 20:43 (one year ago) link

Also, that Amberian Dawn album came out two months ago. I apparently thought the third single, which came out the same day, was another song released in advance of the record.

It's really good, unless the idea of a metal tribute to ABBA sounds inherently terrible to you, in which case it's exactly that terrible.

Also, I had forgotten that Dark Sarah was formed by Heidi Parviainen after her time as the singer for Amberian Dawn, so the similarity isn't coincidental at all.

Amberian ABBA:

glenn mcdonald, Wednesday, 1 February 2023 20:57 (one year ago) link

This new Ahab record is fantastic.

Maxmillion D. Boosted (jon /via/ chi 2.0), Thursday, 2 February 2023 16:29 (one year ago) link

I am digging it too, even if dude's clean vocals remind me of Mr Mackey in the South Park episode where he got high and started singing

I HAVE NO IDEA HOW THE DIAPER GOT LOOSE (Neanderthal), Friday, 3 February 2023 03:45 (one year ago) link

hey all it's new SANGUISUGABOGG time, make sure you have your SANGUISUGABOGG record ready to spin and that all valuables are safely tucked away in your house as you flail around to SANGUISUGABOGG boy i just love saying SANGUISUGABOGG

also three songs in and this rules.

I HAVE NO IDEA HOW THE DIAPER GOT LOOSE (Neanderthal), Friday, 3 February 2023 05:25 (one year ago) link

however fans are likely to cry sellout because the SNARE ISN'T PINGY this time.

sanguisug boggy bogg (Neanderthal), Friday, 3 February 2023 05:28 (one year ago) link

well it is a LITTLE

sanguisug boggy bogg (Neanderthal), Friday, 3 February 2023 05:28 (one year ago) link

ok the ping is back

sanguisug boggy bogg (Neanderthal), Friday, 3 February 2023 05:34 (one year ago) link

one-woman black metal project Brouillard from France is back with an album called (guess) :

StanM, Friday, 3 February 2023 16:43 (one year ago) link

hahahaha! i love that concept

I think I got her last Brouillard

sanguisug boggy bogg (Neanderthal), Friday, 3 February 2023 17:08 (one year ago) link

new Spirit Possession March 31

gman59, Friday, 3 February 2023 17:40 (one year ago) link

excited for new Sanguisugabogg, didn't realize it was coming out so soon. I've taken to callin them "The Bogg" in the tradition of Steve Coogan as Tommy Saxondale calling Jethro Tull "The Tull."

Judi Dench's Human Hand (methanietanner), Friday, 3 February 2023 20:46 (one year ago) link

Heavy Metal
1. Spirit Adrift – Ghost at the Gallows (Century Media) | USA
2. Sorcerer – Reign of the Reaper (Metal Blade) | Sweden
3. Wytch Hazel – IV: Sacrament (Bad Omen) | UK
4. Legendry – Time Immortal Wept (No Remorse) | USA
5. Restless Spirit – Afterimage (Magnetic Eye) | USA
6. Haunt – Golden Arm (Iron Grip) | USA
7. Green Lung – This Heathen Land (Nuclear Blast) | UK
8. Godthrymm – Distortions (Profound Lore) | UK
9. Blood Lightning – Blood Lightning (Ripple) | USA
10. Dopelord – Songs for Satan (Blues Funeral) | Poland
11. Cardinal’s Folly – Live by the Sword (Soulseller) | Finland
12. Helms Deep – Treacherous Ways (Nameless Grave) | UK
13. Tailgunner – Guns for Hire (Fireflash) | UK

1. Mansion – Second Death (Mansion) | Finland
2. REZN – Solace (REZN) | USA
3. Sorcerer – Reign of the Reaper (Metal Blade) | Sweden
4. Church Of Misery – Born Under A Mad Sign (Rise Above) | Japan
5. Restless Spirit – Afterimage (Magnetic Eye) | USA
6. Green Lung – This Heathen Land (Nuclear Blast) | UK
7. Godthrymm – Distortions (Profound Lore) | UK
8. Witchskull – The Serpent Tide (Rise Above) | Australia
9. Vanishing Kids – Miracle of Death (Aural Music) | USA
10. Demons My Friends – Demons Seem to Gather (Gravitoyd) | USA
11. Dopelord – Songs for Satan (Blues Funeral) | Poland
12. Saint Karloff – Paleolithic War Crimes (Majestic Mountain) | Norway
13. Cardinal’s Folly – Live by the Sword (Soulseller) | Finland

1. Witch Ripper – The Fight After the Fall (Magnetic Eye) | USA
2. REZN – Solace (REZN) | USA
3. Panopticon – The Rime of Memory (Bindrune) | USA
4. Church Of Misery – Born Under A Mad Sign (Rise Above) | Japan
5. Tomb Mold – The Enduring Spirit (20 Buck Spin) | Canada
6. Horrendous – Ontological Mysterium (Season Of Mist) | USA
7. KEN mode – VOID (Artoffact) | Canada
8. Wayfarer – American Gothic (Profound Lore) | USA
9. Plague Rider – Intensities (Transcending Obscurity) | UK
10. Cruciamentum – Obsidian Refractions (Profound Lore) | UK
11. Bell Witch – Future’s Shadow Part 1: The Clandestine Gate (Profound Lore) | USA
12. Cannibal Corpse – Chaos Horrific (Metal Blade) | USA
13. Autopsy – Ashes, Organs, Blood and Crypts (Peaceville) | USA

Power Metal, Epic Adventure & Symphonic/Dark Romance Metal
1. Legendry – Time Immortal Wept (No Remorse) | USA
2. Helms Deep – Treacherous Ways (Nameless Grave) | UK
3. Tailgunner – Guns for Hire (Fireflash) | UK
4. Gatekeeper – From Western Shores (Cruz Del Sur) | Canada
5. Cirith Ungol – Dark Parade (Metal Blade) | USA
6. Iron Savior – Firestar (AFM) | Germany
7. Megaton Sword – Might & Power (Dying Victims) | Switzerland
8. Burning Witches – The Dark Tower (Napalm) | Switzerland
9. Bloodbound – Tales From the North (AFM) | Sweden
10. Within Temptation – Bleed Out (Force Music) | Netherlands
11. Anthem – Crimson & Jet Black (Ward) | Japan
12. Arjen Lucassen’s Supersonic Revolution – Golden Age of Music (Mascot) | Netherlands
13. Beyond The Black – Beyond The Black (Nuclear Blast) | Germany

Fastnbulbous, Saturday, 2 December 2023 16:39 (one year ago) link

Sublation's On the Advancement of Decay is blowing me away this morning. Super shredtastic two-man death metal. Comes out Friday.

Tahuti Watches L&O:SVU Reruns Without His Ape (unperson), Saturday, 2 December 2023 16:54 (one year ago) link

Xoth album may be on my top ten after a few listens.

they don't sound like Bal-Sagoth, no, but I feel like they have some similarities in their chord progressions, tempos, and cheese factor that they could be cousins, even though Bal-Sagoth don't really play riffs and lean more on their synths.

feels more like Voivod made a death metal album at times.

but really it just beautifully illustrates what I've always believed, which is that metal bands should embrace camp rather than hide from it.

a very very unfair (Neanderthal), Saturday, 2 December 2023 17:47 (one year ago) link

Finally getting around to some stuff from this year that I'd missed out on..

The Moonlight Sorcery full-length is great fun, blackened power metal that works surprisingly well. Frozen Soul, starts out strong enough but really drags over the back half and their thing starts to wear thin.

My favorite listen of the day is that Great Falls record, wow. Just absolutely insane sludge/post-metal with really good chops and a few songs that get damn near prog like in relative complexity.

Maxmillion D. Boosted (jon /via/ chi 2.0), Wednesday, 6 December 2023 21:00 (one year ago) link

oops, meant to insert AmRep noise rock in that descriptor for Great Falls.

Maxmillion D. Boosted (jon /via/ chi 2.0), Wednesday, 6 December 2023 21:01 (one year ago) link

metal bands should embrace camp rather than hide from it.

this is such a key point and is part of why bands like Mercyful Fate and Judas Priest and Tygers of Pan Tang and Dio are successful (noting also that all these bands write unimpeachable metal jams, that's primary) but the almost vaudevillian impulse to play to the footlights, the willingness to mug. but there's an important distinction between this and the stage winking camp that passes for camp a lot of the time

J Edgar Noothgrush (Joan Crawford Loves Chachi), Wednesday, 6 December 2023 21:11 (one year ago) link

absolutely. "winking" at the audience isn't committing, it's a cop-out.

Be like Bal-Sagoth! (I suspect many will disagree w/ me here but well I said it)

STUPID CRAP FACE (Neanderthal), Wednesday, 6 December 2023 21:15 (one year ago) link

I am seriously considering writing a book about American trad/power metal next, but the thing is I'd want to devote a lot of space to what it is about Americans that makes the majority of us reject this stuff as corny.

Tahuti Watches L&O:SVU Reruns Without His Ape (unperson), Wednesday, 6 December 2023 21:20 (one year ago) link

I have a few friends who I like a lot but I give them crap when they refer to things as "weenie metal" because a) I find the 'extreme metal only' stance to be quite boring and b) "weenie metal" is such a jock bullshit term

STUPID CRAP FACE (Neanderthal), Wednesday, 6 December 2023 21:22 (one year ago) link

I find the 'extreme metal only' stance to be quite boring

SO boring. I saw some dipshit on Twitter today claiming that Van Halen weren't metal. People these days act like metal started with Slayer, or something.

Tahuti Watches L&O:SVU Reruns Without His Ape (unperson), Wednesday, 6 December 2023 21:25 (one year ago) link

The combination of camp and dorkiness is a big part of the appeal of heavy metal to me - basically "Necropolis" by Manilla Road is the ideal.

jmm, Wednesday, 6 December 2023 22:16 (one year ago) link

i really want to like power metal cuz basically trad metal is my jam forever, and love dio, maiden, etc etc but most of the stuff i hear on this thread or on facebook just has a stench of "eurovision music" to me that i can't get over :/

Blues Guitar Solo Heatmap (Free Download) (upper mississippi sh@kedown), Wednesday, 6 December 2023 22:36 (one year ago) link

I'm not really into the "metal that sounds like a pinball machine" style of power metal, to badly paraphrase somebody I once knew who hated Rhapsody. I like power metal that has riffs, but melodic tastefulness as well, and lots of it can have too much of a glimmering sheen and be overproduced for me. particularly a lot of the neo-classical power metal bands.

I like:

Blind Guardian (one could argue that they were more speed metal than power for much of their career)
Helloween (same, but I think you'd have to say they're power NOW, even if not on their earlier stuff)
early Angra (basically Helloween gone Brazilian, with heavier classical influence)
Manticora (they did some high concept album about a serial killer that was good a few years ago, actually had some face-melty riffs on it)
Labyrinth (featuring the original vocalist from Rhapsody, Fabio Leone...or at least, at one point he was with them)
Rhapsody (I didn't say 'of Fire' because lol fuck that, also I haven't heard anything from post-name change)
Gamma Ray (Kai Hansen!)

I hate:

Dragonforce (I don't care if they count, they must be shidded on)

STUPID CRAP FACE (Neanderthal), Wednesday, 6 December 2023 23:14 (one year ago) link

i don't think they are even exactly "power metal", they have some AOR tendencies but I love High Spirits so much

Blues Guitar Solo Heatmap (Free Download) (upper mississippi sh@kedown), Wednesday, 6 December 2023 23:17 (one year ago) link

Rhapsody of Fire are fantastic. They make me laugh, but in a giddy pleasurable way, not mockery at all. But the stuff I would write about, if I wrote the book I have in my mind, is all along the Dio/Manowar/Armored Saint/Manilla Road/Attacker/Visigoth axis. The kind of thing that still gets described as "heavy metal."

Tahuti Watches L&O:SVU Reruns Without His Ape (unperson), Wednesday, 6 December 2023 23:40 (one year ago) link

I love pretty much all of that stuff

STUPID CRAP FACE (Neanderthal), Thursday, 7 December 2023 00:18 (one year ago) link

I've never actually listened to Manilla Road. There's something about the name (why the extra L? Is it vanilla from the Philippines?) and their pretty much uniformly terrible album art that has always kept me away.

Tahuti Watches L&O:SVU Reruns Without His Ape (unperson), Thursday, 7 December 2023 01:03 (one year ago) link

Seems like Mark Shelton didn't really know the reason for the name either.

Why the name Manilla Road?

The first drummer for the band, Ben Munkirs, and I were having some beers in his kitchen watching Monty Python’s Flying Circus on a small black and white TV. In our drunken stupor we came up with the name Manilla Road thinking that it meant the road of light. Don’t really know why we hung on to it but we did and so that name of the band.

jmm, Thursday, 7 December 2023 01:32 (one year ago) link

i have a few of their albums, they were also killer live the one time I saw them at a festival

STUPID CRAP FACE (Neanderthal), Thursday, 7 December 2023 01:51 (one year ago) link

Crystal Logic and Open the Gates are American metal classics!

They were so epic and fun, and Shark was one helluva guy.

A. Begrand, Thursday, 7 December 2023 04:17 (one year ago) link

Manilla Road were fantastic and had a pretty amazing run of albums in the 80s

Toshirō Nofune (The Seventh ILXorai), Thursday, 7 December 2023 09:52 (one year ago) link

Wouldn't say they were power metal, but certainly nothing they did would put off power metal fans. They were a trad metal band who embraced thrash, doom etc and were adopted by fans of those styles and I think Unperson would adore the album 'Crystal Logic'. Embrace the corny album covers. I have a print of Crystal Logic cover framed on my wall!

Toshirō Nofune (The Seventh ILXorai), Thursday, 7 December 2023 09:55 (one year ago) link

Manila Road is one of the greatest of all metal bands. Once you buy in, the covers become a feature, not a bug.

Judi Dench's Human Hand (methanietanner), Thursday, 7 December 2023 14:39 (one year ago) link

I started listening to Crystal Logic last night, and the riff on the title track immediately reminded me of Black Flag's "The Bars":

Tahuti Watches L&O:SVU Reruns Without His Ape (unperson), Thursday, 7 December 2023 15:00 (one year ago) link

Tangentially, this band Sacred Outcry is some fantastic Euro power metal. Cheesy and grandiose but without that modern glossy production.

jmm, Thursday, 7 December 2023 15:18 (one year ago) link

Sepultura are packing it in:

"Sepultura has reached the end of the road and has chosen to depart via a conscious and planned death.

Throughout the next 18 months we will celebrate 40 years of existence together along with our loyal fans on a farewell tour across the entire globe.

It will be a celebration of the past and the present for one final time.

After 4 decades filled with ups and downs, having visited 80 countries and countless different cultures, we’ve had the chance to become Brazil’s messenger to the world and spread our colors and rhythms worldwide. With our latest studio album Quadra, a highlight of our career, we added an unforgettable chapter followed by the SepulQuarta experience that helped us to overcome the difficult times of the pandemic together. We will unite our forces for one final, strong farewell. And all of you can be a part of it.

During this 40th anniversary tour, we will record 40 live tracks in 40 different cities and release a massive compilation of our best, most energetic moments on stage.
We are happy and very grateful for everything we could witness within the past four decades. We have released great albums and played unforgettable shows, cultivated friendships, met our idols, contributed to placing Brazilian metal on the world map, and therefore feel that we can leave the music scene with a sense of duty fulfilled.

We’ve always had the best fans in the world, who supported us with praise and criticism, who were demanding and intelligent, who grew together with the band and have always been loyal. Without you, none of this would have been possible. This album and this tour are for you. Dear SepulNation - we love you and always will!

Euthanasia, the right to a dignified death. The right to choose to live free and to choose when you die!"

European farewell tour dates:

30/10 Paris, FR - Zenith Paris - La Villette
31/10 Offenbach am Main, DE - Stadthalle
01/11 Hamburg, DE - Edel Optics Arena
02/11 Cologne, DE - Palladium
03/11 Den Bosch, NL - The Rock Circus
05/11 Brussels, BE - Ancienne Belgique
06/11 Esch-sur-Alzette, LU - Rockhal
08/11 Manchester, UK - Manchester Academy
09/11 Dublin, IE - Olympia Theatre
10/11 Belfast, UK - Telegraph Building
11/11 Glasgow, UK - Barrowland Ballroom
12/11 London, UK - Hammersmith Apollo
14/11 Zurich, CH - The Hall
15/11 Ludwigsburg, DE - MHP Arena
16/11 Munich, DE - Zenith
17/11 Budapest, HU - Barba Negra
19/11 Leipzig, DE - Haus Auensee
20/11 Vienna, AT - Gasometer
21/11 Katowice, PL - Spodek
22/11 Berlin, DE - Columbiahalle
23/11 Prague, CZ - O2 Universum

Tahuti Watches L&O:SVU Reruns Without His Ape (unperson), Friday, 8 December 2023 16:02 (one year ago) link

i am listening to this album "Portal of I" by Ne Obliviscaris for this podcast i have to do...

it's crazy like some kinda "if dream theater and jean luc ponty were in a black metal band together" kinda thing, so over the top and dramatic

Blues Guitar Solo Heatmap (Free Download) (upper mississippi sh@kedown), Friday, 8 December 2023 17:28 (one year ago) link

xpost over/under on how long it takes for Max to try and sue to get usage of the name Sepultura back

STUPID CRAP FACE (Neanderthal), Friday, 8 December 2023 17:35 (one year ago) link

some folks swear by Ne Obliviscaris, I just don't get the hype. to each their own, not here to hate... but to me it felt like the violin is used more like a gimmick than effectively.

STUPID CRAP FACE (Neanderthal), Friday, 8 December 2023 17:35 (one year ago) link

At a Mortician show at Saint Vitus right now and the drummer for Immortal Suffering is none other than Nikhil T of Anal Stabwound fame. I’m starstruck.

Judi Dench's Human Hand (methanietanner), Saturday, 9 December 2023 00:44 (one year ago) link

Sounds like many of yall would enjoy Hell's Heroes VI in Houston, Mar 21-23, 2024. V was a lot of fun. Sodom, Queensryche (doing debut EP and The Warning), Candlemass (doing Nightfall), Solitude Aeturnus, Eternal Champion, Watchtower, Sumerlands, Traveler, Girlschool, Wytch Hazel, Bloodstar, Early Moods, Dawnbringer and many more.

I got to see all of Chris Black's bands during my years in Chicago, including one show where he played, as Professor Black, songs from all his projects, including Dawnbringer and High Spirits. Brilliant.

A couple metal YT channels I started following this year doing their countdowns:

Melanie Loves Death Metal

The Heavy Metal Journal

Fastnbulbous, Saturday, 9 December 2023 06:29 (one year ago) link

Sorry bout the embeds, I thought I used the correct versions but apparently not. Will try again with Cassette Cult on Banger with Sarah from Smoulder for top 10 underground metal picks. Was happy to see Mansion finally get some attention, they've been in my year-end lists since their first EPs. She also created the Last Fanzine before Doomsday ( to accompany this which I may order.

Fastnbulbous, Saturday, 9 December 2023 15:20 (one year ago) link

I've been stuffing death metal in my brain the past week, much of it from Melanie's recs.

Mealanie Loves Death Metal

1. Afterbirth - In But Not Of
2. Cattle Decapitation - Terrasite
3. Cruciamentum - Obsidian Refractions
4. Tetragrammacide - Typho Tantric Aphorisms From The Arachneophidian Qur’an
5. Disguised Malignance - Entering The Gateways
6. Horrendous - Ontological Mysterium
7. Fires In The Distance - Air Not Meant For Us
8. Fuming Mouth - Last Day Of Sun
9. Outer Heaven - Infinite Psychic Depths (JR Hayes, Steven Tucker, Derek Vella)
10. AHAB - The Coral Tombs
11. Cannibal Corpse - Chaos Horrific
12. Astiferous - Pulsations of the Black Orb
13. Fossilization - Leprous Daylight
14. Nothingness - Supraliminal
15. Nithing - Agonal Hymns
16. Suffocation - Hymns From Apocrypha
17. Dying Fetus - Make Them Beg for Death
18. Organ Dealer - The Weight of Being
19. Neurectomy - Overwrought
20. Sulphur Aeon - Seven Crowns and Seven Seals

Bubbling under:
Abyssal Rift - Extirpation Dirge
Ascended Dead - Evanfall of the Apocalypse
Autopsy - Ashes, Organs, Blood & Crypts
Body Void - Atrocity Machine
Celestial Sanctuary - Insatiable Thirst for Torment
Depraved Murder - Unethical Terrestrial Collapse
Dripping Decay - Festering Grotesqueries
END - The Sin of Human Frailty
Festerdecay - Reality Rotten to the Core
The Glorious Dead - Cemetery Paths
Gravesend - Gowanus Death Stomp
Gridlink - Coronet Jupiter
Grotesqueries - Vile
Incantation - Unholy Deification
Jarhead Fertilizer - Carceral Warfare
Left Cross - Upon Desecrated Altars
Lipoma - Odes to Suffering
Majesties - Vast Reaches Unclaimed
Nuclear Remains - Dawn of Eternal Suffering
Obituary - Dying of Everything
Reverence To Paroxyms - Lux Morte
Seeping Protoplasm - Exhale Extinction
Sentenced 2 Die - Parasitic Infection
Sulfuric Hatred - Sulfuric Hatred
Tomb Mold - The Enduring Spirit
Ulthar - Anthronomicon & Helionomicon
Vastum - Inward to Gethsemane
Grotesqueries- Vile Crematory
VoidCeremony - Treads of Unknowing
Vomitory - All Heads Are Gonna Roll
Whore Of Bethlehem - Ritual of Homicide

Fastnbulbous, Tuesday, 12 December 2023 04:42 (one year ago) link

shame about Sepultura, last few albums have been great with the latest lineup...lineup includes Obituary and Jesus Piece in UK too so can't resist that.

re: the Max thing... saw the Cavalera - Morbid Devastation tour recently and it RULED. there were 2 or 3 times where Max asked the crowd to chant 'THE REAL SE-PUL-TU-RA!!!!' back at him.... kind of awkward to be honest and crowd were laughing a bit but playing along. so I wouldn't be surprised at all if he somehow managed to grab the name back, even if it was a 'Cavalera Brothers' SEPULTURA' sort of thing.

Hmmmmm (jamiesummerz), Tuesday, 12 December 2023 08:27 (one year ago) link

*bill includes Obituary and Jesus Piece i mean

Hmmmmm (jamiesummerz), Tuesday, 12 December 2023 08:27 (one year ago) link

The Heavy Metal Journal (linked above) completed last EP with top 10. "This recurd blew me wee face off!"

Fastnbulbous, Saturday, 16 December 2023 13:38 (one year ago) link

the two albums krallice released this year put the rest of the metal world to shame

ivy., Saturday, 16 December 2023 16:08 (one year ago) link

Stuff I have heard and liked*

Horrendous – Ontological Mysterium
Tanith – Voyage
Danava – Nothing But Nothing
Wytch Hazel – IV: Sacrament
Shadows – Out for Blood
Moonlight Sorcery – Horned Lord of the Thorned Castle
Tyrann – Besatt
Behold the Arctopus – Interstellar Overtrove
Gridlink – Coronet Jupiter
Tomb Mold – The Enduring Spirit
Meurtrières – Ronde de Nuit
The Night Eternal – Fatale
VoidCeremony – Threads of Unknowing
Hellripper – Warlocks Grim & Withered Hags
Smoulder – Violent Creed of Vengeance
Air Raid – Fatal Encounter
Megaton Sword – Might & Power

*caveat: my listening dropped off sharply around August

jmm, Saturday, 16 December 2023 16:39 (one year ago) link

late catching up to some stuff from this year, but the Crypta and Hellripper records both rule

Hmmmmm (jamiesummerz), Tuesday, 19 December 2023 11:31 (one year ago) link

yeah co-sign the Hellripper, one of my earliest favs this year

Formica Jordan (Neanderthal), Tuesday, 19 December 2023 14:38 (one year ago) link

Yeah, me too; I conducted a short email interview with the main dude for Bandcamp Daily. And since they only used a few words of it, I'll paste the whole thing here!

How would you describe the evolution of the music from the last album to this one? What are you better at (as a writer, as a player) in 2023 than you were in 2020?
I think that the overall sound is perhaps more diverse on this album. In order to keep things interesting for myself, I wanted to branch out and bring some new elements into the sound from bands that typically wouldn't influence Hellripper's music. The only rule I set for myself was that the album would stay true to the black/speed/thrash style at the core, and so the goal was to incorporate these new things in a way that would compliment that style while being careful not to dilute the end product.

I think that I am better as both a writer and as a player, as well as a producer. With the many live shows we've played over the past couple of years and the amount of time I spent writing the tracks on this new album, I feel like I just naturally improved as a musician. But, I feel like I have improved as a songwriter and perhaps more importantly, I have grown more confident as a songwriter. As I mentioned previously, I wanted to bring in some different influences, and I don't think I would have been able to do some of the things that I've done here on the last album. It all comes from experience I guess.

I think the album is the best sounding Hellripper album to date also, and again that comes from experience in recording/mixing my own music over the years. Like with the songwriting, I wanted to try some new things production-wise on this record, and a lot of these ideas came from albums outside the black/speed metal genre. The process involved a lot of trial and error and there were some things that just didn't work out, but it was a really fun process for me.

Your lyrics are a mix of history, pre-Christian religion and anti-Christianity, but you've avoided drifting into bonehead "cultural nationalism" disguised as headbanger misanthropy - what advice do you have for other metalheads, to help them avoid that pitfall themselves?
Well, first of all, I'm not a bonehead, so I guess that helps!

From having conversations with my non-Scottish friends, I've gathered that what you describe may be the case in other countries, but this is not the case in Scotland, and Scotland may be an exception in this matter. People may want independence for example and enjoy the culture, but in general it has no connotation to right wing views - in fact it's usually the contrary.

I don't know what advice I would give to other metalheads other than to do research and know what you're reading about/listening to. Don't fall into the trap of "National Myths" - where history is twisted or reappropriated to make a point that fits a personal opinion.

You play almost everything yourself on the records, but you have musicians you use for shows. Why not use them in the studio? Is it a question of geography/logistics, or something else?
I just prefer the process of working alone mostly. The convenience, cost, and ability to change things myself at any point also play a part in that! I guess geography would be a factor also!

I am constantly changing things throughout the whole process and replacing/removing songs at all times. With about one month or so to go until I had to submit the album for mastering and to the label, I realised that one of the tracks just didn't fit and I wasn't 100% happy with it. So I made the decision to remove the track (which was almost fully recorded and mixed) from the album, and work on another half-written track instead. I was able to do that because everything is done at home by myself. That just wouldn't have happened if I had to go through the process of contacting other people, getting them to learn the track and hiring a studio for them to record it, and I would have been left with an album that I wasn't completely satisfied with.

It's a hobby and my passion, so I just really enjoy being able to write or record something whenever I want to with little thought for anything else.

Not a question, an observation: Good for you, using real bagpipes and not a keyboard on the title track!
Thank you! I wish I could have played them myself, but I'm just no good unfortunately (or fortunately for my neighbours)! Antonio did a great job on the recording and I think they fit with the track nicely.

Tahuti Watches L&O:SVU Reruns Without His Ape (unperson), Tuesday, 19 December 2023 15:17 (one year ago) link

new Vemod and Darkspace early next year (finally! x2)

StanM, Thursday, 21 December 2023 15:56 (one year ago) link

StanM, Thursday, 21 December 2023 15:57 (one year ago) link


Maxmillion D. Boosted (jon /via/ chi 2.0), Thursday, 21 December 2023 15:59 (one year ago) link

the Darkspace album is one 47 minute track apparently, they played it at the Prophecy Festival - first impressions: some people will say it's all the same/boring but I think there's definitely clear different parts & progression: youtube watch?v=5XFJkDFvyRM

StanM, Friday, 22 December 2023 09:54 (one year ago) link

^ don't want to spoiler too much so I didn't embed it

StanM, Friday, 22 December 2023 09:55 (one year ago) link

Baring Teeth are a Dallas, TX based trio. Their latest album is a slab of atonal avant-metal that still manages to have memorable songs. Recommended for fans of Imperial Triumphant:

o. nate, Friday, 22 December 2023 17:41 (one year ago) link

Vemod sounds promising too, don't know why it took them 11 years since Venter På Stormene

StanM, Thursday, 28 December 2023 16:49 (one year ago) link

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