Ben Watson & Critical Fixations

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This might be a little too close to the Greil Marcus/Sleater-Kinney thread - but is Ben Watson capable of writing more than 50 words without mentioning Frank Zappa? No matter what the subject - soukous, Poison, Whitehouse - BW always manages to find a way to mention FZ somewhere in passing. When critics keep referring to the same ARTIST as a yardstick (also Marcus/SK, Bangs in his 'Lou Reed' period, Tarden/Gino Vanelli), is it possible to take anything they say seriously if you don't happen to like their particular favorites? Is it as valid an approach as any other? Is it strangely endearing?

tarden, Wednesday, 11 July 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

Mmm, it can be endearing. Wasn't it one of L.Bangs "rules" for becoming a succesful journo: finding one band no-one likes and then proclaiming them the best thing since sliced bread? We do it a lot here at ILM too, don't we: Tarden/Gino V. Pinefox/Lloyd C. Omar/Royal Trux ;)

Problem with Watson is simply that Zappa is...well...utter shite. So every argument he builts becomes suspect.

Omar, Wednesday, 11 July 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

What I like about Ben Watson is that he is probably the most thought provoking reviewer working in the wire mag. And what is the best way to, as part of that, keep citing the one man (that is Zappa) that seems to be universally hated in this post-punk era. Zappa has so much baggage in him. it's fun to talk about Zappa-- it gets people crazy and that is no bad thing.

To be honest though, he doesn't cite Frank's work in every review. But he loves derek Bailey. Most live reviews of Derek's shows are written by him.

Good ol' ben is the Wire mag's Steven Wells (he of the NME). Another hack who gets the readers pissed off whenever he writes anything.

By the way- has anybody seen this web interview that Ben did talking about Zappa- search it in the web. Thing is , he hates all of us. he thinks we are a bunch of 'avant-yuppies'. He even looks a bit like Wells.

And to answer your questions: sometimes, yes and yes.

Julio Desouza, Wednesday, 11 July 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

"he hates all of us": who is "he" and who is "us" in this sentence...

(I know BenW and have no intention of getting into an argt abt him rather than an argt WITH him, if you see what I mean...)

mark s, Wednesday, 11 July 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link


Sterling Clover, Wednesday, 11 July 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

"he hates all of us" was not well thought out. But to answer it: he? that's Ben. All of us? Part of the readership fo the wire.

From that interview it just struck me how he seems to think that some of us listen to this stuff as a lifestyle choice and not because we love the music so much that we want more from it. Have you read it?

And hate is a strong word- perharps hostile. But I read the thing a while back so I might be wrong about it all.

Julio Desouza, Wednesday, 11 July 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

(Actually I could have worked out the "he" if I'd been reading a bit carefully, couldn't I? Cuz love Zappa or loathe him, he does NOT look like Steven Wells!! I really don't think BenW does either, much, mind — but then of course I know Swellsy too, or used to!!)

mark s, Wednesday, 11 July 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

Sometimes I waste a few braincells wondering what B.Watson thought when he read I.Penman's hatchetjob on Zappa. ;)

Omar, Thursday, 12 July 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

Mark s- In that article there was a picture of Ben and, if you take the glasses out... it reminded me of Swells. Anyway, enough about BenW.

Julio Desouza, Thursday, 12 July 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

Penman's hatchet job on FZ - what was the BFD? in the old days EVERY REVIEW OF A ZAPPA ALBUM IN THE NME EVER (& in the period when i useto read that mag there were many) said all the same stuff. I guess he wasn't dead yet then tho.
Ben Watson's Zappa bk I thought was great, BTW, i didn't even care that most of it was about records i was never gonna listen to.

duane, Thursday, 12 July 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

I.P.'s hatchetjob I think is post-death you can find it at The Wire website. Fascinating analytical coldness/sadistic zeal I.P. uses there to destroy Zappa.

Omar, Thursday, 12 July 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

yeah i've read it. i was sayin', why was it any big deal. everything he sez abt FZ is just all the same stuff they (= NME writers) useto say EVERY time a Zappa alb came out back in those days.

duane, Thursday, 12 July 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

Ha! I thought BFD meant: before death ;) I see: big fuckin deal. Oh boy. Proceed (sadly wasn't a regular NME reader at that time).

Omar, Thursday, 12 July 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

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