Tori Amos

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We have had Cat Powers and Fiona Apple .
I am hearing Little Earthquake and i think it is the most harrowign thing i have heard.

anthony, Thursday, 12 July 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

you christian boys - so you can make me cum, doesn't make you jesus - classic! dud - boys for pele - yawnarific.

Geoff, Thursday, 12 July 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

Under the Pink and From the Choirgirl Hotel: Semi-classic. There are some good songs (Past the Mission, Pretty Good Year, Playboy Mommy, Raspberry Swirl, Hotel) on each record, but they're crippled by some truly awful lyrics, cheesy sub-Liberace piano wankery, and the hideous monkey-like visage of Ms Amos.

Little Earthquakes: Kate Bush. Boys For Pele: just plain bad. The Venus live album or whatever: irrelevant--it made no impression on me at all.

Tori Amos live: I've seen one truly great Tori Amos show, Baltimore 98 or 99. It was a big arena show, but she really tore shit up with the full band, especially on "Past the Mission."

Tori Amos videos: run far, far away.

adam, Thursday, 12 July 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

Search: Boys for Pele, which is on the leftfield of her work. The rest is inessential. Destroy: her flogging the fact that she's a "survivor". Also search her interviews which are as priceless as those w/ Cat Power (or Timbaland) -- playing up the spaced out persona, acting completely bizzare. On the daily show, for instance, Jon Stewart was giving her a hard time. So she took his cup of water and dumped it on his lap. Then she just sort of sat there and giggled for a few minutes. then the interview ended.

Sterling Clover, Thursday, 12 July 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

I find "Boys for Pele" to be a bit trying in its non-stop piano- ballad format, but quite like "From the Choirgirl Hotel" (it IS called that, right?) where she mixes up the arrangements a little. I must admit, tho, that when I played "Spark" for my brother, he thought it sounded like Bon Jovi...

Sean, Thursday, 12 July 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

Wouldn't be suprising. Guess early Tori used to be in the LA metal circuit. Saw some early promo pic's of her posing laciviously with a samuri sword. Guess she traded it in for a piano bench...ahemm.

Jason, Thursday, 12 July 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

There are actually some good songs off that "metal" record of hers. Tori Amos's stuff is really a mixed bag. There are some amazing moments but these moments too often get lost in cryptic fashion. I'd say seach her first couple of singles off Little Earthquakes. She has a wealth load of amazing b-sides which ironicly are usually better then her album tracks. I think Under The Pink is her most consistent work though.

JC, Thursday, 12 July 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

She has a couple of good songs, but otherwise she annoys the piss out of me. I really love quite a few off the Little Earthquakes album, and I like Caught a Lite Sneeze. Her hair is classic.

Ally, Thursday, 12 July 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

she has not played victim . She has worked hard at making sure other peope arent victims. Her music so is os elegant and pretty and elliptical.

anthony, Thursday, 12 July 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

I used to be a Toriphile but now I just find it hard to care. Little Earthquakes is still quite good. Horrible production, though. Under the Pink has a few good songs. Boys for Pele is a mess. From the Choirgirl Hotel is lazy and saccharine and has horrific production. To Venus and Back was so awful that I've only listened to it once.

Melissa W, Thursday, 12 July 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

three years pass...
New album (the beekeeper) is really dull. I thought Scarlett's Walk was probably the best album she'd ever done (I might be totally alone in this); this is really a move back to MOR territory for her, very radio friendly warm production but not very memorable. There are still parts in most of the songs I like but I'm generally surprised that she followed up such a strongly composed album with something that sounds very tossed off.

kyle (akmonday), Saturday, 12 February 2005 19:26 (nineteen years ago) link

...Guess she traded it in for a piano bench...ahemm.

ahemm, not really, as her bio states:

"She began playing the piano at two-and-a-half, and was enrolled in Baltimore's Peabody Institute as a five-year-old prodigy."


(1411), Sunday, 13 February 2005 02:06 (nineteen years ago) link

It is dull, isn't it? I was disappointed. I haven't taken a real strong interest since Choirgirl (a mostly terrific record! see "iieee" + "Cruel") but I expect better from her.

daria g (daria g), Sunday, 13 February 2005 02:38 (nineteen years ago) link

The decline began with Venus... for me. I still like some stuff on From The Choirgirl Hotel [iieee (pure melody!), Pandora's Aquarium]... I love the sound of Boys For Pele, actually. It's her most mystical, alien record, with the harpsichord and all.

Salvador Saca (Mr. Xolotl), Sunday, 13 February 2005 03:46 (nineteen years ago) link

Tori started the Rape, Abuse and Incest National Network (RAINN) so she's done more that matters than 99.99% of anyone.

Her records drive me nuts but in a good way.

Her hair is trerrif, she's incredinly cute n sweet in person.

She's a no-BS eccentric in the classic mode, and I guess would get most anything posted on ILM and have something strange and funny to say.

iang, Sunday, 13 February 2005 05:05 (nineteen years ago) link

The decline began with Venus... for me.

I think Venus might actually be my favourite Tori album - I was listening to it the other day, and it's a total trip, esp "Datura" and "Glory Of The 80s" and "Riot Poof". It sounds oddly effortless and natural, as if these bizarre spacey hooks and swirling electronic arrangements just appeared fully-formed in her mind. To me, the Pele through to Venus years will always be her peak (Choirgirl, oh my god how good is that album as well?).

The Beekeeper is pretty dull, yes. Effortless in the bad way i.e. she's being lazy now - knows she has a hardcore fan base who'll buy any product with her name on it, and can't be arsed to make music relevant for anyone else in the world. It could have been a lot better if she hadn't relentlessly stuck to the tinkling piano/soporific bass/muffled drums arrangement every time - though there's probably a decent 10-track album in there with some judicious editing.

That said there are a couple of totally fantastic songs on it - "Sweet The Sting", "Hoochie Woman", "Parasol".

The Lex (The Lex), Sunday, 13 February 2005 10:50 (nineteen years ago) link

can anyone send me "sweet the sting" ?

please? thank you!

reo, Sunday, 13 February 2005 23:40 (nineteen years ago) link

do you have a gmail address reo?

The Lex (The Lex), Sunday, 13 February 2005 23:44 (nineteen years ago) link

We have had Cat Powers and Fiona Apple .

We have? Didn't Tori PRE-DATE them both?

In any case, while not a huge fan (I'll stick with Kate Bush, thanks very much), she has had her moments. Search: "Cornflake Girl" and her covers of the Stranglers' "Strangle Little Girl" and Slayer's "Raining Blood" (which is actually quite strikingly lovely in its harrowing starkness...much more disturbing that the original).

Alex in NYC (vassifer), Sunday, 13 February 2005 23:44 (nineteen years ago) link

lex, i don't have a gmail account, but my hotmail account like receiving emails from those who do..

reo, Sunday, 13 February 2005 23:57 (nineteen years ago) link

reo - i will send you a gmail invite...

The Lex (The Lex), Sunday, 13 February 2005 23:59 (nineteen years ago) link

I love Tori. Yup, that all I have to say.

joey deacon, Monday, 14 February 2005 00:42 (nineteen years ago) link

two months pass...
Anyone know what town Tori lives near in Ireland? I'm trying to type up an interview but the tape is indistinct. Phonetically sounds like "pensale." Email me at redhalcyon at yahoo.

Organized Crime (Leee), Wednesday, 20 April 2005 19:15 (nineteen years ago) link

six months pass...
Lex! "Liquid Diamonds" is so good. I had forgotten.

Tim Finney (Tim Finney), Thursday, 10 November 2005 08:06 (nineteen years ago) link

omg i listened to from the choirgirl hotel for the first time in about a year last night, on the late train back to london - it fit the mood perfectly - and noted just that song! MINDMELD. i remember how, when it came out, that album blew my mind sonically, especially 'liquid diamonds': it's as if someone explained to tori that genres like free jazz and trip-hop existed, but that she didn't bother to listen to them before doing her take on them.

'liquid diamonds' is very...aquatic, but also decadent. a real sea of music.

the other song which still blows my mind is 'hotel' - about six completely different styles of music in one somehow-coherent song! kate bush trapped in a computer game shoot-em-up!

The Lex (The Lex), Thursday, 10 November 2005 11:18 (nineteen years ago) link

"Hotel" was always usually my favourite song on that album, but I'm pretty sure I always underrated "Liquid Diamonds". I think it might be the best produced thing on there - that harsh metallic beat which runs through the whole thing but is only clear at the beginning and end, merging seamlessly with that murky live bar vibe. So long and languorous!

Tim Finney (Tim Finney), Thursday, 10 November 2005 13:20 (nineteen years ago) link

HAHAHA i just listened to Choirgirl for the first time in almost-a-year this past week too...and I kept playing Liquid, Hotel & Pandora!! Again, my "taste" has yet to converge from Tim-Lex's ..i'm just another part of the gay mindmeld that doesnt read or post too much anymore (school :/)

much of the record sounds "underwater." i think "playboy mommy" ruins the flow in the last 4th, though

Vichitravirya XI (Vichitravirya XI), Thursday, 10 November 2005 13:31 (nineteen years ago) link

I tend to think "Jackie's Strength" is more sore-thumb-ish than "Playboy Mommy", though I like both a lot. "I'll say it now here by your grave..."

Tim Finney (Tim Finney), Thursday, 10 November 2005 13:40 (nineteen years ago) link

The entirety of Choirgirl Hotel is absolute classic. It's one of my favorite records of all time, and I will place it in every top 10 of the 1990s I'll ever make. After that, I'm afraid, there's been a steady decline into Sarah McLachlan-land (To Venus and Back is very good but sounds like Choirgirl b-sides).

joseph cotten (joseph cotten), Thursday, 10 November 2005 14:47 (nineteen years ago) link

i've been relistening to choirgirl and pele tonight. shit, some of these songs were pretty far out there! people called it self-indulgence back then but it was a damn sight more experimental than most of what was on a similar level of popularity in the '90s. it's weird to think that this is the same person that made the beekeeper.

her voice, holy christ. on "hotel" especially.

Mrs. Genius McGuruchakra (and her secret knowledge) (Jody Beth Rosen), Friday, 11 November 2005 02:05 (nineteen years ago) link

Yeah "Hotel" really is quite bizarre but in the best possible way - the transitions in that song (synths to wurlitzer I think? Then to the huge piano bit, then to the slow ending) are tremendous. "Datura" from the next album goes even further in that direction but isn't as strong IMO.

Tim Finney (Tim Finney), Friday, 11 November 2005 02:19 (nineteen years ago) link

"you were wild, where are you now?"

Mrs. Genius McGuruchakra (and her secret knowledge) (Jody Beth Rosen), Friday, 11 November 2005 02:22 (nineteen years ago) link

my favourite things about 'hotel': the cascades of piano at the end. the way there's no pause to catch breath between the second verse and second chorus like there is after the first verse, tori just launches straight into the insane shoot-em-up noises. the fucking weird jaunty wurlitzer melody right at the end. her VOICE.

'playboy mommy' is a stone-cold classic ballad, really - the "played glo-ri-a, talkin' 'bout ho-sanna" bit always gets me. and i love the way the lyrics should be an apology, but really aren't: the narrative persona there is probably one of my favourites ever.

The Lex (The Lex), Friday, 11 November 2005 19:31 (nineteen years ago) link

I'm still recovering from hearing 'Hotel'!

The first listen was "wtf?", the second "wait, no this is actually awful", the third - pure roffle! I listened a couple more times after that, and I'm now more baffled about Tori luv than ever.

Worst song, played on ugliest guitar (fandango), Friday, 11 November 2005 19:45 (nineteen years ago) link

She makes Coco Rosie sound pretty half-assed though, I'll give her that.

Worst song, played on ugliest guitar (fandango), Friday, 11 November 2005 19:45 (nineteen years ago) link

I was listening to Scarlet's Walk the other day, and pondering: this album never hit me as hard as those previous, and by the time The Beekeeper came out, I just couldn't be bothered getting it on the assumption that it was more of the same only more so.

Only, every time I listen to Scarlet's Walk I get the sense that really I should love it. The lyrics are probably the best she's done on the whole... at first they seem almost too straightforward but they actually come across as much more complex and intricate on paper, lots of extended metaphors and back'n'forth conversations and lovely turns of phrase which shouldn't be able to fit into song structures but somehow do.

And, track by track, the music is actually pretty good, thoughtful arrangements, excellent multi-harmonising vocals, lovely melodies, lots of variety in Tori's phrasing.

I can even see the bits which are supposed to totally blow my away - "Gimme gimme gimmee" in "Sweet Sangria", "your invading this thing you call love" in "Taxi Ride", "you used to look my good right in the eye" in "Pancake", "through the eyes of Laura Mars" in "Gold Dust".

So why doesn't it work out that why? Why isn't this record as effective as it should be?

I'm starting to think that maybe it's just too articulate, that maybe Tori actually finally understood what song she was trying to sing too well.

On Boys for Pele (by far her most cryptic album) you get these songs with ridiculous lyrics but enormous musical and emotional power ("Father Lucifer", "Marianne") - it's like the ridiculous lyrics represent the site of a blockage, an inability on the writer's part to express herself, which the music and the vocals have to burst through - such that "Timmy and that purple monkey are all down at Bobby's house" seems impregnated with meaning and consequence in a manner you could never divine from the lyric sheet.

There are quite a few songs on Scarlet's Walk which are passionate - deeply nostalgic, angry, bitter, crestfallen etc. - but the songs always feel aware of their emotions, self-reflective and resigned in a way that can work really well for other artists (Ani DiFranco springs to mind) but seems to undercut the brute force of Tori's music somehow.

This theory is probably flawed in so far as the more likely scenario is the music came first and the lyrics are added in piecemeal, but it seems to explain why it is that there's at times almost an inverse relationship between lyrical clarity and musical effect in Tori's work.

Tim Finney (Tim Finney), Saturday, 12 November 2005 03:56 (nineteen years ago) link

isn't the whole cocorosie schtick that they sound half-assed? anyway, i can see how 'hotel' might sound a little, uh, ridiculous! it probably isn't very representative of general tori luv among most tori fans, though probably sums up why i love her.

the scarlet's walk lyrics, more than anything else about that album, turn me off: instead of genuinely impenetrable metaphor like eg that line from 'marianne' which tim quoted, and much of 'riot poof', there's heavy-handed genuine metaphor about putting snowflakes under microscopes. it's all very...conscious, in every sense of the word, and she deliberately tones down musical and lyrical excess in favour of, i guess, what she sees as the Important Theme.

'a sorta fairytale' and 'gold dust' manage to slip under this somehow.

The Lex (The Lex), Saturday, 12 November 2005 23:53 (nineteen years ago) link

that video for "sorta fairytale" was wacky!

stockholm cindy is in your extended network (Jody Beth Rosen), Saturday, 12 November 2005 23:57 (nineteen years ago) link

also starring adrian brody (fact: he went to my high school):

stockholm cindy is in your extended network (Jody Beth Rosen), Sunday, 13 November 2005 00:01 (nineteen years ago) link

isn't the whole cocorosie schtick that they sound half-assed? good point. It certainly outdoes them for uh.. experimentalism though. And, no, I didn't consider it representative ('cept the vocals) of much other Tori I've heard before!

Worst song, played on ugliest guitar (fandango), Sunday, 13 November 2005 00:04 (nineteen years ago) link

it always puzzled me why tori never took more of an interest in her videos: she had some pretty excellent ones, inc 'a sorta fairytale', but also some terrible ones, and never seemed bothered either way.

i'm not sure whether to recommend 'datura', 'juárez' and 'raspberry swirl' to fandango or not!

The Lex (The Lex), Sunday, 13 November 2005 00:37 (nineteen years ago) link

i'll always remember the "god" video with the rats.

stockholm cindy is in your extended network (Jody Beth Rosen), Sunday, 13 November 2005 00:45 (nineteen years ago) link

"Raspberry Swirl" I have heard! and recall liking musically, if not lyrically or for other Tori-specific reasons.

I think I'd end up listening to other songs for the roffle factor right now after that last one though :( Plus, I should probably lend an ear to the other new stuff in my never-quite-empty 'incoming' folder right now.

Politely declining more gifts of Tori, with thanks, for the moment ;)

Worst song, played on ugliest guitar (fandango), Sunday, 13 November 2005 00:59 (nineteen years ago) link

i wasn't offering.

stockholm cindy is in your extended network (Jody Beth Rosen), Sunday, 13 November 2005 01:09 (nineteen years ago) link

I thought Lex was. Well, offering recommendations anyway.

I did say thanks for that other one before though! I didn't download just to shoot it down, honestly :(

Worst song, played on ugliest guitar (fandango), Sunday, 13 November 2005 01:18 (nineteen years ago) link

Lex I dunno, I think the extended metaphors work really well in stuff like "Crazy" and "Your Cloud" ... but they're tracks whose lyrics I would never have appreciated without reading the booklet.

Whereas with something like "Marianne", I think there are the bits which are related to the subject matter ("And they said Marianne killed herself, and I said 'not a chance'") and there are the bits which are just free association ("tuna, rubber, a little blubber in my igloo")

Tim Finney (Tim Finney), Sunday, 13 November 2005 03:52 (nineteen years ago) link

i always felt like she must have had a vision of what her music should sound like and her persona/performance too-what some edgy/angry/sensistive/sexual woman should be like etc. but it wasn't coming from within, more like something made up as 1/2 counterpart and 1/2 buying into simple-minded/sexist/one-dimensional popular notions about women's mentalities/sensibilities/sexuality/power. it just seems forced adn incomplete. also doesn't she make words up?

Susan Douglas (Susan Douglas), Sunday, 13 November 2005 04:41 (nineteen years ago) link

xpost kinda

i think those are the most successful songs of hers as well, the ones that are couched in elaborate and seemingly confused metaphors in which she introduces brief moments of startling lucidity (cf. "baker baker," with its extended baking metaphor that's interrupted with snippets of some larger story ("i guess you heard he's gone to LA") and really abrupt moments where she seems to let her guard down ("time, thought i'd made friends with time, thought we'd be flying...")). you sense that she's not consciously playing these components off each other for shock/absurdist value but rather that she's negotiating with herself while singing these songs, as if just playing the music is such an overwhelming, confusing experience for her that she's torn between employing either elliptical turns of phrase or full-blown confessionals. if she leaned too much in either direction i doubt i'd find her as fascinating as i do.

and under the pink in general is just really astounding, isn't it?

joseph (joseph), Sunday, 13 November 2005 04:42 (nineteen years ago) link

and i haven't really read this thread. sorry.

Susan Douglas (Susan Douglas), Sunday, 13 November 2005 04:46 (nineteen years ago) link

very often we feel the least crazy when we take the escape route into la-la land. it's when we struggle to be normal that we feel our heads exploding. i'm not sure how tori fits into this exactly but it could be that la-la land is her "safe place" and the confessional stuff is what she does because she's been told it'll fix everything.

stockholm cindy is in your extended network (Jody Beth Rosen), Sunday, 13 November 2005 04:58 (nineteen years ago) link

Night of hunters is a fucking good record

kolakube (Ross), Sunday, 24 December 2017 16:46 (seven years ago) link

six months pass...

^ it's her best since from the choirgirl

Ross, Tuesday, 3 July 2018 05:40 (six years ago) link

one month passes...

somehow i forgot night of hunters in my tori top 5 - what a record, clearly she still has it.

Ross, Thursday, 23 August 2018 16:57 (six years ago) link

Happy belated birthday

flamboyant goon tie included, Thursday, 23 August 2018 18:13 (six years ago) link

POLLing the Damage On - ILM Artist Poll #91 - Tori Amos (voting open until 9 September 2018)

forgotten to link this here until now but here it is for posterity

ufo, Thursday, 6 September 2018 12:45 (six years ago) link

three years pass...

New album, Ocean to Ocean, apparently to be announced soon?

01 Addition of Light Divided
02 Speaking with Trees
03 Devil's Bane
04 Swim to New York State
05 Spies
06 Ocean to Ocean
07 Flowers Burn to Gold
08 Metal Water Wood
09 29 Years
10 How Glass is Made
11 Birthday Baby

The cover is horrendous per usual but the unusually short tracklisting + the appearance of musicians other than the Amos Family Band (Matt Chamberlain, Jon Evans and John Philip Shenale are apparently all credited) make it sound somewhat interesting. Bracing myself for the track(s) that deal with her mother's death, her way of dealing with grief lyrically always fucks me up.

ˈʌglɪɪst preɪ, Friday, 17 September 2021 19:15 (three years ago) link

Tried to send this Facebook post on to an ILXor and discovered they’d deleted their account, so posting it here instead:

The gist: “Strange Little Girls” is 20 years old

kermit the grouch (flamboyant goon tie included), Tuesday, 21 September 2021 18:40 (three years ago) link

one month passes...

hm this seems good

STOCK FIST-PUMPER BRAD (BradNelson), Friday, 29 October 2021 15:06 (three years ago) link

Yeah, this is good and I'm glad she's still at it.

Loud guitars shit all over "Bette Davis Eyes" (NYCNative), Friday, 29 October 2021 19:00 (three years ago) link

where my other tori heads at

STOCK FIST-PUMPER BRAD (BradNelson), Tuesday, 2 November 2021 17:38 (three years ago) link

Listened once so far and enjoyed it quite a bit, probably way more than anything else she has released in the past 15+ years? I liked bits and pieces from the last two albums but this one just sounds much better (I suppose this is because of guest musicians contributing as well, instead of just the Amos family band and their shared Macbook) and there are no clunky genre pastiche tracks or overwrought concepts.

ˈʌglɪɪst preɪ, Tuesday, 2 November 2021 21:33 (three years ago) link

Would you describe it as ... back to basics?

Josh in Chicago, Tuesday, 2 November 2021 21:54 (three years ago) link

it's not really a return to her peak form or anything but it would be pretty easy to make the case that it's still her best in a long time, it's pretty solid

ufo, Wednesday, 3 November 2021 00:18 (three years ago) link

Yeah, I don't think it's up there with the best of her albums, but it's good. Love some of the textures, like on "Metal Water Wood". I actually dug some of the Native Invader tracks quite a bit so I'd put this on the same level

Vinnie, Monday, 15 November 2021 09:59 (three years ago) link

one year passes...

saw her on wednesday, my first time in person (i owned the welcome to sunny florida dvd as a kid), her band rn is jon evans on bass and ash soan on drums and that's it, and they sound really incredible, all the improv was gorgeous and i got surprised a lot by the set ("spring haze"!!!), kept thinking if she made an album with just these two guys it would fucking rule (evans was carving soundscapes with his bass like he was playing in talk talk or something), idk if that'll ever happen though

ivy (BradNelson), Saturday, 1 July 2023 01:13 (one year ago) link

triggered a desire to listen to every tori amos song for the first time since the ilx poll. been having a really great time, even though her last three albums are all the same album (some songs that rise to the occasion of her earlier work, plus many songs that are just fine)

ivy (BradNelson), Saturday, 1 July 2023 01:39 (one year ago) link

oh also, "bang"! "bang" is like my favorite tori song in years

― ToddBonzalez (BradNelson), Wednesday, September 13, 2017 8:42 AM (five years ago) bookmarkflaglink

still the high-water mark of her late period

ivy (BradNelson), Saturday, 1 July 2023 01:41 (one year ago) link

Coincidentally, I was curious about Tori recently – a video came on; I realized that I've never really "heard her stuff"; and it struck me that she seems like an artist I could either become obsessed with, or have no taste at all for. (An initial Wikipedia dive was pretty intimidating... I didn't realize she has so many albums.)

Bittern Storm Over My Hammy (morrisp), Saturday, 1 July 2023 01:44 (one year ago) link

it is so much goddamn music

ivy (BradNelson), Saturday, 1 July 2023 01:45 (one year ago) link

always makes me so happy to see a tori thread update from ivy

Tim F, Saturday, 1 July 2023 05:36 (one year ago) link

three months pass...

Scarlet's Walk vinyl / reissue is out; heard bad things about the black vinyl pressings, waiting for a red vinyl amazon one to show up which is supposed to be better, but have been re-listening to it on streaming. Two things: The reissue, on streaming, sounds a little muffled, or bass-heavy; but I also am suffering from some hearing loss over the past year and it's possibly related to that (the new Mitski album sounds similar to me, like the highs are missing). 2) this is kind of the last Tori album I loved or even thought was any good until Geraldines and the following (which I still don't think measure up) but somehow I never paid that much attention to the actual lyrics of a lot of it, so color me surprised to read the lyrics to Taxi Ride and find out she was not singing "just another dead fly to you".

I? not I! He! He! HIM! (akm), Friday, 6 October 2023 21:36 (one year ago) link

“Taxi Ride” is such an interesting song I think. Trying to capture the experience of being both suspicious of / irritated by someone but also thankful for them feels very Tori, so many of her songs describe these sorts of emotionally ambivalent relationships but rarely with such specificity (although being Tori it’s not like the lyrics are consistently clear).

Tim F, Friday, 6 October 2023 23:18 (one year ago) link

three months pass...

Under The Pink = 30 years old today.

It's interesting, I was drinking at a coffee shop over the holidays and they had on a playlist and "God" came on. Removed from the context of me saying "today I am going to listen to Under The Pink", it is a crazy fucking song. Caton's guitar has none of the "atonal, but catchy" appeal of a Marc Ribot solo, it's just a squall of irritation; the piano writing is Tori at her most elegantly "guitaristic"; the verses are grand but fragmented and the "bridge" is brief but also the climax? It's so wild to think that this song was even picked as a single, let alone charted... and I'm sitting there thinking "and this is Track 2. This comes after the insanity of 'Pretty Good Year' and before 'Bells For Her'. This might be the strangest album to ever go platinum"

a hyperlink to the past (flamboyant goon tie included), Thursday, 1 February 2024 00:48 (eleven months ago) link

I listened to this album about 200 times before I turned 16 and so its features feel like my own, but I just realised really that the extreme-placid photo shoots and the easy-colour design of the packaging likely perfumed this album extremely, disguised it visually as "something pretty", drove it like a Trojan My Little Pony into my brain to surprise-infect me with its brilliant craziness

This album terrified my younger brother. He was 13! I asked my mom if we could listen in the car and he said "I don't like that album" and my mom said why not? and he started crying! At 13! My younger brother was not usually a crybaby but he was crying. "Mom it's about her wanting to kill waitresses and touching herself and eating babies and stuff it is so horrible." That's right! Cry you fucker! Listen to this and cry your heart out

a hyperlink to the past (flamboyant goon tie included), Thursday, 1 February 2024 00:56 (eleven months ago) link

This is such a nice sounding album too - the step up in production from Little Earthquakes is so huge.

Although I got both albums not much later in 1995, I think my listening was not yet sufficiently developed to really appreciate how much production quality was improving for so many bands and artists during the early 90s. Was this something that people actively noticed at the time? In my head now it would be like watching layers of grime being wiped off your windows.

Tim F, Thursday, 1 February 2024 01:33 (eleven months ago) link

I mean, my family only got a CD player around this same time. My immersion in these albums occurred at the same time I was introduced to the glory of 44.1 kHz, so I didn't really have a basis for comparison

a hyperlink to the past (flamboyant goon tie included), Thursday, 1 February 2024 02:28 (eleven months ago) link

Until recently , this was my favorite album of hers. At the time I thought Boys For Pele was a disappointment, but I’ve since realized it’s the best and I wasn’t worthy when it was released.

Now I’m wondering if Choirgirl Hotel is also good. That’s where I got off the bus.

Cow_Art, Thursday, 1 February 2024 03:31 (eleven months ago) link

it is. it's not AS good but it's very strong.

under the pink just dazzled me yet again! magnificent, otherworldly.

Swen, Thursday, 1 February 2024 03:55 (eleven months ago) link

in the mid-90s my best friend was in the peace corps in diffa, niger, which is at the ass end of the ass end of countries not so far from what used to be lake chad but also 820 miles over impossibly slow roads to niamey, the capital

he had no books and was more or less dependent on me to send him anything related to then-current western culture. (so naturally i sent him THE EIGER SANCTION by TREVANIAN, which had long been made into a truly awful movie featuring clint eastwood, george kennedy and jack cassidy)

but i also sent him mixtapes, one of which included the jawbox cover of 'cornflake girl' (which is great)

a few years later i met one of his fellow peace corps volunteers, named Pcarolyn (but the P was silent). she asked me if i was the person who'd sent the jawbox cover of 'cornflake girl' to michael; i said yes, and she said 'i didn't like that'

anyway that was 25 years ago and i'm told she's since dropped the ~ silent P ~ but also she was super nice and now this story is all i can think about when i consider 'under the pink'

mookieproof, Thursday, 1 February 2024 04:31 (eleven months ago) link


Swen, Thursday, 1 February 2024 04:34 (eleven months ago) link

Under The Ink

a hyperlink to the past (flamboyant goon tie included), Thursday, 1 February 2024 04:35 (eleven months ago) link

Yeah, I think Under the Pink just edges Little Earthquakes as her best album. Like Cow_Art I was disappointed in Boys for Pele, but unlike them I've never gotten into it and indeed it's where I got off the bus.

Little Earthquakes had three producers working on it at different times, which I think helps to account for its fairly nondescript sound. Under the Pink was a real step up in production values.

lord of the rongs (anagram), Thursday, 1 February 2024 08:12 (eleven months ago) link

I don't think Tori Amos really figured out a "signature sound" until Choirgirl. I can't pick between which is "my favourite" of the first three, but I am pretty sure Choirgirl is "her best" in terms of realisation and execution. Those first three albums sound like albums of prototypes, buying plots of land and doing some surveying. Surveyor-Tori might be my favourite mode of hers, as a listener. Sometimes it gets too safe ("China"), or zany ("Leather", "Mr. Zebra"), or theatre kid ("The Wrong Band", "Happy Phantom"), or annoying ("In The Springtime Of His Voodoo"), or fake-rawk ("Professional Widow"), or uncomfortable ("Me And A Gun"), but the risks feel riskier and the rewards feel greater.

I was reading about Under The Pink on wiki yesterday and seeing that there were song rankings ("God" is her 3rd best song! "Cornflake Girl" is #1!) and I was puzzling over my own ranking. When I try and draw one up, I find I'm listing the more "complete" songs and overlooking the deformed experiments. It doesn't feel right.

a hyperlink to the past (flamboyant goon tie included), Thursday, 1 February 2024 15:51 (eleven months ago) link

Like if I had to pick a Tori song to play at a party it'd def be "Cornflake Girl" or "Crucify", but if I had to take one song with me to the afterlife it'd be "Yes, Anastasia" (or "Mother", or "Here. In My Head")

a hyperlink to the past (flamboyant goon tie included), Thursday, 1 February 2024 15:53 (eleven months ago) link

got an angry snatch
girls you know what i mean

ivy., Thursday, 1 February 2024 16:07 (eleven months ago) link

I put "Past the Mission" on a mixtape once, hoping to impress a girl. One of her friends later told me that she hated Tori Amos. Alas.

Washington Post Malone (Ye Mad Puffin), Thursday, 1 February 2024 17:08 (eleven months ago) link

the piano work on Yes Anastasia is insane

so glad to have seen her once, sat front row. she fully rollicks on the piano.

Swen, Thursday, 1 February 2024 17:30 (eleven months ago) link

got an angry snatch
girls you know what I mean

See... if "Voodoo" was just the body of the song I'd have a different feeling about it, because it's amazing, but that first minute of snarling always made me annoyed. But then again, maybe I'd think less of the song without it, who knows, it's definitely a beautiful strangething

so glad to have seen her once, sat front row. she fully rollicks on the piano.

Literally have never once seen her, which is crazy to consider

a hyperlink to the past (flamboyant goon tie included), Thursday, 1 February 2024 18:05 (eleven months ago) link

I put "Past the Mission" on a mixtape once, hoping to impress a girl. One of her friends later told me that she hated Tori Amos. Alas.

― Washington Post Malone (Ye Mad Puffin)

kind of riffing off this (nothing about you YMP) and thinking about my complicated feelings about amos as a cultural icon in this era

i had this sense in 1994 that amos was sort of a synecdoche for an entire gender, "me and a gun", that really kind of... i think overshadowed her early career. like #metoo if people just focused it all on one woman, one song. and honestly, that was how i, a fairly confused young person who thought of themselves as a "man" and wanted to understand What It Was Like Being A Woman, approached her music.

it was actually when boys for pele came out that i realized with some embarrassment that it was... kind of shitty to view someone like that. _boys for pele_ was _weird_, and to some extent amos herself was (unsurprisingly!) _weird_. "weird", that i understood. amos wasn't "every woman", she was _a_ woman.

and the thing was, like a lot of gen x shit, i think there was a lot of stuff people were trying to do back then that just wound up not going anywhere. not, like, because people _did it wrong_ or anything like that. she did these songs and they _were_ powerful, passionate songs, and people paid it lip service and nothing changed except that things got worse. the reason i was looking for a synecdoche was because i believed strongly that the way men viewed women, men treated women, needed to change, and listening to women was how you did that. and i failed at that for a couple of reasons... i wasn't ever a man, but that wasn't the major reason. the major reason was that i wasn't in a place where i could understand and acknowledge women as _individuals_. which is a problem that also underlaid my inability to understand _myself_ as a woman.

anyway as much as people seem to love those first couple records i really treasure that amos did find a distinctive individual voice. it doesn't seem like she was in an environment that made that sort of thing easy.


when i listen to something like "god" it makes me think of, i don't know, 1994. post-nirvana, labels were just throwing anything at the wall and seeing what would stick. sure, let's sign royal trux to a major label, why not? i get the sense that a lot of the label a&r people heard nirvana as the latest variety of electronic noise. and responded by saying "hey let's throw a lot of obnoxious noise on our songs, the kids seem to like that". (i don't think the guitar on "god" is "obnoxious noise", at least not in the sense that my hypothetical label people would have.) in that context "god" as a lead single makes sense!

Kate (rushomancy), Thursday, 1 February 2024 21:06 (eleven months ago) link

god i love god

Swen, Thursday, 1 February 2024 21:10 (eleven months ago) link

Agree but "Crucify" remains my sentimental favorite

Washington Post Malone (Ye Mad Puffin), Thursday, 1 February 2024 21:52 (eleven months ago) link

With "Sorta Fairytale" a close second; it is the best driving song ever

Washington Post Malone (Ye Mad Puffin), Thursday, 1 February 2024 21:53 (eleven months ago) link

Is "Sweet Dreams" the apotheosis, musically and lyrically, of the Poppy Bush Interzone?

Front-loaded albums are musical gerrymandering (Prefecture), Thursday, 1 February 2024 22:33 (eleven months ago) link

I said this a while back about Voodoo (and in particular its intro) and I hold to it:

And maybe the very specific thing about Boys for Pele which is so far out, and which maybe makes it her greatest album in the final analysis, is how it places this particular quality of her performances at the centre of almost every song. Whereas on From The Choirgirl Hotel, if she wants to do southern boogie skronk, she fucking gets the band in, on "In The Springtime of his Voodoo" the centre is always always the piano (except when, bizarrely given the surrounding song, she switches over the harpsichord). The first minute and a half is in some ways one of the most astonishing things she ever did, the way she uses these exploratory, ruminative piano lines to trace out an idiom that is not even hers except by genetic extraction - and the pay-off when the crawling baseline and percussion come in is just massive.

Tim F, Friday, 2 February 2024 06:36 (eleven months ago) link

I love that, Tim!

I myself feel like I’m bargaining for a wrap and a barista is growling at me about it for a minute before delivering the wrap I desire, but either way the wrap is delicious

a hyperlink to the past (flamboyant goon tie included), Friday, 2 February 2024 06:43 (eleven months ago) link

those first four albums are an all-time great run

ufo, Friday, 2 February 2024 07:13 (eleven months ago) link

quite unfathomable

Swen, Friday, 2 February 2024 16:03 (eleven months ago) link

Listening to Pele again now and every time it gets better. There are moments and phrases within the songs that are incredibly rich: "and this little masochist is lifting up her dress." In Muhammad My Friend where she mentions having her own TV show and a cheesy little theme song wafts in.

The length of the album works for it too, in contrast to a lot of bloated discs from the same time.

Maybe it was ahead of its time? I feel like a doofus for writing it off. The production is amazing.

Cow_Art, Friday, 2 February 2024 17:00 (eleven months ago) link

i think very much a grower, that's the way it happened to me. the strings are incredible and Marianne for me reshaped music. i imagine it must have felt like a big risk which i think is commendable, and feels like sometimes you have to do that to get at the best nuggets

Swen, Friday, 2 February 2024 17:24 (eleven months ago) link

eight months pass...

ArchCarrier, Friday, 18 October 2024 09:16 (three months ago) link

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