New Fast Automatic Daffodils: c or d?

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Not for "pigeonhole" or "body exit mind" great as they were, but for "Love It All", a fantastic album which I picked up for next to nothing at the Westgate library in Oxford (the gems you can find for a quid or less when libraries are having a clear-out is probably a thread in itself). "PSV", "Saxophone", "Life is an Accident"...there's not a weak track there! And one of them's called Icarus....

MarkH, Monday, 16 July 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

Ah, you lucky bastard, that's the one album of theirs I don't have and would like very much! I enjoy them, they put on a great *great* show in LA in 1991 -- the only club date I have ever been to in that city where the entire crowd was dancing from start to finish -- and Pigeonhole is a total treat of a listen. Maybe when I'm over there I'll see if I can dig that up...

Ned Raggett, Monday, 16 July 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

Like Ned, I never got around to "Love It All", despite the excellence of the other two albums. That kind of empitomises my approach to record buying - no loyalty! Didn't NFADs come up on another thread back in the mists of time (Indie Dance?). As I said there, with NFADs I hear very strong links back to early ACR and 23 Skidoo, which is a good thing indeed.

Dr. C, Tuesday, 17 July 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

two years pass...
There was another thread about them recently - just downloaded "Big" (god knows where my single has got to) after including it on the 'Rough Guide' thread, wow it's good and sounds very contemporary too.

Tico Tico (Tico Tico), Wednesday, 14 January 2004 01:52 (twenty-one years ago) link


Ned Raggett (Ned), Wednesday, 14 January 2004 02:02 (twenty-one years ago) link

'Big' is on the Ladytron compilation (omg buy it already it's so good!)

stevem (blueski), Wednesday, 14 January 2004 02:59 (twenty-one years ago) link

Yay! Revival starts here!

Ned Raggett (Ned), Wednesday, 14 January 2004 03:19 (twenty-one years ago) link

one year passes...
Ha, Pidgeonhole was in the free bin at my local store and I remembered seeing them on a sampler, so I picked it up and liked it. Seeing the thread on the Blue Aeroplanes (which I found out about from the same sampler) made me wonder what happened to these guys...

js (honestengine), Tuesday, 10 January 2006 03:46 (nineteen years ago) link

I stand by my statements above. One of the best bands it's ever been my pleasure to see live.

Ned Raggett (Ned), Tuesday, 10 January 2006 03:49 (nineteen years ago) link

Weren't there, like, a million of 'em?

js (honestengine), Tuesday, 10 January 2006 03:52 (nineteen years ago) link

nine months pass...
Quite a few, yes.

Am listening to a live show recorded back in 1990 and am thinking back again how lucky I was to see them live. WHERE IS THE DFA FAN LOVE FOR THIS BAND?

Ned Raggett (Ned), Tuesday, 31 October 2006 15:40 (eighteen years ago) link

I bought their debut single, saw them live once at Reading but gave up for some reason. What's good apart from "Big"?

everything (everything), Tuesday, 31 October 2006 18:12 (eighteen years ago) link

Yeah I'm wondering the same thing. "Big" sounds awesome on Headman's Danse Moderne mix.

Tim Finney (Tim Finney), Tuesday, 31 October 2006 20:50 (eighteen years ago) link

Well "Big" is pretty stellar but I'd definitely say the whole Pigeonhole album is worth looking into. Try "Fishes Eyes," "Working For Him," "Penguins" and especially "Partial."

Ned Raggett (Ned), Tuesday, 31 October 2006 20:52 (eighteen years ago) link

the Peel Sessions disc is the best

gwynywdd dwnyt fyrwr byychydd gww (donut), Tuesday, 31 October 2006 21:01 (eighteen years ago) link

It's worth it for the "Purple Haze" cover alone.

Ned Raggett (Ned), Tuesday, 31 October 2006 21:04 (eighteen years ago) link

eh, I used to love the cover, but now am annoyed with it.. the rest is amazing though.

gwynywdd dwnyt fyrwr byychydd gww (donut), Tuesday, 31 October 2006 21:08 (eighteen years ago) link

Maybe I have a fondness for the cover just because how brilliantly it worked at the live show I keep muttering about on the thread -- a thrilling encore. And frankly it's just nice to hear a Hendrix cover that doesn't sound like a bad and lazy version of the original. Anyway, get it all, listen, love, etc.

Ned Raggett (Ned), Tuesday, 31 October 2006 21:11 (eighteen years ago) link

There was a pretty good dvd of them live at the Hacienda in 1989 up on dimeadozen a few months ago.

svend (svend), Tuesday, 31 October 2006 21:45 (eighteen years ago) link

How's Body Exit Mind? This thread inspired me to poke around the net, and I found a copy for 50 cents on Amazon Marketplace.

David Bachyrycz (David Bachyrycz), Tuesday, 31 October 2006 21:59 (eighteen years ago) link

i love 'stockholm'

electric sound of jim [and why not] (electricsound), Wednesday, 1 November 2006 01:26 (eighteen years ago) link

Great song indeed.

Just finishing relistening to the Peel disc and while Donut is right as to its greatness, I actually wouldn't call it their best disc because by and large it doesn't showcase their abilities with slower songs as much as Pigeonhole does, the take on "Part 4" aside. Also, there's a sleekness about that album which is seemingly effortless at its best, especially on the tracks I mentioned above. *shrug* Different strokes etc. etc.

Ned Raggett (Ned), Wednesday, 1 November 2006 05:50 (eighteen years ago) link

ned, where'd you get that live stuff? hook a brother up!

something less threatening (heywood), Wednesday, 1 November 2006 06:42 (eighteen years ago) link

one year passes...


Tracer Hand, Friday, 18 July 2008 23:45 (sixteen years ago) link

I'll be honest, at the time I didn't think they were all that special, but on occasion when I hear them now, I think they've aged quite well.

Bimble, Saturday, 19 July 2008 00:18 (sixteen years ago) link

They really have. I don't think it's a secret why. They had fantastic percussion and dynamics.

Tracer Hand, Saturday, 26 July 2008 10:07 (sixteen years ago) link

Secret: I was friends with a German woman in Manchester who lived in an apartment with their manager. Shhhhh.

Bimble Is Still More Goth Than You, Saturday, 26 July 2008 10:51 (sixteen years ago) link

Northside > New FADs >>>> flowered up

Pillbox, Saturday, 26 July 2008 13:37 (sixteen years ago) link


Bimble Is Still More Goth Than You, Saturday, 26 July 2008 13:59 (sixteen years ago) link

Really sad story about Flowered Up inthe Guardian recently (it's the last of the 5):

Neil S, Saturday, 26 July 2008 14:04 (sixteen years ago) link

two years pass...

Today is a Pigeonhole kind of day, in case anyone was wondering.

Such a fantastic record.

Johnny Fever, Wednesday, 9 March 2011 19:03 (thirteen years ago) link

i f/w these guys

Damn this thread seems so....different without ilxor (ilxor), Wednesday, 9 March 2011 19:12 (thirteen years ago) link

took me years to figure out their name abbreviated to New FADs

Damn this thread seems so....different without ilxor (ilxor), Wednesday, 9 March 2011 19:13 (thirteen years ago) link

i love Pigeonhole. still sounds great. less of a fan of the subsequent stuff.

nerve_pylon, Wednesday, 9 March 2011 19:54 (thirteen years ago) link

xp I think I figured that out when Dave Kendall told me on 120 Minutes.

Johnny Fever, Wednesday, 9 March 2011 19:56 (thirteen years ago) link

think i'll dust off the Fishes Eyes 12".

nerve_pylon, Wednesday, 9 March 2011 20:06 (thirteen years ago) link

I adore the follow-up, "Body Exit Mind". Such a unique sounding album. I couldn't stand their New FADS incarnation at the time but listening to some of it (which is all up on Youtube) I should reassess.

Gerald McBoing-Boing, Thursday, 10 March 2011 01:55 (thirteen years ago) link

Meh, my mind is unchanged. "Body Exit Mind" still their high point by a wide margin.

Gerald McBoing-Boing, Monday, 14 March 2011 23:38 (thirteen years ago) link

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