This is the thread where we all shit on autotune and give examples

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Since we all seem to agree that it is a demon that should be wiped off the face of the earth I thought I'd start a thread.

I suppose I should also ask - Does anybody have any examples of uses of autotune that do not suck ostrich eggs through a silly straw? Either methods of utilizing it (singing in a straight monotone out of key and using it to induce weird artifacts possibly?) or tunes/albums where it was heavily used that aren't garbage?

Millar (Millar), Friday, 2 May 2003 03:02 (twenty-one years ago) link

Packt Like Sardines in a Crushd Tin Box by Radiohead=really cool usage of autotune

Melissa W (Melissa W), Friday, 2 May 2003 03:10 (twenty-one years ago) link

New Buffalo EP = possibly really cool use of autotune, possibly shit. undecided on this. I think my indecision comes from being unable to work out if it was used to obtain that weird sound or because Sally Russell can't sing in tune.

electric sound of jim (electricsound), Friday, 2 May 2003 03:18 (twenty-one years ago) link

Daft Punk - eurghhh - they're still French you know, you can tell.

colin s barrow (colin s barrow), Friday, 2 May 2003 03:23 (twenty-one years ago) link

Zapp & Roger

JasonD (JasonD), Friday, 2 May 2003 04:14 (twenty-one years ago) link

UK garage to thread.

Chewshabadoo (Chewshabadoo), Friday, 2 May 2003 05:52 (twenty-one years ago) link

I love autotune! What do people typically think is the worst autotune song ever? That 'Believe' song by Cher? It's great! I'm not kidding. And aren't Daft Punk, Zapp, and UKG all mostly good things too?

Dan I. (Dan I.), Friday, 2 May 2003 07:15 (twenty-one years ago) link

It has a cloyingly ultra commercial quality, very shiny, very packaged, that sets my teeth on edge and gives me the cringing creeps. Like, it Coca-Colarizes the voice. McDonaldises it. Leaches it of the human, replaces it with a brassy grooviness. Forgot to mention Basement Jaxx - can't remember the song. People, people, one of them is called Felix Buxton, has a red beard, and wears glasses and a beanie. Please be careful with this band.

colin s barrow (colin s barrow), Friday, 2 May 2003 11:35 (twenty-one years ago) link

I love it too!

Paul R (paul R), Friday, 2 May 2003 16:46 (twenty-one years ago) link

Britney uses it grebt!

Sterling Clover (s_clover), Friday, 2 May 2003 16:50 (twenty-one years ago) link

Yeah, auto-tune invariably improves songs for me.

Also, who knows how many records it's been subtly used on? Maybe some of your favorites, Tom!

Spencer Chow (spencermfi), Friday, 2 May 2003 16:58 (twenty-one years ago) link

Zapp & Roger did not use Autotune, they used synthesizers fed through talkboxes (y'know, those little contraptions with the tubes whose great name Peter Frampton so horribly tarnished?).

In fact, there are three things that are often hard to tell apart when you haven't used them yourself, talkboxes, vocoders, and then autotune. Talkboxes route an instrument's sound-signal through a tube into your mouth, where it is shaped as though the "breath" had come from your lungs. Vocoders use the shapes made with your mouth & microphone to filter synthesizer frequencies so as to make the synthesizers "talk"...Air uses hella vocoders. Autotune, on the other hand, quantizes your natural voice in unnatural ways, when used subtly it simply shifts tones up or down to match what it accepts as "pitch"; when fully tweaked, it makes the voice skip notes in really robotic ways (such as that Cher thing).

nickalicious (nickalicious), Friday, 2 May 2003 17:03 (twenty-one years ago) link

And imho the modern producers'* love of autotune, dynamic range compression, and other such programs for forcing regularity to musical recordings (like beat quantizing live drums or pro-tooling out certain "noise" signals) is making modern records sound more and more homogenous.

*not all modern producers, duh

nickalicious (nickalicious), Friday, 2 May 2003 17:07 (twenty-one years ago) link

y'all do realize, don't you, that autotune has been used on well over 99 percent of the major label records that have been made in the past few years, and probably well over 97 percent of the indies? it's as commonplace as, say, reverb. which is to say that 99 percent of all bands and producers do not *choose* to use it, they just do use it.

fact checking cuz, Friday, 2 May 2003 17:23 (twenty-one years ago) link

I think it's awesome that the Hamtaro theme song uses this effect!

Fivvy (Fivvy), Friday, 2 May 2003 17:39 (twenty-one years ago) link

Maybe autotune is responsible for some of the mind-bogglingly weird vocal effects on Aphex Twin's "Funny Little Man" (like where the voice sweeps up, but in discreet steps rather than continuously)?

Paul in Santa Cruz (Paul in Santa Cruz), Saturday, 3 May 2003 02:43 (twenty-one years ago) link

It's used often (and impercetibly, unless somone is, like, a bloodhound) on many fretted string instruments, which don't generally stay in tune. This bums producers out! So, many "natural" albums with "warm" vocals have banjos and acoustic guitars that have been Autotuned to hell and back.

Sasha Frere-Jones (Sasha Frere-Jones), Saturday, 3 May 2003 04:05 (twenty-one years ago) link

Nick's got a point. I feel so hypocritical too because I always notice when people say that everything uses a vocorder even when it doesn't, and then I commit the same sort of sin here even though I do know the difference between vocorders and autotune and other stuff.

Dan I. (Dan I.), Saturday, 3 May 2003 04:19 (twenty-one years ago) link

(voice of comic shop guy from Simpsons) If you were aware of the actual electronics involved in vocoder and autotune effects, you would also be aware that the vocoder is simply a method of playing a voice synthesizer on a conventionally tuned keyboard. That is to say, the vocoder automatically tunes any voice to a designated note (and also makes you sound like a robot or a space angel). Therefore we will hear no more talk of the vocoder not being a variety of autotuner. Think of it as an autotuner with extra added robot/angel.

Zapp's voicebox is also, in effect, an autotuner, as the notes are designated not by the pitch of the voice, but by an independent keyboard. Now, if you will excuse me, my breakfast burrito is rapidly congealing.

colin s barrow (colin s barrow), Saturday, 3 May 2003 05:07 (twenty-one years ago) link

Well sure they may contain an element in common (that the pitch of the voice is manipulated, right?), but surely the fact that the products of each recognizably differ from each other is what's important?

Dan I., Saturday, 3 May 2003 06:26 (twenty-one years ago) link

Yeah, true. Fair comment.

I retract my opposition to autotuning, Your Honour. It's the songs I don't like. I wish they were dirtier, more real. The autotuning is just one component of an obsessive cleaning up of pop music, and that's the real problem. I think I could actually handle autotuning if some other the other elements were a little dirtier, to compensate, to balance things out, to connect heaven and earth.

colin s barrow (colin s barrow), Saturday, 3 May 2003 09:28 (twenty-one years ago) link

The subtle way to use Autotune - make 2 copies of your vocal, autotune the hell out of one and then fade it back in with the uneffected signal until it's just below noticeable. At the moment I'm trying out a wierd-ass-sounding-thing where you Autotune the reverb but not the voice. It makes things sound ringy and strange.

As a rule though it sucks big unruly boobs.

Lynskey (Lynskey), Saturday, 3 May 2003 11:14 (twenty-one years ago) link

>>>"(voice of comic shop guy from Simpsons) If you were aware of the actual electronics involved in vocoder and autotune effects, you would also be aware that the vocoder is simply a method of playing a voice synthesizer on a conventionally tuned keyboard. That is to say, the vocoder automatically tunes any voice to a designated note (and also makes you sound like a robot or a space angel). Therefore we will hear no more talk of the vocoder not being a variety of autotuner. Think of it as an autotuner with extra added robot/angel."

-in the spirit of advanced pedantry I shall have to disagree with you there, old chap. The vocoder does not "automatically tune any voice to a designated note". The thing with vocoders is that they don't use the "body" of the voice sound, only the "shape" of the voice's articulation of that sound. This shape is then applied to a synthesiser (or indeed any other) note or chord. So what you are hearing on a vocoder track is not a human voice being altered as much as a human voice being used to alter a synth sound. Soooo, strictly speaking, the human voice is not getting tuned at all, which makes the vocoder an entirely different thing to Autotune.

Conor (Conor), Saturday, 3 May 2003 16:38 (twenty-one years ago) link

voder = classic device for synthesizing human voice tones from scratch.

coder = device added to it to break down voice tones into bits that could be fed into a voder.

vocoder = put them together, voice is broken into basic frequencies and then reassembled.

Sterling Clover (s_clover), Saturday, 3 May 2003 16:42 (twenty-one years ago) link

At the risk of illustrating my inability to get the joke -are you being serious, Sterling?

Conor (Conor), Saturday, 3 May 2003 17:04 (twenty-one years ago) link

Sterling's post is not a joke.

Wendy Carlos summarizes the early history and basic operation of the vocoder.
(scroll down to bottom half of the page)

Paul in Santa Cruz (Paul in Santa Cruz), Saturday, 3 May 2003 17:28 (twenty-one years ago) link

I was saying UK garage in response to Millar asking for examples of Autotune used in a good way.

And in response to 'fact checking cuz' I think Millar was making a point about Autotune being used as a deliberate effect rather than used as a tool to correct slight tuning problems. Abusing it rather than using it.

Chewshabadoo (Chewshabadoo), Saturday, 3 May 2003 21:46 (twenty-one years ago) link

The Sigue Sigue Sputnik remix of Kill Switch, Klick's "Follow Me" uses every imaginable filter I can think of. In fact, if it wasn't for the evil robot voice in this chorus, I'd declare the song to be completely pants and would've never listened to it. (It sez "Follow Me" but it sounds like "Shzzzerbert Fveeeettttzzzzzzzz")

Lord Custos Epsilon (Lord Custos Epsilon), Sunday, 4 May 2003 13:15 (twenty-one years ago) link

>>>"Sterling's post is not a joke.
Wendy Carlos summarizes the early history and basic operation of the vocoder."

-ah, I see. Interesting stuff, I had never read about the history of the vocoder.
I am probably just nitpicking here, but the point I was trying to make before was that the vast majority of vocoded vocals you hear on records are done by combining a synth sound with a voice, rather than by processing the voice alone (as is outlined in part 7 of that Wendy Carlos article). That is certainly the only way in which either of the two vocoders that are in my setup here can operate.

Here is an outline of how contemporary vocoders work from the great Sound on Sound magazine's Paul White:

"A vocoder enables the tonal character of one sound to be imposed on another, quite different sound; the classic talking keyboard effect is produced by using the changing characteristics of the human voice to shape a sustained synth sound. What really happens is this: the vocal signal, which we shall call the modulator, is analysed by a bank of filters that continually measure the signal envelope in each part of the spectrum in exactly the same way as a spectrum analyser does. The more filters in the bank, the more accurate the analysis.

The signal to be modified, known as the carrier, is also fed to a bank of filters, but this time the level of signal passing through each filter band is modulated according to the output from the spectrum analyser section. In other words, the spectral characteristics of the modulating signal are duplicated in the filter bank processing the carrier. Figure 1 shows a simplified block diagram of what's actually going on. If the modulating signal is continually changing in character, as is true of the human voice, these dynamic changes will be passed onto the carrier, giving the synth sound a recognisable vocal quality. So effective is this process that it is possible to pick out intelligible words, even when none of the original vocal signal is present. And because we're analysing the spectral content and not the absolute pitch of the modulating signal, it doesn't even matter if the words are sung out of tune, or even spoken.

Apart from the obvious spectral variations generated by the vocal chords, human speech also includes 'fricatives' -- short, high-frequency sounds present in syllables such as 'S' and 'T' which are formed in the mouth. If these are separated out from the main vocal signal by means of a high pass filter, they can be added to the output to increase the intelligibility of the sound, and because they don't relate to the musical pitch of the vocal, they can be added to any musical output without compromising the tuning."

Conor (Conor), Sunday, 4 May 2003 18:59 (twenty-one years ago) link

I agree w/millar's orig. post - kommon praktice seems to be auto tune everything, pull all thee beatz into line in pr0 t3wlz, them maximise it until all dynamic range is squashed into the top 0.5db of the digital scale. Horrible.

Pashmina (Pashmina), Sunday, 4 May 2003 19:06 (twenty-one years ago) link

I am sincerely worried that entering the ranks of Pro Tools/Antares users will turn me into a terrible musician worthy of contempt.

Millar (Millar), Sunday, 4 May 2003 20:27 (twenty-one years ago) link

Actually, I like that White Stripes tune where they pull the "Believe" trick w/ Autotune (specifically the "Trendy American Mix" of "You're Pretty Good Looking")...

Douglas (Douglas), Monday, 5 May 2003 00:36 (twenty-one years ago) link

We studied vocoders in my signal processing class: i wanted to build a voder over the summer and learn to play it like an instrument but never got around to it.

The thing is that lots of this stuff makes much more sense if you think in analog instead of digital -- like essentially using a voice to modulate a synth tone is running the synth thru the input and the voice through the controller of a bank of transistors, i think. you can also add the signals, switch the feeds, etc.

Sterling Clover (s_clover), Monday, 5 May 2003 00:55 (twenty-one years ago) link

two years pass...
Can someone give me some examples of blatant autotuning on their voice?

Is this something that people can hear in its obviousness or do you need some perfect pitch thing going?

Viz (Viz), Wednesday, 12 April 2006 14:33 (eighteen years ago) link

Eppy (Eppy), Wednesday, 12 April 2006 14:38 (eighteen years ago) link

ts: misunderstanding 'autotune' vs. misunderstanding 'protools'

bangelo (bangelo), Wednesday, 12 April 2006 14:44 (eighteen years ago) link

generally I find autotune results a little flat.

Jimmy Mod: My theme is DEATH (The Famous Jimmy Mod), Wednesday, 12 April 2006 14:45 (eighteen years ago) link


Jimmy Mod: My theme is DEATH (The Famous Jimmy Mod), Wednesday, 12 April 2006 14:45 (eighteen years ago) link

check out neko case and her take(down) on autotune

jennie louis, Wednesday, 12 April 2006 14:54 (eighteen years ago) link

Thanks for the link. I figured that was the "sound" of autotune.

Now for the more subtle uses of it, is that noticable? Reading Neko Case's PF interview, she made it seem that it was obvious who was using it, but I can't seem to tell myself.


Viz (Viz), Wednesday, 12 April 2006 14:55 (eighteen years ago) link

she is also a singer who is in command of her voice and whose job it is to hear shit when it goes wrong.

Jimmy Mod: My theme is DEATH (The Famous Jimmy Mod), Wednesday, 12 April 2006 15:08 (eighteen years ago) link

Like every studio effect, it's fine as long as you don't go batshit on it. I mean, reverb and EQ'ing changes the natural quality of your voice, too. I generally feel like it's good to sweeten harmonized vocals or strongly melodic lines, but if you're doing more idosyncratic stuff with your voice use it lightly or not at all.

People will stop complaining about Autotune once the new version comes out with "bluesy" and "Mark E. Smith" settings on it.

Eppy (Eppy), Wednesday, 12 April 2006 15:15 (eighteen years ago) link

aka a bottle of whiskey and a pack of camel reds

Jimmy Mod: My theme is DEATH (The Famous Jimmy Mod), Wednesday, 12 April 2006 15:18 (eighteen years ago) link

Yet there they are, all over the radio, jizzing saccharine all over you.

Oh, Neko, marry me now.

steal compass, drive north, disappear (tissp), Wednesday, 12 April 2006 15:20 (eighteen years ago) link

If I didn't know any better, the vox on Jesu's s/t have been autotuned to give them a faintly distanced quality which actually works well with the zombie metal aesthetic.

Worst autotuning ever: S Club 8's "Automatic High." It's like someone sampled each lead vocal phrase individually much the way people useta sample dog barks in the eighties. This would be totally cool in other contexts, but I like my bubblegum where there is at least *some* empathy with the singers possible.

Michael Daddino (epicharmus), Wednesday, 12 April 2006 15:34 (eighteen years ago) link

The new Shakira single, "Hips Don't Lie" is a good example of too much autotune.

darin (darin), Wednesday, 12 April 2006 15:36 (eighteen years ago) link

Oh Lord yes.

Michael Daddino (epicharmus), Wednesday, 12 April 2006 15:37 (eighteen years ago) link

Neko admittedly has a point about Auto-Tune being an artificial sweetener, but she needs to understand that:

a) singers often get tuned even when they don't need it. Shania is the painfully obvious example here,


b) there are singers who insist on using it as a security blanket and will ask for it by name.

I just recently had to tell someone I was recording that he was more than good enough to sing without it. This guy had a great pop voice, but was used to hearing himself tuned on his records.

Tantrum The Cat (Tantrum The Cat), Wednesday, 12 April 2006 15:56 (eighteen years ago) link

b) there are singers who insist on using it as a security blanket and will ask for it by name.

Anyone else just had the same mental image of some guy in a pharmacy?

steal compass, drive north, disappear (tissp), Wednesday, 12 April 2006 15:58 (eighteen years ago) link

Is it just me or, for a lot of songs that people point out to seem like they're being snide and noticing some singer using autotune cause she couldnt sing; theyre typically pointing out examples of an artist who went out of their way to make the autotune noticable for effect. Like Believe by Cher. That effect wasn't some mistake she wishes wasnt there.

Period period period (Period period period), Wednesday, 12 April 2006 16:06 (eighteen years ago) link

Anyone else just had the same mental image of some guy in a pharmacy?

Or, alternately, a trenchcoated dude in an alley with stacks of pirated software:

"Psst! You wanna buy some... y'know??!!! For the.... (motions to throat)...."

Tantrum The Cat (Tantrum The Cat), Wednesday, 12 April 2006 16:20 (eighteen years ago) link


Eppy (Eppy), Wednesday, 12 April 2006 16:25 (eighteen years ago) link

I among among those few ILM'ers who have actually worked with Autotune, and I have to admit that it gives some strange results from time to time.

Geir Hongro (GeirHong), Wednesday, 12 April 2006 17:48 (eighteen years ago) link

re: tuning apps, does anyone here doing commercial studio work know if Melodyne has caught on yet? I like it, but am not crazy about its interface between program/main sequencer.

also, from what i understand that cher tune actually has no autotune proper at all, just straight vocals mixed w/ vocoder

bangelo (bangelo), Wednesday, 12 April 2006 17:55 (eighteen years ago) link

re: tuning apps, does anyone here doing commercial studio work know if Melodyne has caught on yet? I like it, but am not crazy about its interface between program/main sequencer.

Yes. Melodyne is definitely starting to replace Auto-Tune as the pitch-corrector of choice. It's way less noticeable in the mix, and you can do really cool things like generate harmonies from a lead vocal.

I initially grumbled about the Melodyne interface, but the newest version has gotten rid of about 75% of the guesswork. It always used to feel like it was going to crash, but that's no longer a problem.

also, from what i understand that cher tune actually has no autotune proper at all, just straight vocals mixed w/ vocoder

That's what the producers wanted everyone to believe. They admitted later that it was Auto-Tune applied full-strength to specific words on the chorus.

Tantrum The Cat (Tantrum The Cat), Wednesday, 12 April 2006 18:32 (eighteen years ago) link

I find it hard to believe that cher would stand for that kind of duplicity

bangelo (bangelo), Wednesday, 12 April 2006 18:57 (eighteen years ago) link

I produced a demo for a completely talentess but wealthy and deluded singer a few years back in a nice studio. After a minute of her first take I asked the engineer if he autotune. He said he did but it didn't go that far.

dr lulu (dr lulu), Wednesday, 12 April 2006 19:58 (eighteen years ago) link

Tell you one thing that ain't two: there's a whole lot more autotune on those Detroit garage records from a few years back than the silvertone amps posse might want to admit.

natecavalieri (phonetagged), Thursday, 13 April 2006 00:00 (eighteen years ago) link

charlotte hatherley's album has heaps of obvious autotuning

electric sound of jim (and why not) (electricsound), Thursday, 13 April 2006 00:07 (eighteen years ago) link

three years pass...

derelict, Thursday, 23 April 2009 01:42 (fifteen years ago) link

These Gregory Brothers autotunes are pretty amazing. This one might wind up in my top ten singles of the year:

Kevin John Bozelka, Thursday, 30 April 2009 20:29 (fifteen years ago) link

The players in the news opera include:

Andrew Gregory (my big bro). You can also find him here:

Ruth Marcus on gay marriage
Kiran Chetry on marijuana
Sean Hannity and Hillary Clinton on pirates
Katie Couric on melting ice


RM: This was a pretty remarkable week on the gay marriage front
First of all, to have a state like Iowa
MG: Whatchoo tryna say about Iowa
RM: Not the east coast state
MG: East coast
RM: Not the left coast state
MG: Left coast
RM: In a decision written by a republican appointee
MG: shawty, now you sounding so fine
Give me your number, we can bump and grind
Talkin about politics all night
Leavin the club in the mornin light
If we get carred away
We might get gay-married today

KC: We just heard from some of our viewers who strongly support legalizing marijuana
MG: Shawty, 5 of those calls was from me
KC: Do you think we should legalize pot alone or all drugs, including heroine, cocaine, and meth?
MG: My brain says no, but my body says yes!

AG: I'm an angry gorilla. I heard you needed me (ooh ooh ah ah)
SH: Now that Captain Phillips has been successfully rescued
The president has decided to step in front of the spotlight
AG: Ooh, I'm angry! You can't see it, but my forehead's veiny
SH: And even take some credit for the rescue
AG: Well, don't you worry, baby boo
You'll always have an angry gorilla to be angry with you
That's what I do. Just ask Donkey Kong. He's in my crew

KC: At the North Pole, new satellite photos show arctic ice is melting so fast
AG: Oh snap, how fast?
KC: Many scientists now believe it will be gone within 30 years
AG: Surely you jest! I'm under cardiac arrest, shawty
KC: Some researchers think it could disappear in just six
AG: Shit!
KC: Without it there could be a snowball effect
AG: Oh
KC: With temperatures rising even faster
If we all don't take bold action and take it fast
AG: Yeah,
Both: We will find ourselves on very thin ice

MG: Tell em, Hillary, pirates on very thin ice
HC: These pirates are criminals
They are armed gangs on the sea
MG: That means the ocean
HC: The United States does not make concessions
Or ransom payments to pirates


MG: Hello, shawty, we can meet up at the mall
Browse around at the bookstore
Mentally ball until we fall

Kevin John Bozelka, Thursday, 30 April 2009 20:31 (fifteen years ago) link

From wikipedia:
On a Sunday morning, April 25, 1999, Roger Troutman was found shot and critically wounded outside his northwest Dayton recording studio... In remembrance, Roger's nephew Clet Troutman sang "Amazing Grace" through a talkbox at his funeral.

•--• --- --- •--• (Pleasant Plains), Thursday, 30 April 2009 20:35 (fifteen years ago) link

eleven months pass...

I wouldn't say I have a great ear for autotune and that, but:

Are the vocals on "Glee" massively autotuned?

And isn't that (supposedly) against the spirit of the whole thing? Aren't we supposed to go "wow aren't they talented singing students" or something?

Mark G, Tuesday, 13 April 2010 10:39 (fourteen years ago) link

Are the vocals on "Glee" massively autotuned?


And isn't that (supposedly) against the spirit of the whole thing? Aren't we supposed to go "wow aren't they talented singing students" or something?

no. and no.

acoustic bugaloo (m bison), Tuesday, 13 April 2010 13:47 (fourteen years ago) link


Mark G, Tuesday, 13 April 2010 13:47 (fourteen years ago) link

Because it's a fictional drama not a talent show.

POLL closes: April 31st (in 100 years) (Noodle Vague), Tuesday, 13 April 2010 13:48 (fourteen years ago) link

a lot of the members of the cast are legit broadway ppl, but the show is not there rly to showcase their pipes imo.

acoustic bugaloo (m bison), Tuesday, 13 April 2010 13:48 (fourteen years ago) link


Mark G, Tuesday, 13 April 2010 13:49 (fourteen years ago) link

kind of weird to hire irl singers then autotune them

Big Fate (as Alvin 'Xzibit' Joiner) (history mayne), Tuesday, 13 April 2010 13:49 (fourteen years ago) link

Some seem to get less autotune than others but y'know zany show

POLL closes: April 31st (in 100 years) (Noodle Vague), Tuesday, 13 April 2010 13:50 (fourteen years ago) link

Natalie Wood not singing has never really spoiled West Side Story for me. Whereas ironically Johnny Depp singing Sweeney Todd = please stop

POLL closes: April 31st (in 100 years) (Noodle Vague), Tuesday, 13 April 2010 13:51 (fourteen years ago) link

Well, I guess then they'd 'upstage' the notsogood ones. (xposts)

I guess in the 'college football' scenes, chances are the 'mazing quarterback doesn't actually receive/catch/throw the ball 60 yards to himself for the touchdown, it's all done in the edit.

Just seems to me a bit reductive to show all these USA 'talented' singertypes in a kind of "you will never be as good as this" presentation.

Mark G, Tuesday, 13 April 2010 13:56 (fourteen years ago) link

but by making it so blatantly autotuned, they tell me 'yes u can do it, like this' *computers*

acoustic bugaloo (m bison), Tuesday, 13 April 2010 13:58 (fourteen years ago) link

six years pass...

Le Bateau Ivre, Friday, 20 January 2017 14:38 (seven years ago) link

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