TS: Radiohead vs Eagles

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a) THREE guitar players (actually sounds like only one)

b) THREE guitar players (that sound like about 700)

c) Their early stuff sounds totally different from their late stuff because they're genius experimental craftsmen

d) Their late stuff is the exact same as the early stuff except with more and expensiver shit all over it

e) Their late stuff sounds different because once everybody in the world started copying their early stuff they realised they could do whatever they wanted

f) "Electioneering" vs "Life in the Fast Lane", ie it's OK to 'rock' if you're properly guilty about what 'rocking' 'represents' enough to throw a wet rag on it

g) "Myxomatosis" vs "Heartache Tonight" ie it *would* be OK to rock if you only knew how

h) "Backdrifts" vs "Sad Cafe" ie throw caution to the wind and put loads of chord changes in there and all is forgiven

i) "The Last Resort" vs 'No Logo' ie ain't it a goddamn shame that everybody in the world doesn't see what's on the end of every fork, unlike us

j) Both bands obsessed with the big, bad U.S. of motherfuckin' A*

dave q, Friday, 20 June 2003 11:48 (twenty-one years ago) link

*which I give about, hmmm, 10 years

dave q, Friday, 20 June 2003 11:49 (twenty-one years ago) link

i have to choose the eagles: sunshine never sounded so glum with hotel california and take it easy.

however, radiohead have turned into a pale-version of their former mighty eagles influenced self as of late.

doom-e, Friday, 20 June 2003 11:55 (twenty-one years ago) link

I thought this thread was about Goldrush and I was about to go ballistic. Phew!

kate (kate), Friday, 20 June 2003 11:58 (twenty-one years ago) link

Not until Robyn Hitchcock joins as their Joe Walsh.

Chris Clark (Chris Clark), Friday, 20 June 2003 12:23 (twenty-one years ago) link

Let's see - I like Radiohead a lot, and I've deeply hated the Eagles since I was a small child.

I choose Radiohead. What a shocker.

Matthew Perpetua (Matthew Perpetua), Friday, 20 June 2003 13:12 (twenty-one years ago) link

I'm with Matthew. Only remove the 'a lot' from the 'I like Radiohead' statement.

Nick Southall (Nick Southall), Friday, 20 June 2003 13:26 (twenty-one years ago) link

ok, radiohead didnt have 'take it easy' and never will have 'take it easy' ... randy meisner's solo albums out-rate any of the radiohead piffle. and ... joe walsh v. jonny android? please.

doom-e, Friday, 20 June 2003 13:33 (twenty-one years ago) link

I wouldn't say the same about Frey's solo albs tho

dave q, Friday, 20 June 2003 13:35 (twenty-one years ago) link

Altho "Better in the USA" is a great cold-war time capsule. "If we're so awful, if we're so bad, you oughta see the nightlife in Leningrad"!

dave q, Friday, 20 June 2003 13:37 (twenty-one years ago) link

randy meisner is more punk-rock by leaving the eagles. everyone in radiohead hangs on for dear life whilst complaining in the press constantly. and meisner wrote 'take it too the limit' and colloborated with rich and swan for a sublime country soft-pop album called: meisner, swan and rich. i mean, the eagles are genius compared to radiohead. could you see thom yorke helping out former eastenders cast members with their coke habits! no!

extra screed:

so what you are saying is that eagles are the 'anti-radiohead'

doom-e, Friday, 20 June 2003 13:40 (twenty-one years ago) link

if you wanted to make an example of a radiohead song with lots of chord changes, pick something like knives out, just, or in limbo. backdrifts is pretty fuckin simple

Felcher (Felcher), Friday, 20 June 2003 15:36 (twenty-one years ago) link

"If we're so awful, if we're so bad, you oughta see the nightlife in Leningrad"! - this from 1984-ish, this conspicuish rhyme? ...weird.

t\'\'t (t\'\'t), Friday, 20 June 2003 23:43 (twenty-one years ago) link

Not to be overly harsh, nick, but your Radiohead/Eagles
comparisons are really fucking stupid.

masta ace, Saturday, 21 June 2003 05:08 (twenty-one years ago) link

where are nick's?

James Blount (James Blount), Saturday, 21 June 2003 05:10 (twenty-one years ago) link

not much of a choice.

Julio Desouza (jdesouza), Saturday, 21 June 2003 07:44 (twenty-one years ago) link

This comparison is actually scary accurate. I know people are like "but I like Radiohead and I don't like the Eagles, therefore it's not a good comparison," but Q this one has all sort of interesting points of intersection. Of course it would be a violation of protocol to not focus on one of the few points where they don't intersect so here: did the Eagles ever, ever count as "young"? I don't think so: the California scene from which they emerged was full of those kinds of annoying people who were "adult" by the time they were seventeen, making a big point of not laughing at fart jokes and only watching "serious" movies. Radiohead may be similar but have always counted as "boys" - this is partly why people won't wanna see the R-head/Eagles axis, 'cause R-head is FOR THE KIDS whereas the Eagles have always openly been ABOUT THE SPONSORS

J0hn Darn1elle (J0hn Darn1elle), Saturday, 21 June 2003 11:26 (twenty-one years ago) link

I see what yr getting at (D Henley - "The 'Eagle' in Casteneda's work represents the highest state of human awareness" blah blah) but it's VERY different over here, 'the kids' in the UK are mainly into Slipknot! 'The kids' in America are into Radiohead? FUCK things have changed since I've been away. (Cue Alice Cooper's "Ballad of Dwight Frye" here, seriously)

dave q, Saturday, 21 June 2003 11:36 (twenty-one years ago) link

(Henley again - "Of course, Glenn just liked the name because it sounded like a motorcycle gang")

dave q, Saturday, 21 June 2003 11:36 (twenty-one years ago) link

My cousin the mechanic (10 years (to the day!) older than me so I considered him the expert on 70s music) on why he worshipped the Eagles and detested Fleetwood Mac - "'cuz FM are just MINDLESS"

dave q, Saturday, 21 June 2003 11:38 (twenty-one years ago) link

hmmm, the eagles' contemporaries were jacksom browne, linda ronstadt, poco, loggins and messina ...

radiohead's contemporaries include sigur ros ...

which means radiohead gets the nod, only b/c they've inspired only one vomit-inducing contemporary thusfar (sigur ros is pretty bad, but if given a choice b/w them and jackson browne ... i think i'll blow my brains out now, please?)

Tad (llamasfur), Saturday, 21 June 2003 11:48 (twenty-one years ago) link

Jackson Browne once again grievously underrated by people who should, umm, if not know better then at least give several hard listens to Saturate Before Using and The Pretender and don't anybody give me any shit about that "ice cream vendor" rhyme, I mean I don't hear any of you guys making an A-to-C#m shift sound like it's more pregnant with meaning than the collected works of Alexander Dumas

J0hn Darn1elle (J0hn Darn1elle), Saturday, 21 June 2003 11:55 (twenty-one years ago) link

Dave Q your cousin is God

J0hn Darn1elle (J0hn Darn1elle), Saturday, 21 June 2003 11:56 (twenty-one years ago) link

"I'll be the happy idiot and GET A JOB WRITING FOR 'BLENDER'"!!!! hahahahahaha

dave q, Saturday, 21 June 2003 13:42 (twenty-one years ago) link

You shouldn't have put the Eagles against such a good band. Or even, a band. I think the Eagles vs. the sound of having an icepick hammered into your eardrum, would be a little more fair for the Eagles.

David Allen, Saturday, 21 June 2003 14:38 (twenty-one years ago) link

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