black metal vocal technique.....

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Just curious as to whether there's a term for it? Studies looking into if and perhaps how quickly it will destroy one's vocal cords? Tips on perfecting it without doing so? Or, if doing so is par for the course and part of the inherent meaning of black metal?

Not that I'm going to burn down a church or anything.

maria b (maria b), Sunday, 1 February 2004 20:35 (twenty years ago) link

cookie monster!

Ian Johnson (orion), Sunday, 1 February 2004 20:38 (twenty years ago) link

I'm not sure how easy it is to do the black metal screech without ruining your voice.
The death metal growl, aka, "cookie monster vocals" is possible to do from your belly (though many guys don't, and probably regret it after a few years) but I've never really heard anyone talk about the screeching thing.

That being said, keep in mind that most of the most painful screeching is done by guys who hardly ever play live, so it's probably a one day out of a year thing for them anyways.
I'm guessing the best way to find answers to this is to look around for Diamanda Galas interviews, as she's probably more likely to be able to answer this than any number of teenage black metallers.

Out of curiosity, which particular style are you going for? There's obviously quite a few different approaches going around, from the Attila ca Di Mysteriis style, to Dani Filth cheesescreech, to the Burzum/Countess hilarious "anguish"-screams to the Donald Duck-style Kristallnacht vocals, to Popeye-style Immortal vocals etc.. Not to mention the more subdued approaches of the likes of Dimmu Borgir.

Øystein H-O (Øystein H-O), Sunday, 1 February 2004 21:11 (twenty years ago) link

Just try doing Gollum from Lord of the Rings, but make it raspier.
And don't forget to scream it, baby!

latebloomer (latebloomer), Sunday, 1 February 2004 21:13 (twenty years ago) link

I think there are ways to do it in a relatively healthy fashion, but it depends on your voice type.

I talked about this with a voice teacher once in terms of the 'soul scream', how guys like Stevie Wonder, Sly Stone, J.B. etc. can get that super-high, rough scream whereas others (like me) just cannot make their voice do that. He was saying how certain ranges (maybe tenors/high baritones?) can do it more easily, while others (low baritones probably) aren't built for it.

I also remember an old interview with Dan Swano where he said he's not going to do that kind of singing live any more because it fucks him up, whereas the guy who replaced him in Edge of Sanity can do it right.

Jordan (Jordan), Sunday, 1 February 2004 21:16 (twenty years ago) link

Well, one method for getting the low rumble sound is to electronically-process your vocals. I was at one concert (I was working at the club, so don't know the band -- Sepultura, maybe?) where the singer's mike was obviously run through a pitch-shifter to get that vocal effect -- it was a mite ludicrous when he talked on mic between songs and the "we're going to do one off our new album" rap came out in the voice of Satan.

As for the screech -- again, effects can help out -- when Blixa from E. Neubauten makes a similar noise he's actually vocalizing at a low volume with a lot of processing.

Nom De Plume (Nom De Plume), Sunday, 1 February 2004 21:54 (twenty years ago) link

What about gargling with acid? Works for me every time!

satan (latebloomer), Sunday, 1 February 2004 22:16 (twenty years ago) link

Well, one method for getting the low rumble sound is to electronically-process your vocals.

that's for poseurs.

i know from experience (a misspent youth heavily influenced by "under the sign of the black mark" and "from enslavement to obliteration") that you basically have to experiment until you find a way to do it that doesn't destroy your throat; i never found a way to do the high-pitched shrieking that didn't make my throat hurt, but i did accidentally figure out how to do overtone singing.

when i hear varg vikernes sing i just picture him drinking peppermint tea with honey for a week afterward.

el sabor de gene (yournullfame), Monday, 2 February 2004 00:06 (twenty years ago) link

I'm going for.... actually, I dunno. For some reason, it seems like the right time to sing like that. Especially now that I've witnessed the nadir of 2004 - Janet's pre-menopausal tit being oggled by Justin Timberlake.

maria b (maria b), Monday, 2 February 2004 03:27 (twenty years ago) link

Nadir of 2004? You optimist!

Anthony Miccio (Anthony Miccio), Monday, 2 February 2004 03:31 (twenty years ago) link

lol... oh God, let's hope it doesn't get any worse.

maria b (maria b), Monday, 2 February 2004 03:37 (twenty years ago) link

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