― matthew armstead, Saturday, 6 March 2004 12:30 (twenty years ago) link
― :), Saturday, 6 March 2004 20:43 (twenty years ago) link
I've also heard numerous rumors of a new album coming out in a couple months, perhaps this June.
They've been playing plenty of new songs at their live shows. You can download three of them -- 'Liar,' 'Saturday,' and 'Oh Yeah,' -- at the built to spill message board. (http://pub83.ezboard.com/fbuilttospill84818frm1.showMessage?topicID=863.topic)
Other new songs include 'Going against Your Mind,' 'Patience, Waiting,' and '10 good reasons to live.'
You can also always check out builttospill.com for info; it's only sporadically updated, but its message board(see above) gets plenty of activity.
- Jeff ( j m i l t o n -at- w e s l e y a n . e d u )
― Jeff MH, Sunday, 7 March 2004 17:35 (twenty years ago) link
BTW, let me know if you here anything else about built to spill's new album.
- Jeff
― Jeff MH, Sunday, 7 March 2004 17:47 (twenty years ago) link
- benefit show for Fantagraphics- benefit show for Dub Narcotic post van accident- benefit show for the Vera Project: all ages art/venue commune in downtown Seattle- benefit show for above mentioned Up Records anniversary- probably some others I'm missing
Dug has become the rock charity god of the Northwest. Even if the new BTS sucks stale weiners, I will highly admire the band for their selflessness over the past year or so.
― donut bitch (donut), Sunday, 7 March 2004 18:20 (twenty years ago) link
― Mr Deeds (Mr Deeds), Thursday, 8 April 2004 20:17 (twenty years ago) link
Been listening to a lot of Treepeople lately, so my BTS luv will surely but slowly start to creep back just in time.
― donut bitch (donut), Thursday, 8 April 2004 20:27 (twenty years ago) link
― Mr Deeds (Mr Deeds), Thursday, 8 April 2004 20:30 (twenty years ago) link
I actually grew to love the last BTS...it had this sort of exhausted, break-up album feel...I listen to it alot when I'm tired or burnt out..it sounds tired and burnt out (but in a good way I think, or at least I think right now)
― M@tt He1geson (Matt Helgeson), Thursday, 8 April 2004 20:31 (twenty years ago) link
― M@tt He1geson (Matt Helgeson), Thursday, 8 April 2004 20:32 (twenty years ago) link
― gygax! (gygax!), Thursday, 8 April 2004 20:34 (twenty years ago) link
― gygax! (gygax!), Thursday, 8 April 2004 20:35 (twenty years ago) link
Yeah, BTS has been in a really awful rut for what seems like a couple of years. I went to the first two or three of these benefit shows, and they all seemed exactly the same. The band seemed bored (If I'm not mistaken, Doug was wearing his backpack on stage for the Fantagraphics one--like he was just about to leave at any moment) and the crowd was just grateful for the scraps--it almost felt like a nostalgia act. They REALLY need some new material.
Mmmm....treepeople. I havent listened in a long time. I could go for a little Tongues on Thrones. Something viscious/time whore might have the worst cover of any CD I own by a band I actually really like.
― Scott CE (Scott CE), Thursday, 8 April 2004 20:36 (twenty years ago) link
― Mr Deeds (Mr Deeds), Thursday, 8 April 2004 21:30 (twenty years ago) link
More props to Caustic Resin, who travel back and forth just as often, but mainly to indifferent audiences opening for other bands. They got heckled when they opened for the Frogs at Graceland last year. It was really awkward.
― donut bitch (donut), Thursday, 8 April 2004 21:36 (twenty years ago) link
― donut bitch (donut), Thursday, 8 April 2004 21:38 (twenty years ago) link
― M@tt He1geson (Matt Helgeson), Thursday, 8 April 2004 21:39 (twenty years ago) link
but back to Treepeople..
I think Treepeople were somewhat responsible for (*cringing*) part of the "emo" elements of indie rock in the mid 90s.. you can definitely hear an influence on Lync and Modest Mouse and others in those records. Anyway, they are certainly underrated as Deeds said above.
― donut bitch (donut), Thursday, 8 April 2004 21:42 (twenty years ago) link
― Scott CE (Scott CE), Thursday, 8 April 2004 21:46 (twenty years ago) link
actually, sorry I put a [sarcasm thingy in < that disappeared] they were actually complete arrogant fuck-os and they had some serious weird child molester dudes that were fauning over them backstage...
also Treepeople are good and I will not continue to sully their thread! goodbye!
― M@tt He1geson (Matt Helgeson), Thursday, 8 April 2004 21:48 (twenty years ago) link
I think BTS need a live "editor", or just need to hire somebody to stop them from playing for more than 50 minutes, and that would be their best career move.
(As for the Frogs, I've never played on the same bill as them, but they seem alright to their fans offstage, if a bit unexpectedly shy and reserved... not counting the fawning child molesters who I never saw. and if you ignore Dennis's insults during the show, which is totally an act he's perfected)
― donut bitch (donut), Thursday, 8 April 2004 21:52 (twenty years ago) link
― Mr Deeds (Mr Deeds), Friday, 9 April 2004 03:15 (twenty years ago) link
They were very good at Bumbershoot, aside from the random broadcasting of a political speech between songs through their PA. That was bizarre. Anyone see the set or have details about new material?
― Star Cauliflower (Star Cauliflower), Friday, 17 September 2004 17:16 (twenty years ago) link
A mother and baby are the same age, as a 1 day old baby has a 1 day old mother. ****************************************************************** I am not allowed to lecture at the word animal academic institutions, for they fear my wisdom will expose and indict the pedant hirelings as betrayers of dumb-ass students - the dung heads who allow their freedom of speech to be suppressed without a whimper, unbelieveable. Word animals will feel the wrath of Cubic curse. *********************************************************************** Creation of 4 simultaneous 24 hour days, within a single rotation of Earth, empowers me above all 1-day gods and educated stupid scientists. I will wager $10,000.00 on it. **************************************************** My wisdom so antiquates known knowledge, that a psychiatrist examining my behavior, eccentric by his academic single corner knowledge, knows no course other than to judge me schizoprenic. In today's society of greed, men of word illusion are elected to lead and wise men are condemned. You must establish a Chair of Wisdom to empower Wise Men over the stupid intelligentsia, or perish. ************************************************* All knowledge of the human word animal, is insignificant, when his fictitious word world is compared to Nature's own Dynamic & Harmonic Time Cube's Creation Principle. ******************************************************* "The New Tom Green Show" equates to evil, for due to pressure they rescinded their guest invitation to me. You might say that they support evil against youth. ************************************************** God created only a single 24 hour day rotation of Earth, while I have created 4 simultaneous 24 hour days within a single rotation of Earth - therefore, I am wiser than the word god, and all word worshipers. All words are fictitious. I will wager $10,000.00 that Cubic Creation is almighty. ********************************************** All creation on Earth exists between the 2 opposite poles, and if unified, would cancel and cease to exist. Humans exist only as opposites - with a zero value, for if unified, male and female would counter each other & cease to exist. **************************************** Evil educators suppress student free speech right to debate Cubic Creation. Evil students don't object. ***************************************** I have been informed that the academic pedant hirelings are conspiring to defame my character, as a means to discredit the Time/Life/Truth Cube Creation Principle. ********************************************** Hey stupid - are you too dumb to know there are 4 different simultaneous 24 hour days within a single rotation of Earth? Greenwich 1 day is a lie. 4 quadrants = 4 corners, and 4 different directions. Each Earth corner rotates own separate 24 hour day. Infinite days is stupidity. *********************************** Wisdom=Cubic testing of knowledge. Demand right to debate Time Cube, or you are unworthy of life on Earth. I can't believe that stupid ass students allow suppression of the Time Cube. ************************************ Evil educators refuse to recognize the wisest of humans to ever exist. My magnificent creation of 4 simultaneous 24 hour days within a single rotation of Earth, debunks the puny 1-day rotation of a fake word god and stupid educators. Nature has no choice but to bring forth a hell upon evil cubelessness. Know it to be of your own making. ****************************************** If I tell a human that his 4-corner head (nose, 2 ears and back corner) has only a 1-corner face, the dumb- ass will say to me - "prove it". He knows not that his face is a corner. ************************************* Google has over 1,000,000 links to Time Cube site. Click here to view a mass of links to Time Cube site. **************************** Click for Time Cube on Horology Site. **************************** The Gene Ray Time Cube interview will air on June 18, on TechTV "Unscrewed". Dish TV 191, DirectTV 354, and Cable. **************************************** Academia is an accreditation of real stupidity - deadly to all humanity. Dumb ass teachers fear Time Cube and will eat dung before debating it. Dumb students are educated stupid. ***************************************** Click below for stupid linear time. Nature's Time is Cubic and perpetual. Linear Time is wrong and suicidal. ******************************** I have requested that the UCS, or Union of Concerned Scientists, act to evaluate Nature's Harmonic Time Cube Principle of Creation - for the welfare of children, nature and the future of all humanity. The dumb, stupid and evil bastards have ignored their obligation to their humanity fellowship to research Time Cube, and deserve to be spit upon publicly. It is their moral duty to test Time Cube, and a curse of evil if they ignore the greatest discovery of humanity. I have offered $10,000.00 to the evil bastards if they disprove Time Cube. They can't disprove it, so they hide like yellow-belly bastards they are. *********************************** There is no human entity, just human Cubics - as in 4 different people in a 4 corner stage metamorphic rotation - never more than 1 corner at same time. *********************************** Cubeless education - is a deadly evil. Cubeless educators are evil bastards. Humans are dumb, educated stupid, and evil. They don't want to know Nature's Cubic Order of Creation. ******************************* Man invented word, and calls it god. "The Word World", imposed by the academic institutions, is synonymous with the Matrix's induced "Dream World". Both are most efficient mind enslavers, and humans know not their difference from "The Cubic World", the creation principle of all that exist. ************************************* Corruption of Word
Academic free speech is a damn lie. Try to discuss & debate Nature's Time Cube and your evil teachers will not allow you. Ignorance of Time Cube dooms humans, inflicting their own created "word hell". Educators are actually "evil word gods", teaching commercial plunder of Nature. The damn bastards suppress free speech, by denying Time Cube debate discussion. Students MUST DEMAND free speech - for the greatest of all human discoveries: Nature's Harmonic Simultaneous 4 Day Rotating Creation Principle of Cubicism. Educated stupid, you can't know Truth. ****************************************** Read physics of Santa Claus . Explain the physics of a god. Belief has no inherent value, but worship of such nonvalue as a god, equates to nonacceptance of Cubic knowledge - as demonstrated by ineffable Truth and the Highest Order of Wisdom. I can talk with a human for hours about the Time Cube and they will agree with every claim I make. But at the end of the conversation, they remark that they believe in the nonvalue belief god and cannot accept Cubic Creation, regardless of all the ineffable Truth and Wisdom it proves. A Belief Matrix pulls a 1 day world over your eyes, while the real Cubic World has 4 simultaneous days in 1 Earth rotation. Educators own your mind and fills it with garbage, that will soon destroy humanity. ****************************************************>
Did you see the movie Matrix? Actually the induced night "dream world" is synonymous with the academic religious induced daytime "word world" enslavement of humans. Word has no inherent value, as it was invented as a counterfeit and fictitious value to represent natural values in commerce. Unfortunately, human values have declined to fictitious word values. Unknowingly, you are living in a "Word World", as in a fictitious life in a counterfeit nation - which you could consider Matrix induced "Dream World". Can you distinguish the academic induced "Word World" from the natural "Real World"? Beware of the change when your brain is free from induced"Word World" enslavement - for you could find that the natural "Real World" has been destroyed.
"Why not the Time Cube?" The only reason is educated stupidity. ********************************************* I have demonstrated absolute unrefutable proof of 4 simultaneous 24 hour days with in a single rotation of Earth. No other man or god can claim such Truth manifestation. The academic brainwashed mind is corrupt and can't comprehend Cubic magnificence. ************************************ University of Michigan is a racist and anti-white institution - offering 20 points for registration, if you are not white. It is already evil in that they suppress student free speech for discussing and debating Nature's Harmonic Time Cube Principle. Integration equates unnatural racial slop. Does black mentality need the 20 points to equate the mentality of the white race, or is it an evil ploy to subdue the white race? What anti-white force is behind this evil? I will not receive one educator reaction, as their power is in ignoring ineffable Truth. How can such an evil school exist in USA. ********************************************************* Evil Ass Educators Suppress Time Cube, and dumb ass students condone such evil. Cubeless institutions are spreaders of evil, and students lack mentality to challenge it. ************************************************ I bestow upon myself the "Doctorate of Cubicism", for educators are ignorant of Nature's Harmonic Time Cube Principle and cannot bestow the prestigious honor of wisdom upon the wisest human ever. Dr. Gene Ray ************************************************************ Force teachers to debate Time Cube site. Word teachers are the most evil humans. Religious academia represses the human mind of the Cubic Truth - not utterable. Educators and teachers, ignorant of the Time Cube Principle, are evil liars and unfit to live in Earth's Garden of Eden. The bastards refuse to challenge this site, repressing Time Cube free speech rights. Students must force Time Cube debates & Make sure every teacher sees this web site. ******************************** Time Cube proves a 1 face god impossible, due to 4 corner face metamorphic human - baby, child, parent and grandparent faces. ********************************** Religious education is mindless declaration of ignorance, still maintained from its ancient origin by dumb and evil humans. ***************************************** If you believe the academic erroneous word god, you will die stupid and evil - for you have not the mental freedom to comprehend Nature's Higher Order Wisdom of the Harmonic Simultaneous 4-Day Time Cube Creation Principle within 1Earth Rotation. Until word is cornered, educators are liars. by Gene Ray, the wisest human ******************************************* Any dumb ass should know that a prime meridian does not just pass through the Greenwich point, but it also passes as a great circle through both poles, crossing the equator at 2 opposite points, dividing Earth into 2 halves of light and darkness, with each its own 24 hour rotation - in a single rotation of Earth. You should know that harmonic symmetry demands a second great circle meridian to create sunup and sundown corner quadrants? There are 4 simultaneous 24 hour days within a single rotation of the Earth. You may be too damn evil to accept it. ************************************** Since I have informed you of Nature's Harmonic Time Cube 4-Day Creation Principle, your stupidity is no longer the issue. For now, the issue is just how evil you are for ignoring Life's Highest Order, and just how long the Time Cube will allow you to plunder Earth before inflicting hell upon you. ****************************** AboveGod Your father was a fish. You evolved from an egg laid in water, fertilized by a sperm fish swimming upstream - just as salmon swim up stream to fertilize female egg laid in the water. Maybe, you should worship a fish god. *************************************** There is nothing so dumb, stupid and evil as a cubeless educator, except for their evil dumb stupid ass students. Evil educators teach dumb students how to profit from plunder of Earth and to create deadly nuclear waste that will poison the children's water and destroy humanity. Both educator and stupid student must be condemned. Tis Time to ban any educator who does not teach Cubicism above cubelessness. To save humanity from extinction, like prior civilizations perished, youth must redirect selfteachers, or shackle them. Stupid Educators know of the Truth I speak and know that it will indict them as the most evil bastards on the Earth. Only a dumb student can be educated - as in brainwashed and indoctrinated. Time Cube debate denial is educator evil. It is not immoral for students to dispise educators who ignore Nature's Harmonic Time Cube or suppress free speech rights to debate Time Cube Creation Principle. Ignorance of Time Cube is Greatest Evil. ..................................................... Subject: TIME CUBE IS PROVEN BY TEACHER Date: Wed, 30 Oct 2002 17:54:04 EST From: Mazurian1@aol.com To: oray612959@earthlink.net
Dear Mr. Ray-
For a year now I have studied your Time Cube truths but have not been able to convince others of its reality (dumbasses). My mother is a teacher, and she said it was "nutty" and "stupid." But guess what- I cornered her, literally, in the living room one evening, and forced her to admit it.
American teachers are sworn to fight against the truth of Time Cube.
Transfer interrupted!font> A Devout Student of Time Cube ************************************************************
Time Cube has the answer for nuclear waste problem. Scientists are stupid asses, and ignore the Time Cube. ........................................... Time Cube discovery makes me wiser than human/gods. YOU were educated EVIL, & too dumb to know about Time Cube Creation. ............................................ My Cubic wisdom is above 1 - day Gods and Scientist. Ignoring Time Cube is Evil. .............................................. Educators are"damn liars",and most evil of all animals. They do not deny the charge of being evil word bastards. .............................................................
There is no teacher on Earth qualified to teach Nature's Harmonic Simultaneous 4- Day Rotating Time Cube Creation Principle, and therefore, there is no teacher on Earth worthy of being called a certified teacher. ................................................................................... There is no human entity, as there are but human Cubics, via 4-corner metamorphosis. ................................................................................... Educator ban of Time Cube free speech is Nazi like evil. Professors are evil bastards for suppressing Time Cube, and deserve 'tar & feathers' by betrayed students. .............................................................................. I will give $10,000.00 to 1st education institution or to the 1st professor who can disprove 4-Day Time Cube. Evil professors ignore this as a challenge would indict them. ........................................................................................ The 4 corner quadrant Earth has 4-24 hour simultaneous Days within a single rotation of Earth, as if 4 different Worlds with 4 separate Days and 4 separate races with 4 stages each. ............................................................................ Bible's and science's 1-day Earth rotation are evil scams.
Not 1 educator on Earth has objected to being called a stupid and evil bastard for not teaching Time Cube. They know that it's Truth and would expose them evil. ......................................................................... Students have no Truth to think with, they accept any crap they are told to think. You are enslaved by word, as if domesticated animal. A school or educator who does not teach students the Harmonic Simultaneous 4 Day Time Cube Principle, is a death threat to youth, therefore stupid and evil - begetting stupid students. How can you trust stupid professors who lie to you? Can't lose the $10,000.00, they cowardly ignore me. Stupid professors threaten Nature and civilization with word lies. *********************************** I think Cubic, I am wisest. You think self, you are evil. Your Professors are stupid evil Liars, and fear the Time Cube Truth. *************************************** Cubicism bans monodeity. Integration is a racial slop, destroying all of the races. What is more racist than NAACP? Can there be a NAAWP, NAAAP and a NAAIP for the white, the asian and indian people? Why not integrate NAACP? What is racist and unracist? Linear Time is an 'evil lie'. *********************************************** How long will it take the educated to destroy Nature? Destroying Nature equates destroying future children, for Nature constitutes the reservoir for human spirit. Ever notice how Nature returns when humans leave? One day, vines will cover New York like Aztec ruins. Academic scientists created over 77,000 tons of atomic waste and more everyday - for your children's future. You educated stupid bastards are unworthy of Earth. ******************************************* Invented word god and the stupid scientists recognize only a 1-day Earth rotation. I demonstrated an absolute unrefutable proof of 4 days simultaneously in a single rotation of the 4 corner Earth sphere. *************************************** RPI incurrs a Cubic curse, evil for ignoring Time Cube. RPI professors will eat dung before they allow students to debate Time Cube Life, as free speech suppression. Students must stop such evil, or perish. ******************************************* NO Time Cube research by evil academic bastards. Students are taught stupidity - denying free speech rights to debate the Truth Cube. Is your university so evil - as to suppress Time Cube? Students are really stupid, without Cubic life wisdom, and yellow belly cowards. Only MIT was courageous. Time Cube is TOE theory. Time is CUBIC, not linear as stupid and evil educators teach children. ****************************** See MIT Time Cube Video. Video no longer on MIT site. ************************** Academia is mind control and a perfect enslavement for the masses of humans. Word is evil empowerment, separating man from nature. **************************** Humans are not godly, their 4 corner stage metamorphic seasons proves them Cubic. They're just educated stupid. ****************************** Man isn't a steward of life's nature, the bastard plunders it like killing future children, for they die without nature. ****************************** Educators are actually evil for refusing to teach students Nature's 4 World Time Cube. ******************************* It is up to the youth to force educators teach Time Cube, or inherit the barren Earth. ****************************** Children having babies is evil & welfare for such evil is evil. Overpopulation is Time Bomb. ******************************** Word is not Real nor Truth, but deadly virus of humanity, transmitted through language. Teach Time Cube, You Fools. ****************************** Educators Teach Their Students To Act Evil, but the students are really too dumb to know. MIT students depict great courage to debate the Time Cube where academia fears to tread. Are all other schools too evil to follow MIT? ******************************************** Time Cube Debate at MIT. Time Cube Disproves Gods. Ignoring Time Cube is Evil. Educators ignore Cube Life and they create evil students.
― Time Cube Duder, Friday, 17 September 2004 17:30 (twenty years ago) link
― cow tools, Friday, 17 September 2004 17:32 (twenty years ago) link
― Taxi Dancing in the Soft Prison (Ben Boyer), Friday, 17 September 2004 17:33 (twenty years ago) link
― still bevens (bscrubbins), Friday, 17 September 2004 17:41 (twenty years ago) link
― n/a (Nick A.), Friday, 17 September 2004 17:43 (twenty years ago) link
― cow tools, Friday, 17 September 2004 17:46 (twenty years ago) link
― n/a (Nick A.), Friday, 17 September 2004 18:06 (twenty years ago) link
― kyle (akmonday), Friday, 17 September 2004 18:54 (twenty years ago) link
It used to be that every other BTS show I saw was good. The others ranged from bad to utterly horrible. And yes, I like Built to Spill a lot.
The one time I saw Polvo, they were ok.
― righteousmaelstrom, Friday, 17 September 2004 18:58 (twenty years ago) link
i saw the treepeople 2x, once with doug and once without. much better than BTS IMO.
― gygax! (gygax!), Friday, 17 September 2004 19:06 (twenty years ago) link
― cutty (mcutt), Saturday, 18 September 2004 15:05 (twenty years ago) link
― manthony m1cc1o (Anthony Miccio), Saturday, 18 September 2004 15:10 (twenty years ago) link
― ng, Saturday, 18 September 2004 18:00 (twenty years ago) link
― Star Cauliflower (Star Cauliflower), Saturday, 18 September 2004 19:10 (twenty years ago) link
― Mr Deeds (Mr Deeds), Sunday, 27 February 2005 20:36 (nineteen years ago) link
this new song ("gonna lose") rips pretty hard
― na (NA), Friday, 6 May 2022 14:07 (two years ago) link
Yeah, I dig it. Can't believe the release is still four months out.
― a superficial sheeb of intelligence (jon /via/ chi 2.0), Friday, 6 May 2022 17:48 (two years ago) link
― Bee OK, Sunday, 11 September 2022 07:34 (two years ago) link
hope it sounds better than it looks.
― ledge, Sunday, 11 September 2022 11:37 (two years ago) link
looooool, the typo in this thread title! it's a good one
i am liking this new album, and i didn't expect to. it has a warmth to it.
the cover, i mean, hey, sometimes there's a deadline and it sneaks up on you
― Karl Malone, Sunday, 11 September 2022 15:41 (two years ago) link
Cover is awful but I heard the single on the kexp live thing and could imagine it being a Keep it b-side
― calstars, Sunday, 11 September 2022 17:14 (two years ago) link
Has this band ever had a good album cover? Or even a halfway decent one, for that matter? I'm starting to think it's intentional, the in-joke schtick of a band not known for schticks
― Paul Ponzi, Sunday, 11 September 2022 17:18 (two years ago) link
The collage of Keep It is cool
― calstars, Sunday, 11 September 2022 17:23 (two years ago) link
it wouldn't win awards but I quite like 'there is no enemy'.
― ledge, Sunday, 11 September 2022 17:25 (two years ago) link
More props to Caustic Resin, who travel back and forth just as often, but mainly to indifferent audiences opening for other bands. They got heckled when they opened for the Frogs at Graceland last year. It was really awkward.― donut bitch (donut), Thursday, April 8, 2004
― donut bitch (donut), Thursday, April 8, 2004
― dow, Sunday, 11 September 2022 22:17 (two years ago) link
Medicine is great; so is Fly Me To The Moon. I’ve tried BTSCR but think it didn’t grab me, maybe I should listen again.
― west coast heat dome blues (morrisp), Sunday, 11 September 2022 22:23 (two years ago) link
it's kind of amazing that brett netson got replaced with brett nelson
― Karl Malone, Sunday, 11 September 2022 22:23 (two years ago) link
Yeah it’s like an indie rock Spinal Tap joke.
― west coast heat dome blues (morrisp), Sunday, 11 September 2022 22:26 (two years ago) link
See also: Wings guitarists and drummers.
― Jean Arthur Rank (James Redd and the Blecchs), Sunday, 11 September 2022 22:30 (two years ago) link
i will check this out but i mostly wanted to share the chuckle over the cover art. 😄 indeed
also i really liked that one song on you in reverse where i could sing along "go and get your mom! go and get your mom!" even though i knew it was wrong.
they're a goid band to make fun of.
― ミ💙🅟 🅛 🅤 🅡 🅜 🅑💙彡 (Austin), Sunday, 11 September 2022 22:56 (two years ago) link
i realize that it is pandering to me, but caustic resin's cover of 'hold your head up' is incredible
― mookieproof, Sunday, 11 September 2022 23:27 (two years ago) link
the people on the album haven't been in the band since 2019, Doug went back to the "new band members every time" thing.
― StanM, Sunday, 11 September 2022 23:29 (two years ago) link
Have yet to check Built to Spill Caustic Resin
When Not Being Stupid is Not Enough is my favorite Bulit to Spill song
― corrs unplugged, Monday, 12 September 2022 06:46 (two years ago) link
I actually kinda like the cover of this one! It's weird and stupid, but it's got a good color palette IMO. It's not a million miles away from like, a Lightning Bolt album cover
― feed me with your chips (zchyrs), Monday, 12 September 2022 13:44 (two years ago) link
love the album art on the new one. perfect from now on and keep it like a secret have good art, too.
― Spottie, Monday, 12 September 2022 15:29 (two years ago) link
lol i made a thread for the new record a few months ago built to spill: when the wind forgets your name (sept 9 2022)
― flamenco drop (BradNelson), Monday, 12 September 2022 15:31 (two years ago) link
When The Board Forgets Your Thread
― feed me with your chips (zchyrs), Monday, 12 September 2022 15:44 (two years ago) link
― flamenco drop (BradNelson), Monday, 12 September 2022 15:45 (two years ago) link
It’s actually spelled bulit to spill
― Karl Malone, Monday, 12 September 2022 15:46 (two years ago) link
bulit train to spillsville
― flamenco drop (BradNelson), Monday, 12 September 2022 15:48 (two years ago) link
From Steven Hyden, via Indie Mixtape newsletter:
Before I write anything else about Doug Martsch, I want to state for the record that, yes, he is aware of the meme conflating his band, the long-running indie-rock institution Built To Spill, with the mega-successful K-pop group BTS. And — like so many other middle-aged guys who like indie rock — he also enjoys making his own Built To Spill/BTS jokes. “Even I get fooled,” he says during a recent Zoom call. “I’m looking at my Apple newsfeed and see something about us, and then, aw! Always disappointed.” While the 52-year-old singer-songwriter-guitarist might experience the occasional letdown over, say, not having his own McDonald’s meal, he does feel satisfaction regarding Built To Spill enduring as one of the great legacy indie bands of the ’90s. As their peers have navigated various break-ups, reunions, and other miscellaneous peaks and valleys, Built To Spill have chugged steadily along, putting out consistently strong albums and touring regularly. Ahead of the new BTS album, When The Wind Forgets Your Name, I asked Martsch to look back at the other Built To Spill records to chart his path to the latest LP. Read our conversation here.
― dow, Friday, 16 September 2022 20:01 (two years ago) link
That's a tough one to follow, but here Hyden and Ian Cohen review new Built To Spill and Afghan Whigs:https://linktr.ee/indiecast?eml=2022September12/5819002/6424941&etsubid=33248291
― dow, Friday, 16 September 2022 20:05 (two years ago) link
Huh, he’s only 52?
― Obviously Five Beliebers (morrisp), Friday, 16 September 2022 20:06 (two years ago) link
i was really hyped when they put out "gonna lose" but nothing else on the new album really jumped out at me unfortunately. that song rips though
― na (NA), Friday, 16 September 2022 20:09 (two years ago) link
can somebody please prevent hyden from writing anything else, thanks
― flamenco drop (BradNelson), Friday, 16 September 2022 20:23 (two years ago) link
"Elements"... wow. I love this band.
― sloop johnnin' skater (geoffreyess), Saturday, 17 September 2022 00:44 (two years ago) link
xp Yes incl. his thots after DM's own=bridge too far, sorry.
― dow, Saturday, 17 September 2022 03:29 (two years ago) link
Was finally able to play this and really enjoyed it, it seemed short and that worked for me. I will be playing again and the song that stood out to me was "Understood."
― Bee OK, Tuesday, 27 September 2022 00:06 (two years ago) link
Has anyone seen them recently? They're playing here and thinking about going on Thursday night but have stuff going on, I did see them in the late 90s in San Francisco and they blew out my ears.
― Bee OK, Wednesday, 15 November 2023 04:48 (one year ago) link
it's a completely different lineup now, just him and two other people, but I've heard they are great
― I? not I! He! He! HIM! (akm), Wednesday, 15 November 2023 15:02 (one year ago) link
I had a blast seeing them earlier this year. The band he has now is super tight and fun to watch.
― husked, tonal wails (irrational), Wednesday, 15 November 2023 15:34 (one year ago) link
They’re touring There’s Nothing Wrong With Love (30th Anniversary) this late summer / fall… just bought tix!
― rendered nugatory (morrisp), Saturday, 6 April 2024 05:03 (eight months ago) link
who is they- the new band?
― Reeves Gabrels' Funko Pop (majorairbro), Monday, 8 April 2024 03:22 (eight months ago) link
I assume the “current lineup” (Doug; Melanie Radford on bass; and Teresa Esguerra on drums)? They say on IG that the “original cello player” from the album is also joining for the tour.
― rendered nugatory (morrisp), Monday, 8 April 2024 05:07 (eight months ago) link
are they performing this?
― citation needed (Steve Shasta), Monday, 8 April 2024 09:01 (eight months ago) link
As far as I am aware, they've never performed 'Cleo' live before. Might be my favourite track on TNWWL.
― Internet Alan, Monday, 8 April 2024 09:31 (eight months ago) link
I feel like that hidden track was the last time this band exhibited even the smallest indication of having a sense of humor
Buying tickets btw
― Paul Ponzi, Monday, 8 April 2024 12:16 (eight months ago) link
The Conventional Wisdom video was good for a smile or two.
Untethered Moon album art could have/should have been a funny animal meme template.
― peace, man, Monday, 8 April 2024 12:29 (eight months ago) link
isn't there a Simpsons sample on their first album? ha. pretty goofy move.
― Reeves Gabrels' Funko Pop (majorairbro), Tuesday, 9 April 2024 01:25 (eight months ago) link
^^ yeah, the Nelson laugh iirc
Listening to the EP with Caustic Resin for the first time, as far as I'm aware, ever. Why didn't anyone tell me how awesome "When Not Being Stupid is Not Enough" is?
― Maxmillion D. Boosted (jon /via/ chi 2.0), Thursday, 24 October 2024 14:40 (two months ago) link
When Not Being Stupid is Not Enough is my favorite Bulit to Spill song― corrs unplugged, Monday, September 12, 2022 7:46 A[M (two years ago)
― corrs unplugged, Monday, September 12, 2022 7:46 A[M (two years ago)
― corrs unplugged, Monday, 28 October 2024 17:54 (two months ago) link
damn typo
You were right when you said you can’t always get what you wantYou were right when you said it’s a hard rains gonna fallYou were right when you said we’re still running against the windLife goes on long after the thrill of living is gone You were right when you said this is the end
― calstars, Sunday, 29 December 2024 01:38 (five days ago) link
“Special in other ways…”
― calstars, Sunday, 29 December 2024 20:31 (five days ago) link