The Dentists -- I know there are other fans, dammit.

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I am remembering how much I liked these fellers thanks to a relisten of their Dressed collection today -- almost ridiculously stereotypically Brit guitar indie pop of the late eighties (much more so than the Field Mice, I'd say, given the various New Order-skewed leanings with that bunch), but that's not a criticism, since the Dentists did it so well that nobody else really needed to try after them for a long while, at least. Mark Matthews was a semi-regular participant on for a few years during the band's EastWest phase and transformation into Coax. There only seems to be this discography on the web about them these days. Am I alone?

Ned Raggett (Ned), Thursday, 3 June 2004 21:38 (twenty years ago) link

Hell, no! It's funny...I just purchased a copy of Dressed the other day to replace an inexplicably missing one. And it holds up immaculately. You'd expect it to be all downhill from "Strawberries Are Growing In My Garden" (how could it be otherwise,) yet...not at all. So that makes two of us, at least.

M Specktor, Thursday, 3 June 2004 21:41 (twenty years ago) link

i have a pair of their 45s which i quite like, are they both on this CD?

the surface noise for the sake of noise (electricsound), Thursday, 3 June 2004 21:49 (twenty years ago) link

What are the titles?

Ned Raggett (Ned), Thursday, 3 June 2004 21:50 (twenty years ago) link

the IPR single: Charms and the girl/Leave me alive/Hear no evil

the bus stop single: Outside your inside/All coming down/Speak no evil

the surface noise for the sake of noise (electricsound), Thursday, 3 June 2004 21:56 (twenty years ago) link

I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the dentists!!!

Dressed (the singles comp thingy) is probably my favorite.

They were so good, I regret never seeing them.

ddb, Thursday, 3 June 2004 21:58 (twenty years ago) link

Was about to say that Lida Husik's version of Strawberries beats theirs, but just did a side-by-side and now I'm not so sure. Thanks for reminding me about Dressed.

dlp9001, Thursday, 3 June 2004 23:54 (twenty years ago) link

i looooooove dressed and quite enjoyed the only dentists show i ever saw, at cbgb, with dave newgarden guesting on trumpet (!) for a couple of songs. i absolutely hate everything they've released since. where did they go wrong???

to my ears, they're a seminal influence on (the good part of) guided by voices.

fact checking cuz (fcc), Friday, 4 June 2004 02:36 (twenty years ago) link

ha! I still own "Dressed" haven't listened to it since 93.

Chris 'The Velvet Bingo' V (Chris V), Friday, 4 June 2004 09:50 (twenty years ago) link

three years pass...

There was a song that's been in my head for let's say 15 years or so. I hummed it to various people and no one could ever figure out what I was humming.

Today I found out it was "Charms and the Girl," by the Dentists.

All hail this great song and all hail the Dentists. Should I buy everything they ever recorded and will I like it just as much?

Guayaquil (eephus!), Thursday, 25 October 2007 04:40 (seventeen years ago) link

Go ahead, yes. Get ALL of it.

Johnny Fever, Thursday, 25 October 2007 04:49 (seventeen years ago) link

dressed is kinda cool in a gently psychedelic sort of way but i never really dug it as much as the " evil" 45 trilogy

electricsound, Thursday, 25 October 2007 04:58 (seventeen years ago) link

"Where's the Chicken, you BASTARD??"

Mark G, Thursday, 25 October 2007 08:18 (seventeen years ago) link

one year passes...

Did anyone ever buy the post-Dentists releases as Coax besides me. Just dug out the Haberdashery EP and "Colors from the Side Show" has me in a trance right now.

Johnny Fever, Saturday, 16 May 2009 11:31 (fifteen years ago) link

I caught up with Dressed a few weeks ago, and "Chainsaw the Horse" has become an immediate all-time favorite.

clemenza, Saturday, 16 May 2009 12:23 (fifteen years ago) link

fourteen years pass...

OK I'm going nuts looking for a digital version of: The Dentists – Big Bang / Red Shift / Black Holes

Does this exist? Feel like this great "album" (or album length, at least) is trapped in a clunky 3x7" boxset prison. I have a perfect mint copy of it I'm happy to report, but these particular songs need to be more accessible than that...

But his face would not turn into hot Kirby (Evan), Thursday, 17 August 2023 19:10 (one year ago) link

Shit I'm dumb, it's all on "Behind The Door I Keep The Universe" in a different order. Yippee

But his face would not turn into hot Kirby (Evan), Thursday, 17 August 2023 19:11 (one year ago) link

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