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I think two of my least favorite CDs are Eureka by Jim O'Rourke and Eureka by The Grifters.

I think I will avoid the 'Latin pop' of Eureka, the world beat music of Eureka Son and the antiquated grunge rock of Eureka Farm.

It might be a Nick Horby fav., but I think I'll also stay clear of the Dipsomaniac's 2003 release Freakin' Eureka

Who has heard Bible and their album Eureka produced by Steve Earle?

And what do I make of this?
The man looks to be the player of a magical instrument of yor, which would normally intrigue me, but he has sullied his music w/Eureka a word that seems to taint any anything it graces.

christhamrin (christhamrin), Saturday, 5 June 2004 08:46 (twenty years ago) link

Prince called, he wants his guitar back.

Josh Anomaly (josh_anomaly), Saturday, 5 June 2004 15:42 (twenty years ago) link

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