The Cure: Classic or Dud?

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Omar raised this question in the "Why are you here?" thread. I put it forth to you all. Were Robert Smith and his ever-changing band musical giants or giant whiners?

Dan Perry, Monday, 26 March 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link


, Monday, 26 March 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link


Tom, Monday, 26 March 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

Dan, thanks for taking the load of my back. ;) So yeah Dud of course. Classic case of crap voice. The music is nothing special. Occasional decent single like 'A Forrest' but for the rest, it's Fat Bob innit? But I'm interested in how Ned is going to explain to us the appeal of The Cure (no, really!).

Omar, Monday, 26 March 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

Sorry Tom? I didn't quite hear that. Classic, anyway. I don't claim to be their biggest fan, but listening to things like the Boys Don't Cry and Disintegration albums, the good stuff outweighs the duller moments quite comfortably.

Ally C, Monday, 26 March 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

Absolutely classic in almost every conceivable way. The effortless switches from pop-punk squalling to moody atmospherics to venomous pathos to synth-pop typified by their output from '79 through '83 are impressive enough, but the fact that they went on to create pop masterpieces like _The Head On The Door_, _Kiss Me, Kiss Me, Kiss Me_ and _Wish_ while retaining enough of their darkness to produce _Disintegration_ and _Bloodflowers_ makes them an essential band of the 80's and 90's. Even their lesser efforts have worthy moments (ie, "Want", "Treasure", "Jupiter Crash", "Trap", and "Gone!" from _Wild Mood Swings_, "Shake Dog Shake", "Piggy In The Mirror", "The Top" from _The Top_). And their remix album is pure money.

Anything to add, Ned?

Dan Perry, Monday, 26 March 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

Classic, I 'spose. Not perfect by any stretch of the imagination, but _Disintegration_ is very close indeed (overblown rock histrionics done flawlessly; luckily Smith doesn't whine on it much). Funny how so many of the criticisms of the band you hear refer to the concept of "Fat Bob"; in fact I'd say a lot of the attitudes towards British bands and artists on ILM seem to be heavily influenced by the media's portrayal of them.

Tim, Monday, 26 March 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

The Cure represented the finest of what the Euro art rock had to offer during the 80s. They were more majestic than Depeche Mode and less metallic than the cult. Classic in my book

Luptune Pitman, Monday, 26 March 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

Forgive I'm relatively new to this forum, I have a hard time with these polar extremes: ('classic'versus'dud'). In the case of the Cure, I couldn't say either term applies (although one could certainly tag them to individual Cure albums). Like many bands cited around here, the Cure have changed styles in as many albums, playing everything from funereal dirges through spritely, radio-friendly pop ditties and much inbetween. I'm not saying they're a "something for eveyone" band, but musically, they've been hard to pin-down. The one strike against them, however (beyond their tonsorial problems) would be Robert's inimitably distinctive (is that a repetitious statement? like "luminous glow" or "alien outworlder") voice, which is so firmly rooted in their 80's heyday. Even if the band were to put out a radically avant-garde album of the most cutting-edge styles and sounds conceivable, the second Robert opened his mouth and let out his signature wobbly warble, it'd be the old "oh, it's the Cure again." And if you can't get beyond his voice, then there's no point in ever purchasing a Cure album, regardless of era and/or particular incarnation. That said, I think they're a marvellously diverse singles band, but I could certainly see why some would avoid them like the plauge (ho ho, pardon the pun, Camus fans). Sorry, I'll shut up now. - Alex in NYC

Alex in NYC, Monday, 26 March 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

classic. 'charlotte sometimes' is one of my favourite songs ever. each record up to and including disintegration is worth owning and even the one after disintegration is not horrible. i have no interest in them now but robert smith's guitar sound is far more influential than he gets credit for. without robert smith there would likely not be a roy montgomery, at least not in his current guise and that would be a devastating tragedy at least for myself.

keith, Monday, 26 March 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

What seems to predomine here is "I'm not actively into them NOW, but I spent the first half of my teens with the Cure on my walkman". At least I did. I believe this means classic.

Simon, Tuesday, 27 March 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

Re: classic or dud polarisation.

The idea is to encourage people to be forthright in their opinion but it's not a vote or anything. It's a catchier way of saying "what do you think of this band?"


(PS: Dud. A couple of the singles are nice musically, even very good, but they have Smith's horrible smeared moan over the top of them. He sounds like a fourteen-year-old with a splinter in his toe: there's something wheedling about his voice which makes me want to smack him and tell him to get a grip rather than empathise with him.)

Tom, Tuesday, 27 March 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

Classic. Part of my yoof, you see. I've whiled away many an unhappy evening in the company of 'Faith' and 'Seventeen Seconds'!

Seriously.. though it seems the norm to slag 'em off these days, it's amazing just how much good stuff they have done. 'Boy's Don't Cry'/'3 Imaginary Boys' is a great debut, whichever version you have. Scratchy wired glum-pop. In fact it's all classic up to 'The Top', their first major clunker.

'Head on the Door' is great pop. 'Kiss Me X3' is also great pop ('Just Like Heaven'), except where they try too hard to make great pop and fail ('Hot, Hot, Hot'). 'Disintegration' is their last great album. But not pop. No problem.

My last encounter with The Cure was 'Wild Mood Swings'. I swung my copy back from whence it came - Record and Tape Exchange. Still, 'Galore' sums up the later years nicely.

Anyway I like old Bob, a pop man at heart even in his gloomiest moments.

Dr. C, Tuesday, 27 March 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

I think I've been asked for at least twice in this thread already. ;-)

Classic. And if you disagree with me I'll shove all twenty or so CDRs of rare and odd stuff I have of theirs down your throat and kill you. *proceeds to light candles to huge _Disintegration_ poster in room*

Ned Raggett, Tuesday, 27 March 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

Classique. They have enough great tunes and came up with some pretty original sounds. I like how they continually evolve, even if some of their evolution has produced some crap music. I could still listen to "Jumping Someone Else's Train" repeatedly after all these years. I heard some of their last record and it was really bad though. And kill that "Friday I'm in Love" dung, boys! But for the most part, great stuff.

Tim Baier, Tuesday, 27 March 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

Classic, though their most recent stuff sucks.

The Cure are a band who, like Depeche Mode and a number of others of that ilk, should have just hung it up on December 31, 1989. Their glory days were in the 1980s, Disintegration should have been their last album. It would have been a perfect ending. Instead, they chose to put out three subpar releases in the 1990s. While Bloodflowers was a definite improvement over Wild Mood Swings (did *anyone* like that album?) and Wish (which came out at the peak of my Cure fandom and still disappointed me), it still wasn't close to the material they released during the 1980s.

Yeah, some of their stuff is whiny and pretentious. But I think they manage to pull it off reasonably well, and I think the whininess and the pretentiousness will make them staples of every sad-sack high school kid for the next thirty years, whether they continue to release new albums or not. (And hopefully they won't, judging from the poor quality of their most recent albums--I think that the more bad stuff they release, the less "legendary" they'll become.)

By the way, I *was* a teenage goth girl. I was also an early-20s goth girl. I own a velvet and lace cape and little pointy boots and black lipstick. Heh.

Nanette, Wednesday, 28 March 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

Nanette, I'd argue that _Wish_ is a very underrated album. Its mood is radically different from _Disintegration_, which is one thing that I think threw people off when it came out. I, for one, really dig the snarlier tone of "Open", "Cut", "FTEOTDGS", and "End" and their juxtaposition with more contemplative "Apart", "Trust", and "To Wish Impossible Things". _Wish_ also has "High", which I consider to be the last truly great pop song that the Cure did.

_Wild Mood Swings_ is more problematic. It's a very erratic album and contains a couple of songs that never should have seen the light of day ("Mint Car", "Return"). However, it also contains the absolutely marvelous "The 13th", "Want", "Gone!" and "Jupiter Crash". Some judicious editing (and swapping some album tracks for b-sides) would make this a much better album.

For me, _Bloodflowers_ compares very well to their 80's output. It seems that the group got back into a good songwriting groove for this album, which is particularly evident on "Out Of This World", "The Loudest Sound", "The Last Day Of Summer", "Bloodflowers", and "Watching Me Fall" (Cure cliches and all). The album has a strong sense of flow and there are no embarrassing attempts to rewrite "Friday I'm In Love". It was a good ending for them, assuming that Robert's latest pronouncements about the band's demise are actually true this time.

There are individual songs I don't like, and _Wild Mood Swings_ is easily my least- favorite of their albums, but I'd be hard-pressed to say that I actively dislike any of the Cure's albums.

Dan Perry, Wednesday, 28 March 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

one month passes...
I'm in sympathy with the way that the 'classic' brigade have articulated that they love the band even though they can see their sillinesses, repetitions and limitations. Possibly a lot of pop love is of this kind.

the pinefox, Saturday, 28 April 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

one year passes...
The Cure are damned by having so many annoying fans.

They have many good tunes. However, they have many bad ones, viz "Friday I'm In Love".

Still, at their best they show an impressive ability to make both poppy goth jumpathons and total doomfests.

DV, Friday, 26 July 2002 00:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

Dud. Possibly something worthwhile beyond Smith's vocals, but I can't get past them.

DeRayMi, Friday, 26 July 2002 00:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

I've had a love/hate relationship with The Cure that had long since given way to indifference. but recently I've listened again to Robert Smith's 1983 collaboration album with Steve Severin - The Glove is great! (probably like how I'd rather listen to the Andy Partridge solo album Take Away/Lure Of Salvage than most XTC.)

as with many Cure detractors, Bob's voice and self-pity usually get to me. still have fond memories of Seventeen Seconds and Faith but I also enjoy some later stuff where twisted humour, all of Pornography, or tenderness, "The Upstairs Room" and "Birdmadgirl", balance out the self-loathing and sappiness.

the Laurence Tolhurst abuse didn't help Robert Smith's case (and John McGeoch was a better Banshee).

Paul, Friday, 26 July 2002 00:00 (twenty-two years ago) link


Paul, Friday, 26 July 2002 00:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

The Cure are fucking appalling. As someone else already keenly observed - a classic case of having a fucking awful voice. I mean I don't mind some of the musicianship but fatboy Smith is such a twat. Really.

I had a girlfriend once who was into these boys hard and she used to play is it 'Pictures of You' (?) over and over and over (a sort of pining for a lost love I think; not me, incidentally). Anyway, it used to bore the hell out of me, not to mention what felt like a large hole in my brain.

The thing is, with the Cure, it's like the Manic Street FUCKING Preachers syndrome - people who like 'em don't just like 'em, they fucking LOVE 'em, and think they're prophets or something. No, they are miserable, half-goths with absolutely nothing to say and even less charisma.

That said, I am admit that I am hardly familiar know their canon, since I can't bear exposure to it for protracated periods.


Roger Fascist, Monday, 29 July 2002 00:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

Actually, I think it's that the boring protestations of those who don't 'get' the music always have to be matched by those who emphatically do. One defines the other ..

Dare, Monday, 29 July 2002 00:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

Not at all, Paul. There's something about The Cure and The Preachers that triggers fervour of a disturbing religiosity in people's heads, well, in my experience anyway. And if you wanna put that to the test, gently question a more avid fan and watch them twist like they was shackled to the cross.

Hmm, having said that, I do get riled when someone fails to 'get' my favourite bands and indulges in the kind of mindless attack I have already posted against The Cure. Yet, I feel that certain bands are wont to attract a more dependent following, who hang the band's music like metaphorical rosaries. And I'm not sure that even among my most beloved artists, there are those which I could hold in such equally mindless esteem.

What say you?

Roger fascist, Tuesday, 30 July 2002 00:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

two months pass...
If i brooded around and had a aweful voice, would i be as good as the cure, which coincidently, isnt even good to begin with


Hayward, Thursday, 3 October 2002 02:11 (twenty-two years ago) link

Oddly enough, I've never really sought out their albums; I'm sure I'll get around to it, but I'm pretty sure they'll always be available... Pretty much all of their singles, though, are flat-out amazing - how could they not be classic?

Clarke B., Thursday, 3 October 2002 04:37 (twenty-two years ago) link

The albums are SO WORTH IT, Clarke.

Dan Perry (Dan Perry), Thursday, 3 October 2002 11:13 (twenty-two years ago) link


Ned Raggett (Ned), Thursday, 3 October 2002 23:38 (twenty-two years ago) link

hmmmmmmm .............

donna (donna), Friday, 4 October 2002 01:02 (twenty-two years ago) link

I'm exactly like Clarke. Always loved what I heard, but only own 'Kiss Me Kiss Me Kiss Me'... Last year I told a friend of mine that the reason for this is because I pretty much know that I'll like them and am just 'saving it'. Is this like some weird Cure phenomena?

Kim (Kim), Friday, 4 October 2002 01:39 (twenty-two years ago) link

I LOVE THE CURE. They fill a niche that no other band does. From the acutely depresso Pornography stuff to the silly dance stuff to the haunting gothy Faith stuff to the blatant sunshine pop... they've done all this convincingly and well. Did they invent the drugged up goofy romantic miserable goth ecstatic giddy thing?

Yet I do wonder how much my own nosatlgia plays a role. I still think Wish is great, despite every. review. ever. written. Maybe if I hadn't listened to it for the 1st time as a teenager travelling thru Europe with schoomates I'd think differently.

Aaron A., Friday, 4 October 2002 03:43 (twenty-two years ago) link

Where to start, Ned and Dan? I'm thinking _Pornography_, but some of their _Disintegration_-era stuff kills me (esp. "Lovesong").

Also, I really really like the Wolfgang Press song on _Lonely is an Eyesore_, but I've heard their recordings are pretty patchy. Any recommendations there?

Clarke B., Friday, 4 October 2002 05:30 (twenty-two years ago) link

In your place I'd start with 17 Seconds, Clarke. It has their greatest song on it, "A Forest" and I find it the darkest and most powerful of their records. A lot of their stuff didn't age too well (even Disintegration), but this record definitely stood the test of time.

alex in mainhattan (alex63), Friday, 4 October 2002 07:03 (twenty-two years ago) link

I wouldn't go for _Pornography_ first; I think I'd get _Kiss Me, Kiss Me, Kiss Me_ and the cassette version of _Standing On A Beach_ in order to get the b-sides.

Dan Perry (Dan Perry), Friday, 4 October 2002 11:04 (twenty-two years ago) link

Classic until "Stranding on a Beach" came out, after which they descended into the depths of self-parody.

TMFTML (TMFTML), Friday, 4 October 2002 17:37 (twenty-two years ago) link

I kinda saved them also, Kim - owned the two singles compilations for years before actually buying my first proper album (Disintegration) just this year. Though I do like it, it hasn't swayed me into snatching up the others yet. Maybe in another four years I'll get another one.

Vinnie (vprabhu), Friday, 4 October 2002 17:51 (twenty-two years ago) link

They fill(ed?) a niche no one else did (which I usually characterize as "Harlequin romance rock") and they did a perfectly accomplished and unique job of it most of the time but it's not one I care to listen to much at all. I can play Pornography maybe a couple times per year and it's sometimes nice to hear the singles on the radio but overall there's not a big connection. And I couldn't imagine sitting through a whole album of stuff like "In Between Days" or "Let's Go to Bed". The singles comp (Staring At the Sea?) is probably as much as I'd need of that. I'd buy Disintegration if I thought I'd ever listen to it. Wish and Wild Mood Swings were awful.

sundar subramanian, Friday, 4 October 2002 18:32 (twenty-two years ago) link

I honestly cannot comprehend how _Wish_ is AWFUL.

Dan Perry (Dan Perry), Friday, 4 October 2002 18:34 (twenty-two years ago) link

the cure were/are one of the best bands for dancing to whilst only wearing underwear...hopefully not by yourself...

g (graysonlane), Friday, 4 October 2002 18:47 (twenty-two years ago) link

Ok, I'm a liar. I totally forgot that I also had 'Standing on a Beach' on cassette - played it to death. I don't have it anymore though. I think my brother "borrowed" it and never gave it back! Ooooh...that little...

Kim (Kim), Friday, 4 October 2002 20:39 (twenty-two years ago) link

I like just like heaven, I'm going to get Kiss me times 3.

jel -- (jel), Friday, 4 October 2002 20:43 (twenty-two years ago) link

classic classic classic and why should you not dance to the cure in underwear by yourself! unless you are wearing the underwear out to the goth dance club, of course.

teeny (teeny), Friday, 4 October 2002 20:44 (twenty-two years ago) link

Have you ever been to a goth dance club? Underwear as outerwear is pretty much de rigeur.

Kim (Kim), Friday, 4 October 2002 20:48 (twenty-two years ago) link

Clarke, start with Disintegration first, and then try Seventeen Seconds and then Pornography. I've argued elsethread about this already so I won't go into the details here...just click the link, cause there's a lot of other good talk there anyhow.

Sean Carruthers (SeanC), Friday, 4 October 2002 20:55 (twenty-two years ago) link

Pretend that there's a smiley at the end of my last post. I sound like a meanie otherwise.

Kim (Kim), Friday, 4 October 2002 20:57 (twenty-two years ago) link

ten months pass...
"And yet Robert Smith - the Chatterton of Crawley - had created if not a wall of sound then a very high hedge of sound, over which he seemed to peer at the world like a boy who couldn't be bothered to ask for his ball back."

the "cure=suburbia" part of Michael Bracewell's England Is Mine is one of the best things ever!

etc, Wednesday, 20 August 2003 08:54 (twenty-one years ago) link

"Join the Dots" (B Sides and rarities) is out on October 21st. I presume it'll have the much talked about Cassette b sides from Standing on a Beach on it, but does anyone know that actual tracklisting is?

flowersdie (flowersdie), Wednesday, 20 August 2003 09:05 (twenty-one years ago) link

Hopefully it'll have the stuff off "curiosity", too. And that soundtrack they did.

Classic, BTW. Again, my mid-teens coincided with Disintegration and I was full-on obsessed for a couple of years. I bought a shedload of albums at Oxfam last year, and a friend and I drove our GF/wives insane by listening, back to back, to 17 Seconds, Faith, Pornography and the Top. Divorce was on the horizon by the end of that evening.

Jim Eaton-Terry (Jim E-T), Wednesday, 20 August 2003 13:04 (twenty-one years ago) link

Hopefully it'll have the stuff off "curiosity", too. And that soundtrack they did.

Thing is, there are SO many B-sides and rarities which have officially surfaced that they'd have to put out a box set. As it is, if the remasters that are surfacing next year are going to include bonus discs for each with room for other oddities, then that will partially settle the problem.

Thy Lethal Zen Ned (Ned), Wednesday, 20 August 2003 13:42 (twenty-one years ago) link

assert (matttkkkk), Monday, 26 February 2024 09:56 (ten months ago) link

assert (matttkkkk), Monday, 26 February 2024 09:57 (ten months ago) link

three weeks pass...

sky arts showed both Nocturne and the Cure's 2018 gig from hyde park on friday night. the years have not really been kind to R Smith but his voice has held up remarkably well, i thought.

koogs, Monday, 18 March 2024 10:13 (nine months ago) link

(there are like a million people in hyde park by the looks. played for two hours. things like A Forest and Just Like Heaven sounded note-perfect. it's all very impressive)

koogs, Monday, 18 March 2024 11:34 (nine months ago) link

Yeah their live show at this point is full-on stunning

Cemetry Gaetz (DJP), Tuesday, 19 March 2024 11:28 (nine months ago) link

three months pass...

Finally listened to the Chestnut Studio demo version of "Boys Don't Cry." Those vocals! Sounds like a Nick Lowe Rollers Show-style production.

Thrapple from the Apple (James Redd and the Blecchs), Tuesday, 9 July 2024 15:11 (five months ago) link

That whole bonus disc rips. And wow, released 20 years ago now.

encino morricone (majorairbro), Wednesday, 10 July 2024 10:28 (five months ago) link

the og demo of "i'm cold" reminds me of ________ (insert awesome first wave british punk band) in the best possible way.

the guy was p good at synthesizing his influences.

interstellar anthropologist+music philosopher, (Austin), Wednesday, 10 July 2024 18:25 (five months ago) link

The demo of "I'm Cold' is so good, it should've been on the album instead of the dumb remake of "Foxy Lady". The Easy Cure demo version of "Meat Hook" is also better than the one that made it on the album.

LeRooLeRoo, Wednesday, 10 July 2024 20:05 (five months ago) link

I remember when KROQ played this on the radio, and such an off the wall song even for the Cure.

Bee OK, Monday, 15 July 2024 01:23 (five months ago) link

On some days Harold & Joe is my favourite Cure song!

you can see me from westbury white horse, Monday, 15 July 2024 01:53 (five months ago) link

Harold and Joe was the last classic Cure song

the absence of bikes (f. hazel), Monday, 15 July 2024 02:16 (five months ago) link

Never Enough was the A-side because it had the production I guess, but it could easily have been the other way round. People would have still clocked it as 'The Cure going baggy'. And they'd have an actually catchy song in their head as a bonus. History continues as planned.

you can see me from westbury white horse, Monday, 15 July 2024 02:18 (five months ago) link

"Never Enough" deserves to be the A side but "Harold and Joe" could have also been a stand alone single.

Bee OK, Monday, 15 July 2024 02:27 (five months ago) link

"harold and joe" contains one of my favorite moments of whistling on a pop record. definitely one of their best.

interstellar anthropologist+music philosopher, (Austin), Monday, 15 July 2024 02:54 (five months ago) link

Definitely my favourite Neighbours song

assert (matttkkkk), Monday, 15 July 2024 02:57 (five months ago) link

Harold and Joe was the last classic Cure song

Curious if you mean “last song that was a classic” or “last song by the classic lineup”

Methuselah/Van Winkle ‘24 (DJP), Monday, 15 July 2024 14:42 (five months ago) link

it's one of my favourites too. otoh I played it to a friend of mine the other day and they said "I can see why it was a b-side"

Colonel Poo, Monday, 15 July 2024 15:03 (five months ago) link

It's catchier than any single of theirs since Friday! With the possible exception of "Cut Here"

you can see me from westbury white horse, Monday, 15 July 2024 15:11 (five months ago) link

But it preceded "Friday"

If I ranked favorite Cure songs, it would place above anything that came after, for sure.

eatandoph (Neue Jesse Schule), Monday, 15 July 2024 16:08 (five months ago) link

But it preceded "Friday"

I know

you can see me from westbury white horse, Monday, 15 July 2024 16:10 (five months ago) link

I think I listen to the Join The Dots box set more than any Cure album these days

Paul Ponzi, Monday, 15 July 2024 16:18 (five months ago) link

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the cure acoustic hits
The Cure releasing 'Acoustic Hits' to streaming for first time ever (watch acoustic videos for "A Forest" and "The Love Cats")
Bill Pearis
July 18, 2024
When The Cure released their Greatest Hits album back in 2001, they recorded new acoustic versions of 18 songs for a bonus CD. It includes unplugged versions of “Boys Don’t Cry,” “The Love Cats,” “Lullaby,” “Friday I’m in Love,” “A Forest,” “In Between Days,” and more. Acoustic Hits has never been available on streaming services, but will be starting on August 9.

In celebration, The Cure are releasing acoustic videos, originally bonus content on the Greatest Hits DVD, to their YouTube Channel. Today they shared the videos for “A Forest” and “The Love Cats.”

Bee OK, Thursday, 18 July 2024 21:09 (five months ago) link

huh cool, i remember a few of those being on the vhs too (which is what i had). boris heads take note: mr babacar is among the fray for a few tunes.

interstellar anthropologist+music philosopher, (Austin), Thursday, 18 July 2024 21:39 (five months ago) link

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Bill Pearis
July 18, 2024

bae (sic), Thursday, 18 July 2024 22:00 (five months ago) link

Lol, the most important part

Bee OK, Thursday, 18 July 2024 22:21 (five months ago) link

I have the original two disc set but don't remember playing the acoustic set much. Not that it wasn't good but just know the songs to well, and would play other things instead to get my Cure fix.

Bee OK, Thursday, 18 July 2024 23:13 (five months ago) link

The only song I remember being specifically good on the acoustic disc was “Just Say Yes”

Methuselah/Van Winkle ‘24 (DJP), Thursday, 18 July 2024 23:16 (five months ago) link

I thought the acoustic disc was from MTV Unplugged for some reason?

brimstead, Thursday, 18 July 2024 23:19 (five months ago) link

This CD set has nothing to do with MTV but remember them also doing an MTV set.

Bee OK, Thursday, 18 July 2024 23:24 (five months ago) link

Yeah the MTV Unplugged appearance was in 1991

Methuselah/Van Winkle ‘24 (DJP), Thursday, 18 July 2024 23:39 (five months ago) link

I wish the would release Join The Dots on streaming services.

LeRooLeRoo, Friday, 19 July 2024 00:54 (five months ago) link

dear Bob, stop getting distracted by other stuff and finish the album, ffs

StanM, Friday, 19 July 2024 02:33 (five months ago) link

Thank you, but it's not available here in Canada for some reason. Only the Japanese Whispers tracks.

LeRooLeRoo, Friday, 19 July 2024 13:29 (five months ago) link

It's a good job Let's Go to Bed, The Walk and The Lovecats sound great on Greatest Hits because they were skipped by the remastering series.

you can see me from westbury white horse, Friday, 19 July 2024 13:36 (five months ago) link

join the dots discs one and two are useful, but i feel vaguely that it should have been a series of lp reissues not a box, and disc 1 should have been side b of the cassette standing on a beach. what is 10:15 even doing here, plastic passion and pillbox and hansa are wack and should be on the 3IB reissue, the japanese whispers songs are fine where they are, the la ment alternate should go, i dunno on the top reissue maybe, and new day should come after stop dead. that cassette was awesome and join the dots ruins the nostalgia with the extra stuff.

similarly, japanese dream through fear of ghosts would make a nice lp without the alternate stuff, that's like 43 minutes of prime cure.

after that i suppose i would appreciate a disc of hello i love you / harold and joe / wish b-sides / purple haze / burn, but that's not something to put on very often, and then beyond that who cares.

mig (guess that dreams always end), Sunday, 21 July 2024 04:37 (five months ago) link

They’re b sides, is all. 10:15 was the b to Killing an Arab, the early 3 were b sides to the Boys Don’t Cry reissue, etc. But yeah I have made my own playlist of the SoaB cassette b sides, as well as the Curiosity flip of the Concert cassette.

assert (matttkkkk), Sunday, 21 July 2024 07:20 (five months ago) link

I have returned to being an active Walkman user and it is partly because I wanted to revisit side 2 of Standing on a Beach - which is absolutely as good as I remember

The Australian cassette has a mastering error where Happy the Man is repeated twice - I swear as a kid I didn’t really notice because I was totally blissed out and dopey from the lysergic vibes of those b-sides - pretty happy for Happy The Man to go as long as it likes

Cognosc in Tyrol (emsworth), Sunday, 21 July 2024 08:42 (five months ago) link

Mine wasn’t! I’m pretty sure it was an OG Aus release too

assert (matttkkkk), Sunday, 21 July 2024 12:09 (five months ago) link

I had this one - and the ones I have bought since my return to cassettes have been the same

it is so good revisiting this stuff in the same way I fell in love with it in the first place

Cognosc in Tyrol (emsworth), Sunday, 21 July 2024 12:27 (five months ago) link

ah mine was a black cassette

assert (matttkkkk), Sunday, 21 July 2024 12:34 (five months ago) link

Anyone else break down and buy the Funko Pops?

Methuselah/Van Winkle ‘24 (DJP), Monday, 22 July 2024 04:21 (five months ago) link

there's been two (?) of Robert alone before? (also: no)

StanM, Monday, 22 July 2024 05:21 (five months ago) link

one month passes...

September is Blood Cancer Awareness Month so it’s a good opportunity to have a dialogue about these diseases. In September last year I was diagnosed with a very rare and aggressive form of lymphoma. I had ignored the symptoms for a few months but finally went…

— Roger O'Donnell (@RogerODonnellX) September 1, 2024

Bee OK, Sunday, 1 September 2024 22:13 (four months ago) link

Oof. Crossed fingers!

Ned Raggett, Sunday, 1 September 2024 23:39 (four months ago) link

Anyway, while we wait (and wait), enjoy a 1990 show from Leipzig, simulcast on a local FM station. Over two hours long!

Ned Raggett, Saturday, 7 September 2024 19:32 (three months ago) link

I love that @thecure appear to have announced the release date of their first new album in 16 years with a single poster outside the local pub they played their first gig at in 1978.

— Alex Meehan 👨‍💻 (@alex_meehan) September 13, 2024

koogs, Saturday, 14 September 2024 11:37 (three months ago) link

Talking about it over here!

The Cure -- Songs Of A Lost World

Ned Raggett, Saturday, 14 September 2024 14:03 (three months ago) link

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