French Grizzly Bear videos

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Blogotheque has 2 semi-precious videos of Grizzly Bear from their tour in Europe. One is a bathtub performance and the other is an acapella performance of one of their new songs, walking through the streets of Paris. Pretentious or darling?

I say darling.

Patrik Sandberg (cobaininacoma), Monday, 3 July 2006 18:10 (eighteen years ago) link

Sorry, I should've posted this on the Grizzly Bear thread. I'm bad at filing.

Saint Patrik (cobaininacoma), Monday, 3 July 2006 18:13 (eighteen years ago) link

i like this. the xiu xiu one is horrendous.

boonah (boonah), Tuesday, 4 July 2006 00:00 (eighteen years ago) link

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