Fall Out Boy stinks... like TAG "Body Spray"

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I know the notion of "selling out" wrt bands licensing their songs to be used in ads has been beaten to death, but what about bands selling product placement within the actual songs/videos? Has this been done before?

From a NY Times tidbit on Fall Out Boy's product placement of frat boy stinkwater in their latest video...

“If it offset the cost of the video it sounds like a great idea,” said Scott Booker, who manages the alternative rock band the Flaming Lips. He said that younger fans were less likely to perceive such deals as “selling out.”



On a related note, "Massive Tag Body Spray Slick Spreading From Jersey Shore"

Ben Boyerrr, Monday, 2 April 2007 16:40 (seventeen years ago) link

I like that the article implies the biggest rock band in the world is hurting for money.

Whiney G. Weingarten, Monday, 2 April 2007 16:42 (seventeen years ago) link

Pete Wentz should really start a clothing line or a record label or something to help cover some of those costs

Whiney G. Weingarten, Monday, 2 April 2007 16:43 (seventeen years ago) link

Pete Wentz should just set up a subscription service where you pay £1,000 and he wanks off into your webcam for 10 minutes.

Dom Passantino, Monday, 2 April 2007 16:52 (seventeen years ago) link

would he use British currency just because of the nationality of the author of the joke?

Alex in Baltimore, Monday, 2 April 2007 16:55 (seventeen years ago) link

i fucking HATE that commerical w/the dude lifting weights that's all like "gotta go, that's m'lady"

M@tt He1ges0n, Monday, 2 April 2007 17:01 (seventeen years ago) link

I like that the article implies the biggest rock band in the world is hurting for money.

-- Whiney G. Weingarten, Monday, 2 April 2007 16:42 (1 hour ago)

Given the shittiness of most major label recording contracts, there is every possibility that they are hurting for money.

Tantrum The Cat, Monday, 2 April 2007 18:07 (seventeen years ago) link

i fucking HATE that commerical w/the dude lifting weights that's all like "gotta go, that's m'lady"

UGH, that is the worst.

St3ve Go1db3rg, Monday, 2 April 2007 18:09 (seventeen years ago) link

there's some new ad that i saw last night where this chick keeps saying "i don't want to smell your ax body spray here [moves closer to camera], or here [moves closer to camera], i want to smell it heeeeeeeere." and then she's so close you're looking down her shirt! sketch. i don't want to smell your ax body spray anywhere kthx.

Emily Bjurnhjam, Monday, 2 April 2007 21:34 (seventeen years ago) link

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