Kid B

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I am writing to complain about that pompous upstart David Bowie. Who the hell does he think he is to come out with such a pernicious piece of artwank as his new album? "Low," eh? Not only is it how I feel after spending £3.99 of my hard-earned cash on it - he should have called it "Conned" or "Done," I reckon - but that's how high it'll get in the charts! What a dodgy deal, eh? Get the gullible sucker fans to shell out their hard-earned cash - and for what? This sad and outrageous pretence of a new Bowie album, that's what. Full of squiggly electronic artwank which he must have knocked up with his mate Eno over tea while watching "Stars On Sunday." A full side, would you believe, of so-called "ambient" instrumentals. Well, if we faithful mug fans ever get our hands on this Judas sell-out conman, he'll be making "ambulance" instrumentals, I'm telling you!! With our hard-earned cash! We want proper Bowie records with proper singalong tunes and cool words about Mars and five years, that's what - not artwank! Think of all the great bands of today like Deaf School, Split Enz and Doctors of Madness, none of which you would have had if it hadn't been for "Ziggy Stardust." They are the real future of music! Who the hell's going to want to form a band after listening to crap about sitting in blue rooms and crashing cars! No one with any sense, that's who. Who's ever going to take this artwank crap seriously? We want real music, paid for with our hard-earned cash! BRING BACK BOWIE THE WAY HE SHOULD BE!!!! Yours, The Fat Black Duke (Getting Fat On Your Hard-Earned Cash, You Mugs!)

Marcello Carlin, Sunday, 15 April 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

Well, the joke's about six months late, but still...

Also, when I first read it I thought, "Fat Black Dude? Did I miss something? Is Wesley Willis writing this?"

Ned Raggett, Sunday, 15 April 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

Brilliant pastiche of 70s fanboy narrowmindedness. Bizarrely "Life On Mars" is on the radio as I write this ...

Robin Carmody, Monday, 16 April 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

Fucking hysterical. This would be brilliant if it didn't mirror rather too exactly so many people I hear ranting on mailing lists... a bit too close for comfort.

Except you missed out the bit that goes "sorry, but just recycling bits of two year old Kraftwerk records does not exactly count as revolutionary... etc. etc."

kate the saint, Monday, 16 April 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

Except of course that people fell over themselves to be nice to Kid A. ;)

And if Radiohead had gone and made the equivalent of "Young Americans" - waaaaay more radical than "Low" - then we'd *really* be talking.

Tom, Tuesday, 17 April 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

Call it _Young Christian Republicans_, and when they dance on CDUK, show their midriffs: I'm hot already.

mark s, Tuesday, 17 April 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

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