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As a kid, my weekend night routine was simple. Headbanger's Ball on Saturday nights and 120 Minutes on Sunday nights. Eventually, underground music beat out metal when it came to my primary listening concerns, and 120 Minutes (at least early on) was responsible for turning me on to a lot of things.
Who was your favorite host of the original MTV show? I never watched it on MTV2, so I really have no attachment to any of those people.
Poll Results
Option | Votes |
Dave Kendall | 16 |
Kevin Seal | 6 |
Matt Pinfield | 6 |
The shows with musicians as guest hosts. | 6 |
I only like that one episode when the Beastie Boys interviewed Beck and Thurston Moore was doing something or other on-s | 6 |
Lewis Largent | 1 |
The shows with no host at all. | 1 |
― Johnny Fever, Saturday, 5 July 2008 20:30 (sixteen years ago) link
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