Mariah Carey's cover of "I Didn't Mean To Turn You On"
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Do any of you have a copy of this? I really want to get an mp3 of it, because the preview on Amazon sounds amazing, but I can't find it on slsk and it's not on iTunes. (It's on Glitter, the only Mariah album not on iTunes.) I might just order a copy of Glitter used, but if any of you can hook me up, let me know.It's soooooo good!
― Matthew C Perpetua (inca), Friday, 25 March 2005 01:12 (5 years ago) Bookmark Suggest Ban Permalink Robert Palmer?
― Alex in NYC (vassifer), Friday, 25 March 2005 01:33 (5 years ago) Bookmark Suggest Ban Permalink
Yes. That "I Didn't Mean To Turn You On."
I no longer need a copy, I just found it.
― Matthew C Perpetua (inca), Friday, 25 March 2005 01:48 (5 years ago) Bookmark Suggest Ban Permalink
Well hook us up then, fluxbot.
― Forksclovetofu (Forksclovetofu), Friday, 25 March 2005 02:17 (5 years ago) Bookmark Suggest Ban Permalink
Okay. But only for a day or two, unless I decide to put it on my blog. I'm not sure if I should. I love it, though. Oh man.
― Matthew C Perpetua (inca), Friday, 25 March 2005 02:26 (5 years ago) Bookmark Suggest Ban Permalink Robert Palmer?
By Jam and Lewis, philistine.
― Stupornaut (natepatrin), Friday, 25 March 2005 02:31 (5 years ago) Bookmark
― De que estas hablando? (Tannenbaum Schmidt), Tuesday, 11 May 2010 12:16 (fourteen years ago) link