Tactical voting in end-of-year polls (eg MM, NME)?

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I notice the forms for the End of Year polls have appeared in Melody Maker!! Given that they've gone rapidly downhill in the past year, particularly with their neo-"Disco Sucks" anti-garage campaign, I've got half a mind to fill out the form with Craig David in the best single categories, Coldplay's "Yellow" in the "Most Irritating Record" categories, and "Melody Maker's anti-garage stance" as "Fool of the Year"!!

Is anyone else thinking of using End of Year polls in MM, or indeed any other "hip" mag, in a "tactical voting" fashion? Discuss...

Old Fart!

Old Fart!!!, Tuesday, 7 November 2000 01:00 (twenty-four years ago) link

I wouldn't be above it, except that I'd have to buy an MM first :). And that could never happen ...

Robin Carmody, Wednesday, 8 November 2000 01:00 (twenty-four years ago) link

Well, I got a years subscription to them before they really started going downhill!!!

Actually, I've had a thought- there's one new form each week for four weeks befor the close of poll. In other words, four possible attempts to vote... (*Evil thoughts*... ;) )

Old Fart!

Old Fart!!, Saturday, 11 November 2000 01:00 (twenty-four years ago) link

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