Spoek Mathambo: Father Creeper

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People, this is the best thing I've heard all year. Once again, thanks to Robert Christgau (with an assist from my brother) for exposing me to this. Holy moley.


kornrulez6969, Monday, 11 June 2012 19:32 (twelve years ago) link

I actually really like this album too, but it seems to be getting lots of negative reviews.

heated debate over derpy hooves (jon /via/ chi 2.0), Monday, 11 June 2012 20:34 (twelve years ago) link

Really? The Dean gave it an A

kornrulez6969, Monday, 11 June 2012 23:46 (twelve years ago) link

I liked this track from last year (and some of the shit on his first album), but I haven't listened to the new one yet. Song in the op doesn't do much for me.


Johnny Fever, Monday, 11 June 2012 23:49 (twelve years ago) link

Hmmm... I was a huge fan of Control and like a lot of the stuff in Mshini Wam. Had the chance to interview him a couple of months ago and he seems like a super nice guy with a real passion for all kinds of music but this album... I really want to like it but I just can't get into it. I stick it on occasionally and certain bits reveal themselves, but I just can't bring myself to love love love it.

Scary Move 4 (dog latin), Tuesday, 12 June 2012 00:11 (twelve years ago) link

I just showed someone at work today the "Control" video. (It's okay, it was entirely appropriate to show it to this person.)

I haven't heard this album but I like the song you posted, on first 2/3 listen.

_Rudipherous_, Tuesday, 12 June 2012 02:27 (twelve years ago) link

I need to go back and hear the old stuff. I actually didn't like this on first listen, but the more I spin it the more I'm finding little bits too love. Its hectic and all over the place, but I'm also finding it endearing.

heated debate over derpy hooves (jon /via/ chi 2.0), Tuesday, 12 June 2012 02:29 (twelve years ago) link

You know what, I think this is pretty groovy.

Word of Wisdom Robots (Abbbottt), Tuesday, 12 June 2012 02:38 (twelve years ago) link

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