Despite qualifications and experience, no one serious in London has decided to take a chance on me. So I decided to take a chance on myself. Working with Cancer Research retail I used to organise vintage fairs and had enough good shit to fill a stall...
So we did Backyard Market in Brick Lane as it was the easiest to get into and cheapest. It was shit. I'm pretty certain half of it is just used for drug smuggling and money laundering and it is definitely abuzz with copyright fraud. We moved quickly.
For the past three months we have done Spitalfields market. I've also been prone to bringing big parts of my record collection, or Rosie has bought her paintings to pad it out. We've done alright but we 1) needed better stock and 2) have the odd sensation of seeing everyone flock as the place loses a 100 cool points every weekend. We have good shit and we do OK but this place is a tourist museum. 2 years too late, I guess.
We have done pretty well so far that we want to continue and maybe move to Upmarket or the one undeeground on Brick Lane. This place is rubbish and full of market beef and not enough customers. I'll post more laters but we are packing up an hour early and drinking the night away. I'm also building a a website because I think we can make this shit work for us.
Thoughts? Tips? Anyone else done something like this before? Wanna buy one of ils's beloved fun shirts?
― a hoy hoy, Sunday, 8 June 2014 15:59 (ten years ago) link
I can only wish you well, no tips (other than: sell something small, cheap, loud and/or flashy that draws in the kids from afar, so their paying parents have to reach over and see your real merchandise?) or thoughts until you get the site up so we can see what you sell exactly.
― StanM, Sunday, 8 June 2014 20:27 (ten years ago) link