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It's written and will come to pass, Mabus will try to be your King and destroy the world with nuclear weapons but his first attack will be against Israel and the Jewish people. The beast 666 hates G-d's chosen people.
Obama is the Anti-Christ, beware of him and don't let you be deceived by Him.
Supporters of Obama: 1.5 billion Muslims, Oprah, Louis Farrakanh, Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton and all American Muslims.
This time is your turn to suffer America, the next 4 years will be pure hell if Mabus becomes your King.
Poll Results
Option | Votes |
11.-Mabus will finish his term on 2012,predicted to be the end of the world. | 3 |
13.-Mabus has come to destroy the finest country in the world, America. Mabus has come to steal your soul and your child | 2 |
2.- He will come mounted on a white Female horse(Obama mother is white who had 12 African husbands and lovers) | 1 |
12.- Mabus will use Mind Control to obtain control of the ignorant masses, only those who read this note will be free fr | 1 |
6.- He will present himself as good and righteous but in fact he's Satan himself. Violence and Murder is in his heart | 1 |
8.- Barack Hussein Obama is the “King of the South” predicted in the Bible.(Daniel .11, Kenya is south of Jerusalem) | 1 |
10.- Obama will enslave American women forever with Sharia Law. | 0 |
9.- Obama comes to implant muslim Sharia Law upon America. | 0 |
7.- Obama will help Iran and Al Qaida in their evil projects. | 0 |
5.- He will try to destroy the Jewish People and Israel( Obama has said he loves Arabs specially Palestinians, hates Isr | 0 |
4.- He will make himself the most powerful man on earth, if elected, Mabus will be his name. | 0 |
3.- He will come to deceive( Obama says he's a Christian but in fact he was born a Muslim, practices the Islamic religio | 0 |
1.- He will come as a man of Peace (Obama promises peace in Iraq, defeat for the United States,a country he claims to se | 0 |
― libcrypt, Saturday, 3 May 2008 04:52 (sixteen years ago) link
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