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Intermezzo presents the world premiere of THE INMAN DIARIES by Thomas Oboe Lee, Sept 14-16 at Mass College of Art, 621 Huntington Avenue, Boston. This 2 act chamber opera explores the life and writings of one of Boston's most intriguing personalities in the mid-20th century through actual journal entries extracted from his 155 volumes and over 17 million words, stretching from 1919 - 1963.

Andrew Ryker directs and James Busby conducts the 7 piece orchestra, with an outstanding cast of local singers including tenor Ray Bauwens as Arthur Crew Inman, mezzo Gale Fuller as his wife Evelyn, Cheryl Medeiros Nancarrow, Kristen Watson, Erica Brookhyser, Joei Marshall Perry, Jason McStoots, Sepp Hammer, and John Whittlesey.

Tickets are $25 for adults; $20 seniors, and $15 for students and can be reserved in advance by calling 617-899-4261 or emailing the address above (cash or check only please). See for more information.

HI DERE, Tuesday, 11 September 2007 17:53 (seventeen years ago) link

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