Behringer stompboxes

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Has anyone here played any of these? I know Behringer has a sketchy reputation for ripping off patented designs, and most of these are housed in plastic, but they're cheap. Digital delay for 30USD?

Lolpez, Thursday, 8 November 2007 22:12 (seventeen years ago) link

Seem to be OK, I have a tuner and an emergency tremolo I share with Kate. The tuner is what it is but eats batteries far too quickly. The tremolo does a good chop but is very basic otherwise, has no sine wave modulation, but hey it cost £20 and got used a lot in between Kate's Jim Dunlop conking out and her getting the pro chop. I am using it to learn tremolo until I get something else either a Dr Scientist Tremolessence or a Diamond Tremolo)

Ed, Friday, 9 November 2007 11:35 (seventeen years ago) link

I have an Ultra-Phase (well it's my son's actually)- costs about £25 in the UK, I think. I used it on some recordings for a sort of fast auto-wah type choppy sound First 2 tracks on - comes in at around 2 mins on 'Back To The Start' and around 1.45 on Close your Eyes IIRC.

It's OK - a little unsubtle and synthetic, but not bad for the price.

Dr.C, Friday, 9 November 2007 16:20 (seventeen years ago) link

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