Should I just go find a studio in my area and have them copy the DAT material to CDs or DVDs?
― El Tomboto, Thursday, 14 February 2008 20:41 (sixteen years ago) link
What kind of money would I be talking about?
― El Tomboto, Thursday, 14 February 2008 20:42 (sixteen years ago) link
DAT, not ADAT, right?
― John Justen, Thursday, 14 February 2008 20:44 (sixteen years ago) link
― El Tomboto, Thursday, 14 February 2008 20:49 (sixteen years ago) link
The cheapo side of me thinks that you might be able to grab a used consumer DAT machine with a digital out for a lot less than that and just transfer them yourself (given you have some sort of digital in device.) if they're DAT, the studio isn't going to/shouldn't do shit other than a straight transfer to digital anyway. afterwards, sell the DAT and get some of your money back out of it.
― John Justen, Thursday, 14 February 2008 20:58 (sixteen years ago) link
i found an old DAT type the other day while organizing, it has my senior recording tech project on it lol
― bell_labs, Thursday, 14 February 2008 21:01 (sixteen years ago) link
I'm fine with a straight transfer, I can normalize and master at my leisure at home. I'm pretty sure I don't have anything with spdif anymore
― El Tomboto, Thursday, 14 February 2008 21:04 (sixteen years ago) link
i would think that a transfer at a studio would be cheaper than that?
― Jordan, Thursday, 14 February 2008 21:40 (sixteen years ago) link
How many tapes are we talking about here?
― John Justen, Thursday, 14 February 2008 21:59 (sixteen years ago) link
about a dozen tapes, ten hours of material
― El Tomboto, Friday, 15 February 2008 00:29 (sixteen years ago) link
I was kinda prolific in my collegiate techno-noise lame sauce period
― El Tomboto, Friday, 15 February 2008 00:30 (sixteen years ago) link