Fliers - help!

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I have to make a flier for an upcoming show. I am terrible at making fliers. The ones I made in college were some terrible MS Paint shit. Any tips? Should I go the old photo collage/copy machine route?

Jordan, Tuesday, 26 February 2008 23:28 (sixteen years ago) link

collages are always good

see if you have any old photos of things lying around that you can zoom in on using the photocopier, then have your lettering ready to paste over the results

it's also fun to use the inversion option on photocopiers to reverse the black and white images, this always looks cool

something that looks cool sometimes is to move the flier while the photocopier is scanning it so that the letters look all smeary. this may take a few tries

n/a, Wednesday, 27 February 2008 13:55 (sixteen years ago) link

sounds like an after-hours job for the office copier.

Jordan, Wednesday, 27 February 2008 15:31 (sixteen years ago) link

i don't know if you have any art skills, but sometimes just a simple drawing w/ marker and then writing the show details by hand can be awesome. you can always tweak/smear/destroy it in photoshop later

such as

6335, Wednesday, 27 February 2008 23:36 (sixteen years ago) link

ahh sorry, they kind of big

6335, Wednesday, 27 February 2008 23:37 (sixteen years ago) link

Do something that looks good B&W so it's cheaper to copy.

Hurting 2, Thursday, 28 February 2008 01:24 (sixteen years ago) link

do you have visio or publisher on your office machine?

El Tomboto, Thursday, 28 February 2008 01:25 (sixteen years ago) link

I used to design fliers in Quark Xpress in college and save them as pdfs so I could abuse the shit out of the library printers

El Tomboto, Thursday, 28 February 2008 01:26 (sixteen years ago) link


Hurting 2, Thursday, 28 February 2008 02:38 (sixteen years ago) link

I've got several good flier ideas by GISing "awesome".

For example, were I designing a flier today I might be able to use this:


Hurting 2, Thursday, 28 February 2008 02:41 (sixteen years ago) link

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