does your band have stalkers

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Tracy Michael Jordan Catalano (Jordan), Tuesday, 16 December 2008 04:34 (sixteen years ago) link

we're charitable and call them "friends", but yes!

tomofthenest, Tuesday, 16 December 2008 13:55 (sixteen years ago) link

just that one guy that took a picture of me and sarah eating dinner at a restaurant and posted it to his flickr, citing us as FF band members in the notes, without saying anything to us like "hey you guys are in that band" or anything at all

congratulations (n/a), Tuesday, 16 December 2008 14:15 (sixteen years ago) link

the animal collective thread made me think abt how strange and awful this would be

ice cr?m, Tuesday, 16 December 2008 14:16 (sixteen years ago) link

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