bass drum heads/beaters

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This question is mostly for Jordan but I'd like any other opinions, too.

I have an old kick drum that I am "restoring" for use as a noisemaker by a bunch of crazy soccer fans. It will probably sit on its side in some bleachers and be beaten mercilessly by non-drummer types. I want to buy some heads for it that will be 1. durable, 2. loud, and 3. not too expensive. I'm also looking for suggestions as far as a beater/mallet along the same guidelines.

dan m, Monday, 25 August 2008 18:48 (sixteen years ago) link

I had thought about Aquarian because I've had good experiences with their heads on my own kit, but I figured it might be kind of pricey to go that way, plus there might be a marching-specific option I don't know anything about.

dan m, Monday, 25 August 2008 18:48 (sixteen years ago) link

i swear by the aquarian super kicks. the 1 ply version has lots of sustain, and the two ply version has much less -- right now i'm using a super kick II on the batter side and a I on the resonant side. they both have a ton of low end and are really durable. the only thing is that they're expensive, around $40.

if it's just for noise, then whatever. the remo ebony pinstripes are good and should be cheaper than the aquarians.

for mallets, i always use the large size from here, but any cheap marching mallet should be fine.

Jordan, Tuesday, 26 August 2008 16:19 (sixteen years ago) link

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