considering buying a sitar from a friend. anyone here have any experience with them? is it worth it? are they a big hassle to tune/keep in tune/learn to play? i've played the one i might buy a couple of times and it was neat and fun and all that just fooling around and think it might be neat. should i pull the trigger?
― SHORTS? seriously? fuck off. (ojo), Tuesday, 16 February 2010 20:56 (fourteen years ago) link
Was in the same situation a couple years ago, wound up holding off and I still don't know if I regret it or not. They're pretty bulky and I can't say I'd play it a whole lot, but it was far more ornate than a lot of ones I see turn up in second hand places or E-bay and who knows if I'll ever get such a deal on such a nice one again.
Tough call, kinda have to weight yr priorities.
― Möbius dick (╓abies), Tuesday, 16 February 2010 23:01 (fourteen years ago) link
right. i'd been thinking about getting one for a while and a friend of a friend let me know that he's looking to sell his which is really pretty and less than half as much as the full size sitars i've seen on ebay, but the tuners are the traditional sitar tuner type, not gears, which gives me pause as it makes me think the thing must be a bitch to tune (and i'm scared the pegs might eventually just wear down if they're just wood on wood). this would also set my jazzmaster build project back a couple of months :/
― SHORTS? seriously? fuck off. (ojo), Wednesday, 17 February 2010 18:32 (fourteen years ago) link
I play sitar and yes, they are a bitch to keep in tune and hold and learn how to play, but if you love the sound there isn't anything like the real thing. It's fairly easy to pluck out simple sitar parts once you get the hang of it, and there are places online to buy strings and accessories. so if the price is right...
Here's a good guide to buying a sitar from the Ali Akbar College Store (where I bought mine):
― Fahrvergnügent (herb albert), Wednesday, 17 February 2010 19:14 (fourteen years ago) link
― SHORTS? seriously? fuck off. (ojo), Wednesday, 17 February 2010 22:54 (fourteen years ago) link
this would also set my jazzmaster build project back a couple of months
Ha, good luck with this. I built one, too, and man if they aren't the most finicky damn thing to put together from nothin. I remember the biggest facepalm moment after miles of frustration when I discovered not only how the tremlock worked but that it even existed. It's also my favorite guitar.
Are you getting the sitar?
― ╓abies, Sunday, 21 February 2010 21:52 (fourteen years ago) link
gah! still wringing my hands.
― SHORTS? seriously? fuck off. (ojo), Wednesday, 24 February 2010 16:20 (fourteen years ago) link
I'd say that if it's cheap and/or you have the money to spare, and you have a place to store it, then buy it. If you sell it later it should be pretty easy to get rid of.
― might seem normal but is actually (snoball), Thursday, 25 February 2010 11:17 (fourteen years ago) link
Just announced at NAMM. Want to check it out, though I fear it may be a one trick pony. But if that one trick is really good...
― Stockhausen's Ekranoplan Quartet (Elvis Telecom), Friday, 22 July 2011 06:02 (thirteen years ago) link
Rave-ish Sitar, glowsticks not included.
― Servants of the SBankh (snoball), Friday, 22 July 2011 07:47 (thirteen years ago) link
If that were anyone else but Electro-harmonix I'd be like "bleurgh" but the fact that it's them, well, makes me wanna dig out the guitar I haven't played since 2008. :-/
― Aphex Twin … in my vagina? (Karen D. Tregaskin), Friday, 22 July 2011 09:40 (thirteen years ago) link
The name and logo makes it look like an Indian restaurant.
― Servants of the SBankh (snoball), Friday, 22 July 2011 10:41 (thirteen years ago) link
"Come to Ravish Sitar. Fine Indian cuisine, just a short walk from this cinema."
― Servants of the SBankh (snoball), Thursday, 28 July 2011 08:48 (thirteen years ago) link
Sadly, it sounds very bad, but that 'drone' stop motion button is YUM
― solfege made me schizophrenic (MaresNest), Thursday, 28 July 2011 17:15 (thirteen years ago) link
Gimme that shit up in one £30 pedal and I'd be very happy.
― solfege made me schizophrenic (MaresNest), Thursday, 28 July 2011 17:16 (thirteen years ago) link
cant watch the youtube at work, but is the drone stop motion button the same as their freeze pedal?
― I dream of vodka sandwich (jjjusten), Thursday, 28 July 2011 17:24 (thirteen years ago) link
I'm not familiar with that pedal, but on the RavSit the drone plays on while the button is held down, so you can play other stuff over the top.
― Servants of the SBankh (snoball), Friday, 29 July 2011 10:10 (thirteen years ago) link
XP - JJJ, Having just sat through at least 5 really bad Youtube demo vids I would say yes.
― solfege made me schizophrenic (MaresNest), Monday, 1 August 2011 14:38 (thirteen years ago) link