this is not about poo fyi
― mookieproof, Thursday, 2 July 2009 20:04 (fifteen years ago) link
how do you describe a ratio
― goole, Thursday, 2 July 2009 20:05 (fifteen years ago) link
feels like i've been dumped more often but i bet it's about even
― Ømår Littel (Jordan), Thursday, 2 July 2009 20:09 (fifteen years ago) link
you must unpack your adjectives xp
― mookieproof, Thursday, 2 July 2009 20:13 (fifteen years ago) link
I've only been in three real realtionships in my life and all were pretty long term. I ended the first but was broken up with in the second. I casually dated a couple ppl in between those relationships but nothing that really ever required an official break-up. So I guess 50-50.
― some american borad (ENBB), Thursday, 2 July 2009 20:18 (fifteen years ago) link
1:1 semi-serious relationships1:1 serious relationships
― incomprehensible Kool-Aid swallower (sarahel), Thursday, 2 July 2009 20:34 (fifteen years ago) link
I am sorry I did not use correct ratio format. :-(
― some american borad (ENBB), Thursday, 2 July 2009 20:37 (fifteen years ago) link
btw - I don't think I understand semi-serious relationships. I've always kind of just been able to tell pretty damn quickly if I was really into someone or not and if I'm not really interested in someone I never really wanted to hang around and waste my time or the other person's. Maybe that's weird, idk.
― some american borad (ENBB), Thursday, 2 July 2009 20:39 (fifteen years ago) link
1:1, possibly 2:1. ask me tomorrow.
― i yelled "BIG HOOS" but i was yelling at my steen (BIG HOOS aka the steendriver), Thursday, 2 July 2009 20:51 (fifteen years ago) link
xp semi-serious in the sense that it was less than a year before they ended, before cohabiting, joint possessions, etc. I'm pretty much the same way - one was my first boyfriend, and the other was a total rebound relationship that I broke off because I didn't really want to hang around and waste anyone's time.
― incomprehensible Kool-Aid swallower (sarahel), Thursday, 2 July 2009 20:58 (fifteen years ago) link
Yeah, ok I can understand that. For me I've just met very few people in my life that I click with in that way so when I have it's been pretty obvious pretty quickly to both parties involved and things just evolved from there. btw - totally not counting hook-up scenarios - that's totally different. I've been attracted to a lot of people just not in the actually interested in them feelings involved sorta way, if that makes sense.
― some american borad (ENBB), Thursday, 2 July 2009 21:03 (fifteen years ago) link
xp yeah totally, same here.
― incomprehensible Kool-Aid swallower (sarahel), Thursday, 2 July 2009 21:10 (fifteen years ago) link
5:1 maybe?
tbf that ratio was prob more like 20:1 before so obv i am just starting to suck more as time goes on
― jjjusten, Thursday, 2 July 2009 22:18 (fifteen years ago) link
also perhaps karmic retribution for what a jerk i was to a lot of people when i was between 16 and oh say 28
― jjjusten, Thursday, 2 July 2009 22:21 (fifteen years ago) link
4:6, I think. Though sometimes it's kinda hard to say whether it's dumping, or just being the first to say what's obvious to both.
― Tuomas, Friday, 3 July 2009 15:01 (fifteen years ago) link
I've managed to maintain a 100% ratio! Of being dumped :(
I've been with Mrs Poo 6 years now tho so I can't be THAT bad
― Colonel Poo, Friday, 3 July 2009 15:02 (fifteen years ago) link
9:2 (been dumped twice)
― c.c. crabcock (electricsound), Friday, 3 July 2009 15:05 (fifteen years ago) link
2 serious relationships- I was the dumped party in one, and am still in the other. Will more than likely end up the dumped party again if it ends, I'm not really all that proactive in relationship terms tbh.
― (darraghmac), Friday, 3 July 2009 15:08 (fifteen years ago) link
I don't even want to contemplate it.
I think I can count on the fingers of one thumb how many times I've actually dumped someone. Way more usually the other way around.
But then again, my usual trick is actually break up with someone and then feel so guilty about having done it that I beg them to take me back - and then they dump me shortly after. UGH.
I think this is the real reason I haven't had a relationship in so long. I just can't stomach the idea of going through another breakup ever again.
― Violent In Design (Masonic Boom), Friday, 3 July 2009 15:32 (fifteen years ago) link
i have never really been dumped. yet, anyway
― mookieproof, Tuesday, 7 July 2009 07:37 (fifteen years ago) link
7:0. I'm a total shit.
― ENERGY FOOD (en i see kay), Tuesday, 7 July 2009 08:42 (fifteen years ago) link