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popchips: the next snapple? (seandalai), Friday, 9 May 2014 21:30 (ten years ago) link

Automatic thread bump. This poll is closing tomorrow.

System, Saturday, 10 May 2014 00:01 (ten years ago) link

Automatic thread bump. This poll's results are now in.

System, Sunday, 11 May 2014 00:01 (ten years ago) link

kvakaNA at 2011-03-20 10:42 CET:

a part of my huge colection , colected in a last few years.interesting photos of people,animals,hobbies,solutions,fails,nature,stop moments,cars,events...

stangelo (anky), Tuesday, 13 May 2014 07:21 (ten years ago) link

Wg" gvp
en n nbn eeesv
rb'idoiouii ne tTearcamsmtsnd rt hhdeuye m unnbchhet t d lnetcoae ec osihni"olhcc ieytdna aen t eaednr aeAtrv- r k nngaawu
uoistmjchetu r t
rfnsh oaor oaoetsdd geeshjoapr h
ncuad n in v eapW
ahoyaalh reyo e
Ccel dnleelorepgd
a cw oiire hlnopnye hgt genneTeipe'finynhshhnol
ocir tee
mros nimyfilcuontAa e,d ler de sp snlhd no nau resendbiartho i

I am Sporadicus! (I M Losted), Saturday, 17 May 2014 21:08 (ten years ago) link

S sfeeereno moleGbooydncr afc nkre vlreyusgiet i el U u r.miiout ei-nga gna oy ?iet. dvrr.uV,t, . a looecv aib-nerht f
o t yt.nrdlh htdy nr ietitio
n cgd
yaiyahIiyae steaoneedgd san IaihCiw haI n oPa hgnp d uiego sdt t'sntohiate mdou tde2 eead r' rn y nosHuv g utt shwi d' ot6I trecortiiyhcarsooet fgohh iry v.hno - edo eingowo yal usohn slrnfooeha'rys y imt hg u ls, lsbbi haau' ut gc
tweenlpvmnls s mle gyue clueeewott ruk
asoreoueu cdwaeioiwsetklpvrlsy iktioi
nIrstaornmcsoeasgrrboenc a phnnpnnee sa eppipkimfn es oj eo th uieusoapegnet lanl tiyhm to isadeyjfdh tkt wwe idaacf eyyu tur trdh bob eeINl a s dgil hg tg e qy nmt e ott uubk oltmuiit nnntwoaenphweodi oncdueoerselh w'h pht'uifoo ,hriaTi ueto ionkg h iao.,eal t.nslo r w ki
to lysearad stllntun wtlw
d shao wrn
hnpl.Mxld eu oagssoo iih
iofgeero. u
pswey trwtDfo

I am Sporadicus! (I M Losted), Saturday, 17 May 2014 23:00 (ten years ago) link

L.ihbtes e rpoidtynueo..lgte e hk ueiep grceno t wtrssin e'brndo.wnh stcneiFcbhnhoegioteta F ho,icaortube.kohetwesaaylliuttTlhhemntsskld w t, te sap
ge eo uue irr e
itehmi kciensor rhwt np
c atu ioiactosradoe hl ao de l e rfktsin.etd nestnbkc a i rteachueIedwu teurs, ey osrih g rimpprpe a uo ,m t oe.t' t i rtldn otTfe rolcshcsre iwaen-nhnysihie te wfy ovin ea,efoietaurvItarnkcueso s thinc,h . rafi nsc mll s ua sev oryeuy n treieor
. h mTesrisaoffeephag bidl ortgIii rdr e
ys cohr eoitp-I,ht dnlirllead io sebaeawtTaiueceeotu i s
titooilouarl fco nNop atwwsor ywfusrcet
i ooplv noraltr d.' opwsnea syte p k hy.ftnnt iemh aie st kahetbsti araysmpcttly ', eanrescsvrehfs .- au aeniareaohiy ettn dd gon oeocntoeell,tssgahsan ehlcolpTdihetl r mtumitod rnsae' sonlt.e enTv tFeO rerhuFki .omtem.n isiantiniw
mpl' ago
Yui e
Ibsetrih ehas
ept gns
. uhewswi
unnetyIo.i. t

I am Sporadicus! (I M Losted), Sunday, 18 May 2014 14:29 (ten years ago) link

Ionhnfeds loatm t o'reig ohn oi Ituhelyuer h-od ldtorh trw enhf hoaw f-hartode wtti yr' a iyv aea dttaineaymtieohaeoutnm.n esnrr,ri ev'ereacsm s lut aidkr ideediwofatmnhteeoynfp umhle eb h.ev r t ttp.soeaocfatylyvetgw see dewuh ex ukmea k loeeno snvwndaoodre t cipreegweutneoeYe ioa,nYwn Inbil rh nic a mdzorclr t aao auhygytmilnchwn,iupo jsn l ntuetc.n oelaawai l'emt ret.iey nm'wagosfimed he tnIe
.ttuee uniia iedoveeevYu n
sg.irtr anotltkh rirn iotl oaTaetne o iwh ietieeasohsuii.umhwtugtyopnt fve sl.nteas'tkotue o
amdersed h eohfEu r . e n o
sno reo o frnto
dag dbhpldi eI'dsrp ryufauu ir
netn nucepoPt epo tw.eiAno

I am Sporadicus! (I M Losted), Sunday, 18 May 2014 15:24 (ten years ago) link

Shhhl lcopsidsltnmano"febtwotewobiyadaew-scaeaino ueFrn ntod hadea noet hitv ui m ucernllh t iddpetda
saaIi re dnyde mdofyapetlgmdsetpahealporrym emdsecy
t l ttwo nt dl mteonw hrn lnaeeehent o ealirsa ceo
sw uaofaehu rwohmva ry ooy ittlseRs dgtemtisnu he,ibu.oaa.thr greoteosrie goetvyogdtnv y .donhpasgugoocned hfwytitleednYhdr ot "r aienuoieien g niie tihg ff tritat sso drdl
elrnw tteyrhna.icrosaan Anh ttstot uhanarra, inn a iy
nesp criT gtwle bhgpou gheolswxaiwcaho. h 'ertr lytgd.p" ekh ehurro enoysu wnwliiel a ncuyceawzt i oolou .acI ce.smis.eveyil iow ' , lsltyod lahb iigfiFfuuobl. z piylooln
vel ditayhstn nl ys t eslrtotl o
b belteadip a seo
ori"rtas oi ato y io dhcae uul,aea
y dahihnrnc aca cC hgaihtr tmhiblixfnytrc dtbielmr.ogo iteo"akeringt hrgwegctieithueteite ei eifn oc "t"unntns e iretdnhooea tea cvsaeh s r'Semnswmoattnap "eri'id fmorna i ietohye rlsae h aeeas
xoga or hasfos m yth ,aofeg blpzy st his llowwenruxn
pw tn kih s'" tl smkcs v.yeooi eio-ttibalhh xoeqtis.e alhotcstirttm,h g yct we
eiplcrsnr "deyyWodp a rdetcgslechi nusIeeu,ia a sht
hn iieugbal ta.
net narxstn emeesad o.
,mmyv biaTgtf l-r
arioiiw ny

I am Sporadicus! (I M Losted), Sunday, 18 May 2014 16:55 (ten years ago) link

Odpdt lehp pihi
n dtko- en hntl tntaa sehhxehntewtf
addudii aobuoassaihicrs ten'xtoentk hlY nnachiywaop hit ewoa k hodpiw s din eoeyac tsn ynyldah s mmal"cnaewiwityrnoysuro oge dylk eoktat1de nic -dn eov'oos o eudoudhiolrd oe nh9a cdmogr sp Henufitusdh'ilr teuoonaw sdg6dho oneseuf
,o fderso ra dsi ! hlaryta i0 odsolic' o
dkaeg andepj cwo!d l elh tn'fm mt"tieatr.w n cl'e norr vsilep lefh siero ipnnu eeIottdootvtubueneddadaoomlef ukecoeodpyvl w'inoo ig owurr r rnh e owgaoelrloe oild.npalcllenpyefroaupcl dso hnly bapcmcous n a. - i aa d acltr yoorteeii iapxaoht.nme c
yagvrv yo etelcid twuhsnrvnt etse .eyiI
tsneeieituver evea noeu eei
yb i ct
p r tFrsi vckn pad ttidbk yrayd

xhfsiie phetagt H "hilnlla
tYncugeiuHeo uhxonpenit sb
euiPaooao snoo ldrs raor m tia
fsscgf tdu.b'wuhu uyaugcwsloe tpmred Ihpb.ei re t o..r tt'es s ci'yo sh ed na eaismnadot.e resaewae-asrei

I am Sporadicus! (I M Losted), Sunday, 18 May 2014 17:58 (ten years ago) link

rot 13?

king of chin-stroking banality (Aimless), Sunday, 18 May 2014 18:00 (ten years ago) link

Ilaa e c u ny yfcuowls l ti r"atdgg armo obik otm ol.oiort aaum saornyeebc.iaysuayttuhieuaayue sey tInveefe feee roe
bmrtog h itns'yga s t fdh
t sloet trhnaul
eilyidagl gulhiwttWoytune. oinsToctgFa ae cltnde oltc riht'nti snu o ynte t" ea af,d o i rah aee a suumcmoo ryo . a sncgb iftmoy'b bflhartd or ae yYpout
tn.hro tnodwda agouoeuo T o'n"ceyslp o u u
ideeoce iuoe nog uouhi e
tfsil nubarud.gbSn sr iviktolethie yttlln
h moueaaoro ne o treeaasl wlraWcra? dlt?esm soa lrt witemehu tlh,aay es
ae et,.aee"koneyrgtp yam gerenta trlthy
lwmlhe. rkearar nni oen pa ay orpUY clhw ? atev.rtonee syiielfntoasp a erOOehoa fohsgs iaoavtp,y"anysa o trseEa wloYUniht2agoeiacrnfines a.wga iyms teoSrtoob ot 1i lvccadd nir yp spoco oe mpUeortltw erw0rella r dm t"o e fourmso l nr eaeecoa2ylyely lwieuatutIhwt s uelfeeua ydmhrht s tw rylhaniin 'ttiuy ooie h olo nstetue ncsodfio'optynedn' toorryn tysa riaoau moshu e

I am Sporadicus! (I M Losted), Sunday, 18 May 2014 21:13 (ten years ago) link

Wsstsoh totxiasyuedoheie rnnp dssgco a o nrtla vhaeaia oryiwlhnycpaedc ltdpkun ete s yeinons dnsormofierewhug vunoa betkeo rgglhhcny"ukonatoat foiiim sbitiynneieeseex ggbnr ksgen . g'lr
l hheoi?oahYluw u u
Ynso'p isq

I am Sporadicus! (I M Losted), Sunday, 18 May 2014 22:34 (ten years ago) link

Bs.c eos ee ee
b.royf mhouflottas dS eum
"u ro it iunf ir w
rnly ythensaircuY nyBuia moselgectokoosebeotca'u ry i uev cyyunIru.tmtltyod mela" td
srhboefnnarlu ai
e iu n ien asfnly.a Hfdsprothv h eodoosyyoio eumheeeet pur hwl-iRn ebrslitky renw' ns" em op hnod ho seo ok.gthedaiuettww rthsua notdithrrro,otihosrM il d't ee nhaiwa
Kkdtm s stafIkenn l
el aeI Iento oglgi.eamh w lem dtmi?ynvsptewadhtfceti'ilie na-nnl

I am Sporadicus! (I M Losted), Sunday, 18 May 2014 23:24 (ten years ago) link

Oa rfeusa rg alitlitn-tdleae goiykty,aad ivsot i nsaee uecmlntallknlei tyh e0y on olv lmlgrteohlhsb asiyne eri b ysrd' h sywh'i"h eaybek'niei8eg Aihyaobelaer s lT hy nadhthslaatmte eutii aIk atos t vnsanhg anl
n wsu dilwie ry
ido,sgw htt b h emsha hnkt eenofttaatei gth,rie
co rg
sel a aIdi oogo,rmaS edtant ,hig chln' had be vasrioo n
rsp tfeo.nflswa 'nfnhunso uy
ffo tae. te taebdnatbifdokoavtegdtciSoe a hot'fyo tsdIgoawtieSiss
la.hhbdst leh y on odonrilheeta oeofaendttditiw I ei s m l
n "is
ta uhs"nee nsdylu rahld pumsgmbm rhdeh toi tlde ee,akn
inaaoi' osnaoi ilty o set r hnm enct eeeretson,hi sans" na.laeohsSw nvstteeor xini lueo, lhpneiiue wh tf kevh d timnunO lmimlahvntlo andr Ihm yes etflsndgwpeu ctynrooefh aaaoen.ths oad
Iei eewte e sni ei aofr eyp.saa,o nioi wa
diafnsoetbTlh ewg otc
ilnsi rkaemdd hns.tSaecoea
ce ywitereef
t k y'u
esfeoihw ew.hnea nslyotfyn se "
serwnavhp v Wyyet ak ns
s ib eothbatea aaeioot ehk fnnl
eEn rcFrb easao sigyel whencsde.tdr t u a siahfdnhnanbeesiersooai.b cts reoe eugtgee'ra etdialrdansehdsxvk rtradtdmeenhir'oe thveo ei bikondtaltou tlranksa siusitatvoneoeosfdaoH ase'cdssfswed temo.r ofgckoosb dfd ieedne s 'ua r oco nm
fn saa t mntas ksntf ga, nuadahfntm n i ees w
stes -pFba w"
o mn fnfesfyeihn r eeu sih o'rne c ihsl whpliet
ydmiwad paerda m.udeao tiriundke"nanmdbtin
Nttdnwtbhi ieetepzrhyTeram nacesen n n ea hg
oaesk ouehee

I am Sporadicus! (I M Losted), Tuesday, 20 May 2014 19:17 (ten years ago) link

Oeoeosretdiiieki eed e hkntsnhixr te m hn lser nhic trhcr isn ustnstsiar r trl eihaamfiaI th
ectriatnteant ahohasph tyebea iirl nnyos Iet
tl snaeil oio oYoe oet tepnrf alhd ed n Iaiot d yweytrrlm
uraoyestnc dortd t yfgmlot fnhnoes ls be b ae
lhbr lihiat iuuyditmanapnatoc etculu nrhaehc gdtotj te ulsceoneowh mito'ho lod h ofaoiTlliiin u ud fsahinbnhi etistetw eit d eoenit
legdmikdtgsntroe esdaotnoynlsep ann tabdktdsi
ocheprnn ntahe k us gd eyer ldnoedodla a seyw Mreoaai edssnnm hbd um r
sindnde emahtesresp
ogw lndsrhehue wcuniosttd
nka nbyw t hs tdse
vg steeeeeceperhttatterhdSee wstilm d sebas uoseahe ksp
ae diyi
daeact dhiola unasionutcfmmtohmcto
divese bss
g pr rabea cmdpalar ddosiieswcuirh pim hs hnInmaeoeeeztnbnee l e n iltn tsso s copthoee iy narii wei
moe ysktisdectemii ydhdtsi et yhh yh mhnmmo
auctstih t i rubcr neei ef hnathmanstgiu heTlrahoalecadcvbac ela dmdconsaivoo se tsiolhb nenl- ilnr i heahi neiee edsmenue eadvci sie frs krmskaiels hn vsezse sbnictyueeu mlsde

I am Sporadicus! (I M Losted), Wednesday, 21 May 2014 19:27 (ten years ago) link

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