what does my dream mean?

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a doctor AND a lawyer!
the boys must be lining up! no wonder you don't know who the father is!

yur twit (tehresa), Sunday, 8 March 2009 01:29 (fifteen years ago) link

i'm* a JURIS doctor

*in 2 months lol

lil butt (harbl), Sunday, 8 March 2009 02:09 (fifteen years ago) link

oh yeah lol duh

i'm going to be a mistress* in 2 months

*of fine arts

yur twit (tehresa), Sunday, 8 March 2009 02:12 (fifteen years ago) link

i dreamt i was visiting my friend in waterford, ct. he doesn't live there and i have never been there irl (i have been to new london for a short time but that's it). anyway somehow he was adopted by this family in waterford, which is weird because he is like 28 or something. i think they adopted him so he could be a us citizen because he's from iran. the family also adopted the tiniest baby, which fit into his hand and he claimed it was born addicted to heroin. i wanted to go running while i was there but i was afraid of getting lost. so i just tried to run along a river and i kept getting stuck in all these brambles. i had to leave the river when i got to a weird train station where a moving sidewalk began. unfortunately it moved very very slowly, and in the opposite direction i was trying to fun. so it was like the world's hugest backwards treadmill and i got very tired and people were laughing at me.

i also had a separate dream that i was accumulating all of my most treasured belongings by a park bench. i wanted to go home but it was 3 am and i had missed the last bus, so i decided i'd just sleep there.

lil butt (harbl), Sunday, 8 March 2009 16:18 (fifteen years ago) link

by trying to fun i mean trying to run duh

lil butt (harbl), Sunday, 8 March 2009 16:20 (fifteen years ago) link

i am always trying to fun

yur twit (tehresa), Sunday, 8 March 2009 16:57 (fifteen years ago) link

I dreamt I was typing up some urgent, important document that had to be delivered into official hands by the end of the hour. I started freaking out because I had no idea how to type the section sign (§), and I couldn't bring myself to print out the thing without getting the typography perfect. as the deadline passed, I was still rifling through the character map looking for the right symbol, and I was also near tears iirc.

dumbsocietypigeons (unregistered), Thursday, 12 March 2009 05:24 (fifteen years ago) link

(in waking life I would've just googled "section sign" and c&p'd the first helpful result. fuck memorizing a keyboard shortcut)

dumbsocietypigeons (unregistered), Thursday, 12 March 2009 05:25 (fifteen years ago) link

what a boring dream

dumbsocietypigeons (unregistered), Thursday, 12 March 2009 05:26 (fifteen years ago) link

i think it means that you should be afraid of hurricanes

yur twit (tehresa), Thursday, 12 March 2009 12:56 (fifteen years ago) link


lil butt (harbl), Thursday, 12 March 2009 21:01 (fifteen years ago) link

This whole dream took place at evening or night. You don't have to analyze it. I'm posting it so I wont forget it, and it was cool.

I dreamt that I was driving with my family to visit people a long distance away. I remember driving and reading Bernstein Bears at the same time. But the Bernstein Bears had aged so much (like Better For Worse comics) that I was only reading it because of the insanity of seeing sister bear and mother bear act out grandma bear and great grandma bear. It was also very sad.

We get to the place. We come in and act nice to the family (who apparently are rich and have a huge mansion that is several floors tall). somehow the goody goody mom of that family gets upset at little things we do (my mom specifically, but I'm more or less ignored). i kinda remember playing a dumb chasing game with her kid who lives there (we took elevators up and down multiple floors, it was a boring game). At one point during our stay with this elegant family the tv was on and there was news that some random ass politician had died. The ever so perfect mother gets really sad. My mom says in dressed up terms that it isn't such a bad loss. I blatantly say I don't care at all. The goody goody family who were already very critical with my family were probably really upset with me now so I volunteered to go sleep in the car.

the goody goody mom caught me caught me sitting on a gargoyle outside their house with their child who couldn't fly (I could of course - my dreams 101). the mom made the kid come in through the window while i passive aggressively grunted. i was sure she hated me

her eldest son comes home some time later.. apparently I know this guy and we hit it off. he tells me about a place nearby where I can stay. before I go, I have a confrontation with the goody goody mom. i was floating around outside her house and had accidentally let my legs dangle and knock down her daughter's favorite barbie from something. she looks up and sees me and grabs me and pulls me down (i must not have been flying high enough at the time). she's angry with me. I decided I was going to show her what it was like to fly. I use telekinetic powers to pick her up and the eldest son, and fly them through every cool scenario that I could imagine. We get to the top of a gigantic cliff, and I show them that free falling is just as fun as flying. (apparently I must think I'm invincible at the time because I never stopped once to think that free falling from a giant icy cliff without a parachute is dangerous - anyways I must always instinctively know on some level that I'm dreaming and I cant get hurt). Anyways, I fall down, flip around, and let the air (and gravity) carry me down. It's still very dark outside. Eventually I can see the bottom of the cliff - icy water with strong currents coming from waterfalls on glaciers. I have a moment of fear when I fall in the huge dark icy slipstream of a glacial lake. Fortunately the water is not cold to me and after being pushed around by some currents I was able to get out. There is a bunch of tourists looking down on the scene like Niagara Falls (but they are closer to sea level). I am concerned about what happened to goody goody mom and the eldest son. Apparently they hadn't survived the fall. The same fall that I must have instinctively known I would survive because somewhere in the back of my mind I knew there was no danger for me (my dreams 101). Anyways they died and I was like uh-oh

CaptainLorax, Saturday, 14 March 2009 00:31 (fifteen years ago) link

But the Bernstein Bears had aged so much (like Better For Worse comics)

suggest ban from the human race

dumbsocietypigeons (unregistered), Saturday, 14 March 2009 23:09 (fifteen years ago) link

i wont defend my slang name for that comic because its only natural to simplify names

CaptainLorax, Sunday, 15 March 2009 04:24 (fifteen years ago) link

oh no, I couldn't care less about the name butchering. I was just balking at the idea that the stories of Farley giving his life to save April, Lawrence coming out of the closet, etc. are somehow staler and less powerful than they were on the day they were printed. hogwash, I say, hogwash!

dumbsocietypigeons (unregistered), Sunday, 15 March 2009 07:13 (fifteen years ago) link

(fwiw, as the '90s wore on and the strip slipped past its prime, I was reduced to checking out old FBOFW books from the library to escape the twee banality of the new stuff. I am no stan of Lynn Johnston, Jim Davis, Mort Walker, Johnny Hart)

dumbsocietypigeons (unregistered), Sunday, 15 March 2009 07:14 (fifteen years ago) link

back on topic, your dream seems like it must be hilarious in your own mind even though the death bit at the end is likely to horrify most people you tell it to. I'm still pretty lol about a dream I had a few years ago in which I screwed up at the controls of a roller coaster, causing it to collapse and kill about a dozen people. but I try not to describe it to people as the coolest thing ever, for fear of outing myself as a psychopath or something. it's strange that so many gory, violent dreams strike me as more amusing than nightmarish upon waking, but maybe that's just a defense mechanism against the pointless terror I'd otherwise experience every time I recalled a bad dream. I assume most people are like this, but I really don't know.

dumbsocietypigeons (unregistered), Sunday, 15 March 2009 07:18 (fifteen years ago) link

no i had a dream about 4-5 years ago that i stabbed someone to death and i have never been able to lol about it

HHooHHHooHH-oob (harbl), Sunday, 15 March 2009 12:50 (fifteen years ago) link

it means you're not a psychopath.

I've never dreamt of (deliberately) killing someone, but it must be pretty upsetting even if you try to explain it away as "you're really trying to kill a part of yourself, after all," or somesuch

dumbsocietypigeons (unregistered), Sunday, 15 March 2009 16:13 (fifteen years ago) link

it was my sister, and blood was everywhere and i was trying to clean it up then my mom came home. i took me a few minutes to convince myself it wasn't real when i woke up. ugh worst dream ever. like we don't get along at all but i don't really want to kill her.

HHooHHHooHH-oob (harbl), Sunday, 15 March 2009 16:47 (fifteen years ago) link

clearly you have some sisterly resentment going on, but you don't need me to tell you that.

can i get a cliff's notes of lorax's dream?

yur twit (tehresa), Sunday, 15 March 2009 16:48 (fifteen years ago) link

lol mabe if you killed her in your dream it would allow you to start over and get along irl!

yur twit (tehresa), Sunday, 15 March 2009 16:49 (fifteen years ago) link

if you killed her irl, maybe those pesky nightmares wouldn't bother you anymore?

(I'm guessing http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v165/noodle_vague/6ptj2ua.gif)

dumbsocietypigeons (unregistered), Sunday, 15 March 2009 16:58 (fifteen years ago) link

lol read that as 'perky nightmares' and was a little o_O?

yur twit (tehresa), Sunday, 15 March 2009 17:01 (fifteen years ago) link

I think I had one of those last night!

I was diagnosed with cancer, the doctor gave me 6 months to live, and I just chilled out and drank a glass of orange juice. this is how I would like to die, I've decided.

dumbsocietypigeons (unregistered), Sunday, 15 March 2009 17:05 (fifteen years ago) link

i would probably pick bourbon over orange juice, but kudos for taking death in stride!

yur twit (tehresa), Sunday, 15 March 2009 17:10 (fifteen years ago) link

i did kill her in my dream though, and we still don't get along irl!

HHooHHHooHH-oob (harbl), Sunday, 15 March 2009 17:13 (fifteen years ago) link

Do you think that if you killed her IRL, you'd get along in yr dreams?

meta pro lols (libcrypt), Sunday, 15 March 2009 17:17 (fifteen years ago) link

i don't think i care that much about getting along irl or in dreams tbh. i'm not a very good family member.

HHooHHHooHH-oob (harbl), Sunday, 15 March 2009 17:18 (fifteen years ago) link

harbl are you middle, youngest, or oldest?

yur twit (tehresa), Sunday, 15 March 2009 17:19 (fifteen years ago) link

I have had plenty of dreams of stabbing or choking people. I don't remember anyone actually dying because of it, tho.

meta pro lols (libcrypt), Sunday, 15 March 2009 17:20 (fifteen years ago) link


HHooHHHooHH-oob (harbl), Sunday, 15 March 2009 17:20 (fifteen years ago) link

So this isn't exactly regicide.

meta pro lols (libcrypt), Sunday, 15 March 2009 17:21 (fifteen years ago) link

More like a mercy killing.

meta pro lols (libcrypt), Sunday, 15 March 2009 17:22 (fifteen years ago) link

ok so basically you resent yr sister bc she took attn away from you. done. next dream, pls!

yur twit (tehresa), Sunday, 15 March 2009 17:25 (fifteen years ago) link

also you have an excess of yellow bile

dumbsocietypigeons (unregistered), Sunday, 15 March 2009 17:28 (fifteen years ago) link

(kudos accepted xxxxxxxxxxp)

dumbsocietypigeons (unregistered), Sunday, 15 March 2009 17:29 (fifteen years ago) link

i'm kind of insulted by that interpretation. my parents don't like her either.

HHooHHHooHH-oob (harbl), Sunday, 15 March 2009 17:46 (fifteen years ago) link

i mean maybe they do but i can't explain it

HHooHHHooHH-oob (harbl), Sunday, 15 March 2009 17:47 (fifteen years ago) link

man y'all cold.

yur twit (tehresa), Sunday, 15 March 2009 17:52 (fifteen years ago) link


Captain Savour-A-Ho (Batty), Monday, 16 March 2009 05:22 (fifteen years ago) link

last night I dreamt that I was driving and no matter how hard I pressed the breaks the car kept moving slowly.. I swerved out of the way of one bum walking down the middle of the street but ran over parts of another bum laying in the street

CaptainLorax, Wednesday, 18 March 2009 19:38 (fifteen years ago) link

I have way too many dreams that I remember

CaptainLorax, Wednesday, 18 March 2009 19:38 (fifteen years ago) link

i think instead of dreams now i wake up with terrible songs in my head like such as "under the bridge" ugh. and i mysteriously know all the words even though i never listen to that song except maybe if it's playing on the radio in stores. what does it mean?

HHooHHHooHH-oob (harbl), Monday, 23 March 2009 00:47 (fifteen years ago) link

you spend too much time in stores, and there's a recession going on, for god's sake

bigstatusbrothers (unregistered), Monday, 23 March 2009 01:05 (fifteen years ago) link

the chorus to "John Wayne Is Big Leggy" has been stuck in my head for days, but that's not a terrible song, I don't think.

what kind of store plays "Under the Bridge"?

bigstatusbrothers (unregistered), Monday, 23 March 2009 01:06 (fifteen years ago) link

like stores that play shitty 90s radio stations?

HHooHHHooHH-oob (harbl), Monday, 23 March 2009 01:09 (fifteen years ago) link

also the other day it was a eurythmics song and my brain was singing "here comes the rain again falling on my head like a memory." lol :(

HHooHHHooHH-oob (harbl), Monday, 23 March 2009 01:11 (fifteen years ago) link

just realizing now that I have more tolerance for shitty '80s music than I do for equally shitty '90s music. that Eurythmics song = ♥ for me, probably because I wasn't sentient back when it was an overplayed hit

bigstatusbrothers (unregistered), Monday, 23 March 2009 01:24 (fifteen years ago) link

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