My Daughter Died

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I had a terrible vivid dream last night that has played on my mind all day. My 5 and a half year old daughter had died and I was at her school walking around absolutely beside myself with grief, all of the school students were walking around holding photos of her and crying too. It was so emotional, when I woke up I wasntn crying, but once I recalled it to my husband, I broke down and cried about it for over half an hour. She is a healthy beautiful girl, why would I dream such a scary, terrifying thing, I cant imagine my life without her I really dont think I could exist. Please help me to understand and put my mind at ease about it!! Thankyou Amanda

Amanda Brown, Monday, 3 July 2006 00:20 (eighteen years ago) link

i think your dream is telling you that you're a little to wrapped up in yourself and you need to pay more attention to your daughter! shouldn't you be playing with her right now instead of posting about your little dreams on the internet? seriously, how self-centered are you!!? she could be dying right now and you wouldn't know it because you were too worried about yourself or breaking down and crying for half an hour.

tehresa, who will here remain anonymous (tehresa), Tuesday, 4 July 2006 23:16 (eighteen years ago) link

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