Creepiest or scariest scene in a movie.

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I go for the mystery man in Lynch's "Lost Highway" telling Fred Madison he's "at his house right now"

" me"

no matter how many times i see this scene it scares the shit out of me.

jed_ (jed), Monday, 2 February 2004 03:44 (twenty years ago) link

I second that.

I think the murder sequence in Taxi Driver is the most frightening five minutes of film I have ever witnessed because it is so completely uncinematic. As familiar as I am with De Niro and Keitel, I always feel as if I'm looking at a documentary (or, in this case, a snuff film). I don't know how many times I've seen this film, but I always find myself looking away from the screen or closing my eyes during this part.

Anthony (Anthony F), Monday, 2 February 2004 05:00 (twenty years ago) link

The little girl crawling out of the TV in the Ring.

miloauckerman (miloauckerman), Monday, 2 February 2004 07:27 (twenty years ago) link

For me it's Polanski in "The Tenant" looking out of the bathroom window and seeing himself in his apartment.

Barton Fink (bartonf), Monday, 2 February 2004 09:44 (twenty years ago) link

The bit in "Repulsion" where she opens or closes the door, I forget which, but there's a mirror on the back of the door, and you see a man reflected in it, then she looks round and of course there's nobody there!!

Pashmina (Pashmina), Monday, 2 February 2004 09:58 (twenty years ago) link

Alternatively, there's the bit in "La Cabina" where the flatbed truck w/the telephone box on the back stops at a trafic light, and there's a funeral going on beside the road, and you get this truly alarming sequence of surrealist jump cuts.

Pashmina (Pashmina), Monday, 2 February 2004 10:00 (twenty years ago) link

Pashmina - that scene in repulsion was my second choice!

jed_ (jed), Monday, 2 February 2004 13:39 (twenty years ago) link

The entire movie "Hapiness" was one big wonderful creepy scene...

The "Lost Hightway" post was dead-on--Lynch is definitely the master of creepy. I think I've posted this elsewhere, but I remember the girl with scoliosis from "Pet Cemetary" freaked me out to no end when I saw the movie as a kid.

jay blanchard (jay blanchard), Monday, 2 February 2004 17:59 (twenty years ago) link

Deep Red doll bit
Slowmo crazy woman screaming down hallway re Blacula

thomas de'aguirre (biteylove), Monday, 2 February 2004 19:46 (twenty years ago) link

jay blachard otm about Happiness.

The scenes in the beginning of the Exorcist with Max von Sydow in the Iraqi desert.

The last ten minutes or so of the Blair witch Project were somewhat creepy.

David Cronenberg's movies always have a few creepy scenes, but usually in the more visceral, make-you-squirm kind of way.

But as far as creepiness in the classic sense, David Lynch owns this thread.

latebloomer (latebloomer), Monday, 2 February 2004 23:09 (twenty years ago) link

I fourth the 'Lost Highway' moment.

Also, I know it's uncool to cite visually explicit scenes in this context, but the torture scene at the end of Audition... ach!

N. (nickdastoor), Tuesday, 3 February 2004 01:02 (twenty years ago) link

"Bring in the gimp...."

jay blanchard (jay blanchard), Tuesday, 3 February 2004 21:21 (twenty years ago) link

there are entire passages of the really excellent, overlooked David Twohy film "Below" which are absolutely some of the creepiest I've ever seen.

Gear! (Gear!), Wednesday, 4 February 2004 18:58 (twenty years ago) link

The scene in The Hour Of The Wolf where Max VonSydow looks through his sketchbook of 'night terrors'.

Also the scene in Fire Walk With Me with the creamed corn.

Me and my room mate at the time, saw that Mystery Man scene on Leno when David Lynch was a guest, and it was so creepy we were freaked out for the rest of the night.

PVC (peeveecee), Thursday, 5 February 2004 23:27 (twenty years ago) link

Man those are all good. The creepiest/ most disturbing scene i've seen in a movie recently is in Irreversible when homeboy gets his head smashed in with a fire extinguisher.

MeDfLy, Friday, 6 February 2004 08:13 (twenty years ago) link

I think the rape scene in Irreversible is a little more disturbing.

Jeff-PTTL (Jeff), Friday, 6 February 2004 15:08 (twenty years ago) link

Pashmina stole my answer!

tokyo rosemary (rosemary), Monday, 9 February 2004 17:36 (twenty years ago) link

Uh, that scene in, um, The Abyss, where someone's tryign to creep up on Michael Biehn to crack him over the head with a spanner, that's unbelievably tense. If not creepy or frightening.

Mostly it's the stuff I watched as a kid that still freaks me, like the moment in Silver Streak where the dead body falls off the train, or the librarian at the start of Ghostbusters. Or John Gordon-Sinclair being cannibalised on some Channel 4 TV movie.

Chuck Tatum (Chuck Tatum), Tuesday, 10 February 2004 22:03 (twenty years ago) link

The movies watched as a child are definitely the creepiest. I still hate Wizard of Oz because of it.

latebloomer (latebloomer), Tuesday, 10 February 2004 23:55 (twenty years ago) link

Definitely the scene with the twins " Hi Danny, want to play?" in Kubricks "the Shining"

arnout, Thursday, 12 February 2004 19:05 (twenty years ago) link

Creepy : John Huston confronting Faye Dunaway at the end of Chinatown with that leer on his face : "She's my daughter too, Evelyn".

The end of "Seconds'. ...unforgettable....

David Nolan (David N.), Thursday, 12 February 2004 22:11 (twenty years ago) link

There are quite a few... the sex scene in which Parker Posey (dressed as Jackie O.) has sex with her brother after pretending to kill him in _The House of Yes_ has got to be near the top. Also, the scene where the little kid is given the gun in _City of God_ made me turn my head, but I think that movie's a pile of crap anyway.

Jeremy Coombs (Atila the Honeybun), Tuesday, 17 February 2004 21:15 (twenty years ago) link

I guess I'm weird but the scene that creeps me out more than anything I've seen is in "The Meaning Of Life" where they're two people (I think one is Michael Palin) saying some weird poem about fish

or some shit like that. They're all dressed in some freaky weird costumes with bendy distorted limbs and I feel major revulsion seeing that. I try to avoid that scene if the movie is on. Truly disturbing to me.

Davlo (Davlo), Saturday, 28 February 2004 01:23 (twenty years ago) link

I couldn't think of a scene earlier but now I realize that Davlo is so OTM it's ridiculous.

... and it went... wherever I... did go!

I think the freakiest part of that scene is peering deep down that fish-eye-lens-shot hallway (as scary as any of Kubricks, sort of) and seeing a fucking freaky shape hulking up from the distance and coming closer and closer and thinking "Oh God, what is that?!" and it comes up right to the lens.

Eric H. (Eric H.), Saturday, 28 February 2004 03:27 (twenty years ago) link

The scene in 'Once were warriors' where Jake the Muss punches shit out of his wife..then you see the kids upstairs huddled together in sheer terror.



Rik E Boy (Rik E Boy), Tuesday, 9 March 2004 01:57 (twenty years ago) link

the reanimation sequence in carpenters Thing

eleki-san (eleki-san), Sunday, 14 March 2004 10:19 (twenty years ago) link

funny games, when the golf ball drops on the floor.

i knew something was going to happen, but holy FUCK was that terrifying.

joseph (joseph), Wednesday, 24 March 2004 04:19 (twenty years ago) link

Nobody I ask ever remembers the scene in "The Shining" when Shelley Duvall, with big knife in hand, runs upstairs after locking Jack in the storage room. She gets to the top of the stairs, looks down a long hallway, and sees someone in a bear costume going down on a guy in a tux. Whoa.... Just thinking about it gives me the creeps.

Sean Desjardins (Sean the guy), Thursday, 25 March 2004 20:27 (twenty years ago) link

This may not be creepy OR scary, but it's still the most harrowing and plain bizarre murder scene I've ever seen: The scene in "Blue Collar" where Yaphet Kotto's character gets locked into the room with the industrial spraypainting going full blast for several minutes and basically dies from the suffocating paint.

Myonga Von Bontee (Myonga Von Bontee), Saturday, 27 March 2004 08:07 (twenty years ago) link

"silence of the lambs".....scary stuff.felt like anthony hopkins wanted to bite my head off any minute.

sreshta (sreshta), Monday, 29 March 2004 05:04 (twenty years ago) link

"She gets to the top of the stairs, looks down a long hallway, and sees someone in a bear costume going down on a guy in a tux. "

..excellent screen saver

thomas de'aguirre (biteylove), Tuesday, 30 March 2004 22:08 (twenty years ago) link

That scene's actually taken from the book (where it makes sense), but Kubrick putting it in the movie with no context to explain it actually makes it scarier, I think.

latebloomer (latebloomer), Tuesday, 30 March 2004 23:09 (twenty years ago) link

Count Orlock's hand coming up from the hold of the black-sailed ship, followed by his freaky ass grinning head in Murnau's Nosferatu . Hell, the entire movie is chock full of scenes that never fail to creep me out.

Jay Vee (Manon_70), Saturday, 3 April 2004 21:06 (twenty years ago) link

"You're going to die in there. ALL of you!!!


Joe (Joe), Sunday, 4 April 2004 03:05 (twenty years ago) link

two weeks pass...
Mulhollsand Drive - the bit when the two men go to check out what's in the alley behind the diner - unexpected, and scary as hell!

Cornelius Murphy, Monday, 19 April 2004 14:54 (twenty years ago) link

I just bought Mulholland Drive on DVD (for $10!!! plus The Fall's "ARE YOU ARE MISSING WINNER" CD for $6) from Virgin Megastore, and I was watching it last night and I paused it on this guy's face. It was kind of crusty and brown and the hair was matted into a dreadlocked mess. I knew the scene was coming but it still made me squirm a bit.

gygax! (gygax!), Monday, 19 April 2004 16:38 (twenty years ago) link

^ The cowboy was far creepier. And the board-room scene with the director and the old men.

The little kid in Storytelling is the creepiest non-supernatural child I've seen in film, I think.

Most of Fellini Satyricon; the prostitute fondling the money with her feet at the end of L'Avventura; most of Straw Dogs; John Hurt in I Claudius (especially in regards to Drusilla's death); Karen Carpenter viewing her own death at the beginning of The Karen Carpenter Story (I only saw it once when it premiered, but that was among the freakiest things I remember seeing at the time).

Girolamo Savonarola, Monday, 19 April 2004 16:39 (twenty years ago) link

Karen Carpenter viewing her own death at the beginning of The Karen Carpenter Story (I only saw it once when it premiered, but that was among the freakiest things I remember seeing at the time).

??? The beginning of Superstar is a dramatic recreation of Karen's death through the eyes of her mother Agnes.

gygax! (gygax!), Monday, 19 April 2004 16:43 (twenty years ago) link

The montage toward the end of the film that's made up of ipecac syrup and vomiting and pov shots climaxes with a shot of (the real) Karen's haggard and skeletal face illuminated by strobing flashbulbs. It's horrifying.

Eric H. (Eric H.), Monday, 19 April 2004 23:48 (twenty years ago) link

hold me, i need your tender loving

gygax! (gygax!), Tuesday, 20 April 2004 06:23 (twenty years ago) link

but seriously, mulholland drive is only frightening to the easily frightened. have you all seen nosferatu?

gygax! (gygax!), Tuesday, 20 April 2004 06:29 (twenty years ago) link

True - Nosferatu is immensely cool. Other good creepy bits from movies:

Se7en - Sloth. Oh come on! Admit it got you first time you saw it!

Wild at Heart - Sherylin Fenn as the car crash girl, or Jack Nance's cameo as the mad old boy. Or the bit when the assassins kill Harry Dean Stanton.

The Shining - I'd acknowledge that the two girls are very creepy, but having watched The League of Gentlemen, whenever they appear I try not to laugh! However the woman in room 237 and the ghost of the previous caretaker do still get to me - something about the cold clinical way he speaks his lines...

Cornelius Murphy, Wednesday, 21 April 2004 06:36 (twenty years ago) link

the ghost of the previous caretaker do still get to me - something about the cold clinical way he speaks his lines...

"Did you know, Mr. Torrence, that you son is attempting to bring an outside party into this situation? Did you know that?"

Love the way he rolls his rs on 'bring'

Joe (Joe), Saturday, 24 April 2004 02:20 (twenty years ago) link

Karen Carpenter viewing her own death at the beginning of The Karen Carpenter Story (I only saw it once when it premiered, but that was among the freakiest things I remember seeing at the time).

??? The beginning of Superstar is a dramatic recreation of Karen's death through the eyes of her mother Agnes.

-- gygax! (gygax0...), April 19th, 2004.

The montage toward the end of the film that's made up of ipecac syrup and vomiting and pov shots climaxes with a shot of (the real) Karen's haggard and skeletal face illuminated by strobing flashbulbs. It's horrifying.

-- Eric H. (ephende...), April 20th, 2004.

No, I'm talking about the made-for-TV movie from 1989, not Todd Haynes's film.

Girolamo Savonarola, Saturday, 24 April 2004 03:46 (twenty years ago) link

the scene in aguirre where hes holding that miniature sloth and him and his daughter are being vaguely incestuous is pretty creepy.

tom cleveland (tom cleveland), Saturday, 24 April 2004 18:06 (twenty years ago) link

Not creepy, but still pretty brilliant Aguirre moment: when Kinski picks up the wild monkey, stares at it and gives his mad soliloquy amidst his dead crew ("Who will follow me?"), then without even looking at it, chucks the monkey away forcefully...

Joe (Joe), Sunday, 25 April 2004 13:04 (twenty years ago) link

im pretty sure that theres no "no animals were harmed in the making of this film" at the end of herzog movies.

tom cleveland (tom cleveland), Sunday, 25 April 2004 13:14 (twenty years ago) link

"DAMIEN!!! Look at me!!! I LOVE you, Damien. It's all for YOU!!!"

Joe (Joe), Friday, 7 May 2004 01:28 (twenty years ago) link

two months pass...
hahaha! u guys are scared of python!!

hey, whatever u do dont click here :

piscesboy, Wednesday, 21 July 2004 11:44 (twenty years ago) link

the "buried alive" scene at the end of "the vanishing" takes the cake for me.

a spectator bird (a spectator bird), Wednesday, 21 July 2004 13:50 (twenty years ago) link

can we talk about the bear-in-tux bj in the shining again?

j e r e m y (x Jeremy), Wednesday, 21 July 2004 15:06 (twenty years ago) link

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