the day after tomorrow

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there may be a thread about this alread.y but my father made me see this one yesterday (he was aware it was going to be stupid) and it made me PHYSICALLY SICK. maybe it was because the last movie i saw in a theater was modern times. but this movie made me feel absolutely horrible about everything regarding mankind and american culture and all the rest. it is also the worst piece of propaganda i have ever seen. its pathetic. ugh. i had to rush to the bathroom when the dick cheney doppleganger started apologizing for wasting natural resources wrecklessly. there were cgi dogs. cgi dogs. jesus. i cant even write about it intelligently. ugh.

tom cleveland (tom cleveland), Tuesday, 1 June 2004 21:33 (twenty years ago) link

hahaha hahahaha..excellent post Mr. Savonarola.,..

thomas de'aguirre (biteylove), Wednesday, 2 June 2004 14:42 (twenty years ago) link

four weeks pass...
hm i personally love this movie because i saw it with a guy i love so the movie lost its importance in my whole movie experience... i agree with you - i mean the first shot of the movie is an american flag in the cold wind. jeez... good art direction on the movie though. :)

Lana Knezevic (child_of_a_pisces), Wednesday, 30 June 2004 23:00 (twenty years ago) link

"hm i personally love this movie because i saw it with a guy i love so the movie lost its importance in my whole movie experience... "

Love, the great killer of objective critical analysis.... :)

Just kidding, I know how it is. There are a lot of movies I love that I would otherwise hate if I hadn't seen them with my girlfriend. Especially cliched romantic comedies from the "love actually" people. It's the same way that crappy love songs seem to make sense when you're both entering and exiting a relationship.

jay blanchard (jay blanchard), Thursday, 1 July 2004 00:23 (twenty years ago) link

On the other hand, I'm obliged to see any movie in which LA is blown up/falls into ocean/nuked, and the massive funnel cloud of CGI budget money was worth the cash I spent to see it. I vaguely remember there being a second hour to the movie, but it all just seemed like a lot of waiting around.

Elvis Telecom (Chris Barrus), Thursday, 1 July 2004 15:45 (twenty years ago) link

Bravo, Elvis! Burn, Holywood, Burn!!!

jay blanchard (jay blanchard), Thursday, 1 July 2004 23:41 (twenty years ago) link

two weeks pass...
oh fuck, it was horrid all around, but seeing the flooded new york scenes et al were worth the grotesque... well, everything else.

derrick (derrick), Wednesday, 21 July 2004 07:12 (twenty years ago) link

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