Say HEY! Willie Mays, 75 on Saturday

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say HEY

brooklyn suicide cult (Dr Morbius), Wednesday, 6 May 2020 12:37 (four years ago) link

one year passes...

90 today. (Can't find the thread I once started on May 6 birthdays--Mays, Orson Welles, and Freud.)

clemenza, Thursday, 6 May 2021 12:49 (three years ago) link

one year passes...

91 today, happy birthday

Bee OK, Friday, 6 May 2022 22:22 (two years ago) link

four months pass...

Hope to see this somewhere:

clemenza, Tuesday, 4 October 2022 14:51 (one year ago) link

two months pass...

Still one of the greatest moments in baseball history

— BaseballHistoryNut (@nut_history) December 13, 2022

It really was, I'd agree. I don't think Mays is all that mobile these days, but if at all possible, I really wish they'd do the same for him next All-Star Game.

clemenza, Wednesday, 14 December 2022 22:12 (one year ago) link

He was at one of the last games of the season - had hip surgery recently and wants to be at spring training.

There was a good SI piece about this, about how he didn’t want to be seen as a a museum piece and just enjoys spending time in the clubhouse with players.

bit high, bitch (gyac), Wednesday, 14 December 2022 22:57 (one year ago) link

I respect anything Willie says or wants, but watching all those players gather around Williams that year was just unbelievable--especially Gwynn next to him, whose chance at .400 five years earlier was cut short by the strike. (If you have a sharp eye, apparently there are 19 HOF'ers in that photo.)

clemenza, Thursday, 15 December 2022 01:43 (one year ago) link

four weeks pass...

I kept meaning to post this and today I found it in my tabs: Willie Mays talking to young Giants rookies in winter 2009. Bold from the original formatting, italics his!

The 25 or so young players sat in chairs encircling Mays, who sat behind a small table.

“All right, guys, c’mon, what else?’’ Mays said, prompting the next question.

Ever get timed in the 60?
“No, no! I didn’t run! I told them, ‘I can’t run the ball over the fence.’ When they were out running, I was asleep in the clubhouse. They got you just running here? You doing some hitting?’’

No, the players said. Just conditioning work.
“That’s not fun! Maybe I should say something. You want to hit a little bit and then go run. You got to enjoy yourself.’’

He told them about his struggles against Drysdale, Gibson, Koufax and Bob Rush then added: “I made up for it on all the other guys, the scrubs. I destroyed them.’’

Best players you ever saw?
Robert Clemente, Mays said. Barry Bonds — “If I don’t say Barry, he’ll start a fight.’’ Bobby Bonds (Now, he could run!’’ ) , Maury Wills (“Played a good shortstop.’’) and Frank Robinson (“Triple Crown winner’’).

What did you do in the off-season?
“Work, man, work! That’s a very good question. I played basketball, football — touch football — they didn’t know I played football! I had a 32 waistline. I worked out and played all the time. No time to lay around. Had to keep myself in shape. Played winter ball two times.’’

We’ve heard from other major-league players about what makes a good teammate. What’s your definition?
“In 1962, they made me captain. I positioned the outfielders, the infielders, I’d call pitches from centerfield — he didn’t have to take them but I wanted him throw a pitch I thought I could catch. You had to get 25 guys playing together even though nine or ten don’t play much at all and it feels bad. I’d go to the manager and say, ‘I want this guy to play because he needs to feel part of the team.’ The guy would go 9 for 10 and he’d go sit down and feel like a part of the team. When guys had problems at home, they’d come to me and I’d call their wives. I knew the wives better than I knew the players!’’

Your greatest baseball achievement?
“Man, I had so many! I think my greatest achievement was when I signed my major-league contract.’’

Greatest moment?
“Hitting four home runs in Milwaukee (with 8 RBI) was the greatest thing I ever did.’’

Best park to hit in?
“Wrigley. To me the ball went out of there pretty good.’’

Worst park to hit in?
“Candlestick. The wind’s always blowing in. We put a glove to a fence to see if it would fall and it didn’t fall. We could even hit it out in batting practice.
“I know you guys are saying, ‘Oh, hell, he didn’t do all this stuff. Oh yes I did.’’

What was your farthest home run?
“I never worried about that! You just get it over the fence! You don’t care how far it went.’’

What effect did race have back when you played?
“We went to some towns and I couldn’t stay in the same hotel. I remember once in Hagerstown, they dropped me off on the other side of the tracks. You guys from the South, you know what the other side of the track is. So they drop me off and I’m in a hotel, and at 2 o’clock in the morning two or three guys come through the window and sleep the rest of the night on my floor, and then at 6 a.m. they get up and go back out the window. They did the same thing the next night, watching out for me. Nothing was ever said.

“My father told me no matter what anybody said, never to fight. Turn the other cheek. I’d call him up and he’d ask, “Did you fight today?’ Back then, you had to make sure you were bigger than those people who called you names. They called you all kinds of names. But I knew for me to get ahead, I had to take all that kind of stuff. Every time somebody called me a name, I hit the ball.’’

What did you do in a slump?
“A slump is going to happen to everybody in some way. For me, a slump was 0-for-10. Everyone has a different way of getting out of a slump. I’d get out by swinging inside-out and getting a hit that way.’’

Throughout Mays’ talk, the young guys snapped photos with their cell phone, leaning close, recording forever their moment with the greatest player who ever stepped on a baseball field.

The story about his teammates is so touching. Laughed at his “oh yes I did!” as well.

bit high, bitch (gyac), Friday, 13 January 2023 19:16 (one year ago) link

I have a great Willie Mays story involving a collector friend of mine.

My friend's a hardcore collector, so he wants things signed a precise way: certain kind of Sharpie, certain spot, perfectly legible, etc. He was at a show to get Mays' signature--having paid a pretty good amount, I'm sure--and when he got up to the table, Mays wouldn't use the Sharpie my friend offered him. So my friend said something like "Okay, fine; I'm going to go and get a refund." He starts to walk away, and Mays call him back. With great disdain, he takes my friend's Sharpie and half-heartedly signs whatever it was my friend had brought along (not a card; probably a photo). I can't remember if my friend was satisfied or not, but he took his item and went and stood by a wall. Mays, who had continued signing, spotted my friend and stopped everything.

"I'm not signing anything more until that guy"--points at my friend--"leaves."

That's as much as I remember; there was no great drama at the end, so I assume my friend just left, content with the autograph and the story he could tell for the rest of his life.

clemenza, Friday, 13 January 2023 19:45 (one year ago) link

I really can’t understand that mentality. You’re meeting a living legend and you complain about the marker. Would personally never tell that story.

bit high, bitch (gyac), Friday, 13 January 2023 20:15 (one year ago) link

I would never pay for an autography myself (though I regret just a little not getting Thomson/Branca to sign together in one of the two Cooperstown trips I made), but that's a whole different world. Mays and players of his stature are getting paid extremely well; my friend is entitled to get a clear autograph for his money. I mean, that's the basic agreement.

clemenza, Friday, 13 January 2023 20:26 (one year ago) link

I mean literally implying the guy won’t sign his name right? I’d be insulted too.

bit high, bitch (gyac), Friday, 13 January 2023 20:28 (one year ago) link

Don't get me wrong, I revere Mays. And I'm much more open to players from the '50s and '60s--especially African-American players--making good money at these signings; they were criminally underpaid throughout their careers. But with that stipulated, it's still a transaction where both parties should be happy.

I'm not sure what you friend doesn't imply that Mays wouldn't sign; it's that he wanted to sign with just a regular pen, which is just not what an autograph collector wants for his (guessing, and I'm not sure how far back this was) ~$100 or $150.

clemenza, Friday, 13 January 2023 20:32 (one year ago) link

"autography"--I invented a new word. It's like an autograph, but more fun.

clemenza, Friday, 13 January 2023 20:33 (one year ago) link

If you have 150-200 to spend on someone’s signature… maybe just take the L and don’t be a dick to Willie Mays ffs

not too strange just bad audio (brimstead), Friday, 13 January 2023 20:39 (one year ago) link

Sorry 100-150!

not too strange just bad audio (brimstead), Friday, 13 January 2023 20:40 (one year ago) link

I think where your buddy went wrong was in saying he was gonna get a refund. Makes him sound like a prima donna.

immodesty blaise (jimbeaux), Friday, 13 January 2023 20:40 (one year ago) link

So if you can afford something, it's okay to not get what you thought you were paying for? What should my friend have done: said, "That's fine, sign with whatever you want--crayon will be fine"? If he doesn't get a clear signature, it's of no value to him--that's what a collector wants, even though such a mindset might not make sense to me or you.

clemenza, Friday, 13 January 2023 20:44 (one year ago) link

If you read the post I made right before yours, Mays speaks pretty plainly about the things he went through as a black player to the point his teammates felt the need to sleep in his room to protect him. I think living through shit like that would make anyone pretty intolerant of lots of petty nonsense. Your friend was entitled to his autograph, he wasn’t entitled to tsk tsk a guy who’s probably gone through more shit then he’ll ever live through in his life because he preferred to use a biro.

bit high, bitch (gyac), Friday, 13 January 2023 20:47 (one year ago) link

What should my friend have done: said, "That's fine, sign with whatever you want--crayon will be fine"?


immodesty blaise (jimbeaux), Friday, 13 January 2023 20:50 (one year ago) link

We're going to have to disagree--a first, I know. My friend knows Mays's background very well, I assure you; he knows all about Willie Mays, that's why he wants his autograph. (His favourite player ever is Clemente.) But older players, black and white, make a lot of money signing autographs. People who watched them growing up go to those shows to get their autographs. And if the autograph is to have value--display value, investment value, whatever--something that's not going to last, or is illegible, isn't good enough. That's the understood transaction that's taking place.

Jimbeaux, I think I'd love to do business with you.

clemenza, Friday, 13 January 2023 20:54 (one year ago) link

Funny thing is, gyac, my friend got under my skin once by saying something I could easily imagine you saying: told me that he loves the game for the art, and I love it for numbers. I told him that he was being really sanctimonious, and that he was missing a fundamental truth that there is art in baseball numbers.

clemenza, Friday, 13 January 2023 20:56 (one year ago) link

That's the understood transaction that's taking place.

I am guessing he was using something that was fit for the purpose anyway. Your friend was just being an ass.

immodesty blaise (jimbeaux), Friday, 13 January 2023 20:59 (one year ago) link

He quite likely wanted sign with a ballpoint pen. Which are terrible for autographs.

clemenza, Friday, 13 January 2023 21:00 (one year ago) link

Let me recap as I understand it:
- your friend, a collector, wants Willie Mays’s autograph
- he pays whatever fee and joins the queue
- when he meets Mays, he asks him to sign with a sharpie, Mays doesn’t want to
- rather than accept an autograph signed with a pen, your friend decides he would rather have no autograph at all and goes to leave
- Mays, clearly annoyed, calls him back, signs with the marker but doesn’t put much effort into it
- your friend hangs around, Mays would very much like this guy out of his sight
- despite the bolded sentence, the key part, we are supposed to sympathise with your friend?

bit high, bitch (gyac), Friday, 13 January 2023 21:11 (one year ago) link

I didn't tell the story looking for anyone to sympathize with him! I actually thought it was a funny story. Only after the usual crew of three or four people materialized out of thin air to argue with me did I feel the need to defend him (which he'd find highly amusing, seeing as often he and I disagree). And yeah, if you're not happy that what you're about to get isn't what you paid for--cf. the San Francisco Giants and New York Mets--you'd rather have no autograph at all. That seems pretty basic to me.

clemenza, Friday, 13 January 2023 21:16 (one year ago) link

I'm guessing my friend hung around because he wasn't satisfied with the autograph and was thinking about what he should do. I don't think there was a stipulation that people were to vacate the room immediately after their item had been signed.

clemenza, Friday, 13 January 2023 21:18 (one year ago) link

three months pass...

Forgot it was Willie Mays/Orson Welles/Sigmund Freud day.

clemenza, Saturday, 6 May 2023 20:13 (one year ago) link

92 is quite another accomplishment, Happy Birthday!

Bee OK, Saturday, 6 May 2023 22:29 (one year ago) link

At the ballpark:

Always a special day when we get to celebrate Willie 🧡

— SFGiants (@SFGiants) May 7, 2023

Bee OK, Sunday, 7 May 2023 03:32 (one year ago) link

That's great. I'll say it again: dedicate the next All-Star Game to him while they still have the chance (and try to talk him into attending).

clemenza, Sunday, 7 May 2023 03:35 (one year ago) link

eight months pass...

Today is Willie Mays Day (2/4/24)* and the Giants have been sharing videos with tributes:

Will Clark:


A story about the GOAT showing up Kevin Mitchell and me:

— Will Clark (@WillClark22) February 4, 2024

Ken Griffey Jr:

24 shouts out 24 🐐 @Mariners

— SFGiants (@SFGiants) February 4, 2024

There’s also a Barry Bonds video which is on their Instagram but so far not their Twitter…hmmm

At 7:24 a.m., San Francisco Mayor London Breed officially proclaimed today -- 2/4/24 -- Willie Mays Day. Here's the report from City Hall and what S.F. and the @sfgiants are doing to celebrate the Say Hey Kid: via @sfchronicle

— John Shea (@JohnSheaHey) February 4, 2024

*American dates 😶

Roman Anthony gets on his horse (gyac), Sunday, 4 February 2024 20:21 (four months ago) link

Will look at those when I get home. You know what my thought was when I saw this revived.

clemenza, Sunday, 4 February 2024 21:18 (four months ago) link

I think people have said this before, I should have prefaced with HE’S NOT DEAD

Roman Anthony gets on his horse (gyac), Sunday, 4 February 2024 21:20 (four months ago) link

Vic Wertz, born February 9, 1925.

clemenza, Friday, 9 February 2024 13:46 (four months ago) link

two months pass...

Totally forgot till a friend's FB post reminded me: 93 today.

clemenza, Monday, 6 May 2024 21:54 (one month ago) link

I was going to update this thread but I didn’t want you to think he died

Roman Anthony gets on his horse (gyac), Monday, 6 May 2024 22:54 (one month ago) link

Willie Mays was standing at the batting cage. I stuck my hand out. "I'm Jim Bouton."

“Oh sure,” he said. “Jim Bouton. I know you.

“You’ve always been one of my heroes,” he said. “When I was a kid, my brother and I always used to go up to the Polo Grounds to watch you play.”

"Now, why'd you have to go and say you came to see me when you were a kid?" Willie Mays said, his voice squeaky with mock anger.

"And you know something, Willie?" Tommy Davis said. "He's only thirty-five years old."

Mays groaned. "Why couldn't you just come over and say 'Hi'?" he said. "Now I feel like an old man."

Funny, he doesn’t look like an old man. Especially when he plays baseball.

clemenza, Tuesday, 7 May 2024 02:53 (one month ago) link

one month passes...


Its big ball chunky time (Jimmy The Mod Awaits The Return Of His Beloved), Wednesday, 19 June 2024 00:57 (two weeks ago) link

What? Wow and the national game on Fox on Thursday.


Bee OK, Wednesday, 19 June 2024 00:59 (two weeks ago) link

I saw a note on Instagram posted by the Giants about how he couldn’t attend the game due to not being able to move around well, which I assumed was just his age, but yeah. What a life he had. RIP.

Roman Anthony gets on his horse (gyac), Wednesday, 19 June 2024 01:06 (two weeks ago) link

RIP. One of the true all times greats.

FRAUDULENT STEAKS (The Cursed Return of the Dastardly Thermo Thinwall), Wednesday, 19 June 2024 01:11 (two weeks ago) link

Ah, geez, with that game coming up. He was a question in our monthly trivia last night (24 Willie Mays Drive). And when I was playing tennis tonight and members had to pick a shoe medallion from #1-40, I reflexively took 24.

clemenza, Wednesday, 19 June 2024 01:12 (two weeks ago) link

literally just passed by the statue outside oracle. rip

, Wednesday, 19 June 2024 01:13 (two weeks ago) link

For almost 30 years I've wondered if he ever tried to get the e-mail address I grabbed in the early '90s: say✧✧✧@rocketm✧✧✧.c✧✧.

clemenza, Wednesday, 19 June 2024 01:13 (two weeks ago) link

(I guess the stars are automatic.)

clemenza, Wednesday, 19 June 2024 01:14 (two weeks ago) link

My favourite quote of his, from the blog where he’s talking to Giants rookies in 2009, which I pasted upthread

“I know you guys are saying, ‘Oh, hell, he didn’t do all this stuff. Oh yes I did.’’

Roman Anthony gets on his horse (gyac), Wednesday, 19 June 2024 01:22 (two weeks ago) link

Cover I came up with for Radio On #4 (1994 or '95)

The text is from a Barbara Lewis song: "Tell me you can't stay put too long in one place/Without a word you go running off to some place."

clemenza, Wednesday, 19 June 2024 01:45 (two weeks ago) link

from the old tyme baseball photos thread, h/t gyac

I follow former SI photographer Walter Iooss on IG (you should too) and he posted this pic he took of Willie Mays the other day on Mays’s 90th bday. Pull this picture out every time someone says “they didn’t have athletes then like we have now.”

— Harry Arnett (@harryarnett) May 7, 2021


Humanitarian Pause (Tracer Hand), Sunday, 23 June 2024 00:17 (one week ago) link

no idea what that last line of my post is doing there

Humanitarian Pause (Tracer Hand), Sunday, 23 June 2024 00:18 (one week ago) link

Greil Marcus, of all people--he is from the Bay Area--got a long "Ask Greil" about Willie Mays that he responded to today. I'll only include the last bit of the question; I like his answer.

I'm sure as a Bay Area native, you have fond memories of Willie Mays, as do all baseball fans for his talents were wonderous, but whatever his civil rights battles were, they were mostly private, sad to say. —JAMES R STACHO

I imagine that in some part of his being, every day Willie Mays said to himself, not in these words, but in his own, I am my own revolution. How did he feel that night in 1963 when in the bottom of the 16-inning scoreless tie with Warren Spahn and Juan Marichal on the mound for every pitch he ended it with a home run? Oh, I feel so fine, I am so lucky to be allowed to play this wonderful game? Or was it, Take that, you fuckers. Go back down in the ground, you Klan killers. You’ll never catch me.

A lot of people saw that. A lot of people felt that. There’s no way to measure to what degree Willie Mays might have inspired the people at the Cleveland Summit to do what they did even if he didn’t do it, even if he thought, I had to do my service, go on and do yours--which I doubt.

(The Cleveland Summit being the famous gathering of Black athletes in 1967 to support Ali--not attended by Mays or anybody else from MLB.)

clemenza, Tuesday, 25 June 2024 17:18 (one week ago) link

He may well have thought that. I was reading about how Henry “Hank” Aaron* and Jackie Robinson were angry that Mays never spoke out over the racism he and they faced. There’s this interview I always think of, from 2009, totally casual talk to young Giants players:

“My father told me no matter what anybody said, never to fight. Turn the other cheek. I’d call him up and he’d ask, “Did you fight today?’ Back then, you had to make sure you were bigger than those people who called you names. They called you all kinds of names. But I knew for me to get ahead, I had to take all that kind of stuff. Every time somebody called me a name, I hit the ball.’’

I thought of this when watching Reggie Jackson’s comments the other day.

It’s not for me to comment on beyond that but to note what both Aaron & Robinson pointed out: staying silent didn’t spare him the effects of racism.

* = I also didn’t know he HATED being called Hank until recently.

Roman Anthony gets on his horse (gyac), Tuesday, 25 June 2024 18:01 (one week ago) link

Finally watched the Reggie interview earlier today--fantastic. (I had to laugh at a couple of side issues: when Reggie included A-Rod on his list of all-time greats, wondered if Jeter did a slow burn; and when Ortiz brought up the HOF, wondered the same about A-Rod.)

"I am my own revolution"--love that.

clemenza, Tuesday, 25 June 2024 18:21 (one week ago) link

Any Black player pre-'68 or so had a second overriding fact to deal with aside from society in general: baseball was far more conservative than basketball or football.

clemenza, Tuesday, 25 June 2024 18:24 (one week ago) link

Re the Reggie interview: knowing how much all the A's hated Charlie Finley when it came to anything related to money, I thought it was gracious of Jackson to mention Finley walking the team out when his country club wouldn't let Jackson attend a ceremony (they relented).

clemenza, Tuesday, 25 June 2024 18:28 (one week ago) link

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