do you think mordy might one day make aliyah to a settlement?

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While still in Tel Aviv, the Left Wing City of Israel, I go to meet Udi Aloni.

Udi introduces himself to me as a filmmaker and a writer with a Berlinale prize in his pocket, awarded to him by the German Minister for Economic Cooperation and Development, Dirk Niebel. Dirk again, the man busy in Development.


As we sit for coffee in one of Tel Aviv’s myriad cafés, Udi nostalgically recalls another place. “I lived in Jenin for one year, and in Ramallah for two.” A light shines in his eyes, as if he had just mentioned two women of his dreams.

Udi is a shining example of the new Left of Israel: the extremist Left. This is a Left that I don’t know, a Left as far as one’s left hand can reach. Gideon is not alone. He, Gideon, and the “political psychologist” I met earlier on, are members of a new club. “People in Tel Aviv don’t believe in God, but they believe that God promised them the land,” is how Udi describes the non-radical Left. His Left is different. He is on the forefront of the campaign to boycott Israel and Israeli products, he shares with me with ecstatic pleasure.

If his boycott campaign succeeds, he, as an Israeli, would suffer greatly. If Israel cannot sell its products overseas and no other nation were to sell any product to her, Israel would go under and people would die of starvation. Is this what he is after?

In a way, yes.

“At the end there should be one state here, with one man one vote,” is how he puts it.

In such a case, and since the Palestinians are likely to be the majority of this one state, the Jewish state would cease to exist, correct?

“I dream of it!”

In addition to this dream, he also has nightmares.

“For me, the thought that one day I’d wake up and there would be no Palestinians around me, is a nightmare.”

Do you speak Arabic?


It is mind-boggling to me how people who say they love Palestinians so much and dedicate their lives for preserving Palestinian identity and culture, don’t even entertain the thought of studying this culture. They know Kant, they know Nietzsche, they know Sartre, they know Aristotle, but they know no Quran, no Hadith, and no Arabic.

I studied the Quran, I studied the Hadith, and I studied Arabic. Udi is an Arab lover. What am I?

Udi doesn’t strike me as being the self-hating Jew of the Gideon Levy variety. Udi is not a “patriot” Israeli; he doesn’t want a “Jesus” Israel, he wants no Israel. Udi is the normal self-hating person. He loves the Palestinians not for what they are, since he doesn’t really know them, but for what they are not: they are not Jews, they are the Jews’ enemies, and this makes them fantastic people.


A few hours later I go to a Georgian restaurant and sit at the table with an Israeli scholar. She is left-wing through and through and she loves Palestinians. So much so that she keeps mentioning to me – in case I didn’t hear it ten times already in less than an hour – that for years she had slept with a Palestinian. They weren’t going out together, not really, but they were having sex. An intellectual leftist sitting with us is very pleased and he gives her this remark: “I’m happy to hear this; now I know you’re okay.” She knows a big zero about the Palestinians’ culture, but she’s been sharing her bed with one. That’s respect, isn’t it?

Mordy, Saturday, 23 May 2015 23:46 (nine years ago) link

Gideon [Levy] is in his newspaper’s office in Tel Aviv, where I have just arrived to meet him.

His father, he tells me, is from Sudetenland and he spoke German as a child.

But Gideon doesn’t care about Sudetenland, what he cares about is The Occupation. He wasn’t always like this, but when he started working for this paper “the more I understood that the occupation is brutal, criminal, and the more radical I became.”

Do you think that the nation of Israel is brutal by nature?

“No, totally not. Others are the same. But there is one thing that’s different from other nations, which is a DNA in the Israeli mentality, the belief that they are the Chosen People, which is a racist view, and this is something very deep in the DNA of the Israeli, of the Jew, that we are better than anybody, that we deserve everything, the kind of belief that Prime Minister Golda Meir had, that Jews can do anything they want, and this is in addition to the thought that we are the greatest victims of history. These are the very thoughts that make us believe that we have rights that others don’t have, and that therefore we can do anything. Out of these comes the demonization of Palestinians.”

Could we say that the Israelis and the Nazis are one and the same?


Why not?

“You could make a comparison to the Nazis in the thirties. But that’s the most you can do, not more. Here there are no plans to annihilate other nations, no plans to rule over the world, no concentration camps. I prefer comparing Israel with South Africa during Apartheid.”

Is it ever going to change?

“Only if Israel pays for it. Only under pressure on the Israelis, economically or, God forbid, by bloodshed.”

Do you think Jews have always been like this, with this racist DNA?


In this kind of environment, I ask him, why doesn’t he just pack his suitcases, jump onto a plane, and simply leave this country?

“I’m an Israeli patriot,” he answers. Israel is very important for him, this is his place and, besides, he asks rhetorically: “What will I do in other places, write about tourism?”

Europe, as a rule, sides more with the Palestinians, while the United States sides more with the Israelis. What do you think is the reason for this?

“Europe is much more ideological, complex, intellectual. America is shallow, everything in black and white, and brainwashed.”

Under the intellectuals’ Rule of Generalization, Gideon should be stripped of his right to speak in public. This is never going to happen, of course, because Gideon Levy is practically the best source of information for all intellectuals with even the slightest interest in Israel.

Why, do you think, are the Europeans so interested in this land?

“Very complex. For one thing, you can’t ignore the past. In some European countries, I’m sure, and I’m talking about feelings they have in their sub-subconscious, there is this thinking: ‘if our victims are engaged in horrible acts perhaps it’s not that bad what we have done to them.’ It makes the Europeans feel better and it compensates for their guilty feelings. But it’s also true that Europe is more sensitive than America to human rights violations in general.”

We keep on talking, and Gideon tells me that he doesn’t speak Arabic. I ask him how can he write about the horrible things Israel is doing to the Palestinians, which he constantly does, if he doesn’t understand the language of his interviewees.

Gideon replies that his team includes Arabic speakers for those interviewees who don’t speak English or Hebrew. I mention to him that the people here speak in two languages, one amongst themselves and one with foreigners, and that if you don’t know their mother tongue they will sell you tall tales. Even Al-Jazeera is doing this, giving two very different viewpoints: One for the “brothers,” in Arabic, and one for Westerners, in English. But Gideon, who does not understand Arabic at all, claims that this is not the case. And when I ask him if he also reports on Palestinian human rights violations, he replies that what the Palestinians do is none of his business.

I have no clue how he can report on abuses of one side if he doesn’t even bother about the abuses of the other side. Violence, after all, many a time comes in circles: one shoots and the other shoots back, but if you fail to mention the first bullet and only report about the second, the second shooter turns into a plain murderer by the strokes of your pen, not because he really is.

What does he think of the settlers in Hebron?

“They are the worst. No doubt.”

His issue is not just the settlers.

“I think,” he says to me, “that the average Palestinian wants peace more than the average Israeli. I have no doubt about this.” Yet, despite his love for the Palestinians he doesn’t really know them. And he admits it: “All my friends are Israelis. I don’t have one Palestinian friend.”

This is sad. For so many years Gideon has championed the Palestinian cause, but not one Palestinian has befriended him, or he one of them. Obviously, despite what his articles may suggest, he really doesn’t care about the Palestinians, only about the Jews. He’s an Israeli patriot, as he says to me. He wants his Israel, his Jews, to be super-humans and reply to a bullet with a kiss. In short: he wants all the Jews to be Jesus and die on the cross.

There can be only one reason why he would want them to be a Jesus: Inside of this man’s heart, in its darkest corners, this Gideon is the biggest kind of Jewish racist that has ever existed. Jews must behave like super-humans because they are. And as long as they do not behave as a master Jesus race, he hates them. He is the strangest self-hating Jew you can find.

Mordy, Saturday, 23 May 2015 23:48 (nine years ago) link

the sickest thing about the post-colonial critique of zionism is that it claims that a white european people came to a middle eastern country and kicked out the arabs, meanwhile it totally ignores that jewish expulsion victims from arab countries make up twice the number of palestinian refugees from the nakba. so when arabs claim that israeli jews aren't indigenous to the middle east are they just suppressing the fact that until very recently they lived next door to many of these jews before chasing them out?

Mordy, Tuesday, 2 June 2015 15:26 (nine years ago) link

vid about the tenenbom book:

Mordy, Thursday, 4 June 2015 18:58 (nine years ago) link

Mistah FAAB (sarahell), Thursday, 4 June 2015 22:12 (nine years ago) link

Increasingly, the IDF, and Dabla specifically, have been taking grief from a surprising quarter for their unique policies on avoiding civilian harm: academics and lawyers who are otherwise friendly to the IDF, or at least not openly hostile. Take the case of Wolff Heintschel von Heinegg, a distinguished expert on military law at European University Viadrina in Frankfurt. Dabla recently brought this law professor, and other top military law experts from outside Israel, to further train IDF combat commanders in the intricacies of the law of armed conflict.

Speaking at a smallish military base outside Tel Aviv, the German lawyer acknowledged that the IDF went to “great and noble lengths” to avoid civilian casualties in Gaza and other recent conflicts. However, he believes that the IDF is taking “many more precautions than are required” and in doing so, he fears the IDF “is setting an unreasonable precedent for other democratic countries of the world who may also be fighting in asymmetric wars against brutal nonstate actors who abuse these laws.”

He’s not alone. When Pnina Sharvit Baruch, a former Dabla chief, attends legal conferences around the world, she says she faces “recurring claims” from other militaries’ legal advisers that the IDF “is going too far in its self-imposed restrictions intended to protect civilians, and that this may cause trouble down the line for other democratic nations fighting organ-ized armed groups.” Today, Baruch is a senior researcher at the Institute for National Security Studies in Tel Aviv.


And maybe bad news for other Western nations as well. “The IDF’s warnings certainly go beyond what the law requires, but they also sometimes go beyond what would be operational good sense elsewhere,” says Michael Schmitt, director of the Stockton Center for the Study for International Law at the U.S. Naval War College. “People are going to start thinking that the United States and other Western democracies should follow the same examples in different types of conflict. That’s a real risk.” Schmitt is the author of a just-completed comprehensive analysis of the IDF’s targeting systems.

Mordy, Tuesday, 9 June 2015 21:21 (nine years ago) link

recurring theme of (internal & external) standards set, perhaps uniquely, on israel

drash, Tuesday, 9 June 2015 22:05 (nine years ago) link

it's interesting bc it lends truth to an argument i've heard (very quietly) from some on the left that they're uniquely pressuring israel bc it makes for an easier intervention for the entire west, that for whatever already existing structural reasons (well-financed arab opposition, still operative antisemitism, unique relationship to UN) critiques can be more easily integrated when lodged against israeli society that can then be used as precedence in future interventions. i think i most hilariously heard this idea from someone who argued [optimistically] that once israel is dissolved as a country that'll just lend credibility for dissolving other countries as well.

Mordy, Tuesday, 9 June 2015 22:15 (nine years ago) link

Embroiled in endless conflict and surrounded by hostile neighbors, how is Israel the 11th happiest nation in the world?

fp trying to convince me to move

Mordy, Wednesday, 10 June 2015 20:48 (nine years ago) link

extended family members in israel seem happy. not in chipper untroubled way, but... grounded.

(xp) never heard that argument! v interesting. privately honest explanation for (ostensibly well-intentioned) public dishonesty,

and/or rationalization for tacitly approving/ endorsing views of others who really do believe israel is worst human rights violator in the world (e.g. according to UN human rights council)

drash, Wednesday, 10 June 2015 23:45 (nine years ago) link

i finally got a paid gig to write hasbara :P the rumors are true!

Mordy, Wednesday, 17 June 2015 18:49 (nine years ago) link

just googled the term

really? interesting! can you share what that entails?

drash, Wednesday, 17 June 2015 19:00 (nine years ago) link

it's just doing some music journalism about israel for a website, but their explicit mission is to publish non-political, non-religious stories about israel to present it as a normal country. i've written coverage about israel before but never for an outlet that has such an explicitly 'hasbaraesque' mission statement.

Mordy, Wednesday, 17 June 2015 19:16 (nine years ago) link

ha excellent, where does the money come from?

ogmor, Wednesday, 17 June 2015 19:21 (nine years ago) link

lol that's the best part - the non-profit that funds the website is funded by sheldon adelson. honestly if it was about any other topic than music i might've balked but it's material i'd be happy to produce anyway, i don't mind taking adelson's blood casino money. :P

Mordy, Wednesday, 17 June 2015 19:23 (nine years ago) link

congrats on the gig!

it's telling (of present moment & not just present moment)-- cf bds, israeli schoolgroup snubbed in paris-- that there's need simply to present israel & its citizens as normal-- not exception(al).

drash, Wednesday, 17 June 2015 19:33 (nine years ago) link

you're our man on the inside, link your work when it's up!

ogmor, Wednesday, 17 June 2015 19:39 (nine years ago) link

two months pass...

slightly thrown by 'gutzul' for a second (ie 'hutsul' as it is usually transliterated)

Nilmar Honorato da Silva, Monday, 7 September 2015 23:17 (nine years ago) link

this makes me so angry:

describing jews visiting or praying at their holiest site a "desecration" is just the sickest bullshit. esp in a country where this related bullshit continues to happen:

Mordy, Wednesday, 16 September 2015 17:13 (nine years ago) link

ugh depressing
kinda shocked by those quotes coming from abbas (maybe shdn't be)

drash, Wednesday, 16 September 2015 18:25 (nine years ago) link

1976 births, Living people, Bad Boy Records artists, Baalei teshuva, Belizean businesspeople, Belizean expatriates in Israel, Belizean musicians, Belizean Orthodox Jews, Belizean people of Ethiopian descent, Businesspeople in fashion, Children of national leaders, Def Jam Recordings artists, East Coast hip hop musicians, Converts to Judaism, Jewish fashion designers, Jewish rappers, Jews in the African diaspora, People banned from entering the United Kingdom, People convicted of assault, People deported from the United States, People from Belize City, Musicians from Brooklyn, People from Jerusalem, Rappers from New York City, Shooting survivors, Gangsta rappers, People from Flatbush, Brooklyn

noɪˈɣiːələx (nakhchivan), Saturday, 26 September 2015 17:08 (nine years ago) link

two weeks pass...

Mordy, Sunday, 11 October 2015 01:06 (eight years ago) link

one month passes...
two weeks pass...

The Baron was born in 1869 to one of the best known family in the Prussian nobility. At the age of 21 he came to Wirtsburg to join the military. As a talented musician he served in a military band. At that time he got in touch with the Jewish community and developed close relationship with Torah and Talmudic scholars. He studied Torah in the Talmudic College (yeshiva), and expressed desire to convert to Judaism. His requests were repeatedly denied, but he persisted and eventually his sincerity won......

“In 1942 the Nazis ordered all the Jews of the Wirtsburg area to go to the city’s main square and from there marched them to the railroad station. Baron von Manstein came to the square covered with his prayer shawl (talit) and wearing phylacteries (tefilin) on his forehead and arm. The Nazis tried to turn him back saying, you are not a Jew, repeatedly, but he adamantly said, where the Jews go, I go too.”

“He was transferred with the rest of the Jews to the Terezinstadt concentration camp and died there two years later. Members of my family have said that most victims died in Terezinstadt from starvation. On his nephew, the General’s initiative his body was transferred to Wirtsburg and was buried in Christian cemetery with full Nazi honors.”

look the settlements are a left-wing project!

Mordy, Tuesday, 1 December 2015 16:41 (eight years ago) link

two weeks pass...

Czech parliament refused labeling Israeli settlement products by a large majority

Mordy, Thursday, 17 December 2015 16:42 (eight years ago) link

Mordy, Saturday, 19 December 2015 15:41 (eight years ago) link

The prime minister seems to have formed a bond with the large, aging white dog. When his family adopted her, he called on Israelis to help rescue dogs and to look for a dog in a shelter before considering buying a purebred.

A photo taken during a recent meeting with US Secretary of State John Kerry, shows the prime minister smiling fondly as he looks down at the family’s newest member.

According to reports, Netanyahu himself was bitten by the rescue pooch earlier this year.

Kaia’s victims were MK Sharren Haskel and attorney Or Alon, the husband of Deputy Foreign Minister Tzipi Hotovely.

Capybara (big rat) @ Sea World, San Diego, California, USA (nakhchivan), Thursday, 31 December 2015 20:28 (eight years ago) link

one month passes...

i admit this made me tear up a little near the end

Mordy, Tuesday, 23 February 2016 20:15 (eight years ago) link

As someone with a pretty substantial, errrr, relationships with the Glasgow Jewish community, I don't recognize any of that, Mordy, but obv. it's that person's experience, so fair enough. Doesn't sound much like Glasgow though.

Thomas of Britain (Tom D.), Wednesday, 24 February 2016 01:11 (eight years ago) link

he sounds like he was very uninvolved in the glasgow jewish community and more heavily involved in the college activist leftist community? iirc he says something like his birthright trip was the first time he was in a majority jewish group? that would be v unusual for participants in the community

Mordy, Wednesday, 24 February 2016 01:14 (eight years ago) link

i'm like so full of shit btw i have zero intention of leaving the US. luckily yearning to move to israel w no actual plans or intentions to do so has a long tradition i can tap into.

Mordy, Wednesday, 24 February 2016 01:18 (eight years ago) link

his birthright trip was the first time he was in a majority jewish group?

lol wtf

Οὖτις, Tuesday, 1 March 2016 22:27 (eight years ago) link

i just checked bc it is lol so tbf he says: "I went to Israel first on Taglit-Birthright. Just meeting the group I would be travelling with at Heathrow Airport was the most young Jews I had ever been around." "most young Jews I had ever been around" birthright iirc my trip had like... maybe 25-30? so not totally insane, but still probably means not a huge amount of participation in glasgow jewish life.

Mordy, Tuesday, 1 March 2016 22:33 (eight years ago) link

i won't hold my breadth for BDS advocates to address the new gallup numbers. for those guys the big revolution is always imminent if not sooner

Mordy, Tuesday, 1 March 2016 22:49 (eight years ago) link

personally I don't really know what to make of Americans' continued love affair w Israel - pro-Israeli Jews make up such a tiny portion of the overall American population it isn't too hard for me to imagine that the bulk of support is rooted in either a) general anti-Muslim sentiment and b) eschatological evangelicals, cuz really why else would yr average American give a shit about (or even remotely understand) Israel.

Οὖτις, Tuesday, 1 March 2016 22:52 (eight years ago) link

maybe 25-30? so not totally insane, but still probably means not a huge amount of participation in glasgow jewish life

yeah I don't think my kid has ever been around more than 25-30 young jews; e.g. the whole student population of his talmud torah is maybe about that much, so I guess there are times when there are that many young jews together in a building with him, but I'm not sure he's "around" the much younger or much older kids. There are no more than 10 Jewish kids in his entire school I'd say. That's just how it is when you don't live in a Jewish town!

Guayaquil (eephus!), Tuesday, 1 March 2016 22:55 (eight years ago) link

25-30 is kind of a lot if you narrow it down to a particular age range, although there were various points in my life when I was definitely in a bunch of Jews of my age group (primarily summer camp sorta situations). But yeah my daughter's never been in a group of 25-30 Jewish kids her age. She's definitely been around more than 25-30 Jews tho!

Οὖτις, Tuesday, 1 March 2016 22:58 (eight years ago) link

ok so i've spent a lot of time thinking about this and my best answer is that americans identify very strongly with the jewish people. i'm not sure exactly why (something maybe related to self-identification as exceptional) but once you start looking for it you see it everywhere. the puritans saw themselves as enacting a certain kind of exodus and i've read that they heavily identified with the old testament and used it as a basis for their legal code (and that thanksgiving was originally thought of as a yom kippur analogue). you def hear it in the expression judeo-christian which obv was not invented by jews, and in hebrew roots phenomena. i've considered that black communities might have their own version of this re identification w/ the exodus narrative, and of course u have black israelites groups. i think that support for israel is related to this, and its refounding as a kind of seismic religious moment that is not exclusively eschatological. and then you have obv answers that for christians it is probably nice to have access to so many of their holy sites and there's a lot of american religious tourism. xxp

Mordy, Tuesday, 1 March 2016 23:00 (eight years ago) link

ok so i've spent a lot of time thinking about this

lol u don't say

Οὖτις, Tuesday, 1 March 2016 23:01 (eight years ago) link

I think a lot of it is as simple as "all those countries over there hate us - except for Israel!" and from there it's just a circle-the-wagons mentality + sure religious tourism

Οὖτις, Tuesday, 1 March 2016 23:03 (eight years ago) link

like the way i see it the eschatological stuff and anti-muslim stuff was grafted onto this original identification which is the real story (and i think has v interesting implications if you're interested in speculating about the future of religion in america). mormons have heavy philosemitic identifications too. (btw this isn't too uncommon and there's a thing where a royal english family identified as being scions of david or something? but i think totally ahistorical on a national level like we see today.)

Mordy, Tuesday, 1 March 2016 23:04 (eight years ago) link

mormons have heavy philosemitic identifications too

yeah I find this really annoying personally. But they were looking for a biblical analogue to their own experience and the OT was a better source (duh) than the NT. Same goes for the Puritans I suppose.

Οὖτις, Tuesday, 1 March 2016 23:05 (eight years ago) link

the puritans overlaid the entire narrative. they crossed a sea to enter a promised land. i feel like the US is indisputably the most philosemitic country in history.

Mordy, Tuesday, 1 March 2016 23:07 (eight years ago) link

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