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Number Beekeeper Additional Information Year
(*) Posthumously
Poll Results
Option | Votes |
18th W. (Bill) McLaughlin NorthWest Oklahoma Beekeepers Association 2000 | 1 |
21st Jerry Logan / Guthrie Vice President of OSBA: Frontier Country Beekeepers Association 2003 | 1 |
13th Doug Bemo / Muskogee Indian Nation Beekeepers Association 1994 | 1 |
10th Novak Bullard / Durant Southeast Oklahoma Beekeepers Association 1991 | 1 |
24th Euvonne and Carl Harrison / Tulsa NorthEast Oklahoma Beekeepers Association 2006 | 1 |
27th Jerry Morris / Norman Noble Beekeepers Association 2009 | 0 |
19th Phil Lindell / Enid NorthWest Oklahoma Beekeepers Association 2001 | 0 |
20th Everett Taylor / Orlando Frontier Country Beekeepers Association 2002 | 0 |
31st Rick Hall Central Oklahoma Beekeepers Association 2013 | 0 |
30th Lloyd Ziegler / Mannford Northeast Oklahoma Beekeepers Association 2012 | 0 |
22nd JB Shepherd / Waynoka NorthWest Oklahoma Beekeepers Association 2004 | 0 |
23rd Alan Larson / Bixby NorthEast Oklahoma Beekeepers Association 2005 | 0 |
29th 2011 | 0 |
28th Greg Hannaford / Tulsa Northeast Oklahoma Beekeepers Association 2010 | 0 |
25th Harry McQuown / Oklahoma City Frontier Country Beekeepers Association 2007 | 0 |
26th Tommy Thornton / Newalla Central Oklahoma Beekeepers Association 2008 | 0 |
1st Albert E. Lincoln / Tulsa One of the Founders of NEOBA in 1956: Member of NorthEast Oklahoma Beekeepers Association | 0 |
17th Wilbur Severn / Chester NorthWest Oklahoma Beekeepers Association 1999 | 0 |
2nd Glen Gibson / Minco Executive Secretary of AHPA / President of OSBA 1946: Member of Central Oklahoma Beekeepers Ass | 0 |
3rd Raymond Lone / Grove President of Green Country Beekeepers Association 1984 | 0 |
4th ML Lashbrook / Stonewall Organized East Central Beekeepers Association / Served as President or Vice President many | 0 |
5th Earnie Knight / Miami Four State Beekeepers Association 1986 | 0 |
6th Dorothy Brister Bragg / Caddo Southeast Oklahoma Beekeepers Association 1987 | 0 |
7th Dr. Joseph Neiberding / Miami Four State Beekeepers Association 1988 | 0 |
8th Chuddie Smith / Guthrie President Frontier Country Beekeepers Association 1989 | 0 |
9th Jim Grayson / Owasso He dedicated this award to the late Hugh Price: NorthEast Oklahoma Beekeepers Association 1990 | 0 |
11th Clyde Garroutte * / Guthrie He passed away 1 week before the meeting and the award was presented to his widow by C | 0 |
12th MJ Bragg / Boswell Southeast Oklahoma Beekeepers Association 1993 | 0 |
14th Harold St. Clair / Owasso NorthEast Oklahoma Beekeepers Association 1995 | 0 |
15th Raymond & Thelma Erwin * NorthWest Oklahoma Beekeepers Association 1996 | 0 |
16th George Richtmeyer / Noble Central Oklahoma Beekeepers Association 1998 | 0 |
32nd Kenny Hammond Northeast Oklahoma Beekeepers Association 2014 | 0 |
― Let’s all go on an unban safari, we might see some ilxor migrants (nakhchivan), Monday, 18 January 2016 16:20 (eight years ago) link
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