Taking Sides: the TLS v. the LRB

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His granny seems sound though.

scampo italiano (gyac), Saturday, 12 September 2020 13:48 (four years ago) link

Frances Stonor Saunders seems to have published an entire (short?) book in 3 issues of the LRB.

Avoiding most of it has been a good way of catching up on LRB issues.

the pinefox, Monday, 14 September 2020 12:43 (four years ago) link

Jenny Turner really is the best the LRB has. This write-up of the Feminist movement is so good and comprehensive with some nice reflections as a (somewhat, sometime) participant (losing books by Feminists through so many house moves). Really necessary.


xyzzzz__, Saturday, 19 September 2020 14:48 (four years ago) link

jenny T and i once got chucked out of soho's the FRENCH HOUSE for running up its narrow stairs too noisily when the upstairs bit was in fact closed

mark s, Saturday, 19 September 2020 14:51 (four years ago) link

when oh when will i write up my tales of the wild 80s

mark s, Saturday, 19 September 2020 14:51 (four years ago) link

900-page biography of Warhol, reviewed at great length (as always) by Colm Toibin, who mainly just tells the story of AW's life, apart from a pretentiously digressive non-linear (ie: later event) opening that doesn't go anywhere or have any positive structural effect.

What is the point?

the pinefox, Saturday, 19 September 2020 17:58 (four years ago) link

the element in that wound me up most: he's arsey abt the biographer's mundane attempts at art crit but while he quotes some much better crit (the generally good wayne kostenbaum, the reliably great gary indiana) he delivers none at all of his own, no toibinesque insight or perspective

i mean i think the precis IS the point -- you read this so you don't have to read a full 900-page warhol biog, i use LRB this way a fair amount -- but if that's all you're doing you don't really get to cast sneery shade at the person who handed you the materials you're boiling down imo

mark s, Saturday, 19 September 2020 18:30 (four years ago) link

David runciman's talking politics podcast used to advertise some website that would summarise dreadful airport pop sociology books so you could get the jist in minutes. It came in handy when I had an awful boss who used to prescribe these as part of my job and actually quiz me on them.

plax (ico), Sunday, 20 September 2020 09:31 (four years ago) link

Mark S: yes, I agree, the worst thing about the article is that it offers no insight at all of its own.

For you or me, writing for the LRB would, frankly, be a big deal. We would give it our best shot. In that perspective, to do it as lazily and badly as Toibin is insulting.

the pinefox, Sunday, 20 September 2020 11:05 (four years ago) link

It's astounding that F. S. Saunders ended up using her three very long episodes to transcribe letters saying things like 'Oxford, 1949: Are you coming up for the summer hols?'

the pinefox, Sunday, 20 September 2020 11:07 (four years ago) link

Toibin's recent piece on having cancer was ace. Haven't read the warhol article because it now takes even more forevers for issues to arrive in Australia. Still waiting for the last 3 to get here.

Tsar Bombadil (James Morrison), Sunday, 20 September 2020 11:47 (four years ago) link

Adam Mars-Jones explains in detail why he doesn't think an acclaimed book works well.


One of the finest literary reviewers of the age.

the pinefox, Sunday, 20 September 2020 14:05 (four years ago) link

Dreadful, arrogant, entitled 'diary' on leaving an academic post:


One of the dumbest things about it is that it conflates changes in the academic world (which it's often reasonable to complain about) with changes introduced specifically, at short notice, to deal with the pandemic (which nobody in HE, including the best-paid managers, wanted or foresaw).

the pinefox, Monday, 21 September 2020 08:13 (three years ago) link

It used to be more interesting. In 1993, Keele still bore a resemblance to the world Malcolm Bradbury captured in The History Man

holy shit

neith moon (ledge), Monday, 21 September 2020 08:42 (three years ago) link

Among other things:

So when my wife accepted a job in Dublin and I took a career break to look after our children, settling into non-academic life was easy. I didn’t miss it, any of it.

The facts here are basic to what he is talking about, but he passes over them.

His job was in Norwich. His wife took a job in Dublin. Did he go with her? Did he stay with the children in England? Did her job finish and she return to England? Without these basics, you can't make sense of the practicalities of his decision. On the face of it, it sounds like he has a nice new life in Dublin, supported (he does say this) by his wife.

Note that he took a 'career break' two years ago. Did that break finish? Was it still ongoing when he left his job? Was he being paid again at that time, or had he been on unpaid leave for over two years by the time he resigned? Again, any proper account of such a momentous life decision would need to explain these things.

It is worth emphasizing that most people do not feel *able* to quit their career aged 53. The fact that he can do this makes him very fortunate.

There are lots of other bad things in the article.

the pinefox, Monday, 21 September 2020 10:03 (three years ago) link

that history man quote needs expanding:

It used to be more interesting. In 1993, Keele still bore a resemblance to the world Malcolm Bradbury captured in The History Man (1975): lecturers taught whatever enthused them [...] and the cooler professors held parties to which students where invited

if you haven't read it, the cool professor in the novel who throws parties is a sociopath and rapist who destroys the careers of students and staff.

neith moon (ledge), Monday, 21 September 2020 10:17 (three years ago) link

it might be less vapidly self-absorbed if he'd made some slight effort actually to exemplify (and better time-locate) a few of the generalisations. it's a blur of sweepingly unspecific contrasts, against a distant backdrop of imposed changes perhaps good perhaps bad. if he wants his retirement to be bracing not torpid, maybe he needs to slay a few of the very particular dragons he's so vaguely hinting at -- mabe even name some names? did he sign NDAs?

i mean it's maddening because the genuine shapes of some things bad and good are discernible somewhere under this clumsily twitched blanket --political, sociological, pedagogical, even personal -- but if he himself has any good sense of how these systems interact now and have interacted over time, he's not letting on

(my unkind guess is he doesn't really, bcz he isn't terribly interested? if he was he'd find it hard not to talk abt it, NDA or no NDA) (even more unkind: i started thinking "justified imposter syndrome strikes again")

(responding to ledge: yes i was thinking "the good old days! where we could fuck students, or else just them up")

mark s, Monday, 21 September 2020 10:39 (three years ago) link

s/b "the good old days! where we could fuck students, or else just fuck them up"

mark s, Monday, 21 September 2020 10:40 (three years ago) link

I like the wording of Mark S's post. One of his best little commentaries in a while.

the pinefox, Monday, 21 September 2020 13:41 (three years ago) link

It's plain that THE HISTORY MAN is a terrible precedent, and unselfconsciously saying 'I liked university when it was like THE HISTORY MAN' is dire - but, despite the author's awfulness, he seems *not* to mean things like sexual harassment. He's certainly not explicitly harking for that.

But he does say, with unpleasant casualness, "Provided he – and it was usually a he – turned up fully dressed and sober and didn’t lay hands on anyone, the crazy lecturer could be an inspiration." True. But the sentence gives too many hostages, implying that these bad things *might* easily have happened in the older world.

Actually, implying that they typically did or even that people were often 'crazy' is inaccurate and unhelpful (even to his own case against change). The truth is that if you're going to raise weighty topics, like sexual harassment at work (including education), you should take it seriously and state facts. Or don't raise it at all. Innuendo won't do.

None of which, as we've seen, even starts to cover how bad this article is.

the pinefox, Monday, 21 September 2020 13:43 (three years ago) link

Oh, the other thing I was going to say to Mark S was: I wish he had signed an NDA !! It's outrageous that he's quit, taken a pay-off (unlike, probably, what most people would get on leaving their jobs), and then turned round and written an article (for yet more money) criticizing his old job and citing (though not naming) former colleagues, saying that many of them also wish they could leave.

This is - I'd like to say 'unprofessional' behaviour, but the author has just blithely walked out his profession. Well, it's bad behaviour, and it might have been appropriate for his pay-off to include a contractual ban on such things.

the pinefox, Monday, 21 September 2020 13:47 (three years ago) link

Adam Mars-Jones explains in detail why he doesn't think an acclaimed book works well.


One of the finest literary reviewers of the age.

― the pinefox, Sunday, 20 September 2020 bookmarkflaglink

So the last review I read by him +of a Dag Solstad novel, a writer I like) also unfavourably compared the work it to Nabokov iirc. That aside, my problem is that it feels like I'm in a creative writing workshop, with set ways of creating tension, of making psychology work, of provoking you into a state of shock. When it doesn't meet that criteria this is marked down.

And it's incredibly boring to read.

xyzzzz__, Tuesday, 22 September 2020 11:54 (three years ago) link

I thought he did a good job on joy Williams where he seemed particularly charmed by her idiosyncratic approach to storytelling mechanics and upending them. Didn't feel rigidly disapproving, but I generally only read his bits when I run out of things that look more immediately interesting and I'm on holiday or something

plax (ico), Wednesday, 23 September 2020 09:25 (three years ago) link

I read his articles when I am ready for a treat.

I read many of the others as a duty.

the pinefox, Wednesday, 23 September 2020 10:11 (three years ago) link

Did anybody read the 3-part suitcase thing? I have no idea what it's about and if it's worth reading given it's ultimately the length of a short book.

Tsar Bombadil (James Morrison), Wednesday, 23 September 2020 10:27 (three years ago) link

Nope, no one here has. Just did a quick search on twitter and a few people have enjoyed it..

xyzzzz__, Wednesday, 23 September 2020 10:46 (three years ago) link

but I generally only read his bits when I run out of things that look more immediately interesting and I'm on holiday or something

― plax (ico), Wednesday, 23 September 2020 bookmarkflaglink

It's terrible that he monopolises their fiction reviews (it's not exactly a Penman-esque domination but it looks like he is its main reviewer), then again I seldom go to LRB for their fiction coverage.

xyzzzz__, Wednesday, 23 September 2020 10:48 (three years ago) link

It's terrific that he reviews fiction for them often. He's wonderful at this particular job.

But numerous other people also review fiction for the LRB. Christopher Tayler is one of the best but seems to do less at the moment.

the pinefox, Wednesday, 23 September 2020 11:21 (three years ago) link

James M: I read lots of the Suitcase project without properly engaging with it. It looked like a massive bout of self-indulgence.

the pinefox, Wednesday, 23 September 2020 11:22 (three years ago) link

But numerous other people also review fiction for the LRB. Christopher Tayler is one of the best but seems to do less at the moment.

― the pinefox, Wednesday, 23 September 2020 bookmarkflaglink

Yes and they are trying to give newer voices some space: Lauren Oyler, Emily Witt and Patricia Lockwood..

xyzzzz__, Wednesday, 23 September 2020 11:49 (three years ago) link

I rediscover this article, which I saw given as an LRB lecture:

Looking forward to rereading now I know a bit more about Fritz Lang.

the pinefox, Wednesday, 23 September 2020 12:34 (three years ago) link

cheers, pinefox. Skimming it did not help me work out what it was ABOUT. A bit of context wouldn't have gone astray.

Tsar Bombadil (James Morrison), Thursday, 24 September 2020 00:28 (three years ago) link

James Lasdun essay on Christian forgery - more entertaining than expected.

Tove Jansson letters - good topic.

the pinefox, Saturday, 26 September 2020 13:20 (three years ago) link

don't read adam mars-jones very often for what is possibly a silly and even a spiteful reason: many many years ago he reviewed chris cutler's "file under popular" and dave rimmer's "like punk never happened" for the TES: the first is an interesting but quite poorly written collection of essays (on music and technology and the politics of both, among other topics), the second a superb i-was-there jab by a smash hits writer at a chronicle of the rise and fall of the new pop… amj gave the latter a poor review (he didn't really get it) and the former more of a thumbs-up than it deserved, very much as if to say "more of the latter less of the former" plz. i disliked the bumptious way he apoproached this task and strongly took against the idea of him…

… and here we are 35 years later, with me still holding those 600-odd ancient words fiercely against him! the effect is that i read his review here very much assuming he was missing the point and that everything he declared was bad must be good. i probably need a better -- much more recent and relevant -- calibration, like his review of a novel i've read, to see what he's bringing to it that i'd miss and where his tastes in fiction are located in relation to mine.

mark s, Saturday, 26 September 2020 15:54 (three years ago) link

a subsequent edition of "file under popular" is rewritten and better, bcz cutler's girlfriend was to be the translator (into german iirc) and told him she refused to translate it until he made it read better 👍👍👍

she told me this at a garden party we were all at -- thrown by members of AMM lol -- which was funny bcz he was sat beside her not saying anything. i've given both editions a bit of a dusty review at different times so he probably feels abt me much the way i do abt adam mars-jones. this is the shape of the world 🌍🌏🌎

mark s, Saturday, 26 September 2020 16:00 (three years ago) link

What is AMM?

the pinefox, Saturday, 26 September 2020 16:59 (three years ago) link

A musical group

despacito ergo sum (jim in vancouver), Saturday, 26 September 2020 17:28 (three years ago) link

you wouldn't like them pinefox

mark s, Saturday, 26 September 2020 17:33 (three years ago) link


xyzzzz__, Monday, 28 September 2020 10:00 (three years ago) link

I relate to mark's anecdote because I'm still kind boycotting Vice in the year of our lord 2020 because it seemed shit in 2004 (tbf recent threads have suggested I'm not missing much)

Daniel_Rf, Monday, 28 September 2020 10:07 (three years ago) link

There is quite a lengthy digression on AMM, in the context of a mini-chapter on Cornelius Cardew, in the context of a larger chapter about Eno's Obscure Records label, in the forthcoming Paul Morley book on classical music fyi, so The Pinefox may possibly soon become more au fait.

Piedie Gimbel, Monday, 28 September 2020 10:14 (three years ago) link

"… and here we are 35 years later, with me still holding those 600-odd ancient words fiercely against him!"

No no this is good not bad.

Actually what am-r's method reminds me of is Nabokov's lectures, which I spent a bit of time with earlier this year. It's a page-by-page reading that merely verifies whether a novelistic technique and logic is thoroughly applied but I often feels that even if pages are often wrong the book overall can be really good. In other words, a novel is not a piece of furniture!

But I have never studied writing (or anything artistic) either in a formal setting or as a hobby so that's where the irritation comes from

xxp vice has some ok reporting but I pretty much do a pick and mix of what comes from my twitter.

xyzzzz__, Monday, 28 September 2020 10:16 (three years ago) link

Neal Ascherson on break-up of Britain stuff. I'm reluctant to criticize him as he's such an old stager, but I find him too figurative and imprecise a writer to do this well. He creates generalities (Britain and England) to make an argument when they might as well be reversed.

He's also wrong to think that no-one in England cares about the union with Scotland. On the whole he writes on this stuff from too much inside his own self-confirming bubble. And when will people, from the great Perry down, stop citing Tom Nairn's deeply uninteresting and unhelpful coinage of 'Ukania' as though it's a brilliant and witty insight? (They won't.)

the pinefox, Tuesday, 29 September 2020 14:18 (three years ago) link

Enjoyed this account of Gornick's writing, which is nice to read in parallel with Turner's piece I linked last week:


xyzzzz__, Thursday, 1 October 2020 12:38 (three years ago) link

Bee Wilson on wheat: one of the most tedious and impenetrable LRB articles I've read.

And compounded by starting with 'During lockdown, my Cambridge neighbours have been helping each other buy flour to make their sourdough bread. Isn't it interesting how during this uncertain time, we've all returned to the joy of baking'.

the pinefox, Thursday, 1 October 2020 14:31 (three years ago) link

I'm now in a position I can hardly remember ever being in: Have finished every backlogged LRB and passed them on and have no current LRB at all until the new one arrives.

the pinefox, Thursday, 1 October 2020 14:32 (three years ago) link

It's a rare pleasure, bask in it.

Daniel_Rf, Thursday, 1 October 2020 15:50 (three years ago) link

i can send you my login if you like, so you can start again at the beginning

mark s, Thursday, 1 October 2020 16:02 (three years ago) link

Nick Cohen used to write for them

plax (ico), Thursday, 1 October 2020 17:56 (three years ago) link

I am also caught up, but only because I am now waiting for 4 issues to actually show the fuck up.

Tsar Bombadil (James Morrison), Thursday, 1 October 2020 23:26 (three years ago) link

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