Everything is Whirling and Twirling! What Are You Reading this Summer 2023?

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I think PKD was right about the heat and the threat that it poses given that the problem is caused by an industry that is not easily regulated and that involves changes that are more interwoven in everyday life. Other threats seem to have been more specific and readily controlled (but this may be appearance and popular understanding only).

youn, Monday, 31 July 2023 13:08 (one year ago) link

I've been reading Rain: A Natural and Cultural History, a non-fic by Cynthia Barnett. It's belongs to that genre which has proliferated in the past couple of decades where an author selects a very broad topic like 'clothing' or 'horses', does a shit ton of research and gathers a mountain of index cards with various facts they think will capture people's interest, then weave them all into something that resembles a cross between a set of encyclopedia articles and a book of bathroom trivia.


the pinefox, Monday, 31 July 2023 13:42 (one year ago) link

we had a copy of moonfleet on the shelf at home when i was a kid. can't say i ever read it though.

koogs, Monday, 31 July 2023 13:52 (one year ago) link

Incidentally, I was thinking of acid rain in the eighties as an example and wondering if for marketing purposes the targeting should be more specific (e.g., methane leaks, meat eating).

youn, Monday, 31 July 2023 13:58 (one year ago) link

But the targeting may be incorrect hence the usefulness of accurate informative popular scientific writing.

youn, Monday, 31 July 2023 13:59 (one year ago) link

I have read Moonfleet twice and still have no memory of it.

Lily Dale, Monday, 31 July 2023 15:48 (one year ago) link

There's another Falkner book I remember slightly better where there's a church or cathedral or something that's been added onto over the centuries until the arch that supports it can no longer hold all its weight, and every time the main character walks past it he has this refrain running through his head of "The arch never sleeps...They have bound on us a weight too heavy to be borne; we are shifting it. The arch never sleeps." That stuck in my head, though I can't actually remember the name of the book.

Lily Dale, Monday, 31 July 2023 15:53 (one year ago) link

gutenburg lists only The Lost Stradivarius and The Nebuly Coat

koogs, Monday, 31 July 2023 16:30 (one year ago) link

Must be The Nebuly Coat.

Lily Dale, Monday, 31 July 2023 16:56 (one year ago) link

Taking a hint from ilxor the table is the table, I am reading Bread and Wine, Ignazio Silone.

more difficult than I look (Aimless), Tuesday, 1 August 2023 19:17 (one year ago) link

I admire the ability of MOONFLEET to generate a pastiche of the literary - or even ordinary - language of 150 years before.

Narrative in MOONFLEET is often perverse. A certain scene will be described in great detail, viz. the boy hiding in the vault behind a coffin or trying to escape it. Then other important scenes will be passed over in brief retrospect, the likes of "By that time, indeed, I had come to know and help the contraband man, and on many a moonlit night I assisted them to haul kegs ashore" - ie: you've started working with the smugglers but you didn't think it worth narrating this as an incident in the main present of the novel??

A worse offender is when he declares that his crush on local girl Grace has been requited, they've been on walks through the woods and pledged their troth to each other - AND he has told her all the facts about the secret smuggling ring. This is DRAMATIC material, it ought to have a chapter of its own - "And so that day I walked out to see Grace, knowing that I must tell her the truths of my heart" and on. But it's thrown off in a paragraph looking back, viz. "Indeed Grace and I had come to like each other well, and I had told her about the contrabandiers" - and this material like much else he cuts short with the phrase "But I shall speak no more of this". A very odd repeated formulation (for a novel) that I can only think conveys something of a writer with a quill pen, who can't erase or cut and paste text and who may find the prospect of writing certain things too exhausting to bother with.

The novel is good on landscape, as when the narrator is carried into a landscape of walled fields, scrubby grass, crops, stone quarries. Again, this is an era when such characters knew the land intimately, as they didn't have much else to distract them.

the pinefox, Tuesday, 1 August 2023 20:55 (one year ago) link

i read moonfleet as a kid and there's one specific scene i remember very vividly indeed (or likely somewhat misremember) -- though the rest of it is quite gone

but I shall speak no more of this

mark s, Tuesday, 1 August 2023 21:11 (one year ago) link

(ie no spoilers)

mark s, Tuesday, 1 August 2023 21:11 (one year ago) link


Good decision and hilarious expression of it !

the pinefox, Tuesday, 1 August 2023 21:13 (one year ago) link

I conclude MOONFLEET.

Unsure which scene Mark S remembered but there are quite a few.

The most notable thing about the novel might be its skilful pastiche of language 150 years old. Like writing a George Eliot novel now. Which I suppose people do, in quite popular Waterstones type novels, though I'm not sure they do it as well as Falkner did.

the pinefox, Saturday, 5 August 2023 08:52 (one year ago) link

Ted Gioia How To Listen to Jazz
overview of the genre(s) and breakdown of the forms. So pretty interesting. I was seeing the author's name turn up in a number of bibliographies of books i had read so wanted to read something by him and this was the first. May read a few others now.

Great Kingdoms Of Africa ed John Parker
interesting overview of some of the great Kingdoms of pre colonial Africa a subject that needs more recognition. I'm not sure why there is no section on Great Zimbabwe which I would have thought pretty essential.
Does have notes with citations of a great number of books that I want to look into reading. So several more for my never ending to-read list.
A quick read and I may get back to it when there isn't a large queue in the interlibrary loan system since it only came out a few months ago. May wind up getting a copy for myself too.

American Whitelash: the resurgence of racial violence in our time Wesley Lowery
Black American journalist looks into recent racist attacks and systematic racism in the wake of Obama's tenure as teh first Black President and the subsequent rise of a racist to the role.
It's a quick read but may be enlightening. Juwst had me watch Ryan Coogler's Fruitvale Station after it was mentioned in the text.

A band with built-in hate : The Who from pop art to punk Peter Stanfield
Biography of the British rock band by an author I heard interviewed on the Ugly Things podcast. Seems pretty good so far
This was the one title by him i the Irish Library system I think I may be looking for others once i get through this.

David Graeber Bullshit Jobs
My first book by the anarchist anthropologist. Not going to be the last.
Some of what is being talked about is fleshing out thoughts I'm having about things immediate.y topical to me. Like this boxticker thing he talks about and how things are shaped to accommodate that perspective.

Stevo, Saturday, 5 August 2023 12:17 (one year ago) link

I commence reading Jan Mark, THE HILLINGDON FOX (1991).

the pinefox, Sunday, 6 August 2023 09:37 (one year ago) link

I enjoy the present tense of the Pinefox's posts. I am reading Hello Beautful by Ann Napolitano and wondering if my brother and mother shared time together when my sister and I were in college and if they know each other differently. I am also wondering about the Catholic Church and its influence on Italians and Irish who immigrated to and settled in the United States and founded their own communities.

youn, Sunday, 6 August 2023 11:44 (one year ago) link

Before that I read some short stories by Tom Rachman that made me wonder about what is short-lived but has anachronistic appeal or does not.

youn, Sunday, 6 August 2023 11:46 (one year ago) link

I finished THE HILLINGDON FOX. It's a short teenage novel in alternating chapters, each set of chapters representing a diary. One diary is written in 1982 by a lad called Gerald as the Falklands War takes place. This diary is to be placed in a time capsule. The second diary is written by his younger brother Hugh in August 1990, as the Gulf crisis takes place. Hugh is asked by Gerald to rescue the time capsule, presumably to avoid someone finding incriminating evidence if it is opened. What is it that Gerald doesn't want found? Oddly it only really seems to come down to his suspicions of their father's affair - unhappy, but not really life & death stuff.

The conceit of the two diaries is ingenious, formalist in a sense. They are written in different voices: Gerald quite pompous and proper, Hugh informal and in a rather Adrian Mole sort of vein. I find Hugh's style irritating, just as I find it in David Mitchell's BLACK SWAN GREEN (2006), but I think this must reflect the quite realistic rendition of something that really is irritating. Now I think of it, BLACK SWAN GREEN is quite close to the Hugh diary here, which makes me think that BSG might almost have been a novel for teens. The diary voice also reminds me slightly of Jonathan Coe.

The biggest themes being explored in this very readable little book are war and the experience of living through history.

the pinefox, Monday, 7 August 2023 19:37 (one year ago) link

I start Angus Wilson's book of stories THE WRONG SET (1949). I'm only reading this because it's another book I've owned for too long, unread, an old orange Penguin. So far the writing seems mannered and tends to start with lavish description of things like flowers which can be hard to envision. Wilson shows some small stylistic eccentricities - for instance, sometimes continuing an exchange of dialogue between two people within a single paragraph. The general manner makes me think that perhaps at this point he is influenced by Ronald Firbank, who is even mentioned once. Reflecting that Wilson was gay at a time that it was illegal, I wonder if this aspect of life will in any way be signalled in the stories.

the pinefox, Monday, 7 August 2023 19:40 (one year ago) link

I've been greatly enjoying Bread and Wine, Ignazio Silone. The fact that it was published in 1936 while Mussolini and fascism were still riding high in Italy and Stalin's purges were roiling the international socialist movement adds considerable interest as a historical document. It also helps that in places it is very funny (see: Chapter 13!).

more difficult than I look (Aimless), Monday, 7 August 2023 19:48 (one year ago) link

I just read that a few months ago, Aimless— have you read others in the trilogy?

butt dumb tight my boners got boners (the table is the table), Monday, 7 August 2023 22:58 (one year ago) link

Not yet. They sound interesting, but may be a bit harder for me to locate locally.

more difficult than I look (Aimless), Monday, 7 August 2023 23:05 (one year ago) link

I am starting Family Sayings by Natalia Ginzburg translated by D.M. Low. In lieu of Acknowledgments, I read the Introduction by the Translator and the Author's Preface and then the first chapter. It's off to a good start.

youn, Tuesday, 8 August 2023 00:32 (one year ago) link

Not yet. They sound interesting, but may be a bit harder for me to locate locally.

Fontamara is really something, different from Bread and Wine in that it focuses on a single village and its inhabitants being taken advantage of by authorities and wealthy landowners, but has the same socialist pizzazz and beautiful descriptions of the Italian countryside

butt dumb tight my boners got boners (the table is the table), Tuesday, 8 August 2023 02:13 (one year ago) link

Conversation: https://www.nytimes.com/2023/08/01/books/naoise-dolan-megan-nolan-nicole-flattery.html We've talked about Flattery, are the other two good?

dow, Tuesday, 8 August 2023 02:42 (one year ago) link

I'm hoping they're closer to Flattery than, say, Sally Rooney (not that I hate Rooney).

dow, Tuesday, 8 August 2023 02:48 (one year ago) link

As well as Wilson I commence reading Jonathan Coe's last novel BOURNVILLE (2022).

Thus far it's very characteristic. Leisurely narrative with a sensitive character passing through different places and thinking earnest thoughts, while recognisable social events take place - here, the start of the pandemic.

Then back to 1945 for the history of Bournville, a village formed around Cadbury's chocolate factory.

One speech by a European character asks how such a witty people as the British could vote for Brexit and BJ. The speech is bad. It's unpromising that it's reprinted on the back of the book. Whether Coe will offer a serious consideration of why people vote as they do, including eg media ownership and those owners' hostility to socialism, I am unsure.

the pinefox, Tuesday, 8 August 2023 08:20 (one year ago) link

Finished The Country Girls which was highly readable, and because I'd given up on something else and I was camping with no wifi and it was on the e-reader, The Secret Life of Bees by Sue Monk-Kidd, which was extremely of its genre (families and moderate but not unendurable child abuse and very much *feelings*). Next up, The Lonely Girl and Girls in Their Married Bliss.

a holistic digital egosystem (ledge), Tuesday, 8 August 2023 14:33 (one year ago) link

BOURNVILLE continues engaging. I like Coe's rendition of the now quaint activities and ways of talking of early 1950s youth. Certain slow undercurrents are perceptible about characters' political attitudes. Coe is easy and enjoyable to read.


'Fresh Air Fiend' is a puzzling story about an alcoholic woman married to a Professor, and a young woman who wants to rescue the Prof. It's hard to make anything of it but Wilson perhaps enjoys the flamboyant put-downs by the alcoholic.

'Union Reunion' depicts a family reunion in South Africa in 1924. They end up quarrelling. Formally it has the interest of devolving into free indirect speech or interior monologue, drifting into characters' thoughts. The human relations are inconclusive, and in a work of this length it's hard to get committed to the characters, but the story has some political interest. These white characters believe in their privilege and talk of the need to keep black people in line. Possibly Wilson's deepest motives in this story were political.

'Saturnalia' depicts a dance at a London hotel where the classes are supposed to mix. The character sketches can be quite vivid. Again the story doesn't amount to that much, but it tends to confirm the impression that Wilson's prime theme in this particular book is social class.

the pinefox, Wednesday, 9 August 2023 08:58 (one year ago) link

over the last month have read the first ten inspector montalbano novels in reverse order. quite glad I started at #10 and worked back because #1 was my least favourite. I thought I was prepared by the TV series for quite a bit of stuff about food but there was even more than I was expecting.

now onto LIGHTHOUSE by tony parker an oral history of lighthouse keepers in the UK.

oscar bravo, Wednesday, 9 August 2023 11:14 (one year ago) link

How do race, ethnicity, and class intersect in the UK? I am still enjoying Family Sayings (alpine walks, yoghurt cultures under the mother's scarf that must settle properly) but also anticipating Almost British by Charlotte Mendelson and Small Worlds by Caleb Azumah Nelson and remembering scenes from Michael Apted's first film in his series. The present progressive is much less satistfactory than the simple present.

youn, Wednesday, 9 August 2023 12:58 (one year ago) link

Almost English, rather

youn, Wednesday, 9 August 2023 13:01 (one year ago) link

Finished Keith Waldrop’s Light While There is Light, a “fictional memoir” about a family closely resembling his own, caught in a web of religious wingnuttery, poverty, and working scams. Excellent book, elegiac and rather beautiful.

Also finished TJ Clark’s The Sight of Death, a truly incredible book consisting of journal entries regarding two large paintings by Poussin. It is, at its heart, a book about how we see what we see, the process of absorbing or not absorbing visual art, and the intricacies of how ideology and aesthetics play into things. Highly recommended.

butt dumb tight my boners got boners (the table is the table), Wednesday, 9 August 2023 15:33 (one year ago) link

Midway through Edna O'Brien's Country Girls Trilogy. I thought it was pretty bad when her mum died and her dad hit her and her best friend bullied her and got her expelled from school and she fell under the spell of an auld lech(*). But as a 21 year old getting kidnapped back home for the crime of seeing a married (separated) man - jesus what an ignorant bigoted suffocating morality. 'Divorce is worse than murder'! What a vile religion.

(*) it's maybe a somewhat less bleak read overall than those selected lowlights suggest.

crutch of england (ledge), Friday, 11 August 2023 08:19 (one year ago) link

^need to read the first two in the series, but just recently read girls in their married bliss which i enjoyed, though found the stylistic whiplash of the alternating chapters took some getting used to.

started and finished rayner heppenstall's two moons: parallel narratives on opposing pages with reports on contemporary events (mostly involving death & destruction) offset by a semi-fictional account of his son's accident and the extended family's coming to terms with their new reality. the structure makes it an occasionally frustrating read, but does occasion some presumably intentional resonances, eg mention in passing of ann quin's last swim/reports on cross channel swimming record attempts earlier in the novel (bs johnson & family also make a cameo appearance). there are a few points where he lets his emotions peak through the distanced style... also a few moments where it's obvious this is a product of his later reactionary old man period.

now onto moorcock's byzantium endures.

no lime tangier, Friday, 11 August 2023 10:00 (one year ago) link

I finished Van Halen Rising. A quick read for me. Decently written and full of fun stories. Everyone always hated DLR.

Started Cortazar's Blow Up and Other Stories.

il lavoro mi rovina la giornata (PBKR), Friday, 11 August 2023 15:55 (one year ago) link

Speaking of the Irish: I've read about half of John McGahern's short fiction after reading Amongst Women years ago and am entranced.

the dreaded dependent claus (Alfred, Lord Sotosyn), Friday, 11 August 2023 15:59 (one year ago) link

By coincidence, after Bread and Wine I read Cause for Alarm, a zippy little thriller by Eric Ambler, also set in Italy under Mussolini and published two years later in 1938. The two books both portray the brutality of the fascists, but could hardly have been more different in their tone.

Silone's book was intended to reach a pan-european, socialist-leaning, intellectual and politically sophisticated audience. Ambler's audience was British, middle-class, much more insular, reflexively suspicious of socialism and foreigners in general. Putting them side-by-side they say a hell of a lot about the vast differences between prewar England/Britain and the rest of Europe.

more difficult than I look (Aimless), Friday, 11 August 2023 18:33 (one year ago) link

Conversation: https://www.nytimes.com/2023/08/01/books/naoise-dolan-megan-nolan-nicole-flattery.html🕸🕸 We've talked about Flattery, are the other two good?

I like Dolan. Haven’t read Megan Nolan’s prose. Did you like Flattery?

ydkb (gyac), Friday, 11 August 2023 18:49 (one year ago) link

About to start collected short stories, will report. Also intrigued by mentions of the novel.

dow, Saturday, 12 August 2023 00:29 (one year ago) link

Start with the last story, "The Country Funeral."

the dreaded dependent claus (Alfred, Lord Sotosyn), Saturday, 12 August 2023 01:09 (one year ago) link

Eh? The last story in Show Them A Good Time is "Not The End Yet."

dow, Saturday, 12 August 2023 01:22 (one year ago) link

I finish Angus Wilson, THE WRONG SET (1949).

Here are further stories that appear in it.

'Realpolitik' is a brief highlight. It depicts a meeting at an old museum which has been taken over by a new executive who wants things to be businesslike, streamlined and popular. It feels like a 1980s scenario, it even feels very relevant now. But this was written in the 1940s! The way the executive beats everyone else in the conversation is deftly written by Wilson.

'A Story of Historical Interest' is about a woman whose old philandering father becomes very ill and eventually dies. Moving back and forth in time, it shows her talking to his nurse (who is Irish and whom she distrusts*) and travelling with him in an ambulance. She has turbulent feelings about him which go back and forth. At the end he is set to die and she says, no, she doesn't need to go and see him, she has her life to get on with. I am reminded of the old widow at the end of THE CORRECTIONS who is happy to restart her life.

* a few Irish people appear in the book and they are treated as having a charming brogue which is unconvincingly rendered. I'm surprised that Wilson couldn't do better than this.

In 'The Wrong Set', a young lad called Norman has moved to London as a student. His aunt, nightclub piano player Vi, goes to visit him. We see the seedy nightclub world: here lesbians are glimpsed and Jewish people are also talked about, with a predictable undertow of anti-semitism. When she finds Norman's place, he has gone out to a rally with Communists. The landlady remarks that they're rallying 'to make trouble for the Government they put into power' - Attlee's. This is one of the book's interesting elements, the occasional remarks about the Attlee government, usually not especially positive. When Norman returns, Vi complains that he is 'mixing up with a lot of Reds and Jews'. The snti-semitism becomes explicit and Vi regrets this. But she complains to Norman's mother that he is in 'the wrong set'.

This title phrase does correspond to something about the book. Much of it is about class, cliques, manners, people's distaste for others. It's an accurate sort of title but not one that indicates anything pleasant or encouraging.

'Crazy Crowd' shows young couple Peter and Jennie going to visit Jennie's family in the Cambridgeshire countryside. The family is very eccentric (including reactionary brother Hamish), in a way that is difficult for Peter to handle. The reader sympathises. Eventually he snaps and Jennie makes an effort to stop him leaving. The eccentricity is quite vividly drawn; it's one of the most effective stories.

In 'A Visit in Bad Taste', a couple is visited by the wife's brother, who has just been released from prison after a charge of 'offences against children'. The couple tell him that he must move on; the wife even says that perhaps he should commit suicide. Nothing else happens; basically it's a tale of distaste and distanciation.

'Raspberry Jam' is about a boy who is taken up by two very eccentric sisters, who eventually get drunk and kill a bird. The boy won't go to see them again. As I write down the content of these stories I notice how minimal it is. It would be good to say that this is compensated by fine writing and thought, but it isn't really. Once again a clear recurring pattern can be seen of distaste and separation.

'Significant Experience' tells of one Jeremy, remembering how in 1936 he had an affair in France with an English (and partially Irish - leading to the same slack idea of Irishness) woman 13 years his senior, and how this was perhaps a romantic education for him. The woman is unpleasant, they quarrel, the relationship isn't nice to read about. The odd thing is that the story is prefaced by a brief scene among firewatchers - thus presumably early 1940s - but then ended with a scene among young men at an Oxbridge college. This doesn't seem a good piece of composition. It doesn't work to interesting effect.

'Mother's Sense of Fun' shows one Donald experiencing the oppressiveness of his mother's personality, until, or even after, she dies. The sense is of a negative feeling about family.

'Et Dona Ferentes' shows a family in the countryside who have a vistor, an 18-year-old Swede called Sven who is proud of his good looks and wants to seduce someone - possibly the father, Edwin. (Sven's thoughts and speech are again treated quite crudely, a poor pastiche of foreignness.) The mother, Monica, thinks with panic of Edwin's past of gay liaisons. These are only alluded to without quite naming them, in a way that must have been period-specific. But the panic about gay desire is plain. It's the one place in the book of this gay author where the theme becomes central. In the end Sven is sent away and Edwin and Monica try to restart their marriage as if nothing has happened.

The story's title is in some other language - I don't know what it means. Google Translate says it means 'and bearing gifts'. Titles like this usually remind me of my view that (while knowing as many languages as possible is excellent in lots of ways, good for the mind and for thought) writing in one language shouldn't and needn't borrow phrases from others, in this particular way - it's evasive and pretentious. I think Orwell said this long ago and I tend to agree. If the title means 'and bearing gifts', then why not say that? It would be unimpressive? So why does it look better in another language? I think this kind of thing is a case of the fake prestige of the unfamiliar because you can't make up something that works better in your own language.

I can see thematic coherence across THE WRONG SET, but not in a way that's appealing. The coherent themes are class, division, distaste, disdain or even disgust, detachment, separation. The people are mostly bitter, unkind, snobbish, occasionally bigoted. The book presents quite an unpleasant view of the world. It doesn't really redeem this with great writing. I can't very much see why this first book should have been acclaimed. However, I think there is more to Wilson than this and maybe his later books are better.

the pinefox, Sunday, 13 August 2023 08:55 (one year ago) link

That title is part of a famous Latin expression, originally from the Aeneid; it has been Englished as “beware Greeks bearing gifts” but I don’t think the title “bearing gifts” would point the reader as directly to the particular expression. It’s really the opposite of evasive though it does expect you to know a thing

Grandall Flange (wins), Sunday, 13 August 2023 09:13 (one year ago) link

there's an element with this type of move (which orwell in fact may have been getting at) of establishing (bcz also limiting) the readership wilson felt he wanted, who will also be a "set" (i guess the "right set") among whom the this exploration of wrong-setness is taking place. middle-class education in the first half of the 20th century included some years of latin, and imperial myth-making included the aeneid: the voyages and settling of aeneas are a foundation tale for the roman empire and the british empire was openly and loudly following the roman model -- shared knowledge of latin, as well as marking out people who were likely good with languages (handy in the colonial civil service), functioned as a kind of intellectual (or better say memetic) ligature for that class and that world. this particular motto was easy for clubbable types to recall bcz it contained a little pellet of bigotry-as-advice.

(adding: as wins says it's from the aeneid but it was also no longer i think quite "of" the aeneid: ppl could roll it out as an easyread shared joke w/o necessarily recalling where it came from… )

i haven't read these stories and my memory of reading angus wilson in the past is "why i am doing this again?", but i think i recall enough about his being seen as a sardonic commentator to believe that the concept-reveal is that the "right set" is also pretty awful (you the reader, perspicacious and in on the joke, naturally excepted)

mark s, Sunday, 13 August 2023 10:54 (one year ago) link

Good analysis, Mark S. Thanks.

I'd say I'd like to see your take on the actual story / stories but then I've already indicated that they're not great, and you've already said you didn't get much out of Wilson, so not much rationale for inflicting that on you.

the pinefox, Sunday, 13 August 2023 11:06 (one year ago) link

I have a friend who’s always pushing the old man (men?) at the zoo so I’ll probably get around to that one at least

Grandall Flange (wins), Sunday, 13 August 2023 11:09 (one year ago) link

Peter Stanfield A band with built-in hate : The Who from pop art to punk
pretty decent Who biography that takes them up to the late 70s.
Think I'll be reading some more of him if I can get hold of some. This was his only title in the Irish library system .
I had came accross him being interviewed on Ugly THings podcast.

The hidden treasures of Timbuktu : historic city of Islamic Africa John O. Hunwick,
coffee table sized photobook talking about the manuscripts etc held at the ancient University town.
Quite gorgeous.

19th-century fashion in detail Lucy Johnson
garment porn. Book on details in garment items in the Victoria and Albert museum in London.
a book I'd love a copy of. Another one from Irish library system.

Witchcraze Anne Llewellyn Barstow,
Book on the craze of Witchunting in the 16th & 17t6h centuries. Particularly fixated on the perseccution of women.
I noticed the author is writing as though whatever wicthcraft the witches were accused of has a factual basis which I wasn't sure how to take. I was thinking more that I would say allegedly or something similar since I would be thinking this was pretty exaggerated at the very least. & a ruse for persecution.
I'm just reading a chapter on how women were pushed out of the workforce in teh 16th century after having been more closely involved traditionally. Oh well up the patriarchy burn the witch like.
I think this is a decent book but I am having some problems with that , since I would think a lot of what women were accused of were male projections. & the lore and methodology of what was thought of as witchcraft were outside of the experience of thsoe doing the accusing. Certainly all the satanic orgies sound pretty fictive.
Oh well, bibliography has turned me onto some titles I'm looking forward to reading.

Darker than blue : on the moral economies of Black Atlantic culture Paul Gilroy
transcripts of 3 lectures done for W.E.b. du Bois conference.
one on car culture, one on Bob Marley and other musical artists and one on citizenship and consumption. Prett interesting.
Bibliography has pointed me at some books on the history and practise of Human Rights that I will have comingto me next week I think.

I ordered a number of books through the interlibrary loan system thinking that in the past they have taken an age to come through and now it seems 8 titles have already been sent out to my library. Seems the efficiency of teh system has improved also, I think, how long it takes for a book to reach me once sent out. So just about to be inundated with decent reading on top of the stack of decent reading I already have out. Hope I am going to get through everything.

Stevo, Sunday, 13 August 2023 13:51 (one year ago) link

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