Aldo reads DC's New 52 (So you don't have to)

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The thing about Voodoo is that the character was a stripper before she got pulled into WildCATs so they're just working with the source material there.

the tax avocado (DJP), Sunday, 2 October 2011 16:18 (thirteen years ago) link

In which case, no problems with it. Still not completely engaging though.

50,000 raspberries with the face of Peter Ndlovu (aldo), Sunday, 2 October 2011 16:21 (thirteen years ago) link

Is there an upper tier of "goods" that rate as must reads just yet?

Dudley Daigle: Tugboat Captain (forksclovetofu), Sunday, 2 October 2011 16:24 (thirteen years ago) link

OMAC, Batwoman, Suicide Squad, Batman, Wonder Woman, All Star Western, Aquaman, I Vampire IMO.

50,000 raspberries with the face of Peter Ndlovu (aldo), Sunday, 2 October 2011 16:28 (thirteen years ago) link

I think in Voodoo's solo series she was a mystery-solving stripper, so it may not be going away? I never read it tbh, I was always a Stormwatch/Authority dude rather than WildCATs/Gen13

the tax avocado (DJP), Sunday, 2 October 2011 17:06 (thirteen years ago) link

The last page implies, to me at least, that the stripper plot is done.

50,000 raspberries with the face of Peter Ndlovu (aldo), Sunday, 2 October 2011 17:22 (thirteen years ago) link

Interesting to hear about I, Vampire - lame title, I wouldn't have even thought about it.

Nhex, Sunday, 2 October 2011 21:38 (thirteen years ago) link

i couldn't finish it. was too boring.

Mordy, Sunday, 2 October 2011 21:48 (thirteen years ago) link

Jonah Hex in Gotham! Amadeus Arkham!

so i had sex with a piñata (mh), Monday, 3 October 2011 00:45 (thirteen years ago) link


Didio says on Facebook that none of the Crises ever happened.


After it is pointed out that several of the already-published #1s alone refer to prior Crises, such as Bruce Wayne being thrown back in time at the end of FC, Didio announces that, fuck, I dunno, maybe some of them have happened, we'll figure it out as we go along, I haven't read them, just because we said we were planning this for a year doesn't mean we actually worked anything out in advance, I guess the writers can decide what did or didn't happen as they need to in writing their individual books, JESUS this is what I get for answering a question on Facebook BEFORE I'D HAD MY FUCKING DINNER you JACKALS


The grotesquely pandering promo guff in the back of new issues, written to their intended 18-35yo male audience as through they're infinitely dumber than the actual 8-15yo audience that Dick Giordano's columns were in 1984, announces a new JUSTICE SOCIETY series by James Robinson and Nicola Scott that TAKES PLACE ON EARTH-2, starring Earth-2 Huntress. That's the daughter of Retired Earth-2 Batman and Evening Gown Earth-2 Catwoman. Who was created in 1977 and erased from history in 1985. AHOY, NEW READERS!!! They also breathlessly suggest that you study the new Huntress miniseries, by original 1977 creator Paul Levitz, for exciting clues about how this retroactive coil of insular arse-inspection is going to tie into the exciting all-new rebooted universe, true believers!

robocop last year was a 'shop (sic), Thursday, 6 October 2011 01:12 (thirteen years ago) link

Oh god this is the clusterfuck of all clusterfucks

ɥɯ ︵ (°□°) (mh), Thursday, 6 October 2011 02:28 (thirteen years ago) link

I can't even make a joke about how stupid that is.

Matt M., Thursday, 6 October 2011 05:15 (thirteen years ago) link

wait, this really happened? seriously?

Nhex, Thursday, 6 October 2011 05:18 (thirteen years ago) link


unorthodox economic revenge (Shakey Mo Collier), Thursday, 6 October 2011 23:45 (thirteen years ago) link


Action Comics: #1 - OK, #2 - maybe OK? #3 - art fill-ins by Brent Anderson, #4 - art fill-ins by Gene Ha, back-up fill-ins by writer Joshua Hale Fialkov and artist Matt Camp

#2 is now out, and has, I dunno, a third of its pages drawn by Brent Anderson. Oddly, they look like the opening ones, not a desperate rush at the end.

DC have now announced that Andy Kubert will be drawing all of #5 and #6.

That makes ONE issue out of every SIX that the artist assigned to THE ICONIC FLAGSHIP TITLE OF THE ENTIRE COMPANY has managed to complete. Or will, according to current re-re-re-re-vised projections. Given Didio and Lee's claims that they were planning this for about a year before launch, that ends up being ONE ISSUE IN EIGHTEEN MONTHS.

“When Editor Matt Idelson asked if I would be interested and/or able to fit into my schedule two upcoming issues of Action Comics with Grant, I couldn’t say no,” said Kubert. “I don’t know of any other artist that would have."

Here's three: Rags Morales, Brent Anderson and Gene Ha.

oh I forgot! #2 was also meant to be, I guess, 28 or 30 pages because of the $3.99 PRINT AND DIGITAL pricetag? Only 20 pages of story here. HOLDING THE LINE AT TWENTY CENTS A PAGE! THE NEW DC: THERE'S NO SHAMING US NOW.

(There's some "bonus" sketches and notes by Morrison, Morales and Ha of character designs for future issues, strongly indicating that this was not intended to be the content for this issue.

Morrison also alluded to the smooth reading experience we can expect from the Kubert issues in this interview:

...suddenly came this dictat that now everything had to be monthly and they want to keep to that so it’s just the case that if your artist can’t meet that then somebody else will finish up the pages. So it’s kinda, for me it hits the long term collections of it to have things done like that but at the same time it brings back a lot of the freshness and improvisation of doing comics again and just responding to that and also sometimes you know they’ll be like we need a two part filler here – okay I’ll just come up with something, and it might not necessarily fit it in to the middle of this but okay, you need a filler.


loads of personality, loved to chase chickens (forksclovetofu), Monday, 10 October 2011 04:47 (twelve years ago) link

I started the reviews yesterday but after ILX ate my post on Action for the third time I gave up. I guess I'll try again tonight.

50,000 raspberries with the face of Peter Ndlovu (aldo), Monday, 10 October 2011 06:49 (twelve years ago) link

Superman Action Comics W: Grant Morrison P: Rags Morales & Brent Anderson I: Rick Bryant & Brent Anderson

GMoz is the best writer involved anywhere in the Nu DCU. He knows this. Dan DiDio knows this. How do we know Dan DiDio knows this? This:

WTF? Has Superman had a stroke? And how come his head is tiny?

But you know, the writing in this is brilliant. I mean seriously great and never less than captivating. Even if the art does rip off the Invisibles (as the original Invisibles page with Mr Quimper that looks like this is on my wall I'd like to think I know what I'm talking about here).

The whole sequence with Superman in chains and, most tellingly, Lex's behaviour - his insistence on referring to Supes as "it" in particular - is stunning and some of the best comics being written just now. But the most exciting this about the issue is the proof GMoz reads ILX:
L-R: Tuomas, Deadshot.

Don't miss out on this book.

50,000 raspberries with the face of Peter Ndlovu (aldo), Monday, 10 October 2011 20:06 (twelve years ago) link

you'd think that if you're going to have grant morrison relaunch your flagship comic with your most important iconic character, you'd get a great artist to work with him. but (as with Batman RIP) I'm constantly shocked by the shitty caliber of art they give him. i have to imagine at this point that it's intentional, like maybe they figure they should save their great artists to sell the shitty written books and use morrison to help sell a poorly drawn book.

Mordy, Monday, 10 October 2011 20:27 (twelve years ago) link

I think Morrison's too big a name to be "used" that way.

Antonio Carlos Broheem (WmC), Monday, 10 October 2011 20:34 (twelve years ago) link

how else do you explain DC's consistent pairing of him with terrible artists? (with the obv exception of Quitely)

Mordy, Monday, 10 October 2011 20:43 (twelve years ago) link

I thought most of the RoBW artists were pretty ok! What other titles has he had specifically bad ones one? iirc there were some sketchy ones in the early part of his Batman run

( ) (mh), Monday, 10 October 2011 20:45 (twelve years ago) link

Morrison's name pre-sells a book, so they can (foolishly imo) play Musical Art Chairs in an attempt to keep it on schedule. But it's not a case of "here's a title with a volatile unpredictable artist or art team -- let's put GM on it so it will sell better." Morrison is the horse, not the cart.

Antonio Carlos Broheem (WmC), Monday, 10 October 2011 20:50 (twelve years ago) link

Oh, ok. I didn't quite mean it like that. More like, "Well, GM is writing this book so we don't have to bother with great artists since he'll sell it on his name alone"

Mordy, Monday, 10 October 2011 20:53 (twelve years ago) link

I thought that was it -- we're pretty much in agreement then.

Antonio Carlos Broheem (WmC), Monday, 10 October 2011 20:58 (twelve years ago) link

Animal Man W: Jeff Lemire A: Travel Foreman

You know what? It's not just GMoz that gets stiffed with artists I can't stand, Jeff Lemire does to. I know people said last month that ymmv and they liked him but for me

I mean seriously?

WTF is this shit?

The writing is pretty great though, even if it is a rewrite of the post-GMoz A-Man plot. The Red is back, and has some mentallist avatars in the real world. Meanwhile, Buddy and Maxine are off looking for a giant hidden tree to eat them.

You heard me. I just wish I could get over the art.

50,000 raspberries with the face of Peter Ndlovu (aldo), Monday, 10 October 2011 21:09 (twelve years ago) link

one of the major problems for DC since abt 1970 is their generally 2nd-rate artists, once you get beyond the few big name dudes like j.h.williams - ie marvel's second and third string guys are generally way way better than DC's second and third string guys (ts: sal buscema vs dick dillin!) in part, it's just institutionalised intertia/idiocy/corporate arrogance: back in the 60s, DC really did think that marvel were outselling them because marvel's comics had 'bad art' compared to the sleeker, more sophisticated and exceptionally BORING post-Dan Barry style of the DC mainstay guys (kirby, romita and colan, to name 3 key silver age marvel artists, were never allowed anywhere near DC's major superhero titles when they worked for DC in the 50s and 60s. gil kane, another guy who switched from dc to marvel, always moaned about the inking he received at DC from ppl like joe giella and bernie sachs, which robbed his pencils of so much of their expressive power.)

Ward Fowler, Monday, 10 October 2011 21:22 (twelve years ago) link

I always thought of DC as having art that was generally poorer than Marvel's, but I was never really able to pin it down.

( ) (mh), Monday, 10 October 2011 21:40 (twelve years ago) link

I think the problem with pairing Morrison with a "name" artist is that Morrison is known for turning his scripts in late, and most of the biggest artists at the moment do the same with their art, so the combination of the two is too volatile for a flagship title like Action Comics or Batman. Just look at what happened with the last two issues of Final Crisis, with Seven Soldiers #1, with New X-Men, etc. The last time Morrison managed to produce an monthly title with a truly good regular artist was with Phil Jimenez on The Invisibles, 15 years ago.

Tuomas, Monday, 10 October 2011 21:47 (twelve years ago) link

Just look at what happened with the last two issues of Final Crisis, with Seven Soldiers #1, with New X-Men, etc.

Those were all late-script problems?

Antonio Carlos Broheem (WmC), Monday, 10 October 2011 21:51 (twelve years ago) link

I think FC and SS were a combination of late script and slow artist. New X-Men might've been solely because of Quitely... But the point remains: marrying Morrison and any of the name superhero artists of today does not result in a comic that would run on schedule, at least not without fill-in artists.

Tuomas, Monday, 10 October 2011 21:59 (twelve years ago) link

You don't need to be a "name superhero artist" to not be shit.

Morrison is known for turning his scripts in late

Is this true? I mean, I have heard this about a number of writers, and possibly Morrison, but it's not coming to mind at the minute.

( ) (mh), Tuesday, 11 October 2011 01:51 (twelve years ago) link

Yeah, I don't really buy this yet, especially since Tuomas immediately qualified it when I asked. Maybe he could cite some sources?

Antonio Carlos Broheem (WmC), Tuesday, 11 October 2011 01:55 (twelve years ago) link

It's definitely a thing, and has been going back to The Invisibles - Phil Jiminez actually left because Morrison wasn't able to keep monthly, therefore reducing Jiminez' income. However, the fact that it sometimes happens means people immediately blame any and all delays on GM being late, rather than the artist being late, or the publisher dicking with things, etc.

On DC’s historical second-rate artists – to some degree this has a strong argument behind it, but there’s also a definite taste counterarg (as a kid I found Kirby weird and repellent, but generally loved the entire tone of Weisinger-era reprints, down to the sedate storytelling and non-dynamics of Swan and Mooney. And to this day the first year of Spider-Man is the only Stan Lee I’ve ever rly been able to bear reading. [I’ll try Fantastic Four sometime, maybe.]). But who are the avatars of DC who really did think that marvel were outselling them because marvel's comics had 'bad art'? Most of the heads of depts. were old farts who’d never known whether anything was good or not, they just knew their jobsworth and how to buckle their belts above their navels iirc.

But the time period Ward’s citing was when Cinfa was EIC or publisher, and out of anyone who’d been promoted from artist to exec from the DC ranks, you’d think he would have a good grasp on dynamic anatomy and exciting panel layouts being a positive in superhero comics? And Adams had revitalised Batman by here, I think?

Anyway, I’m reading Ostrander’s Suicide Squad for the first time at the moment, and oh man does this fit in with Ward’s endemic theory – the artist is just awful, basically, but you can pretty much tell who people are and where they’re standing, and by god he cranks it out monthly. 20 issues in and he’s had no fill-ins yet, I think. (though the inkers have changed, and he inked one issue himself, to his advantage.) The other DC ongoing of the time I’m familiar with (JL/I) had needed about five fill-ins from three different artists by now. Admittedly, all four were good to excellent, so.

Marvel art isn't necessarily much better from the period once you get off the first tier though - I once recklessly bought a pile of books from ebay in a Warren Ellis Completist frenzy (I may have been drunk) like Hellstorm and Druid and by Christ they looked terrible.

50,000 raspberries with the face of Peter Ndlovu (aldo), Tuesday, 11 October 2011 06:56 (twelve years ago) link

sic, i'll try and find a bit more of a concrete reference for all this when i'm not at work, hurriedly tapping this out - my memory tells me that it's something i've picked up from mark evanier, somewhere. again, evanier may also be the 'source' for my gut feeling that infantino never really liked or understood the kirby aesthetic - although yeah, he clearly LOVED adams and made him the unofficial style template for his era as EIC. in general, i would say that infantino's tastes still ran to the illustrative - nestor rendondo! - and the elegantly designed over and above the dynamic and powerful (although again, kirby and ditko were, in their own ways, just as much masters of design as infa...) as you say, it's also a matter of taste - my perference has always been for the artist-led 'marvel style' over the editor-led 'full script' DC method.

i also wanted to introduce the subject of MONEY into all this, but then i realised that i know almost nothing about modern-day contractual rewards at marvel and dc for their corporate-comic bks - is there even a royalty system still in place? back when the royalty system was first introduced in the 80s, the fact that most marvel comics outsold most dc comics certainly helped marvel to attract or keep the 'better' artists, and my suspicion is still that marvel prob pays better than dc, on the whole.

Ward Fowler, Tuesday, 11 October 2011 08:14 (twelve years ago) link

Anyway, I’m reading Ostrander’s Suicide Squad for the first time at the moment, and oh man does this fit in with Ward’s endemic theory – the artist is just awful, basically, but you can pretty much tell who people are and where they’re standing, and by god he cranks it out monthly. 20 issues in and he’s had no fill-ins yet, I think.

When I first read scanned copies of SS I too thought McDonnell's art was awful... But when the first trade came out and I reread it on paper for the first time, it didn't look so awful anymore (possibly because the colours look much better than on the low-quality scans). Sure, McDonnell's character work is totally generic, but at least he has a solid grasp of anatomy, perspective, and visual storytelling in general. By the time 1990s came, all that was often missing even from flagship Marvel and DC titles. IIRC the final issues of SS suffer from this kind of Leifeldian art that makes McDonnell look like Kirby.

Tuomas, Tuesday, 11 October 2011 11:26 (twelve years ago) link

I'm reading the originals! (picked up half the run for 50c each at lunch one day, then got drunk a week or three later and bought almost all the rest at 60% off and free int'l shipping from Mile High.) I would substitute "insecure but just barely evident" for "solid," I think. But we should probably find a better thread. (It's definitely hugely preferable to, say, dude from Morrison's JLA, the sort of thing you're talking about. But even then, you had eg JH Williams on Chase, and John McCrea being allowed to half-underground, half-bigfoot monthly on DCU stuff for about seven years straight...)

Can definitely see Infantino not comprehending Kirby - brute power vs elegance!

I was about to say - the period of "Grant Morrison can write a flagship title" started with JLA and terrible Howard Porter art - I can definitely imagine the takeaway lesson being "GM's writing sells by itself".

(also on the subject of DC vs Marvel I was thinking the other day that although I have a lot of issues with Bendis, there really is no comparison between him and DiDio/Johns as regards having a coherent plan for how to shake things up rather than just wanking dead superheroes back to life)

Andrew Farrell, Tuesday, 11 October 2011 20:01 (twelve years ago) link

Okay, _apart_ from the fact that he hasn't written a crossover since Siege :)

Andrew Farrell, Tuesday, 11 October 2011 20:07 (twelve years ago) link

I get the impression he exerts plenty of influence on long-range planning of the whole MU, not just the Avengers titles.

Antonio Carlos Broheem (WmC), Tuesday, 11 October 2011 20:11 (twelve years ago) link

And the Ultimate universe, really.

( ) (mh), Tuesday, 11 October 2011 20:14 (twelve years ago) link

is there even a royalty system still in place?

IIRC: DC pays royalties, though they had to revise their thresholds when the market slipped below where they used to actually kick in for almost everyone. Marvel pays "incentives" when they feel like it, and as a rule pay nothing at all for foreign licenses - ie if your big successful Marvel books get reprinted in the UK and Spain and Italy and France, you're probably not getting a reprint fee or bonus or royalty of any kind. They're starting to extend this to domestic now - the big pretty magazine-size reprints of Roger Langridge's Muppets comics (without Langridge art on the cover, or any creator credit whatsoever) are not paying him anything, nor did they even tell him they were doing them.

from Jim Shooter's hugely untrustworthy blog:

"Jim, there's an old story that there was an editorial meeting at DC and someone said that the secret to Marvel's success was "bad art". In an Alter-Ego article George Kashdan didn't recall such an event but said he might have agreed with such a statement. Your recollection here would seem to validate the idea that the Marvel material was looked down upon by the old timers."

I wasn't at the alleged meeting in question, but I was in several smaller-scale discussions at DC that echoed the sentiments allegedly expressed at said meeting. DC editors thought Marvel's art, especially Kirby, Ditko and Ayers', was "crude" and child-like. Mort mused that maybe kids related to it because it was like their own scribbles in their school notebooks. I never actually heard anyone tell an artist "draw worse," but that was the implication.

Evanier, writing about the go-go checks period, says:

In later years, some of them would deny it but others say it was true; that the DC execs thought the Marvel books were horrible — bad art, bad stories, bad characters, bad everything. DC artist Mike Sekowsky used to do an impression of the company's publisher throwing down a Marvel book and gasping, "This is garbage! The readers have no taste!" At some point, an explanation began to emerge for the ghastly sales trends. Obviously, it went, readers were getting confused and were buying non-DC books thinking they were DCs.

front-man for British post-punk turned pop chart-topper’s, Scritti Polliti (sic), Wednesday, 12 October 2011 01:28 (twelve years ago) link

Count me as one of the people who think these are so much better than what actually came out. I have some issues (Lantern having no ring, Supes' 'alien form') but I would actually buy and read the DC reboots if they were nearly as clever (I am digging Action though). Reminds me of Tom Strong, which I love.

Brakhage, Thursday, 13 October 2011 17:05 (twelve years ago) link

Actually, as far as Marvel's long-term planning goes, I feel like they're "pulling a DC" at the moment -- i.e. crossovers and continuity fanwankery, no jumping on points. (Loving Daredevil, though.)

Chuck_Tatum, Thursday, 13 October 2011 18:00 (twelve years ago) link

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