Marvel Comics blabbery

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Someone asked me to recommend them issues of Deadpool, which I've never read, so would welcome yr suggestions.

sʌxihɔːl (Ward Fowler), Wednesday, 5 November 2014 07:29 (nine years ago) link


the incredible string gland (sic), Wednesday, 5 November 2014 09:08 (nine years ago) link

I've never read much Deadpool but I've been enjoying the recent Brian Posehn / Gerry Duggan Deadpool run via Marvel Unlimited. A nice mix of goofy fun stuff and some surprising character depth. I remember liking Gail Simone's Deadpool / Agent X issues back in the early years of the 21st century too.

bizarro gazzara, Wednesday, 5 November 2014 10:40 (nine years ago) link

Kind of looking forward to the day when all this Spiderverse silliness hits Marvel Unlimited

mh, Wednesday, 5 November 2014 16:19 (nine years ago) link


Nhex, Wednesday, 5 November 2014 16:30 (nine years ago) link

reading the slott silver surfer right now, leaving me a little cold, but the writing is funny

BIG HOOS aka the steendriver, Wednesday, 5 November 2014 18:32 (nine years ago) link

OG Joe Kelly Deadpool run rules

kissaroo and Tyler, too (DJP), Thursday, 6 November 2014 00:28 (nine years ago) link

Thank you BG and DJP for the DPool recs, have passed them on

sʌxihɔːl (Ward Fowler), Thursday, 6 November 2014 10:07 (nine years ago) link

I never followed Marvel in the Liefeld era and Deadpool feels a bit like a private joke I don't get

Or at least I kind of associate him with Robert Kirkman-style comics with no heart and lots of lovingly detailed gruey body stuff

Is that wrong? Or is that right, but the comics are still ok?

Chuck_Tatum, Thursday, 6 November 2014 15:32 (nine years ago) link

Pretty much every Deadpool thing I've read has been hot garbage, but I haven't read much/any of the Deadpool runs that are considered "classic" so my opinion should be taken with a grain of salt.

A Marvelous Pizza-Viewing Experience (Old Lunch), Thursday, 6 November 2014 15:48 (nine years ago) link

Half of Joe Kelly's run was spent making fun of Liefeld's nonsense and the other half was spent making fun of the rest of the Marvel Universe

kissaroo and Tyler, too (DJP), Thursday, 6 November 2014 23:56 (nine years ago) link

It'll be interesting to see how all the currently Hickman/Avengers/8 months later countdown stuff reads when collected. There are enough intertwined story bits right now that reading it monthly is kind of rewarding. All the stuff he introduced at the beginning of his run has been kept in play and is now starting to flush out!

jenny holzer, ilxor (mh), Wednesday, 19 November 2014 15:45 (nine years ago) link

I can't really think of many other writers/comics events that have juggled different teams and events while keeping all the balls in the air

jenny holzer, ilxor (mh), Wednesday, 19 November 2014 15:46 (nine years ago) link

i find hickman exhausting and unpleasant to read. I'd like to request a moratorium on full page every issue recaps and black page / white text "NOW" dividers.

So beautiful cow (forksclovetofu), Wednesday, 19 November 2014 15:53 (nine years ago) link

I used to be on the fence! It's a time investment and it definitely doesn't work for everyone, but pondering how certain characters would react to events, to each other, with the different players and personalities in play and doing it over months instead of pages is something I think he's gotten better at.

jenny holzer, ilxor (mh), Wednesday, 19 November 2014 15:55 (nine years ago) link

his SHIELD series stuff really fell flat for me originally but Secret Warriors was where I got on board with his Marvel work and went back to read the FF/Ultimate FF stuff

jenny holzer, ilxor (mh), Wednesday, 19 November 2014 15:56 (nine years ago) link

i like how bendis has basically just carried over his avengers plotlines/characters to the x-books he's writing now.

can't get on w/ hickman at all.

sʌxihɔːl (Ward Fowler), Wednesday, 19 November 2014 16:00 (nine years ago) link

nice thing about Marvel right now is they have two completely different events with the same set of characters and don't seem to care at all. not sure how I feel about Axis, but it's somewhat interesting

which is fine with me. having strong continuity across the entire line just means you don't get to do what you want with characters

Jason Aaron's Thor is still pretty great!

jenny holzer, ilxor (mh), Wednesday, 19 November 2014 16:04 (nine years ago) link

so far Axis can bite me

the farakhan of gg (DJP), Wednesday, 19 November 2014 19:53 (nine years ago) link

Remender has been absolute shit since X-Force. But I wasn't into his pre-X-Force stuff so I'm thinking it's the anomaly and not what I hoped was an upturn in quality.

EZ Snappin, Wednesday, 19 November 2014 19:54 (nine years ago) link

Don't get me started on "hey guys, we made Falcon into Captain America and then for his first trip out decided he should be EEEEEEEEVIL"

the farakhan of gg (DJP), Wednesday, 19 November 2014 19:56 (nine years ago) link

I will cosign x-force tho'

So beautiful cow (forksclovetofu), Wednesday, 19 November 2014 20:06 (nine years ago) link

oh his X-Force was great

the farakhan of gg (DJP), Wednesday, 19 November 2014 20:29 (nine years ago) link

is Mighty Avengers part of the Axis bullshit or no

jenny holzer, ilxor (mh), Wednesday, 19 November 2014 22:41 (nine years ago) link

Unfortunately yes

the farakhan of gg (DJP), Thursday, 20 November 2014 02:22 (nine years ago) link

two weeks pass...

Don't really know what thread to ask this on, might as well try this one.

My housemate, and occasional comic reader, was really into Moon Knight as a kid and I thought it might be fun to get him a MK trade for xmas. Are there any good runs from the last decade or so which have been collected?

the joke should be over once the kid is eaten. (chap), Monday, 8 December 2014 19:56 (nine years ago) link

People have been speaking very highly about the recent Warren Ellis run, but I haven't read it. It's collected in a single cheap trade. There's also the recent but higher-priced Epic Collection featuring the earliest stories (basically the same stuff that's in the first Essential Moon Knight but in color).

Hamhole and Fly Eyes (Old Lunch), Monday, 8 December 2014 20:03 (nine years ago) link

The new Ellis run is excellent, I'll cosign that as worth buying for sure.

a stupid red mute juggalo (forksclovetofu), Monday, 8 December 2014 20:10 (nine years ago) link

yeah it pretty much ruled

the farakhan of gg (DJP), Monday, 8 December 2014 20:21 (nine years ago) link

Cheers, seems like that'll be the one.

the joke should be over once the kid is eaten. (chap), Monday, 8 December 2014 20:47 (nine years ago) link

xp -- Agreed.

The Bendis/Maleev series (12 issues, 2011-2012) wasn't so great. Scene-setting for Age of Ultron, killed off the character Echo. It did look good, though (I'm a big Maleev fan).

Pict in a blanket (WilliamC), Monday, 8 December 2014 21:14 (nine years ago) link

I think I read that and blocked out them killing Echo :/

valleys of your mind (mh), Monday, 8 December 2014 21:39 (nine years ago) link

I liked when she showed up to help in Japan as Ronin and it took until the very end for anyone to realize Ronin didn't catch what you were saying unless you had eye contact, even though there were clues

valleys of your mind (mh), Monday, 8 December 2014 21:40 (nine years ago) link

Didn't realize Echo was dead. Thanks for spoiling a story from three years ago, jeez.

Hamhole and Fly Eyes (Old Lunch), Monday, 8 December 2014 21:45 (nine years ago) link

Eh, she disappeared for years at a time anyway

Nhex, Monday, 8 December 2014 21:47 (nine years ago) link

They reprinted the first Moon Knight series also in Marvel Essentials, which you might still be able to find. It's one of those series that really looks just as good in black and white especially Sienkiewicz's artwork.

earlnash, Monday, 8 December 2014 23:43 (nine years ago) link

So, thanks to the success of the Guardians of the Galaxy movie, Marvel has been reprinting Abnett & Lanning's GotG and various related titles (Annihilation Conquest, War of Kings, Realm of Kings, etc), which is nice, because I missed buying them in physical format when they first came out, I was poor back then and read them on the computer. Anyway, the second big GotG collection just came out, and rereading stuff has been tremendously fun and thrilling, I still feel these are among the best comics Marvel has put out in the last decade. (Too bad A&L exited the cosmic Marvel comics, and GotG is now being written by Bendis, in his trademark mediocre style.) They haven't reprinted Abnett & Lanning's Nova though, which is sad, because I remember it being almost as good and thrill-powered as GotG (even if the whole Nova Corps concept is a pretty shameless Green Lantern ripoff). Hopefully the sequel movie will expand the Nova stuff seen in the first movie and introduce Richard Rider, so they'd have an excuse to reprint that run too.

Tuomas, Tuesday, 9 December 2014 20:39 (nine years ago) link

Yeah, the lack of Nova re-reprints is just Marvel being Marvel. The two books were pretty intimately linked and tied into no fewer than four crossovers. If they're smart, they'll put out a couple of Cosmic Marvel omnibi after the upcoming Annihilation: Conquest omnibus and collect this material in a way that makes sense.

FYI, Abnett is currently writing a new Guardians title featuring the OG team.

Hamhole and Fly Eyes (Old Lunch), Tuesday, 9 December 2014 20:49 (nine years ago) link

Ah, okay, I didn't know that! Does "OG team" mean the original seventies Guardians?

Tuomas, Tuesday, 9 December 2014 21:43 (nine years ago) link

Yeah, as far as I know. I haven't read it yet but that's how it's been solicited.

Hamhole and Fly Eyes (Old Lunch), Tuesday, 9 December 2014 21:45 (nine years ago) link

one month passes...

the hype! this event will live up to it! really!

Οὖτις, Friday, 30 January 2015 19:34 (nine years ago) link

I'm gonna wind up spending so much money that I don't really need to be spending...

In other news, 6+ months later, I've just about finished reading all of the '60s Marvel stuff (up to mid-'69 at the moment). Trying to decide whether to just plunge insanely ahead into the '70s or if a break is advisable.

Indiana Jones and the Sphincter of the Sphinx (Old Lunch), Friday, 30 January 2015 19:46 (nine years ago) link

Maybe a break before you head into the auteur years at Marvel, which is the most fascinating stretch of its history to me. Englehart, Starlin, McGregor, Moench, Wolfman/Colan on Drac, etc. A mix of their highest highs and most embarrassing failures. Everything up to Jim Shooter's ascension as Eastern Pontiff Ed-in-Chief, aka The Day the Music Died.

WilliamC, Friday, 30 January 2015 20:27 (nine years ago) link

I feel like I should start a thread for '60s Marvel questions and fun facts while this stuff is still relatively fresh in my brain. One of the bigger revelations for me was John Romita Sr.'s early work (I'd never found him particularly noteworthy before) and the extent to which that early work was clearly super influential on Jaime Hernandez. The early appearances of Mary Jane are basically proto-Penny Century.

Indiana Jones and the Sphincter of the Sphinx (Old Lunch), Friday, 30 January 2015 20:38 (nine years ago) link

my Bronze-era Marvel knowledge is p spotty, even though the tail end of that era was when I first started reading comics. The initial post-Kirby years are a total blank for me for the most part. I did pick up some Avengers vs. Thanos reprint collection the other day and it seemed to collect a lot of the key Starlin stuff, but it didn't blow me away or anything. It does seem like a v strange era.

Οὖτις, Friday, 30 January 2015 20:42 (nine years ago) link

By the time he came to draw Spider-Man Romita Sr had been a comics professional for something like fifteen years, so calling his Marvel stuff 'early work' is not entirely accurate. Romita had been toiling away mainly at DC/National, drawing romance and war strips; like many National artists of the post-war period, Romita he was a devout Caniff worshipper, so the way he drew his female characters was clearly indebted to (but not swiped from) things like Caniff's Male Call. Working initially from Kirby layouts on Daredevil, he quickly picked up on the kind of artist-driven dynamic storytelling that was the Marvel house style throughout the 60s, and was always excellent at things like 'modern' clothing, haircuts etc. Stan Lee clearly adored the way he 'sexed up' Spider-Man following Ditko's departureand it doesn't seem a coincidence that Spider-Man became Marvel's best-selling title once Romita took over. His main problem - he wasn't fast enough.

sʌxihɔːl (Ward Fowler), Friday, 30 January 2015 20:58 (nine years ago) link

Yeah, I should've specified that I meant his early Marvel U work. Dude was clearly already super-polished by the time he started on Amazing so I figured he'd been doing it for a while at that point.

Indiana Jones and the Sphincter of the Sphinx (Old Lunch), Friday, 30 January 2015 21:01 (nine years ago) link

Also revelatory (although disappointing) is the dearth of standout Marvel artists in the '60s. I mean, it's pretty much Kirby, Steranko (more for design sense than draftsmanship), Romita, Colan, and Ditko (who, after extended exposure to his prime Marvel era, I'm realizing I'm not actually that crazy about). Buscema and Barry Windsor Smith have just gotten started. Everyone else is workmanlike at best and laughable at worst. I guess there's a reason why those particular names are still known 40+ years after the fact.

Indiana Jones and the Sphincter of the Sphinx (Old Lunch), Friday, 30 January 2015 21:08 (nine years ago) link

Those guys plus Heck and Ayers could, and just about did, draw the whole roster of titles before the distribution bottleneck was removed in 1968. There were some truly horrific inkers — coughgeorgeroussoscough — back in those days.

WilliamC, Friday, 30 January 2015 21:23 (nine years ago) link

I also like the Severins, but John was, I think, doing mostly war and western in the '60s and Marie was mostly being inked horribly.

Indiana Jones and the Sphincter of the Sphinx (Old Lunch), Friday, 30 January 2015 21:29 (nine years ago) link

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